Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

Georgia's Lt. Gov. Threatens To Kill Tax Break For Delta Airlines Amid NRA Spat - Georgia is threatening to rescind tax breaks. They have NOT done it yet. Anyways, it's election time in Georgia and all the republican candidates are trying to impress their low-information constituents with tough talk.
Most voters - Republican AND Democrat - are "low-information constituents".

Most are far too busy working and paying mortgages and putting kids through school and paying the bills and trying to save a little, to worry about political hor$e$hit.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta Georgia a while back, so these State Republican senators may have bit off more than they can chew. They have made themselves a target in the upcoming November election--:auiqs.jpg:

Lot's of business's have been dumping the NRA since the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
NRA fallout: See the list of companies that cut discounts for NRA members after Parkland, Florida school shooting
First National Bank cuts ties with NRA


You keep telling yourself that.
What pray tell makes the NRA POS so special they get a discount ? How about one for vets or police or etc etc etc ?

Totally agree. The NRA is the Republican party campaign cash cow--which may have something to do with all these perks they give their members. A quick pro-quo I would assume.

The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in "independent expenditures," meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn't): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265. Yes, that's 265 dollars.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

Delta airlines hub is Atlanta, Georgia, and I am certain they provide 1000's of jobs in Georgia. They are an economic boom in that state, and you have MORON state legislatures--which most Republican state legislators are--that are now risking losing Delta airlines over the Republican parties campaign cash cow. I am certain there are many cities in this country, that would love to have Delta as a hub in their city.

The Republican state legislators in Georgia make no sense what-so-ever. Their ignorance is astounding.

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Delta isn’t refusing to do business with NRA members. They’re Refusing to put money in the coffers of an organization which is openly encouraging attacks on law enforcement which is investigating them makes the NRA odious to patriot Americans.

An organization being investigated by the FBI for laundering millions of dollars from foreign governments and passing them through to candidates favoured by Vladimir Putin.

Why are you defending this affront to your freedom?

You kidding me right?..NRA is very pro law enforcement ...what world do you live in?:dunno:

the one where the nra is being investigated

you're welcome

investigated?.... the justice dept should be investigating the corruption and abuse of power in the Obama administration

There wasn’t any. Trump lied.

Get your head out of your ass.. .Eric Holder was corrupt..Loretta Lynch was corrupt.. it went all the way up to Obama who let his administration become entangled in the massive corruption of the Clintons....the Clinton made millions selling influance while you liberal nutjobs people are pathetic

If you picture the poster above doing that rant in his front yard, in his pajamas, you get the appropriate context.
It is discrimination to give discounts, and then suddenly yank them and admit it's because you don't want to associate with "those people", yeah.

Would you like to ask the members of the NRA whether or not they feel discriminated against, or does that not matter because they deserve it?

Delta isn’t refusing to do business with NRA members. They’re Refusing to put money in the coffers of an organization which is openly encouraging attacks on law enforcement which is investigating them makes the NRA odious to patriot Americans.

An organization being investigated by the FBI for laundering millions of dollars from foreign governments and passing them through to candidates favoured by Vladimir Putin.

Why are you defending this affront to your freedom?

"Put money in the coffers"? Damn, you have no idea what the topic here is.

Delta wasn't giving donations to the NRA, pinhead. They were giving travel discounts to their members, the same way they give travel discounts to members of the AARP, etc. Didn't put dime one in the NRA's "coffers", since people don't exactly join the NRA to get discounts on stuff, other than maybe at the local gun store.

Actually, Delta does not give blanket discounts to AARP members.

Don't know, don't care, not relevant. Point is, they weren't giving any money to the NRA, and they aren't taking any away from it now. Get with the program.

You are right ,they were not giving money to the NRA and they are not taking it away, yet you statist are still ok with the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to another private company's members. I just truly do not understand how anyone that is not a communist is ok with that.


And a complete lack of desire to let your "if you believe in your principles that I don't share, you must give me whatever I want" line gain any traction.

You decided to blame school shootings on people who had nothing to do with them. It's biting you in the ass. Suck it.
Delta isn’t refusing to do business with NRA members. They’re Refusing to put money in the coffers of an organization which is openly encouraging attacks on law enforcement which is investigating them makes the NRA odious to patriot Americans.

An organization being investigated by the FBI for laundering millions of dollars from foreign governments and passing them through to candidates favoured by Vladimir Putin.

Why are you defending this affront to your freedom?

"Put money in the coffers"? Damn, you have no idea what the topic here is.

Delta wasn't giving donations to the NRA, pinhead. They were giving travel discounts to their members, the same way they give travel discounts to members of the AARP, etc. Didn't put dime one in the NRA's "coffers", since people don't exactly join the NRA to get discounts on stuff, other than maybe at the local gun store.

Actually, Delta does not give blanket discounts to AARP members.

Don't know, don't care, not relevant. Point is, they weren't giving any money to the NRA, and they aren't taking any away from it now. Get with the program.

You are right ,they were not giving money to the NRA and they are not taking it away, yet you statist are still ok with the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to another private company's members. I just truly do not understand how anyone that is not a communist is ok with that.


And a complete lack of desire to let your "if you believe in your principles that I don't share, you must give me whatever I want" line gain any traction.

You decided to blame school shootings on people who had nothing to do with them. It's biting you in the ass. Suck it.

I blamed the school shooting on the guy that pulled the trigger, so I do not know what the fuck you are talking about, and clearly neither do you.

I am sorry that you want to live in a nanny state where the government can force companies to give financial discounts to another company, but I do not want to live in such a country. There are a lot of countries out there like that now, move to one and quit trying to fuck up this one.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it
Don't really care much one way or the other as I am opposed to Corporate Welfare, but why is it suddenly OK for the government to step in to oppose one private group in favor of another private group?

State governments make those tax break deals based on what they believe their constituents want, and what will make their state better according to how their constituents define "better". They always have. This has always been a power states have, as the sovereign states that they are. You are not entitled to those deals, you do not have any right whatsoever to them. And as such, there is no permutation or weaseling you can come up with that means a state government cannot refuse to make those deals for any reason it wants, without violating anyone's rights and without stepping outside of the boundaries of their appropriate power in the slightest. Hell, they can refuse to make a tax break deal with Delta because they don't like Delta's corporate logo, if that's what is blowing their skirts up this week.
"Put money in the coffers"? Damn, you have no idea what the topic here is.

Delta wasn't giving donations to the NRA, pinhead. They were giving travel discounts to their members, the same way they give travel discounts to members of the AARP, etc. Didn't put dime one in the NRA's "coffers", since people don't exactly join the NRA to get discounts on stuff, other than maybe at the local gun store.

Actually, Delta does not give blanket discounts to AARP members.

Don't know, don't care, not relevant. Point is, they weren't giving any money to the NRA, and they aren't taking any away from it now. Get with the program.

You are right ,they were not giving money to the NRA and they are not taking it away, yet you statist are still ok with the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to another private company's members. I just truly do not understand how anyone that is not a communist is ok with that.


And a complete lack of desire to let your "if you believe in your principles that I don't share, you must give me whatever I want" line gain any traction.

You decided to blame school shootings on people who had nothing to do with them. It's biting you in the ass. Suck it.

I blamed the school shooting on the guy that pulled the trigger, so I do not know what the fuck you are talking about, and clearly neither do you.

I am sorry that you want to live in a nanny state where the government can force companies to give financial discounts to another company, but I do not want to live in such a country. There are a lot of countries out there like that now, move to one and quit trying to fuck up this one.

Coming from you, there actually are no words to adequately describe just how little that means.

You don't approve of me. You think I'm not living up to my principles according to what you believe they are. Let me just pencil in some time to not give a shit, somewhere around the 12th of piss off.

Life has consequences. The law does not require that everyone immediately knuckle under to you. Adulthood is tough. Wear a helmet.
Was on the tube a min ago....50 million dollar jet fuel tax exemption could be gone for Delta
that's gonna leave a mark.

It is going to leave a mark on the whole country. The tax break was not just for Delta, it was for all airlines flying out of Georgia. Since I do not think there is an airline that does not fly out of Atlanta, every airline will be affected and every airline will up their ticket prices due to this. All because Delta pulled their discounts for people flying to the NRA convention, which were the only people the discount applied to.
To affect gun laws on people who didn't break any laws to begin with.

You seem worried that innocents will pay due to this decision against delta.

But don't seem to have a problem putting more laws on innocents as if they are the problem.
"Put money in the coffers"? Damn, you have no idea what the topic here is.

Delta wasn't giving donations to the NRA, pinhead. They were giving travel discounts to their members, the same way they give travel discounts to members of the AARP, etc. Didn't put dime one in the NRA's "coffers", since people don't exactly join the NRA to get discounts on stuff, other than maybe at the local gun store.

Actually, Delta does not give blanket discounts to AARP members.

Don't know, don't care, not relevant. Point is, they weren't giving any money to the NRA, and they aren't taking any away from it now. Get with the program.

You are right ,they were not giving money to the NRA and they are not taking it away, yet you statist are still ok with the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to another private company's members. I just truly do not understand how anyone that is not a communist is ok with that.


And a complete lack of desire to let your "if you believe in your principles that I don't share, you must give me whatever I want" line gain any traction.

You decided to blame school shootings on people who had nothing to do with them. It's biting you in the ass. Suck it.

I blamed the school shooting on the guy that pulled the trigger, so I do not know what the fuck you are talking about, and clearly neither do you.

I am sorry that you want to live in a nanny state where the government can force companies to give financial discounts to another company, but I do not want to live in such a country. There are a lot of countries out there like that now, move to one and quit trying to fuck up this one.

It's already fucked up little man and it has been for decades.
The Echelon Program. Carter and FISA, Bush 2 EXPANDING FISA powers. The 4th amendment has been gutted. Hell the AG can get permission to spy in this Nation for up to one year WITHOUT a Warrant.
Every President since Eisenhower has warned of the NWO and secret societies.
We signed over the Nation with the advent of the Federal Reserve.
Our sovereignty has been slowly eroding through the various treaties being signed, NAFTA, CAFTA,TPP and all the rest.
If you want to get a HUGE belly laugh look up Bill Clinton and Treaty on Open Skies.

I could go on and on.
Actually, Delta does not give blanket discounts to AARP members.

Don't know, don't care, not relevant. Point is, they weren't giving any money to the NRA, and they aren't taking any away from it now. Get with the program.

You are right ,they were not giving money to the NRA and they are not taking it away, yet you statist are still ok with the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to another private company's members. I just truly do not understand how anyone that is not a communist is ok with that.


And a complete lack of desire to let your "if you believe in your principles that I don't share, you must give me whatever I want" line gain any traction.

You decided to blame school shootings on people who had nothing to do with them. It's biting you in the ass. Suck it.

I blamed the school shooting on the guy that pulled the trigger, so I do not know what the fuck you are talking about, and clearly neither do you.

I am sorry that you want to live in a nanny state where the government can force companies to give financial discounts to another company, but I do not want to live in such a country. There are a lot of countries out there like that now, move to one and quit trying to fuck up this one.

It's already fucked up little man and it has been for decades.
The Echelon Program. Carter and FISA, Bush 2 EXPANDING FISA powers. The 4th amendment has been gutted. Hell the AG can get permission to spy in this Nation for up to one year WITHOUT a Warrant.
Every President since Eisenhower has warned of the NWO and secret societies.
We signed over the Nation with the advent of the Federal Reserve.
Our sovereignty has been slowly eroding through the various treaties being signed, NAFTA, CAFTA,TPP and all the rest.
If you want to get a HUGE belly laugh look up Bill Clinton and Treaty on Open Skies.

I could go on and on.

And you are happily making it worse. What does that make you?
Was on the tube a min ago....50 million dollar jet fuel tax exemption could be gone for Delta
that's gonna leave a mark.

It is going to leave a mark on the whole country. The tax break was not just for Delta, it was for all airlines flying out of Georgia. Since I do not think there is an airline that does not fly out of Atlanta, every airline will be affected and every airline will up their ticket prices due to this. All because Delta pulled their discounts for people flying to the NRA convention, which were the only people the discount applied to.
To affect gun laws on people who didn't break any laws to begin with.

You seem worried that innocents will pay due to this decision against delta.

But don't seem to have a problem putting more laws on innocents as if they are the problem.

What laws is it that you imagine I have no problem with?
You kidding me right?..NRA is very pro law enforcement ...what world do you live in?:dunno:

the one where the nra is being investigated

you're welcome

investigated?.... the justice dept should be investigating the corruption and abuse of power in the Obama administration

There wasn’t any. Trump lied.

Get your head out of your ass.. .Eric Holder was corrupt..Loretta Lynch was corrupt.. it went all the way up to Obama who let his administration become entangled in the massive corruption of the Clintons....the Clinton made millions selling influance while you liberal nutjobs people are pathetic

If you picture the poster above doing that rant in his front yard, in his pajamas, you get the appropriate context.

You leftist love corruption as long as its your own people are doing it people are sad
that's gonna leave a mark.

It is going to leave a mark on the whole country. The tax break was not just for Delta, it was for all airlines flying out of Georgia. Since I do not think there is an airline that does not fly out of Atlanta, every airline will be affected and every airline will up their ticket prices due to this. All because Delta pulled their discounts for people flying to the NRA convention, which were the only people the discount applied to.
To affect gun laws on people who didn't break any laws to begin with.

You seem worried that innocents will pay due to this decision against delta.

But don't seem to have a problem putting more laws on innocents as if they are the problem.

What laws is it that you imagine I have no problem with?
later on man. you dance around a lot just to you can keep attacking, never talking things to a resolution.
Don't know, don't care, not relevant. Point is, they weren't giving any money to the NRA, and they aren't taking any away from it now. Get with the program.

You are right ,they were not giving money to the NRA and they are not taking it away, yet you statist are still ok with the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to another private company's members. I just truly do not understand how anyone that is not a communist is ok with that.


And a complete lack of desire to let your "if you believe in your principles that I don't share, you must give me whatever I want" line gain any traction.

You decided to blame school shootings on people who had nothing to do with them. It's biting you in the ass. Suck it.

I blamed the school shooting on the guy that pulled the trigger, so I do not know what the fuck you are talking about, and clearly neither do you.

I am sorry that you want to live in a nanny state where the government can force companies to give financial discounts to another company, but I do not want to live in such a country. There are a lot of countries out there like that now, move to one and quit trying to fuck up this one.

It's already fucked up little man and it has been for decades.
The Echelon Program. Carter and FISA, Bush 2 EXPANDING FISA powers. The 4th amendment has been gutted. Hell the AG can get permission to spy in this Nation for up to one year WITHOUT a Warrant.
Every President since Eisenhower has warned of the NWO and secret societies.
We signed over the Nation with the advent of the Federal Reserve.
Our sovereignty has been slowly eroding through the various treaties being signed, NAFTA, CAFTA,TPP and all the rest.
If you want to get a HUGE belly laugh look up Bill Clinton and Treaty on Open Skies.

I could go on and on.

And you are happily making it worse. What does that make you?

I'm watching people like you being played.
Ok, let me see if I understand liberal logic here: It's totally ok for Delta to decide who gets discounts, but it's not totally ok for the Georgia legislature to decide who gets tax breaks. Yeah, uh-huh. More irrational hypocrisy from the left.
damn straight when a business discriminates against its own people. yep, I have no sympathy at fking all.

So, since not giving discounts is now the same thing as discriminating, as a member of the American Legion and the VFW I am feel discriminated against by the NRA who doesn’t give me a discount for being a member of those groups

Sent from my iPhone using
not the same. if you never had one, they didn't take it away from you.

Then that is even worse, at least the NRA members got a discount for a little time.

That damn NRA did not even do that much
well I'd like to know what it is they do exactly that required the pulling of the discount. but lazy people in here can't tell me.
they didn't want to be part of the controversy between NRA folks and the rest of America
and lookie lookie at what they got now. ain't getting the 40 million in fuel adjustments, no tax break. wow just because the NRA did nothing. amazing.

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