Gerald Celente: Banks robbing the people, riots worldwide


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
[ame=]YouTube - Gerald Celente: Banks robbing the people[/ame]
He's right.

Some Banksters are robbing the world.

Nobody much cared until their organized criminal robbery was so egregious and pervasive that it threatened to topple the economic order worldwide.
There's a recent Pew Research poll on US opinions of socialism versus capitalism that might be troubling to some bankers and others.

"Yes, 'capitalism' is still viewed positively by a majority of Americans. But it is just by a bare majority. Only 52% of all Americans react positively. Thirty-seven percent have a negative reaction and the rest aren't sure."

Similar results have shown up in a Rasmussen sampling from one year ago which showed only 53% of Americans described capitalism as "superior" to socialism.

A 2010 Gallup poll found 37% of all Americans preferring socialism to capitalism.

The Bad News for the Bankers comes when you examine a key sub-group:

The Millennial Generation, those between 18-30, in the Pew poll 43% prefer capitalism compared to an identical 43% who favor socialism.

Have rich Wall Street bankers just launched what Marx, Lenin, and Engles never could?

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