Georgia Catholic orgs. win permanent exclusion from Obamacare birth control mandate!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
This will not go over well with the subversives!!

A federal judge has blocked the Obama administration from enforcing its controversial contraception mandate against Roman Catholic-affiliated organizations in the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the Diocese of Savannah.
U.S. District Judge William Duffey ruled Wednesday that the federal government cannot force Catholic schools, hospitals or charities to cover sterilizations, contraceptives or abortion-causing drugs in their health plans, as Obamacare requires of all employers, because to do so would violate their religious freedoms. The Catholic Church teaches that artificial contraception of any kind is gravely sinful.


Previously, the government had offered a ‘compromise’ arrangement in which churches would be exempt from the requirement, but not religiously affiliated groups like Catholic schools and hospitals that employ and serve people outside the faith. Such groups would instead have the option of passing the costs of the offending procedures and medications on to the insurance company by signing a “self-certification form” outlining their religious objections and authorizing the insurer to pay the costs instead....

Georgia Catholic organizations win permanent exclusion from Obamacare birth control mandate |

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