Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

So it is discrimination not to give discounts? That is where you want to hang your hat now?

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It is discrimination to give discounts, and then suddenly yank them and admit it's because you don't want to associate with "those people", yeah.

Would you like to ask the members of the NRA whether or not they feel discriminated against, or does that not matter because they deserve it?

Delta isn’t refusing to do business with NRA members. They’re Refusing to put money in the coffers of an organization which is openly encouraging attacks on law enforcement which is investigating them makes the NRA odious to patriot Americans.

An organization being investigated by the FBI for laundering millions of dollars from foreign governments and passing them through to candidates favoured by Vladimir Putin.

Why are you defending this affront to your freedom?

You kidding me right?..NRA is very pro law enforcement ...what world do you live in?:dunno:

the one where the nra is being investigated

you're welcome

investigated?.... the justice dept should be investigating the corruption and abuse of power in the Obama administration

There wasn’t any. Trump lied.
Refusing to give them a tax break unless they discontinue discriminating.

Cite your Constitution requiring states to give tax breaks to anyone.

So it is discrimination not to give discounts? That is where you want to hang your hat now?

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It is discrimination to give discounts, and then suddenly yank them and admit it's because you don't want to associate with "those people", yeah.

Would you like to ask the members of the NRA whether or not they feel discriminated against, or does that not matter because they deserve it?

Delta isn’t refusing to do business with NRA members. They’re Refusing to put money in the coffers of an organization which is openly encouraging attacks on law enforcement which is investigating them makes the NRA odious to patriot Americans.

An organization being investigated by the FBI for laundering millions of dollars from foreign governments and passing them through to candidates favoured by Vladimir Putin.

Why are you defending this affront to your freedom?

"Put money in the coffers"? Damn, you have no idea what the topic here is.

Delta wasn't giving donations to the NRA, pinhead. They were giving travel discounts to their members, the same way they give travel discounts to members of the AARP, etc. Didn't put dime one in the NRA's "coffers", since people don't exactly join the NRA to get discounts on stuff, other than maybe at the local gun store.

She is .....shall we say, intellectually challenged.

I would have gone with "dumber than catshit", but okay.
Refusing to give them a tax break unless they discontinue discriminating.

Cite your Constitution requiring states to give tax breaks to anyone.

So it is discrimination not to give discounts? That is where you want to hang your hat now?

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It is discrimination to give discounts, and then suddenly yank them and admit it's because you don't want to associate with "those people", yeah.

Would you like to ask the members of the NRA whether or not they feel discriminated against, or does that not matter because they deserve it?

Delta isn’t refusing to do business with NRA members. They’re Refusing to put money in the coffers of an organization which is openly encouraging attacks on law enforcement which is investigating them makes the NRA odious to patriot Americans.

An organization being investigated by the FBI for laundering millions of dollars from foreign governments and passing them through to candidates favoured by Vladimir Putin.

Why are you defending this affront to your freedom?

"Put money in the coffers"? Damn, you have no idea what the topic here is.

Delta wasn't giving donations to the NRA, pinhead. They were giving travel discounts to their members, the same way they give travel discounts to members of the AARP, etc. Didn't put dime one in the NRA's "coffers", since people don't exactly join the NRA to get discounts on stuff, other than maybe at the local gun store.

Actually, Delta does not give blanket discounts to AARP members.

Don't know, don't care, not relevant. Point is, they weren't giving any money to the NRA, and they aren't taking any away from it now. Get with the program.
The most embarrassing part of this is that frauds that try and pass themselves off as conservatives cheer this sort of government intrusion.

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damn straight when a business discriminates against its own people. yep, I have no sympathy at fking all.

So, since not giving discounts is now the same thing as discriminating, as a member of the American Legion and the VFW I am feel discriminated against by the NRA who doesn’t give me a discount for being a member of those groups

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Have they ever done so before? Have they in any way indicated that they don't do because of disapproval of those groups? Would I have better luck talking to a wall?

We have now been told that not giving discounts = discrimination. So, the NRA discriminates against the American Legion, you cannot deny this after you claimed that not giving discounts = discrimination

No, you have been told that singling a group of people out because you don't approve of them, or because others don't approve of them and you're too chickenshit to stand up for yourself, is discrimination, your dogged attempts to misinterpret what I've said almost to the point of outright lying notwithstanding.
So it is discrimination not to give discounts? That is where you want to hang your hat now?

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It is discrimination to give discounts, and then suddenly yank them and admit it's because you don't want to associate with "those people", yeah.

Would you like to ask the members of the NRA whether or not they feel discriminated against, or does that not matter because they deserve it?

Delta isn’t refusing to do business with NRA members. They’re Refusing to put money in the coffers of an organization which is openly encouraging attacks on law enforcement which is investigating them makes the NRA odious to patriot Americans.

An organization being investigated by the FBI for laundering millions of dollars from foreign governments and passing them through to candidates favoured by Vladimir Putin.

Why are you defending this affront to your freedom?

"Put money in the coffers"? Damn, you have no idea what the topic here is.

Delta wasn't giving donations to the NRA, pinhead. They were giving travel discounts to their members, the same way they give travel discounts to members of the AARP, etc. Didn't put dime one in the NRA's "coffers", since people don't exactly join the NRA to get discounts on stuff, other than maybe at the local gun store.

Actually, Delta does not give blanket discounts to AARP members.

Don't know, don't care, not relevant. Point is, they weren't giving any money to the NRA, and they aren't taking any away from it now. Get with the program.

You are right ,they were not giving money to the NRA and they are not taking it away, yet you statist are still ok with the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to another private company's members. I just truly do not understand how anyone that is not a communist is ok with that.
Not me little boy, I've yet to meet anyone who can cause me internet anguish.

Well I am glad to know you are not a snowflake like those other liberals crying about my language.

I'm not a Liberal either, nor am I a Republican.

What do you think of the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to a different private company?

That isn't the point. The point is that the discounts were in place, they were removed for political reasons.

Ok, suppose that is the reason they were removed.

The question still you support the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to a different private company

It is a simple yes or no question.

I have no problem with government deciding who to negotiate with or not on a criterion of non-discrimination against their constituents.
The most embarrassing part of this is that frauds that try and pass themselves off as conservatives cheer this sort of government intrusion.

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damn straight when a business discriminates against its own people. yep, I have no sympathy at fking all.

So, since not giving discounts is now the same thing as discriminating, as a member of the American Legion and the VFW I am feel discriminated against by the NRA who doesn’t give me a discount for being a member of those groups

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Have they ever done so before? Have they in any way indicated that they don't do because of disapproval of those groups? Would I have better luck talking to a wall?

We have now been told that not giving discounts = discrimination. So, the NRA discriminates against the American Legion, you cannot deny this after you claimed that not giving discounts = discrimination

No, you have been told that singling a group of people out because you don't approve of them, or because others don't approve of them and you're too chickenshit to stand up for yourself, is discrimination, your dogged attempts to misinterpret what I've said almost to the point of outright lying notwithstanding.

So, which is it? does not giving discounts count as discrimination or not? You cannot have it both ways.
Well I am glad to know you are not a snowflake like those other liberals crying about my language.

I'm not a Liberal either, nor am I a Republican.

What do you think of the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to a different private company?

That isn't the point. The point is that the discounts were in place, they were removed for political reasons.

Ok, suppose that is the reason they were removed.

The question still you support the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to a different private company

It is a simple yes or no question.

I have no problem with government deciding who to negotiate with or not on a criterion of non-discrimination against their constituents.

Then you are are a statist, at the minimum.
No, I suppose if the state of Georgia declined to renew Delta's business license, that would also qualify.

Refusing to give them a break on their taxes? Not so much.

Refusing to give them a break on their taxes UNLESS they do business with the NRA.

Absolutely unconstitutional!!!

Refusing to give them a tax break unless they discontinue discriminating.

Cite your Constitution requiring states to give tax breaks to anyone.

I didn’t realize that the NRA was a protected class. How is refusing to do business with an organization which is under investigation by the FBI for financial crimes and treason “discrimination”?

Refusing to give tax breaks doesn’t violate the Constitution. Making those tax breaks conditional upon the applicant making business arrangements with a private lobbying group, does.

I didn't realize you had to be a "protected class" - aka a professional leftist victim - to experience discrimination. Certainly doesn't show up in my dictionary under the definition.

For someone who probably spends a lot of time manufacturing "outrage" over discrimination, you don't seem to understand it very well.

I'm going to say this one more time, and I would like you to focus every bit of the tiny amount of attention and reading comprehension you have on it. CITE ME THE CONSTITUTION REQUIRING STATES TO GIVE TAX BREAKS TO ANYONE.

If you answer me one more time by simply asserting it as fact, I'm going to either assume that you know you're a lying sack of shit who can't respond, or that you are too pig-stupid to understand words.

I’ve answered the question multiple times. You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.

You have to be terminally stupid to keep asking the same irrelevant question over and over.


I said that that Delta has a constitutional right to freedom of association and that the government cannot refuse to consider the legislation BECAUSE DELTA REFUSES TO GIVE DISCOUNTS TO NRA MEMBERS.

First Amendment freedom of speech and freedom of association.

YOU have to be terminally stupid, because you STILL aren't answering the question. HOW HAVE THEY VIOLATED ANY CONSTITUTION? Delta has no right to tax breaks from the government of any state. No one has prevented them from saying whatever they want, or associating with whomever they want. What the FUCK is the matter with you leftists, that you think you not only have a right to say what you want, but ALSO have a right to never deal with any consequences for it?
That isn't the point. The point is that the discounts were in place, they were removed for political reasons.

Ok, suppose that is the reason they were removed.

The question still you support the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to a different private company

It is a simple yes or no question.

Nope. But this is a different set of circumstances.

So, you don't support it, except for this time because it is for what you think is a good cause? Is that what you are saying? I am starting to think maybe you are a liberal, as only a liberal/statist could support such a move by the government.

You're free to think whatever you wish, it has no bearing on me at all. This is discrimination plain and simple. Lesson? Don't let pussy, emasculated Progressives brow beat you into accepting their demands.

I think perhaps you might want to learn the meaning of discrimination, it does not mean what you seem to think it does.

and now I know that you are at a minimum a statist.

a : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment
b : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually

: concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

There, now you have a twofer, and you can stop talking like an asshole about both of them.
What raw hypocrisy. If a company refused to give Planned Parenthood members a discount, Democratic-controlled legislatures would do whatever they could to take away any tax breaks that company was getting, never mind that Planned Parenthood, unlike the NRA, actually kills thousands of kids each year.

If the GA legislature believes that Delta is treating gun owners unfairly, it has every right to block tax breaks for Delta. It's that simple.
These craphats sent the IRS on to people who supported the tea party.

Fuck them, and fuck everything they say. You can't reason with them, they're fucking schizophrenic. We need to take a clue from Trump and just ignore them as white noise and carry on with doing the right thing while they flap mindlessly.

You do know that non-profit corporations can not legally promote or support a political party do you not. No of course you don’t.

These right wing groups - dozens of them, incorporated with political names and mission statements and the IRS rightfully raised questions about whether or not they were operating within the law.

And the IRS employees doing that questioning were REPUBLICANS.

Why is it that conservatives view any criticism or questions as “attacks”? Talk about screaming snowflakes.

Dear God, you are actually trying to deny/defend the IRS targeting political groups? And you seriously think you're going to have some credibility to play "outraged" because Delta might not get its tax deal?
It is discrimination to give discounts, and then suddenly yank them and admit it's because you don't want to associate with "those people", yeah.

Would you like to ask the members of the NRA whether or not they feel discriminated against, or does that not matter because they deserve it?

Delta isn’t refusing to do business with NRA members. They’re Refusing to put money in the coffers of an organization which is openly encouraging attacks on law enforcement which is investigating them makes the NRA odious to patriot Americans.

An organization being investigated by the FBI for laundering millions of dollars from foreign governments and passing them through to candidates favoured by Vladimir Putin.

Why are you defending this affront to your freedom?

"Put money in the coffers"? Damn, you have no idea what the topic here is.

Delta wasn't giving donations to the NRA, pinhead. They were giving travel discounts to their members, the same way they give travel discounts to members of the AARP, etc. Didn't put dime one in the NRA's "coffers", since people don't exactly join the NRA to get discounts on stuff, other than maybe at the local gun store.

Actually, Delta does not give blanket discounts to AARP members.

Don't know, don't care, not relevant. Point is, they weren't giving any money to the NRA, and they aren't taking any away from it now. Get with the program.

You are right ,they were not giving money to the NRA and they are not taking it away, yet you statist are still ok with the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to another private company's members. I just truly do not understand how anyone that is not a communist is ok with that.

Delta and the NRA have s contractual arrangement. And Delta PAYS a fee to the NRA to get their membership lists.

I worked with a lawyer who had a numbers of sports organizations as clients who entered into similar contracts with various companies.

The corporate entity gets access to membership lists to promote its goods/services and gives members discounts in return. But those membership lists and email addresses have high value and the organizations know it.

I’m trying to find out how much the NRA charged Delta but the reality is this is a huge source of income for LaPierre and company.
Ok, suppose that is the reason they were removed.

The question still you support the government trying to force one private company to give discounts to a different private company

It is a simple yes or no question.

Nope. But this is a different set of circumstances.

So, you don't support it, except for this time because it is for what you think is a good cause? Is that what you are saying? I am starting to think maybe you are a liberal, as only a liberal/statist could support such a move by the government.

You're free to think whatever you wish, it has no bearing on me at all. This is discrimination plain and simple. Lesson? Don't let pussy, emasculated Progressives brow beat you into accepting their demands.

I think perhaps you might want to learn the meaning of discrimination, it does not mean what you seem to think it does.

and now I know that you are at a minimum a statist.

a : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment
b : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually

: concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of a highly centralized government often extending to government ownership of industry

There, now you have a twofer, and you can stop talking like an asshole about both of them.

Thanks for proving me right on both accounts. First, not offering a discount does not fall under the definition of discrimination, so there is none of that.

As for the statism, you are happy with the government exporting economic controls over an individual company, trying to force them to give discounts to a different private company. There really is not much more control you could give the government without handing them the ownership papers.

How would you feel if the government told you company they had to give discounts to mine or you would face consequences?
The crackers in the Georgia legislature may have just taken Atlanta out of the running for Amazon's 2nd headquarters location.
Refusing to give them a tax break unless they discontinue discriminating.

Cite your Constitution requiring states to give tax breaks to anyone.

So it is discrimination not to give discounts? That is where you want to hang your hat now?

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It is discrimination to give discounts, and then suddenly yank them and admit it's because you don't want to associate with "those people", yeah.

Would you like to ask the members of the NRA whether or not they feel discriminated against, or does that not matter because they deserve it?

Delta isn’t refusing to do business with NRA members. They’re Refusing to put money in the coffers of an organization which is openly encouraging attacks on law enforcement which is investigating them makes the NRA odious to patriot Americans.

An organization being investigated by the FBI for laundering millions of dollars from foreign governments and passing them through to candidates favoured by Vladimir Putin.

Why are you defending this affront to your freedom?

"Put money in the coffers"? Damn, you have no idea what the topic here is.

Delta wasn't giving donations to the NRA, pinhead. They were giving travel discounts to their members, the same way they give travel discounts to members of the AARP, etc. Didn't put dime one in the NRA's "coffers", since people don't exactly join the NRA to get discounts on stuff, other than maybe at the local gun store.

Delta has a contractual agreement with the NRA. Delta PAYS A FEE to the NRA for the right to give discounts. Delta doesn’t get to promote itself to NRA members for free.

Every time you post you embarrass yourself with your lack of education or even common sense.

I shall await with fascination your source for this.
It is discrimination to give discounts, and then suddenly yank them and admit it's because you don't want to associate with "those people", yeah.

Would you like to ask the members of the NRA whether or not they feel discriminated against, or does that not matter because they deserve it?

Delta isn’t refusing to do business with NRA members. They’re Refusing to put money in the coffers of an organization which is openly encouraging attacks on law enforcement which is investigating them makes the NRA odious to patriot Americans.

An organization being investigated by the FBI for laundering millions of dollars from foreign governments and passing them through to candidates favoured by Vladimir Putin.

Why are you defending this affront to your freedom?

You kidding me right?..NRA is very pro law enforcement ...what world do you live in?:dunno:

the one where the nra is being investigated

you're welcome

investigated?.... the justice dept should be investigating the corruption and abuse of power in the Obama administration

There wasn’t any. Trump lied.

Get your head out of your ass.. .Eric Holder was corrupt..Loretta Lynch was corrupt.. it went all the way up to Obama who let his administration become entangled in the massive corruption of the Clintons....the Clinton made millions selling influance while you liberal nutjobs people are pathetic
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it
Don't really care much one way or the other as I am opposed to Corporate Welfare, but why is it suddenly OK for the government to step in to oppose one private group in favor of another private group?

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