Georgia Panel Recommended Charging Lindsey Graham in Trump Case

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Gosh, if only there was evidence the election was stolen.

The slick New York City grifter led you country bumpkins around by the rings in your noses.

63 court cases brought by Trump and ZERO success!

“Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and Republican congressmen."

Mr. President, we’ll send you the link from WSB.

Trump: I don’t care about the link. I don’t need it.

Trump hired not one, but TWO, research firms to prove his Big Lie.

The TWO firms Trump hired found no fraud.


Trump buried those reports and continued to lie.

The Michigan Republican House Speaker and Republican Senate Majority Leader said there was no fraud and would certify the election. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The US Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

A recount in Wisconsin demanded by Trump found there was no fraud and actually increased Trump's loss by a wider margin. Trump continued to lie.

State and federal courts, including many helmed by Trump appointees, found no proof of fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The Director of National Intelligence informed Trump the election was secure and there was no fraud. Trump ignored him and continued to lie.

The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The senior White House attorneys told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

Senior staffers of Trump's own campaign team told him he had lost! Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

State legislators and secretaries of state all around the country, many of whom were Republicans who had backed Trump's re-election, told Trump there was no fraud and he had lost. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

Trump knew he lost.

With his Big Lie defeated at every turn, Trump drafted illegal fake electors in seven states.

to cover it up.
Fuck you demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie PIGS!!!!!!
What the fuck are you talking about?

You really need to put down the crack pipe, son.


Georgia Panel Recommended Charging Lindsey Graham in Trump Case

Whoa. The Georgia grand jury recommended a lot more people be indicted than ultimately were.

The grand jury recommended Senator Lindsay Graham and General Michael Flynn be indicted. The DA decided not to include them in the final indictments.

You can read the grand jury's report here: Read the Report by the Special Grand Jury in Georgia That Investigated President Trump

There are 30 names on their list.

This also explains what took so long. Lindsay Graham was subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury and he took the matter all the way to the Supreme Court. He lost and was eventually compelled to testify.
Just goes to show how biased the grand jury was.
to cover it up.
Fuck you demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie PIGS!!!!!!
If this is all true isn't you and the other MAGAts who got fucked? 😄
Yep, that's exactly correct.

Civil war is on the horizon. If you can't see it, take your blinders off.
You pussies don't have the capability to wage war. At most you'll mass suicide by cop and then we'll all point and laugh watching it happen on live TV like with that dumb bitch Ashlii Babbitt.
You people have been saying this for most of this century, and fuck it gets tiring to hear you all talk and talk and talk and talk but never once act.

Man up and get out there and start the damn shooting.
I realize as a fake Marine the only warfare you understands is the "pew pew pew" you see in the movies...but our civil conflict isn't going to be like that Rambo movie you and your boyfriend watched together. :wink:
I realize as a fake Marine the only warfare you understands is the "pew pew pew" you see in the movies...but our civil conflict isn't going to be like that Rambo movie you and your boyfriend watched together. :wink:
You're the one imagining you're going to effectively take on the government, Rambo. 😄
You're the one imagining you're going to effectively take on the government, Rambo. 😄
Current history is full of examples of poorly armed fighters taking on militaries and winning. if just 1 percent of the citizens rise up in rebellion in this country that is 3 MILLION plus to fight remind me how large our military is again and from where it gets its recruits?
Current history is full of examples of poorly armed fighters taking on militaries and winning. if just 1 percent of the citizens rise up in rebellion in this country that is 3 MILLION plus to fight remind me how large our military is again and from where it gets its recruits?
What are those examples and how are they comparable to America?

Note: This moron does think he'll Rambo his way through America. 😄

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