Georgia School Confiscates Christmas Cards

I do not know the details of this story other than there were Christmas cards posted in a Georgia classroom and they were Christmas cards of nativity scenes or cards that said the word, "Christmas". Now I know there are restictions in public schools concerning religion but I remember giving my teachers Christmas cards as a child so something has changed. I am wondering why. What do you think? Why would they change the rules on Christmas cards being allowed to be seen at school?

For as long as anyone can remember, teachers at Brooklet Elementary School have posted Christmas cards in the hallways outside their classrooms – until Monday.

When boys and girls returned from Thanksgiving break, they discovered that their teachers’ Christmas cards had been removed – under orders from the Georgia school’s administration.

Robb Kicklighter’s wife is a third grade teacher at the school. He said many teachers are disgruntled by the school’s decision to confiscate the Christmas cards.

“They took down the cards so the kids can’t see them,” he told me. “Some of the cards had the word ‘Christmas’ and some had Nativity scenes.”

Kicklighter said the cards were put behind an office door so only teachers could access them.

Read more at Georgia School Confiscates Christmas Cards | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

The OP is either a liar or a victim of his own subjective bias:


The Bulloch Co. School District is fighting back after they say a false news report was filed by a Fox News Radio commentator about Brooklet Elementary confiscating Christmas cards. The article alleges the teachers' cards were removed by administrators as an act of censorship as the Bulloch County Board of Education is having ongoing conversations about religious expression in schools.

The Principal of Brooklet, Marlin Baker, said that is not the case. Baker said it's a faculty tradition to hang staff Christmas cards up on a poster. Usually the poster hangs out in the hallway for students to see but Baker said one of the teachers had a privacy issue so the poster was moved into the faculty work room. School staff said when the poster was moved on Monday that it didn't even have any Christmas cards on it.

Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA

The OP should consider researching first before posting, particularly with regard to rightwing blogs and websites.

This coming from one that believes anything on a far left blog site.

Rational response to the fact that the OP was disproved. Well done.!
I do not know the details of this story other than there were Christmas cards posted in a Georgia classroom and they were Christmas cards of nativity scenes or cards that said the word, "Christmas". Now I know there are restictions in public schools concerning religion but I remember giving my teachers Christmas cards as a child so something has changed. I am wondering why. What do you think? Why would they change the rules on Christmas cards being allowed to be seen at school?

For as long as anyone can remember, teachers at Brooklet Elementary School have posted Christmas cards in the hallways outside their classrooms – until Monday.

When boys and girls returned from Thanksgiving break, they discovered that their teachers’ Christmas cards had been removed – under orders from the Georgia school’s administration.

Robb Kicklighter’s wife is a third grade teacher at the school. He said many teachers are disgruntled by the school’s decision to confiscate the Christmas cards.

“They took down the cards so the kids can’t see them,” he told me. “Some of the cards had the word ‘Christmas’ and some had Nativity scenes.”

Kicklighter said the cards were put behind an office door so only teachers could access them.

Read more at Georgia School Confiscates Christmas Cards | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

The OP is either a liar or a victim of his own subjective bias:


The Bulloch Co. School District is fighting back after they say a false news report was filed by a Fox News Radio commentator about Brooklet Elementary confiscating Christmas cards. The article alleges the teachers' cards were removed by administrators as an act of censorship as the Bulloch County Board of Education is having ongoing conversations about religious expression in schools.

The Principal of Brooklet, Marlin Baker, said that is not the case. Baker said it's a faculty tradition to hang staff Christmas cards up on a poster. Usually the poster hangs out in the hallway for students to see but Baker said one of the teachers had a privacy issue so the poster was moved into the faculty work room. School staff said when the poster was moved on Monday that it didn't even have any Christmas cards on it.

Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA

The OP should consider researching first before posting, particularly with regard to rightwing blogs and websites.

Well, you know, where there is no news, the RW will make some up.

Look at the nutters flock to this thread to retract their dopey comments! You can hardly hold them back.
I do not know the details of this story other than there were Christmas cards posted in a Georgia classroom and they were Christmas cards of nativity scenes or cards that said the word, "Christmas". Now I know there are restictions in public schools concerning religion but I remember giving my teachers Christmas cards as a child so something has changed. I am wondering why. What do you think? Why would they change the rules on Christmas cards being allowed to be seen at school?

For as long as anyone can remember, teachers at Brooklet Elementary School have posted Christmas cards in the hallways outside their classrooms – until Monday.

When boys and girls returned from Thanksgiving break, they discovered that their teachers’ Christmas cards had been removed – under orders from the Georgia school’s administration.

Robb Kicklighter’s wife is a third grade teacher at the school. He said many teachers are disgruntled by the school’s decision to confiscate the Christmas cards.

“They took down the cards so the kids can’t see them,” he told me. “Some of the cards had the word ‘Christmas’ and some had Nativity scenes.”

Kicklighter said the cards were put behind an office door so only teachers could access them.

Read more at Georgia School Confiscates Christmas Cards | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Damn these Red states. This would not happen in a nice, liberal Blue state.
Fucking xtians trying to exploit Christmas again...sigh.Just like having to deal with the retards in the christmas parade handing out their religious filth I had to confiscate and trash from the kids.
Does USMB have it's own piece of shit White Supremacist member now?

I'll bet not for long! :lol:

Been here for several months actually but the racists keep banning me for stupid shit...:D Someone had to counter the retards such as yourself here on USMB.
Please help me understand why some of you would even care. The story is BS. The local news channel has debunked it:

Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA

Why do you care, if you aren't a Christian? Jeremiah, why would you post this, when you know it's not true?

I don't know about any of that.

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”

― Mark Twain

what on earth--there is another thread on this.

<A school district in Georgia blasted Fox News on Tuesday and said that they had been &#8220;terrorized&#8221; after one of the network&#8217;s radio hosts falsely reported that Christmas cards had been &#8220;confiscated.&#8221;

In a Tuesday report, Fox News radio host Todd Starnes turned his daily outrage to allegations that students at Brooklet Elementary School had returned from the Thanksgiving holiday to find that the school&#8217;s administration had decided to &#8220;confiscate the Christmas cards&#8221; that teachers had posted outside classrooms.

Starnes branded the schools&#8217; actions as &#8220;Christmas card censorship.&#8221;

Brooklet Principal Marlin Baker told WSAV that the &#8220;censorship&#8221; charge was just not true and that Starnes didn&#8217;t bother checking the facts before publishing his report. >

so sad--a tempest in a teapot. Never worthy of the attention of Todd Starnes/Fox News.

<Brooklet is a city in Bulloch County, Georgia, United States. It is located roughly 9 miles (14 km) east of Statesboro. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 1,395.[3]>
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as a pagan......yes they ripped us off....think if it like this....christians wanted to convert pagans like a good instead of denying the pagans their holidays they just incorporated them into their new stuff..

we mainly celebrate the winter solstice on dec 21, this is noted but just in passing....
Christmas is a pagan holiday co-opted by the early Roman Catholic church.

The tradition of Christmas trees comes from Pagan Druids in Scotland.

Jesus was not born on Dec. 25th.

Jesus is a made up character or most likely a composite of several spiritual leaders who were crucified by Rome.

Jesus' back story (virgin birth) was stolen from a mesopotamian myth.

You left out the insanity of worshiping a fat Elf who hangs with magically smelly reindeer and exibits God like qualities.

As far as Jesus,no he is not a composite of spiritual leaders. The historian Josephus mentions him.
Josephus on Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes Jesus most likely wasn't born on December 25th either, something about the sheep being out grazing at that time of year. Reference to shepards watching their sheep and all that. IDK I'm not a farmer. Bible gives no date just clues so how to find the exact date IDk. But December 25 is as good as any date I suppose, just too bad most people concentrate on the loudly dressed elf and deforestation and worship of trees.

Easter isn't any better. Really a rabbit who shits chocolate eggs neatly into a basket has nothing to do with the Crucifixion, resurrection and salvation of Christ. The celebration of Eostre is where the bunnies and eggs come from.

I Know there's Irony somewhere when Athieists think they are fighting Christianity when they complain Christmas cards and that Christians don't know the difference and fight back. If your not fighting for the Nativity,your fighting to keep paganism alive.

?ostre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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From the debunking article, it looks more like the school started backtracking because of the negative publicity. Let's not admit we confiscated the cards, let's just say we moved them.
From the debunking article, it looks more like the school started backtracking because of the negative publicity. Let's not admit we confiscated the cards, let's just say we moved them.

I have driven past Brooklet, GA on the way to Savannah--so tiny that you could easily miss it.

Believe me if you choose--but little towns like that sometimes 'make mistakes'. Sounds like they tried to say it was a mistake and had been resolved.

sigh--Tell the truth--and things have gotten to such a point that there are always some who will suspect you are lying.

sorry state of affairs in Denmark.

No longer even certain what Shakespeare meant--

but I like this quote--talking about things like this is senseless--thinking back to last ? February when I got into a thread about what a school had done for Valentine's Day. senseless waste of time.

&#8220;O most wicked speed, to post/ With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!/ It is not nor it cannot come to good/ But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue&#8221; &#8211; Hamlet
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Christmas is a pagan holiday co-opted by the early Roman Catholic church.

The tradition of Christmas trees comes from Pagan Druids in Scotland.

Jesus was not born on Dec. 25th.

Jesus is a made up character or most likely a composite of several spiritual leaders who were crucified by Rome.

Jesus' back story (virgin birth) was stolen from a mesopotamian myth.

Christmas is not a pagan holiday you dumb ass. The Christmas tree and some of the elements incorporated into the way Christmas is celebrated today have some pagan roots, but it is very much a Christian holiday.

The Christmas Tree started with Martin Luther. Was he a druid? I missed that part.
I believe the report. It is plausible that someone did look at one of the teachers' cards-whom he/she had a crush on-and began to stalk said individual. When I still worked in EMS, I tried to keep my last name concealed on my badge, because we picked up many creeps. And sometimes, they would attempt to contact us. It happened to both men and women. And Mr. Kicklighter...I suspect he might have had an agenda.
I believe the report. It is plausible that someone did look at one of the teachers' cards-whom he/she had a crush on-and began to stalk said individual. When I still worked in EMS, I tried to keep my last name concealed on my badge, because we picked up many creeps. And sometimes, they would attempt to contact us. It happened to both men and women. And Mr. Kicklighter...I suspect he might have had an agenda.

it's not important but--not certain which 'report'--never saw anything about a teacher's card or a crush.

whatever--those that are involved with this school should be concerned---the rest of us--'not so much'. jmo.
I believe the report. It is plausible that someone did look at one of the teachers' cards-whom he/she had a crush on-and began to stalk said individual. When I still worked in EMS, I tried to keep my last name concealed on my badge, because we picked up many creeps. And sometimes, they would attempt to contact us. It happened to both men and women. And Mr. Kicklighter...I suspect he might have had an agenda.

it's not important but--not certain which 'report'--never saw anything about a teacher's card or a crush.

whatever--those that are involved with this school should be concerned---the rest of us--'not so much'. jmo.

God give me the serenity...I posted it above. Someone ELSE posted it above. Here it is......again:

1.Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA
I did NOT...say that this is exactly what happened (stalking). I should have written "hypothetically", instead of plausible. :confused:

2.The school website, on this matter:

3.And it seems that Robb Kicklighter and Todd Starnes just can't seem to get enough of this attention, as evidenced by this:
The religious cleansing of Bulloch County, Georgia | Fox News

4.The demographics of the school and area would be very telling.
If anyone is still believing that this was a "War on Christmas" conspiracy, then check the faculty list names...if there are any still posted. That will reveal who might have been offended, if someone has to press the issue. And the reason that I care, is because I don't like to see deception that is overt to the perceptive eye, but covert to the distracted.

:booze: "You gonna drive me ta drinkin', LAWD!"
I believe the report. It is plausible that someone did look at one of the teachers' cards-whom he/she had a crush on-and began to stalk said individual. When I still worked in EMS, I tried to keep my last name concealed on my badge, because we picked up many creeps. And sometimes, they would attempt to contact us. It happened to both men and women. And Mr. Kicklighter...I suspect he might have had an agenda.

it's not important but--not certain which 'report'--never saw anything about a teacher's card or a crush.

whatever--those that are involved with this school should be concerned---the rest of us--'not so much'. jmo.

God give me the serenity...I posted it above. Someone ELSE posted it above. Here it is......again:

1.Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA
I did NOT...say that this is exactly what happened (stalking). I should have written "hypothetically", instead of plausible. :confused:

2.The school website, on this matter:

3.And it seems that Robb Kicklighter and Todd Starnes just can't seem to get enough of this attention, as evidenced by this:
The religious cleansing of Bulloch County, Georgia | Fox News

4.The demographics of the school and area would be very telling.
If anyone is still believing that this was a "War on Christmas" conspiracy, then check the faculty list names...if there are any still posted. That will reveal who might have been offended, if someone has to press the issue. And the reason that I care, is because I don't like to see deception that is overt to the perceptive eye, but covert to the distracted.

:booze: "You gonna drive me ta drinkin', LAWD!"

Starnes is on a lying roll (I wonder if anyone ever showed him that bearing false witness is a no no according to the Ten Commandments)

Looked up the table of contents of the book he's waving in the link...he flat out lies about there being nothing about christianity in that textbook.
Christmas is a pagan holiday co-opted by the early Roman Catholic church.

The tradition of Christmas trees comes from Pagan Druids in Scotland.

Jesus was not born on Dec. 25th.

Jesus is a made up character or most likely a composite of several spiritual leaders who were crucified by Rome.

Jesus' back story (virgin birth) was stolen from a mesopotamian myth.

I wish there were more people like you brazen enough to espouse that kind of bullshit when I'm around. That would make an excellent week. Or, I could just feel sorry for you kid.
I believe the report. It is plausible that someone did look at one of the teachers' cards-whom he/she had a crush on-and began to stalk said individual. When I still worked in EMS, I tried to keep my last name concealed on my badge, because we picked up many creeps. And sometimes, they would attempt to contact us. It happened to both men and women. And Mr. Kicklighter...I suspect he might have had an agenda.

it's not important but--not certain which 'report'--never saw anything about a teacher's card or a crush.

whatever--those that are involved with this school should be concerned---the rest of us--'not so much'. jmo.

God give me the serenity...I posted it above. Someone ELSE posted it above. Here it is......again:

1.Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA
I did NOT...say that this is exactly what happened (stalking). I should have written "hypothetically", instead of plausible. :confused:
:booze: "You gonna drive me ta drinkin', LAWD!"

serenity now--I posted a link. still never read anything about 'a stalker' sending a Christmas card.

eta: I guess this is what I missed.
<The cards in question were not student Christmas cards, nor were they a student project or tradition. The cards are the personal family Christmas cards that faculty members share with one another. They are the personal cards from their homes that they would send to family and friends.

It has been a faculty tradition to post the cards on a small display board made of two pieces of red and green poster paper. The display in the past was posted in hallway outside the office workroom.

This year, due to a legitimate, personal privacy concern raised by one of the school's staff members, Baker moved the display to the opposite wall inside the office work room so that the staff member could still participate in the tradition. Baker wanted to respect the staff member's privacy and that of his/her children depicted in the Christmas card.

The display being moved had absolutely nothing to do with the current open and ongoing discussions that the school system is having with local citizens about religious liberties and expression. "We don't want this misinformation to derail the positive work we are committed to with our community leaders," said Superintendent of Schools Charles Wilson.

Someone in Bulloch County should have high school students write about this. certain some could come up with an episode like Desperate Housewives or something for Law and Order.

it sounds like the most boring school story I have heard in a while. No one was shot or stabbed---a teacher didn't 'do anything'---

how anyone was able to write a news story --I have to wonder.

why would a TV journalist then make sure the nation and world knew?
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it's not important but--not certain which 'report'--never saw anything about a teacher's card or a crush.

whatever--those that are involved with this school should be concerned---the rest of us--'not so much'. jmo.

God give me the serenity...I posted it above. Someone ELSE posted it above. Here it is......again:

1.Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA
I did NOT...say that this is exactly what happened (stalking). I should have written "hypothetically", instead of plausible. :confused:

2.The school website, on this matter:

3.And it seems that Robb Kicklighter and Todd Starnes just can't seem to get enough of this attention, as evidenced by this:
The religious cleansing of Bulloch County, Georgia | Fox News

4.The demographics of the school and area would be very telling.
If anyone is still believing that this was a "War on Christmas" conspiracy, then check the faculty list names...if there are any still posted. That will reveal who might have been offended, if someone has to press the issue. And the reason that I care, is because I don't like to see deception that is overt to the perceptive eye, but covert to the distracted.

:booze: "You gonna drive me ta drinkin', LAWD!"

Starnes is on a lying roll (I wonder if anyone ever showed him that bearing false witness is a no no according to the Ten Commandments)

Looked up the table of contents of the book he's waving in the link...he flat out lies about there being nothing about christianity in that textbook.

There is a possibility that it isn't a lie. Maybe we're not being told the whole the "news"...shocker. I have a pretty good idea what has happened. And if any of the teachers have the guts to come forward with the truth, I will be proud.

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