Georgia state legislator arrested for insurrection. She tried to go into governors office and stop democratic process!

"Georgia state troopers arrested state Rep. Park Cannon on Thursday as she knocked on Gov. Brian Kemp’s door, interrupting his livestreamed announcement that he had signed an elections bill into law. The officers forcibly removed Cannon, a Democrat from Atlanta, dragging her through the Capitol and pushing her into a police car. She was charged with obstruction of law enforcement and disrupting General Assembly sessions -- Cannon knocked on Kemp’s office door, saying the public should be allowed to witness the announcement of the bill signing."
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This woman should have been charged with domestic terrorism and insurrection because her and her gang of black thugs stormed the state Capitol; assaulted police officers, tried to break into a private proceeding and stop the lawful operation of government. What did this whore think she was gonna do? Stop the Governor from signing a bill into law?? Not just any bill, but a very very important GOP bill that has 30% approval from Georgia voters; which is basically majority support; if you exclude everyone else....which is kind of the point of the bill.....

However, the best part of the bill and what I hope goes nationwide (except in states were Democrats control the legislature) is the part of the bill that allows state legislatures to throw out the results of elections they don't like...I mean technically, voters should decide elections -- but that's only if not too many darkies vote; unless they vote for the Republican candidate -- if not, then of course that's fraud.
The darkie vote is a big problem in Georgia. The GOP only has two options in my opinion. Option 1 is stopping these types from voting. The issues can be very complicated and its probably better that uninformed opinions are discounted. Perhaps consideration should also be given to other groups like women and the unemployed.

Lets face it, some moocher digging through the trash for his lunch is unlikely to have anything of value to add to the debate.

Option 2 would be crafting policies that attract these people to vote Gop. Obviously that would be a last resort and would risk alienating their core voters.

They have my sympathies.
Don't you white motherfuckers know by now......the black voter is the most powerful vote in the country and knowing that...nothing you white fucks can do, will do and have done is gonna stop us....Georgia has changed and you white fucks best get with reality.....Jim Crow is now an Jim Eagle, watch us sore next election!!LOLOL

Ummm ... no.

Non-Hispanic White Americans make up the largest share of registered voters in the U.S., at 69% of the total as of 2019. Hispanic and Black registered voters each account for 11% of the total, while those from other racial or ethnic backgrounds account for the remainder (8%).
But 99% of these desperate Republican voting and election policies are aimed at suppressing less than 10% of voters.....

You have to have some really unpopular sucky policies to know you can't win against those kind of odds....
If you need to buy voters with gifts within 25 feet from a poll, then you shouldn't win the election.

Any arrests made??

Or is this just more shit pulled out of your ass to cope with the fact your side lost.........

Is this just more shit you pulled out of your ass to try to hide the fact that the idea of high voter turnout scares you conservatives shitless....

You know its bad when even folks on Fox News have to say this....

"Republicans want to limit the number of people voting,” Rivera said. “Democrats want everyone to vote. “In Ohio, my home state as you know, Brian [Kilmeade], we led absentee ballot vote,” Rivera said. “We had drop boxes and, yet, Donald Trump won decisively by nine points. Republicans can compete. They shouldn't be afraid of it"

Why are you conservatives so afraid?? Is it because your policies suck??
No, the law was just signed into place yesterday...geez....why would anyone of been arrested prior to it? Are you not even paying attention to the topic?
Your belief that giving someone water who is standing in line is buying a vote is what I am referring you dumb asses are going to be trying to justify how making a black voter guess how many jelly beans are in the jar is about voter the good ole days...

How much time should these little girls be facing in your world??

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well you asked if anyone had been arrested...not sure how they can be if the law isn't even 24 hours old

that's a great picture....I encourage kids, and people to do such things....what's your point?

The law only forbids campaigns from giving out gifts 25 feet from the polls....most states, at least mine, has restrictions on how close campaigns can come to polling stations already..mine does.

The fact of the matter is the left is intentionally misleading people about the law...propagandist...and folks like yourself are eating it up.

"Georgia state troopers arrested state Rep. Park Cannon on Thursday as she knocked on Gov. Brian Kemp’s door, interrupting his livestreamed announcement that he had signed an elections bill into law. The officers forcibly removed Cannon, a Democrat from Atlanta, dragging her through the Capitol and pushing her into a police car. She was charged with obstruction of law enforcement and disrupting General Assembly sessions -- Cannon knocked on Kemp’s office door, saying the public should be allowed to witness the announcement of the bill signing."
View attachment 472470
This woman should have been charged with domestic terrorism and insurrection because her and her gang of black thugs stormed the state Capitol; assaulted police officers, tried to break into a private proceeding and stop the lawful operation of government. What did this whore think she was gonna do? Stop the Governor from signing a bill into law?? Not just any bill, but a very very important GOP bill that has 30% approval from Georgia voters; which is basically majority support; if you exclude everyone else....which is kind of the point of the bill.....

However, the best part of the bill and what I hope goes nationwide (except in states were Democrats control the legislature) is the part of the bill that allows state legislatures to throw out the results of elections they don't like...I mean technically, voters should decide elections -- but that's only if not too many darkies vote; unless they vote for the Republican candidate -- if not, then of course that's fraud.

NANCY PELOSI: “It is my right to seat and unseat any member of Congress I want”
Here, I'll help you out....because I already know where it came from.....

wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the next manufactured Republican outrage cause of the can only get so much out of whining about Dr. Seuss....

Did Dr. Seuss offend you? Honest question. I know You’re weak and easily offended

No, he didn't offend me.....I never read the book that had this picture in probably hadn't either.....

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However, me nor you made the decision to pull that book from publication.....the publishers of Dr. Seuss come you ain't whining like a bitch about them??

Don’t care. To me if you don’t want to read the book don’t buy it. Publishers pulled it because of whining from bitches on the left aka the easily offended woke mob. Like you. Waaa waaa I am oppressed. That’s all I see when I read your posts.

No, they pulled it because they want to make money....

If they felt these books were selling like hot-cakes -- they wouldn't have pulled them.....

As I said before...yo goofy ass had no idea those 6 books are not alone....which is why it was an easy decision for them to pull it

Why do you hate the free market?

Nope. They pulled them because of the easily offended prancing Nancy boys (you) bitching. I don't care. My point is that it is a slippery slope.

I love the free market and pretty sure they will eventually bring the books back once the Woke era is in the past. Why are you so easily offended?
the GOP is smart to just make it legal to just overrule voters and pick the winner on their own
the irony
Not really.....

Unless yo goofy ass is thinking Trump had the election stolen from him by other Republican legislatures....but then again, you are a you will probably say some bitch shit
Good lord, you are a fucking idiot.
Yeah, so no. There is no reason to insult innocent fucking idiots. Biff is much much lower.
Yet and still all these far right-wing racist Republican zealots of USMB always bring up "voter ID" whenever the topic of voter suppression is brought up.

"Georgia state troopers arrested state Rep. Park Cannon on Thursday as she knocked on Gov. Brian Kemp’s door, interrupting his livestreamed announcement that he had signed an elections bill into law. The officers forcibly removed Cannon, a Democrat from Atlanta, dragging her through the Capitol and pushing her into a police car. She was charged with obstruction of law enforcement and disrupting General Assembly sessions -- Cannon knocked on Kemp’s office door, saying the public should be allowed to witness the announcement of the bill signing."
View attachment 472470
This woman should have been charged with domestic terrorism and insurrection because her and her gang of black thugs stormed the state Capitol; assaulted police officers, tried to break into a private proceeding and stop the lawful operation of government. What did this whore think she was gonna do? Stop the Governor from signing a bill into law?? Not just any bill, but a very very important GOP bill that has 30% approval from Georgia voters; which is basically majority support; if you exclude everyone else....which is kind of the point of the bill.....

However, the best part of the bill and what I hope goes nationwide (except in states were Democrats control the legislature) is the part of the bill that allows state legislatures to throw out the results of elections they don't like...I mean technically, voters should decide elections -- but that's only if not too many darkies vote; unless they vote for the Republican candidate -- if not, then of course that's fraud.
Oops....I thought I was on USMB, and clicked on Stormfront by accident.

"Georgia state troopers arrested state Rep. Park Cannon on Thursday as she knocked on Gov. Brian Kemp’s door, interrupting his livestreamed announcement that he had signed an elections bill into law. The officers forcibly removed Cannon, a Democrat from Atlanta, dragging her through the Capitol and pushing her into a police car. She was charged with obstruction of law enforcement and disrupting General Assembly sessions -- Cannon knocked on Kemp’s office door, saying the public should be allowed to witness the announcement of the bill signing."
View attachment 472470
This woman should have been charged with domestic terrorism and insurrection because her and her gang of black thugs stormed the state Capitol; assaulted police officers, tried to break into a private proceeding and stop the lawful operation of government. What did this whore think she was gonna do? Stop the Governor from signing a bill into law?? Not just any bill, but a very very important GOP bill that has 30% approval from Georgia voters; which is basically majority support; if you exclude everyone else....which is kind of the point of the bill.....

However, the best part of the bill and what I hope goes nationwide (except in states were Democrats control the legislature) is the part of the bill that allows state legislatures to throw out the results of elections they don't like...I mean technically, voters should decide elections -- but that's only if not too many darkies vote; unless they vote for the Republican candidate -- if not, then of course that's fraud.

In my opinion her arrest was going to happen, so nothing much can be done about that...

As for the law the USSC might toss it but let see first...
It won't be tossed....when that law and others like it across the country become instrumental in Trump and Candace Owen's 2024 election victory (or maybe he will pick Scott Baio as VP).....The 6 conservative justices on the Supreme court will do the right thing.....and apologize to Trump for not doing it sooner....

You're losing it, man. Come back when you're sober. Get better...

"Georgia state troopers arrested state Rep. Park Cannon on Thursday as she knocked on Gov. Brian Kemp’s door, interrupting his livestreamed announcement that he had signed an elections bill into law. The officers forcibly removed Cannon, a Democrat from Atlanta, dragging her through the Capitol and pushing her into a police car. She was charged with obstruction of law enforcement and disrupting General Assembly sessions -- Cannon knocked on Kemp’s office door, saying the public should be allowed to witness the announcement of the bill signing."
View attachment 472470
This woman should have been charged with domestic terrorism and insurrection because her and her gang of black thugs stormed the state Capitol; assaulted police officers, tried to break into a private proceeding and stop the lawful operation of government. What did this whore think she was gonna do? Stop the Governor from signing a bill into law?? Not just any bill, but a very very important GOP bill that has 30% approval from Georgia voters; which is basically majority support; if you exclude everyone else....which is kind of the point of the bill.....

However, the best part of the bill and what I hope goes nationwide (except in states were Democrats control the legislature) is the part of the bill that allows state legislatures to throw out the results of elections they don't like...I mean technically, voters should decide elections -- but that's only if not too many darkies vote; unless they vote for the Republican candidate -- if not, then of course that's fraud.
The darkie vote is a big problem in Georgia. The GOP only has two options in my opinion. Option 1 is stopping these types from voting. The issues can be very complicated and its probably better that uninformed opinions are discounted. Perhaps consideration should also be given to other groups like women and the unemployed.

Lets face it, some moocher digging through the trash for his lunch is unlikely to have anything of value to add to the debate.

Option 2 would be crafting policies that attract these people to vote Gop. Obviously that would be a last resort and would risk alienating their core voters.

They have my sympathies.
Don't you white motherfuckers know by now......the black voter is the most powerful vote in the country and knowing that...nothing you white fucks can do, will do and have done is gonna stop us....Georgia has changed and you white fucks best get with reality.....Jim Crow is now an Jim Eagle, watch us sore next election!!LOLOL

Can't wait to watch you Wakandans "sore". LOL!
They made it illegal to give water to people waiting in line to vote. Care to explain that one? There can be only one explanation but I've yet to hear anyone make the attempt at justification.
I will be glad to go to Georgia to hand out water and food in a proud act of civil disobedience.
.....violence/violating/DISOBEYING legal orders/etc is their wonder it's self destructive and their communities are shitholes = undeniable

You are right, because we didn't see any violence/violating/disobeying legal orders when all those white folks stormed the Capitol on Jan 6.
They certainly weren't violent like knocking on the door violent. How can the whitie righties endure such violence as a black woman knocking on a door? Oh the humanity! They need to buy more guns to protect their delicate little selves.
She was released without charges BTW.

Which tells you all you need to know about how legal that arrest was.
Don’t care. To me if you don’t want to read the book don’t buy it. Publishers pulled it because of whining from bitches on the left aka the easily offended woke mob. Like you. Waaa waaa I am oppressed. That’s all I see when I read your posts.
I'm calling your BS. Post a link with proof of what you just stated liar.
Don’t care. To me if you don’t want to read the book don’t buy it. Publishers pulled it because of whining from bitches on the left aka the easily offended woke mob. Like you. Waaa waaa I am oppressed. That’s all I see when I read your posts.
I'm calling your BS. Post a link with proof of what you just stated liar.
Paul Pierce played for the Celtics. Should I post a link or is that common knowledge. If you admit you're stupid I'll post a link.

You and Biff should form a "I am victim" club or "Whiners Anonymous"
Paul Pierce played for the Celtics. Should I post a link or is that common knowledge. If you admit you're stupid I'll post a link.

You and Biff should form a "I am victim" club or "Whiners Anonymous"
Certified USMB Republican liar here folks.

Read it and weep.
Paul Pierce played for the Celtics. Should I post a link or is that common knowledge. If you admit you're stupid I'll post a link.

You and Biff should form a "I am victim" club or "Whiners Anonymous"
Certified USMB Republican liar here folks.

Read it and weep.
Independent and I gave you the option. Why won't you take it? Admit you're a moron who doesn't follow the news and I will gladly post a link. I am a bigger minority than you, loser, so don't play your stupid ass victim card with me. You also have dementia. I have told you 100x that I will never, have never and currently do not belong to any party. See if you can process that.

"Georgia state troopers arrested state Rep. Park Cannon on Thursday as she knocked on Gov. Brian Kemp’s door, interrupting his livestreamed announcement that he had signed an elections bill into law. The officers forcibly removed Cannon, a Democrat from Atlanta, dragging her through the Capitol and pushing her into a police car. She was charged with obstruction of law enforcement and disrupting General Assembly sessions -- Cannon knocked on Kemp’s office door, saying the public should be allowed to witness the announcement of the bill signing."
View attachment 472470
This woman should have been charged with domestic terrorism and insurrection because her and her gang of black thugs stormed the state Capitol; assaulted police officers, tried to break into a private proceeding and stop the lawful operation of government. What did this whore think she was gonna do? Stop the Governor from signing a bill into law?? Not just any bill, but a very very important GOP bill that has 30% approval from Georgia voters; which is basically majority support; if you exclude everyone else....which is kind of the point of the bill.....

However, the best part of the bill and what I hope goes nationwide (except in states were Democrats control the legislature) is the part of the bill that allows state legislatures to throw out the results of elections they don't like...I mean technically, voters should decide elections -- but that's only if not too many darkies vote; unless they vote for the Republican candidate -- if not, then of course that's fraud.
The darkie vote is a big problem in Georgia. The GOP only has two options in my opinion. Option 1 is stopping these types from voting. The issues can be very complicated and its probably better that uninformed opinions are discounted. Perhaps consideration should also be given to other groups like women and the unemployed.

Lets face it, some moocher digging through the trash for his lunch is unlikely to have anything of value to add to the debate.

Option 2 would be crafting policies that attract these people to vote Gop. Obviously that would be a last resort and would risk alienating their core voters.

They have my sympathies.
Piece of Nazi Bat Shit.

"Georgia state troopers arrested state Rep. Park Cannon on Thursday as she knocked on Gov. Brian Kemp’s door, interrupting his livestreamed announcement that he had signed an elections bill into law. The officers forcibly removed Cannon, a Democrat from Atlanta, dragging her through the Capitol and pushing her into a police car. She was charged with obstruction of law enforcement and disrupting General Assembly sessions -- Cannon knocked on Kemp’s office door, saying the public should be allowed to witness the announcement of the bill signing."
View attachment 472470
This woman should have been charged with domestic terrorism and insurrection because her and her gang of black thugs stormed the state Capitol; assaulted police officers, tried to break into a private proceeding and stop the lawful operation of government. What did this whore think she was gonna do? Stop the Governor from signing a bill into law?? Not just any bill, but a very very important GOP bill that has 30% approval from Georgia voters; which is basically majority support; if you exclude everyone else....which is kind of the point of the bill.....

However, the best part of the bill and what I hope goes nationwide (except in states were Democrats control the legislature) is the part of the bill that allows state legislatures to throw out the results of elections they don't like...I mean technically, voters should decide elections -- but that's only if not too many darkies vote; unless they vote for the Republican candidate -- if not, then of course that's fraud.
I have absolutely no sympathy for the ppl of Ga. ESPECIALLY THEIR BLACK CITIZENS....these legislators don't just wake up one morning with political titles, they're voted into office and decades black and hispanic voters have allowed white people to hold that state hostiage. IF YOU WANT CHANGE, GOTDAMNIT VOTE....YOU PROVED THESE LAST 2 ELECTIONS...YOU HAVE THE PEOPLE TO DO IT!!
Change is not massive tax increases on the peasants as to transfer the stolen gains to other areas. Those pesky taxes keep increasing and increasing more as the intended promoted results just never happen and the blame keeps on coming.
They made it illegal to give water to people waiting in line to vote. Care to explain that one? There can be only one explanation but I've yet to hear anyone make the attempt at justification.
Does CostCo give water to people waiting on line to enter?
If you can’t go half an hour without H2O, go back to the nursing home.

"Georgia state troopers arrested state Rep. Park Cannon on Thursday as she knocked on Gov. Brian Kemp’s door, interrupting his livestreamed announcement that he had signed an elections bill into law. The officers forcibly removed Cannon, a Democrat from Atlanta, dragging her through the Capitol and pushing her into a police car. She was charged with obstruction of law enforcement and disrupting General Assembly sessions -- Cannon knocked on Kemp’s office door, saying the public should be allowed to witness the announcement of the bill signing."
View attachment 472470
This woman should have been charged with domestic terrorism and insurrection because her and her gang of black thugs stormed the state Capitol; assaulted police officers, tried to break into a private proceeding and stop the lawful operation of government. What did this whore think she was gonna do? Stop the Governor from signing a bill into law?? Not just any bill, but a very very important GOP bill that has 30% approval from Georgia voters; which is basically majority support; if you exclude everyone else....which is kind of the point of the bill.....

However, the best part of the bill and what I hope goes nationwide (except in states were Democrats control the legislature) is the part of the bill that allows state legislatures to throw out the results of elections they don't like...I mean technically, voters should decide elections -- but that's only if not too many darkies vote; unless they vote for the Republican candidate -- if not, then of course that's fraud.
The darkie vote is a big problem in Georgia. The GOP only has two options in my opinion. Option 1 is stopping these types from voting. The issues can be very complicated and its probably better that uninformed opinions are discounted. Perhaps consideration should also be given to other groups like women and the unemployed.

Lets face it, some moocher digging through the trash for his lunch is unlikely to have anything of value to add to the debate.

Option 2 would be crafting policies that attract these people to vote Gop. Obviously that would be a last resort and would risk alienating their core voters.

They have my sympathies.
Don't you white motherfuckers know by now......the black voter is the most powerful vote in the country and knowing that...nothing you white fucks can do, will do and have done is gonna stop us....Georgia has changed and you white fucks best get with reality.....Jim Crow is now an Jim Eagle, watch us sore next election!!LOLOL

Ummm ... no.

Non-Hispanic White Americans make up the largest share of registered voters in the U.S., at 69% of the total as of 2019. Hispanic and Black registered voters each account for 11% of the total, while those from other racial or ethnic backgrounds account for the remainder (8%).
But 99% of these desperate Republican voting and election policies are aimed at suppressing less than 10% of voters.....

You have to have some really unpopular sucky policies to know you can't win against those kind of odds....
Republican voters want to stop the cheating

the only new law in Georgia that is questionable to me is the prohibition of handing out snacks and water to voters standing in line

but even that applies to both blacks and whites
There is no widespread voter fraud........

Was there widespread voter fraud 40 years ago when the so-called father of the right wing movement said this??

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Was there "wide spread voter fraud" when conservatives were trying to justify stopping women from voting??

Conservatives have ALWAYS been against high voter participation...ALWAYS......and they will ALWAYS try to find a way to dress it up as "Oh, we are just trying to stop voter fraud" -- then end up being the main ones committing it....

Its apparent you talk bs long enough and often, white brain dead fucks will suck it up with straws...never seen so much ignorance and stupid in one race in my life. These maggots know good and gotdamn well, the nation, the world was fuckin tired of Trump and was simply counting down the days this bitch was history, now Ga. needs to step up and take back their state.

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