Georgia guv expected to sign expanded gun rights bill

If a teacher get's annoyed with an obnoxious student...he's got more options than just assigning detention.

Then you get the third grade crap,from the children that post here.
Hopefully Florida will follow suit.

Soo...With this law in effect in those gun lovin' states:
If a teacher get's annoyed with an obnoxious student...he's got more options than just assigning detention.
If the preacher drones on and on in church, bored parishioners can just blow him away..and create some excitement in the process.
If the local drunk gets out of line in a bar...BAM, problem solved.
If that durn gummit won't issue u a passport FAST...u kin expedite that at gunpoint right thar in their building...
This is sure to make things a lot more efficient. An added bonus: With all that unrestricted gun use, eventually there will be fewer gun nuts...

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It would be nice if they "harvested" each other but I was just thinking that they shoot innocent people.

yet most murders are from illegal guns

Georgia governor to sign 'unprecedented' bill expanding gun rights | Fox News


The bill, described by the National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm as "the most comprehensive pro-gun reform legislation introduced in recent state history," expands the scope of public places where licensed owners are allowed to carry firearms.

The bill makes several changes to state law. It allows those with a license to carry to bring a gun into a bar without restriction and into some government buildings that don't have certain security measures. It also allows religious leaders to decide whether it's OK for a person with a carry license to bring a gun into their place of worship.

Democrats resisted the proposal, although they conceded it would pass in the GOP-dominated House of Representatives. They argued that allowing guns in more places will not make society safer and may lead to more deaths.

Under the bill, school districts would now be able, if they wanted, to allow some employees to carry a firearm under certain conditions. The bill also eliminates the fingerprinting requirement for renewing weapons carry licenses.

According to the Marietta Daily Journal, the legislation prohibits the state from creating and maintaining a database of licensed weapons carriers and repeals the state-required license for firearms dealers.

Colin Goddard, who survived the 2007 campus shooting at Virginia Tech, told Georgia Public Broadcasting he's alarmed by a provision that waives criminal prosecution of felons who use illegal firearms in the act of self-defense.

“The stand your ground expansion is truly a new type of stand your ground as we know it,” Goddard said. “To expand it in such a way to remove all carrying or possession offenses is really unprecedented.”

Jerry Henry of told GPB News he doesn’t expect to see a surge in gun sales or an increase in gun-related businesses in the state. He noted that other states have far less restrictive gun laws than Georgia.

“I don’t think people are going to look at it and say, ‘Oh Georgia just passed a new law and I’m going to move over there because it’s so much easier.’ I don’t think we’re going to see that,” he said. “Arizona, Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont – they all have Constitutional Carry."

Pretty strange that a victim of the Va. Tech shooting is alarmed about a provision that mandates notification of court ordered psychiatric care which would have prevented the Blacksburg shooting by preventing the maniac from "legally" obtaining weapons. It should be noted that the local police did such an abominably bad job in their response that armed teachers might have made a difference.
Hopefully Florida will follow suit.

Soo...With this law in effect in those gun lovin' states:
If a teacher get's annoyed with an obnoxious student...he's got more options than just assigning detention.
If the preacher drones on and on in church, bored parishioners can just blow him away..and create some excitement in the process.
If the local drunk gets out of line in a bar...BAM, problem solved.
If that durn gummit won't issue u a passport FAST...u kin expedite that at gunpoint right thar in their building...
This is sure to make things a lot more efficient. An added bonus: With all that unrestricted gun use, eventually there will be fewer gun nuts...

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So why isn't this happening in those gun loving States?
Talk about drama.

It is..folks have gotten themselves killed by anoyed gunmen for playing loud music in a car..for throwing popcorn and making a cell phone call in a movie theatre...
This law will just accelerate the carnage.
More guns in more places=more death

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Soo...With this law in effect in those gun lovin' states:
If a teacher get's annoyed with an obnoxious student...he's got more options than just assigning detention.
If the preacher drones on and on in church, bored parishioners can just blow him away..and create some excitement in the process.
If the local drunk gets out of line in a bar...BAM, problem solved.
If that durn gummit won't issue u a passport FAST...u kin expedite that at gunpoint right thar in their building...
This is sure to make things a lot more efficient. An added bonus: With all that unrestricted gun use, eventually there will be fewer gun nuts...

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So why isn't this happening in those gun loving States?
Talk about drama.

It is..folks have gotten themselves killed by anoyed gunmen for playing loud music in a car..for throwing popcorn and making a cell phone call in a movie theatre...
This law will just accelerate the carnage.
More guns in more places=more death

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But its not,violent crime has steadily dropping for decades,but that won't fit your narrative will it?

It's histaricals like yourself,that love to fan any flame they can
Soo...With this law in effect in those gun lovin' states:
If a teacher get's annoyed with an obnoxious student...he's got more options than just assigning detention.
If the preacher drones on and on in church, bored parishioners can just blow him away..and create some excitement in the process.
If the local drunk gets out of line in a bar...BAM, problem solved.
If that durn gummit won't issue u a passport FAST...u kin expedite that at gunpoint right thar in their building...
This is sure to make things a lot more efficient. An added bonus: With all that unrestricted gun use, eventually there will be fewer gun nuts...

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So why isn't this happening in those gun loving States?
Talk about drama.

It is..folks have gotten themselves killed by anoyed gunmen for playing loud music in a car..for throwing popcorn and making a cell phone call in a movie theatre...
This law will just accelerate the carnage.
More guns in more places=more death

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Poor frightened child. Relax. Far far more people have been defended by guns than killed, fact.
Last edited:
Georgia governor to sign 'unprecedented' bill expanding gun rights | Fox News


The bill, described by the National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm as "the most comprehensive pro-gun reform legislation introduced in recent state history," expands the scope of public places where licensed owners are allowed to carry firearms.

The bill makes several changes to state law. It allows those with a license to carry to bring a gun into a bar without restriction and into some government buildings that don't have certain security measures. It also allows religious leaders to decide whether it's OK for a person with a carry license to bring a gun into their place of worship.

Democrats resisted the proposal, although they conceded it would pass in the GOP-dominated House of Representatives. They argued that allowing guns in more places will not make society safer and may lead to more deaths.

Under the bill, school districts would now be able, if they wanted, to allow some employees to carry a firearm under certain conditions. The bill also eliminates the fingerprinting requirement for renewing weapons carry licenses.

According to the Marietta Daily Journal, the legislation prohibits the state from creating and maintaining a database of licensed weapons carriers and repeals the state-required license for firearms dealers.

Colin Goddard, who survived the 2007 campus shooting at Virginia Tech, told Georgia Public Broadcasting he's alarmed by a provision that waives criminal prosecution of felons who use illegal firearms in the act of self-defense.

“The stand your ground expansion is truly a new type of stand your ground as we know it,” Goddard said. “To expand it in such a way to remove all carrying or possession offenses is really unprecedented.”

Jerry Henry of told GPB News he doesn’t expect to see a surge in gun sales or an increase in gun-related businesses in the state. He noted that other states have far less restrictive gun laws than Georgia.

“I don’t think people are going to look at it and say, ‘Oh Georgia just passed a new law and I’m going to move over there because it’s so much easier.’ I don’t think we’re going to see that,” he said. “Arizona, Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont – they all have Constitutional Carry."

Incredible...hundreds of years ago Georgia was a penal colony. Now it's gone full circle to an outright nuthouse.

let's home they shoot each other up.
It's all about equality. Size doesn't matter when you are armed. So why do so many liberals oppose equality?

n. Irrational, morbid fear of guns (coined by Col. Jeff Cooper, from the Greek "hoplites," weapon). May cause sweating, faintness, discomfort, rapid pulse, nausea, sleeplessness, more, at mere thought of guns. Hoplophobes are common and should never be involved in setting gun policies. Point out hoplophobic behavior when noticed, it is dangerous, sufferers deserve pity, and should seek treatment.

When confronted, hoplophobes typically go into denial, a common characteristic of the affliction. Often helped by training, or by coaching at a range, a process known to psychiatry as "desensitization," often useful in treating many phobias. Also: Hoplophobe, hoplophobic.
you will see more and more legislation like this coming out. gun owners are galvanized and pushing back to protect their rights. this is a very welcomed change
Georgia governor to sign 'unprecedented' bill expanding gun rights | Fox News


The bill, described by the National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm as "the most comprehensive pro-gun reform legislation introduced in recent state history," expands the scope of public places where licensed owners are allowed to carry firearms.

The bill makes several changes to state law. It allows those with a license to carry to bring a gun into a bar without restriction and into some government buildings that don't have certain security measures. It also allows religious leaders to decide whether it's OK for a person with a carry license to bring a gun into their place of worship.

Democrats resisted the proposal, although they conceded it would pass in the GOP-dominated House of Representatives. They argued that allowing guns in more places will not make society safer and may lead to more deaths.

Under the bill, school districts would now be able, if they wanted, to allow some employees to carry a firearm under certain conditions. The bill also eliminates the fingerprinting requirement for renewing weapons carry licenses.

According to the Marietta Daily Journal, the legislation prohibits the state from creating and maintaining a database of licensed weapons carriers and repeals the state-required license for firearms dealers.

Colin Goddard, who survived the 2007 campus shooting at Virginia Tech, told Georgia Public Broadcasting he's alarmed by a provision that waives criminal prosecution of felons who use illegal firearms in the act of self-defense.

“The stand your ground expansion is truly a new type of stand your ground as we know it,” Goddard said. “To expand it in such a way to remove all carrying or possession offenses is really unprecedented.”

Jerry Henry of told GPB News he doesn’t expect to see a surge in gun sales or an increase in gun-related businesses in the state. He noted that other states have far less restrictive gun laws than Georgia.

“I don’t think people are going to look at it and say, ‘Oh Georgia just passed a new law and I’m going to move over there because it’s so much easier.’ I don’t think we’re going to see that,” he said. “Arizona, Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont – they all have Constitutional Carry."

Incredible...hundreds of years ago Georgia was a penal colony. Now it's gone full circle to an outright nuthouse.

let's home they shoot each other up.

Kill, kill, kill, that's all you progressives seem to know.
Georgia governor to sign 'unprecedented' bill expanding gun rights | Fox News


The bill, described by the National Rifle Association’s lobbying arm as "the most comprehensive pro-gun reform legislation introduced in recent state history," expands the scope of public places where licensed owners are allowed to carry firearms.

The bill makes several changes to state law. It allows those with a license to carry to bring a gun into a bar without restriction and into some government buildings that don't have certain security measures. It also allows religious leaders to decide whether it's OK for a person with a carry license to bring a gun into their place of worship.

Democrats resisted the proposal, although they conceded it would pass in the GOP-dominated House of Representatives. They argued that allowing guns in more places will not make society safer and may lead to more deaths.

Under the bill, school districts would now be able, if they wanted, to allow some employees to carry a firearm under certain conditions. The bill also eliminates the fingerprinting requirement for renewing weapons carry licenses.

According to the Marietta Daily Journal, the legislation prohibits the state from creating and maintaining a database of licensed weapons carriers and repeals the state-required license for firearms dealers.

Colin Goddard, who survived the 2007 campus shooting at Virginia Tech, told Georgia Public Broadcasting he's alarmed by a provision that waives criminal prosecution of felons who use illegal firearms in the act of self-defense.

“The stand your ground expansion is truly a new type of stand your ground as we know it,” Goddard said. “To expand it in such a way to remove all carrying or possession offenses is really unprecedented.”

Jerry Henry of told GPB News he doesn’t expect to see a surge in gun sales or an increase in gun-related businesses in the state. He noted that other states have far less restrictive gun laws than Georgia.

“I don’t think people are going to look at it and say, ‘Oh Georgia just passed a new law and I’m going to move over there because it’s so much easier.’ I don’t think we’re going to see that,” he said. “Arizona, Wyoming, Alaska, Vermont – they all have Constitutional Carry."

Incredible...hundreds of years ago Georgia was a penal colony. Now it's gone full circle to an outright nuthouse.

let's home they shoot each other up.

1. i'm not surprised you want people killed who don't agree with you politically.

2. what about this bill will make people kill each other?
Hopefully Florida will follow suit.

Soo...With this law in effect in those gun lovin' states:
If a teacher get's annoyed with an obnoxious student...he's got more options than just assigning detention.
If the preacher drones on and on in church, bored parishioners can just blow him away..and create some excitement in the process.
If the local drunk gets out of line in a bar...BAM, problem solved.
If that durn gummit won't issue u a passport FAST...u kin expedite that at gunpoint right thar in their building...
This is sure to make things a lot more efficient. An added bonus: With all that unrestricted gun use, eventually there will be fewer gun nuts...

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It would be nice if they "harvested" each other but I was just thinking that they shoot innocent people.

another liberal wishing death on his political opponents
So we get more people shot over popcorn in theaters.

Yep a biblethumping trailer dwelling goober thinks another trailer dwelling bible thumping goober looked cross eyed at his wife, and out comes the gun

Link? or is that what you do? The utter contempt these people show to their fellow countrymen,is astounding,who taught theses people to be such bigots and be so hateful.

I know one thing,if i am broke down on the highway,those goobers are way more willing to stop and help,then the like of you.

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