Georgia runoffs and the creeping state.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I hope the republicans win the Georgia Runoff elections. Not because I am a republican, I am not. I registered as an Independent in 2012 and have never looked back. I support the runoff, not because I support republicans, but because the results could be the last obstacle standing in the way of a runaway state. The state in America is no different that the state anywhere, it functions for itself and only itself.

The people are as incidental to the state in America today as they were in Soviet Russia prior to Ronald Reagan’s speech on June 12, 1987 when he challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall imprisoning the people in East Germany. Any reasonable mind knows that a wall to keep the people in is not a border, it is a cage.

The young in America are not taught authentic history because education in America has become state-owned and operated. People in US education derive their incomes and well-being from the state and as in the former Soviet Union, what the state says, goes. Students in American schools will not hear that the disintegration of the nuclear family is the root of much of the misery in the country today. They will not be taught that the Great Society experiment has failed.

Instead, they are ushered into camps of villages raising children with the state masquerading as a kind of benign despotic overseer meting out the scraps left from the absence of a responsible parent. Much like the fallen Soviet state American society has devolved into a planned failure that benefits only the planners so the solution offered will always be more failed planning.

The surprise election of 2016 sent the state into overdrive because the people seemed to instinctively know American aristocracy had abandoned them for future considerations in global ventures. Education and media had become propaganda mechanisms to distort and distract but still it failed. Too many of us were still living from the boomer era with clear minds.

The pensions and affordable health insurance of our children have been stolen by government to placate Chinese hordes that make Russia look like a JV team. Proof? Look at the opioid and Fentanyl casualties on your sidewalks. The state is no substitute for we already had. Hopefully, we can at least slow it down in Georgia.

The boomers had the world handed to them on silver platter and then proceeded to make sure they were the last generation of Americans who would ever know stability. We will be paying for the extravagance of the 20th century long after you are dead. Your generation just about ruined the world with stupid wars and unfettered capitalist greed and now you are bitching about the aftermath. We inherited a depleted world of plutocrats, debt and broken promises. Quit bitching about what we have to do to clean up after your greedy asses. You voted against everything that would have continued the stability you took for granted.
The great experiment did not fail you are living it today. You have it made, you have it easy and you still bitch which only proves my hypothesis, humans are never happy..

For weeks we have had to endure your attempts at so called unbiased writing which reeks of bias and it is heavily biased for the GOP and it is even heavier for Trump. Don't try to piss on us and call it rain because that is what you are doing and daily diatribes about how you hate the US and the young people of this nation is nothing less than arrogance and cynical editorials from an old man..
I think Republicans should win by about 5 percent in each race. The polls show it neck and neck which means Republicans are probably comfortably ahead.
I think Kelly Loefner is probably most vulnerable.

But the Joker in deck is Donald J Trump. Can he screw things up badly enough to cause Republicans to lose?
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The great experiment did not fail you are living it today. You have it made, you have it easy and you still bitch which only proves my hypothesis, humans are never happy..

For weeks we have had to endure your attempts at so called unbiased writing which reeks of bias and it is heavily biased for the GOP and it is even heavier for Trump. Don't try to piss on us and call it rain because that is what you are doing and daily diatribes about how you hate the US and the young people of this nation is nothing less than arrogance and cynical editorials from an old man..
Make it about me if you want. Whatever floats your boat.
The great experiment did not fail you are living it today. You have it made, you have it easy and you still bitch which only proves my hypothesis, humans are never happy..

For weeks we have had to endure your attempts at so called unbiased writing which reeks of bias and it is heavily biased for the GOP and it is even heavier for Trump. Don't try to piss on us and call it rain because that is what you are doing and daily diatribes about how you hate the US and the young people of this nation is nothing less than arrogance and cynical editorials from an old man..
Make it about me if you want. Whatever floats your boat.
Is there someone else that is always badmouthing the US and it's inhabitants in this thread?
Under normal circumstances, Republicans should win both seats easily.

But Democrats have these things called Dominion Voting Machines. Democrats have apps on their smart phones where they can switch votes at will.
Dems also have these things called “fake ballots” where they can make up names and vote for Democrats.
If the race is close, they can stop the counting and throw out Republican votes.

The best thing Republicans can do today is to boycott the election. That will piss off those cheating Democrats
I hope the republicans win the Georgia Runoff elections. Not because I am a republican, I am not. I registered as an Independent in 2012 and have never looked back. I support the runoff, not because I support republicans, but because the results could be the last obstacle standing in the way of a runaway state. The state in America is no different that the state anywhere, it functions for itself and only itself.

The people are as incidental to the state in America today as they were in Soviet Russia prior to Ronald Reagan’s speech on June 12, 1987 when he challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall imprisoning the people in East Germany. Any reasonable mind knows that a wall to keep the people in is not a border, it is a cage.

The young in America are not taught authentic history because education in America has become state-owned and operated. People in US education derive their incomes and well-being from the state and as in the former Soviet Union, what the state says, goes. Students in American schools will not hear that the disintegration of the nuclear family is the root of much of the misery in the country today. They will not be taught that the Great Society experiment has failed.

Instead, they are ushered into camps of villages raising children with the state masquerading as a kind of benign despotic overseer meting out the scraps left from the absence of a responsible parent. Much like the fallen Soviet state American society has devolved into a planned failure that benefits only the planners so the solution offered will always be more failed planning.

The surprise election of 2016 sent the state into overdrive because the people seemed to instinctively know American aristocracy had abandoned them for future considerations in global ventures. Education and media had become propaganda mechanisms to distort and distract but still it failed. Too many of us were still living from the boomer era with clear minds.

The pensions and affordable health insurance of our children have been stolen by government to placate Chinese hordes that make Russia look like a JV team. Proof? Look at the opioid and Fentanyl casualties on your sidewalks. The state is no substitute for we already had. Hopefully, we can at least slow it down in Georgia.

it's like watching a damn about to burst and the only people trying to stop it in the long run would just as soon be trying to burst that dam also.

the day to day fights we see are simply slices of action in the overall move to globalism. Coyote and i discussed this awhile back and what exactly is globalism?

from what i can tell, it's us giving our money away. whether it's for climate control we can't really control and holding no country accountable for the funds we give them or millions to Pakistan to study the age old confusion of the penis and vagina. lets face it, if there was ever a country that knew their penises and vajayjay's, it's Pakistan. kudo's to whoever came up with that need.

while we've always given our resources away in some effort to make the WORLD a better place, lets face it, we do the same here. we throw money at it. this is how our gov views solutions. have a problem, here have some money. maybe the world is such a craphole these days BECAUSE we keep giving away resources as a solution to problems, mythical or otherwise.

where is our desire to be more on our own? where the holy hell did that go? if i need to use a crutch to stand up, fine. but get me off that crutch and let me walk on my own come hell or high water after that.

globalism is killing that mindset. it's making the collective more important than the individual. if you don't think like the hive, you're rooted out like cancer. that is the social aspect of globalism to me. the real part is while we all argue over slices of actions such as who pees where and which building should or should not be burning, mask up or no?

how much richer did the rich get last year? does $600 payoffs help ANYONE who truly lost most of their business yet expenses only got worse personally? hell even $2k would not even pay the rest for many mom and pop shops for more than a month or 2 and we're almost a year into being told what to do.

by people who don't listen to their own advice.

then flaunt it in front of us with $500 ice cream sundays. hell pelosi spends more for a tub of ice cream than she passes out to people who'd dig some fresh ramen noodles.

and we "vote" them back into power.

that is globalism.

that is why i hate it.
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The great experiment did not fail you are living it today. You have it made, you have it easy and you still bitch which only proves my hypothesis, humans are never happy..

For weeks we have had to endure your attempts at so called unbiased writing which reeks of bias and it is heavily biased for the GOP and it is even heavier for Trump. Don't try to piss on us and call it rain because that is what you are doing and daily diatribes about how you hate the US and the young people of this nation is nothing less than arrogance and cynical editorials from an old man..
Make it about me if you want. Whatever floats your boat.
Is there someone else that is always badmouthing the US and it's inhabitants in this thread?
Badmouthing the US and its inhabitants? That sounds a lot like slandering the state. Look it up if you can find where is hasn't been expunged from Google. Only clever wording in a search produced this result:

The boomers had the world handed to them on silver platter and then proceeded to make sure they were the last generation of Americans who would ever know stability. We will be paying for the extravagance of the 20th century long after you are dead. Your generation just about ruined the world with stupid wars and unfettered capitalist greed and now you are bitching about the aftermath. We inherited a depleted world of plutocrats, debt and broken promises. Quit bitching about what we have to do to clean up after your greedy asses. You voted against everything that would have continued the stability you took for granted.

I remember the 'silver plater' being a game we called "Duck And Cover" in school. Lining up in the hallway tucked in up against an inside wall waiting for the Bomb to drop! Fun times! As the Boomers first started to come of age they began to be impressed into service, to be shipped off to Vietnam to fight for some Domino theory. Those who devised that plan also planned for the mass consumerism that sweep not only America but all of the Western world. Boomers tried to fight back but after the war ended there was nothing to hold them together like the antiwar movement and everyone grew up, got jobs and had kids of their own and went with the corporate flow, mostly. The world was plenty ruined when we got here.
The boomers had the world handed to them on silver platter and then proceeded to make sure they were the last generation of Americans who would ever know stability. We will be paying for the extravagance of the 20th century long after you are dead. Your generation just about ruined the world with stupid wars and unfettered capitalist greed and now you are bitching about the aftermath. We inherited a depleted world of plutocrats, debt and broken promises. Quit bitching about what we have to do to clean up after your greedy asses. You voted against everything that would have continued the stability you took for granted.

I remember the 'silver plater' being a game we called "Duck And Cover" in school. Lining up in the hallway tucked in up against an inside wall waiting for the Bomb to drop! Fun times! As the Boomers first started to come of age they began to be impressed into service, to be shipped off to Vietnam to fight for some Domino theory. Those who devised that plan also planned for the mass consumerism that sweep not only America but all of the Western world. Boomers tried to fight back but after the war ended there was nothing to hold them together like the antiwar movement and everyone grew up, got jobs and had kids of their own and went with the corporate flow, mostly. The world was plenty ruined when we got here.
Agreed. We now live in a world where corporations are people. The pensions are gone, the health insurance is gone. Everyone has earbuds and no one hears the boom that is about to drop. How is that working out?
I hope the republicans win the Georgia Runoff elections. Not because I am a republican, I am not. I registered as an Independent in 2012 and have never looked back. I support the runoff, not because I support republicans, but because the results could be the last obstacle standing in the way of a runaway state. The state in America is no different that the state anywhere, it functions for itself and only itself.

The people are as incidental to the state in America today as they were in Soviet Russia prior to Ronald Reagan’s speech on June 12, 1987 when he challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall imprisoning the people in East Germany. Any reasonable mind knows that a wall to keep the people in is not a border, it is a cage.

The young in America are not taught authentic history because education in America has become state-owned and operated. People in US education derive their incomes and well-being from the state and as in the former Soviet Union, what the state says, goes. Students in American schools will not hear that the disintegration of the nuclear family is the root of much of the misery in the country today. They will not be taught that the Great Society experiment has failed.

Instead, they are ushered into camps of villages raising children with the state masquerading as a kind of benign despotic overseer meting out the scraps left from the absence of a responsible parent. Much like the fallen Soviet state American society has devolved into a planned failure that benefits only the planners so the solution offered will always be more failed planning.

The surprise election of 2016 sent the state into overdrive because the people seemed to instinctively know American aristocracy had abandoned them for future considerations in global ventures. Education and media had become propaganda mechanisms to distort and distract but still it failed. Too many of us were still living from the boomer era with clear minds.

The pensions and affordable health insurance of our children have been stolen by government to placate Chinese hordes that make Russia look like a JV team. Proof? Look at the opioid and Fentanyl casualties on your sidewalks. The state is no substitute for we already had. Hopefully, we can at least slow it down in Georgia.

Great Post.....I mean really great.....everyone needs to read this.
The boomers had the world handed to them on silver platter and then proceeded to make sure they were the last generation of Americans who would ever know stability. We will be paying for the extravagance of the 20th century long after you are dead. Your generation just about ruined the world with stupid wars and unfettered capitalist greed and now you are bitching about the aftermath. We inherited a depleted world of plutocrats, debt and broken promises. Quit bitching about what we have to do to clean up after your greedy asses. You voted against everything that would have continued the stability you took for granted.

I remember the 'silver plater' being a game we called "Duck And Cover" in school. Lining up in the hallway tucked in up against an inside wall waiting for the Bomb to drop! Fun times! As the Boomers first started to come of age they began to be impressed into service, to be shipped off to Vietnam to fight for some Domino theory. Those who devised that plan also planned for the mass consumerism that sweep not only America but all of the Western world. Boomers tried to fight back but after the war ended there was nothing to hold them together like the antiwar movement and everyone grew up, got jobs and had kids of their own and went with the corporate flow, mostly. The world was plenty ruined when we got here.
Agreed. We now live in a world where corporations are people. The pensions are gone, the health insurance is gone. Everyone has earbuds and no one hears the boom that is about to drop. How is that working out?

Some dunce was probably saying the same thing about lightbulbs and nickelodeons at one time. Its working fine especially when you compare it to the alternative.

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