Geraldo: Low down dirty absolutely false to claim Trump has mental health issues

Geraldo: “Low Down Dirty, Absolutely False” To Claim Trump Has Mental Health Issues
Having spent time with Donald Trump both before and after he became president, Geraldo Rivera told Fox and Friends that it was “low down dirty” and “absolutely false” to claim that Trump has mental health issues.

At least someone in the media sees what is going on and isn't falling victim to the bs being pushed out there.

most people can tell there's something wrong with him. and that includes the complicit GOP that covers for him.

stop reading garbage

Most people who are themselves morons who sip MSM swill with relish have something wrong with them. Look in the mirror sweetie.

Much butthurt in this thread there is. Usually goes with self-delusion being called out for what it is.
It ain't no secret Rump is mentally scrambled. Everybody in the world knows that. And he's gone to great lengths to make sure everybody knows it.

Rump is already the go-to obvious example for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in psychology. He's a walking oozing list of DSM-5 traits.

In other news, apparently water is wet. Maybe somebody should tell Geraldo before it rains and he has to act surprised and call it "low down dirty".
You are so full of it, your eyes are brown,
You and the never Trumper Joy Behar need some real help.
Show me one, just on Psychiatrist, who as ACTUALLY SPOKEN with Trump that will say he is mentally incompetent!
Otherwise take your Hillary loving ass back to the coal mines where you belong.

My my, cue the butthurt from the self-deluders.

Mayo Clinic: Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:

  • Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
  • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerate achievements and talents
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
  • Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
  • Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them
  • Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
  • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office
At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:

  • Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
  • Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
  • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
  • Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
  • Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
  • Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
  • Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation

"DSM-5" means the subject needs to exhibit any five of the traits. Exhibiting ALL of them is, for purpose of example, a gold mine. Or if you like an orange mine.

Been posting this for 2 years now while y'all sheep bleat :lalala: and pretend it doesn't sound like anybody.

Baaa.... baaaa....
That can apply to Obama too, Pogo. And if you can't/won't admit that..well......

Nope, don't see it. O'bama can take a criticism or joke about himself. Rump can't. LITERALLY can't. O'bama also never made shit up like "biggest electoral vote since Reagan" or "three million illegals voted" because he couldn't handle the reality. O'bama never mocked a reporter's disability because the reporter wouldn't lie to back up his fabrication fantasy. O'bama never put down veterans with "I like people who weren't captured OK" or disparaged his rival with "little Marco" or started whining about "blood coming out of her wherever" or "she was bleeding badly from a facelift" or talked about the size of his dick on national TV. NOBODY does that shit.

Nobody --- in the world, not just politics --- has a more bloated, insecure, arrested, eggshell-thin, desperate-for-attention ego than Donald J. Rump. No. One. Not even close. It's a level never even attempted before except as a comedy act. This is not comedy any more.
Geraldo: “Low Down Dirty, Absolutely False” To Claim Trump Has Mental Health Issues
Having spent time with Donald Trump both before and after he became president, Geraldo Rivera told Fox and Friends that it was “low down dirty” and “absolutely false” to claim that Trump has mental health issues.

At least someone in the media sees what is going on and isn't falling victim to the bs being pushed out there.

Geraldo, has studied mental health? He’s an expert? Geraldo?
It took my wife ten years to get her PhD in Psychology. And with no sustained education or experience, Geraldo is a trusted expert on the subject? Man, you clowns just keep on displaying your place in the World of Alternative Facts! :happy-1:

I have found that people who study mental health 'issues' typically have personal mental health problems.
It ain't no secret Rump is mentally scrambled. Everybody in the world knows that. And he's gone to great lengths to make sure everybody knows it.

Rump is already the go-to obvious example for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in psychology. He's a walking oozing list of DSM-5 traits.

In other news, apparently water is wet. Maybe somebody should tell Geraldo before it rains and he has to act surprised and call it "low down dirty".
You're a medical doctor? A psychic? An asshole?

>> only one is true <<<
There has been a book written with analysis from numerous psychiatrists outlining Trump's mental health.

“Collectively with our coauthors, we warn that anyone as mentally unstable as Mr. Trump simply should not be entrusted with the life-and-death powers of the presidency,”

It has the opinions of 27 psychiatrists. We don't need to listen to Geraldo.

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump | Bandy X. Lee | Macmillan
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It ain't no secret Rump is mentally scrambled. Everybody in the world knows that. And he's gone to great lengths to make sure everybody knows it.

Rump is already the go-to obvious example for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in psychology. He's a walking oozing list of DSM-5 traits.

In other news, apparently water is wet. Maybe somebody should tell Geraldo before it rains and he has to act surprised and call it "low down dirty".

Bullshit he acts like every other blue collar guy I know..

Put yourself in his position he is so hard to keep his campaign promises and is being constantly attacked from snowflakes like you who call him every name in the book..then you cry like a little girl when he fights back.

Trump is the first president to fight back and you can't handle it , the press and comedy shows made fun of

Ford... He didn't fight back

Jimmy Carter ..he didn't fight back

Ronnie..he fought back a little

Bush Sr.. didn't fight back

Bill.. didn't fight back

Bush jr.. didn't fight back

Obama .. didn't fight back

Trump ...fights back and you can't handle it
It ain't no secret Rump is mentally scrambled. Everybody in the world knows that. And he's gone to great lengths to make sure everybody knows it.

Rump is already the go-to obvious example for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in psychology. He's a walking oozing list of DSM-5 traits.

In other news, apparently water is wet. Maybe somebody should tell Geraldo before it rains and he has to act surprised and call it "low down dirty".
You're a medical doctor? A psychic? An asshole?

>> only one is true <<<
There has been a book written with analysis from numerous psychiatrists outlining Trump's mental health.

“Collectively with our coauthors, we warn that anyone as mentally unstable as Mr. Trump simply should not be entrusted with the life-and-death powers of the presidency,”

It has the opinions of 27 psychiatrists. We don't need to listen to Geraldo.

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump | Bandy X. Lee | Macmillan

Goldwater rule Trump should sue them for slander...

The Goldwater rule is the informal name given to Section 7 in the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics that states it is unethical for psychiatrists to give a professional opinion about public figures they have not examined in person, and from whom they have not obtained consent to ...
Goldwater rule - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Goldwater_rule

It ain't no secret Rump is mentally scrambled. Everybody in the world knows that. And he's gone to great lengths to make sure everybody knows it.

Rump is already the go-to obvious example for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in psychology. He's a walking oozing list of DSM-5 traits.

In other news, apparently water is wet. Maybe somebody should tell Geraldo before it rains and he has to act surprised and call it "low down dirty".
You are so full of it, your eyes are brown,
You and the never Trumper Joy Behar need some real help.
Show me one, just on Psychiatrist, who as ACTUALLY SPOKEN with Trump that will say he is mentally incompetent!
Otherwise take your Hillary loving ass back to the coal mines where you belong.

My my, cue the butthurt from the self-deluders.

Mayo Clinic: Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:

  • Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
  • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerate achievements and talents
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
  • Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
  • Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them
  • Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
  • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office
At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:

  • Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
  • Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
  • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
  • Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
  • Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
  • Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
  • Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation

"DSM-5" means the subject needs to exhibit any five of the traits. Exhibiting ALL of them is, for purpose of example, a gold mine. Or if you like an orange mine.

Been posting this for 2 years now while y'all sheep bleat :lalala: and pretend it doesn't sound like anybody.

Baaa.... baaaa....
That can apply to Obama too, Pogo. And if you can't/won't admit that..well......

Nope, don't see it. O'bama can take a criticism or joke about himself. Rump can't. LITERALLY can't. O'bama also never made shit up like "biggest electoral vote since Reagan" or "three million illegals voted" because he couldn't handle the reality. O'bama never mocked a reporter's disability because the reporter wouldn't lie to back up his fabrication fantasy. O'bama never put down veterans with "I like people who weren't captured OK" or disparaged his rival with "little Marco" or started whining about "blood coming out of her wherever" or "she was bleeding badly from a facelift" or talked about the size of his dick on national TV. NOBODY does that shit.

Nobody --- in the world, not just politics --- has a more bloated, insecure, arrested, eggshell-thin, desperate-for-attention ego than Donald J. Rump. No. One. Not even close. It's a level never even attempted before except as a comedy act. This is not comedy any more.


The Democrats had MSM in their palm it took Russia to tell the truth about the corrupt DNC and Hillary.
Geraldo is a first generation Puerto Rican American. His parents are from Puerto Rico. He should be speaking up for the people of Puerto Rico against what Trump has done to them, not defending the Orange Clown's mental health. As well, Rivera is no authority on mental health and apparently blind as he doesn't appear to see what most of the world sees--Trump's obvious mental health issues.
Geraldo: “Low Down Dirty, Absolutely False” To Claim Trump Has Mental Health Issues
Having spent time with Donald Trump both before and after he became president, Geraldo Rivera told Fox and Friends that it was “low down dirty” and “absolutely false” to claim that Trump has mental health issues.

At least someone in the media sees what is going on and isn't falling victim to the bs being pushed out there.

most people can tell there's something wrong with him. and that includes the complicit GOP that covers for him.

stop reading garbage

Most people who are themselves morons who sip MSM swill with relish have something wrong with them. Look in the mirror sweetie.

Much butthurt in this thread there is. Usually goes with self-delusion being called out for what it is.

the meltdown of the trumptards.... lol
It ain't no secret Rump is mentally scrambled. Everybody in the world knows that. And he's gone to great lengths to make sure everybody knows it.

Rump is already the go-to obvious example for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in psychology. He's a walking oozing list of DSM-5 traits.

In other news, apparently water is wet. Maybe somebody should tell Geraldo before it rains and he has to act surprised and call it "low down dirty".

Bullshit he acts like every other blue collar guy I know..

Put yourself in his position he is so hard to keep his campaign promises and is being constantly attacked from snowflakes like you who call him every name in the book..then you cry like a little girl when he fights back.

Trump is the first president to fight back and you can't handle it , the press and comedy shows made fun of

Ford... He didn't fight back

Jimmy Carter ..he didn't fight back

Ronnie..he fought back a little

Bush Sr.. didn't fight back

Bill.. didn't fight back

Bush jr.. didn't fight back

Obama .. didn't fight back

Trump ...fights back and you can't handle it
Trump fights like a little girl

Whining like a bitch on Twitter, making up silly names, lying to prove he is right

Now, Nixon knew how to fight back
Nixon would fuck you over
It ain't no secret Rump is mentally scrambled. Everybody in the world knows that. And he's gone to great lengths to make sure everybody knows it.

Rump is already the go-to obvious example for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in psychology. He's a walking oozing list of DSM-5 traits.

In other news, apparently water is wet. Maybe somebody should tell Geraldo before it rains and he has to act surprised and call it "low down dirty".
You're a medical doctor? A psychic? An asshole?

>> only one is true <<<
There has been a book written with analysis from numerous psychiatrists outlining Trump's mental health.

“Collectively with our coauthors, we warn that anyone as mentally unstable as Mr. Trump simply should not be entrusted with the life-and-death powers of the presidency,”

It has the opinions of 27 psychiatrists. We don't need to listen to Geraldo.

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump | Bandy X. Lee | Macmillan

Only in an internet backalley like this would posters amble in with a straight face dismissing the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-5 criteria in favor of TV clown Geraldo Freaking Rivera. Hard to believe.

Kinda makes one even more curious about the psychosis of self-delusion.
Geraldo: “Low Down Dirty, Absolutely False” To Claim Trump Has Mental Health Issues
Having spent time with Donald Trump both before and after he became president, Geraldo Rivera told Fox and Friends that it was “low down dirty” and “absolutely false” to claim that Trump has mental health issues.

At least someone in the media sees what is going on and isn't falling victim to the bs being pushed out there.
Al Capone's vault.....just sayin'
It ain't no secret Rump is mentally scrambled. Everybody in the world knows that. And he's gone to great lengths to make sure everybody knows it.

Rump is already the go-to obvious example for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in psychology. He's a walking oozing list of DSM-5 traits.

In other news, apparently water is wet. Maybe somebody should tell Geraldo before it rains and he has to act surprised and call it "low down dirty".
You're a medical doctor? A psychic? An asshole?

>> only one is true <<<
There has been a book written with analysis from numerous psychiatrists outlining Trump's mental health.

“Collectively with our coauthors, we warn that anyone as mentally unstable as Mr. Trump simply should not be entrusted with the life-and-death powers of the presidency,”

It has the opinions of 27 psychiatrists. We don't need to listen to Geraldo.

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump | Bandy X. Lee | Macmillan

Goldwater rule Trump should sue them for slander...

The Goldwater rule is the informal name given to Section 7 in the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) Principles of Medical Ethics that states it is unethical for psychiatrists to give a professional opinion about public figures they have not examined in person, and from whom they have not obtained consent to ...
Goldwater rule - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Goldwater_rule


You have no clue what 'slander' means, do you.

Analysis of what's going on with some person cannot qualify as "slander". If it could, number one Hillary Clinton's got thousands of lawsuits pending ("Parkinson's", "dementia", not showing up and being replaced by a hologram) as does virtually every other politician, public figure or famous person --- and number two, every poster on this board, and every other board like it, would be co-defendants.
It ain't no secret Rump is mentally scrambled. Everybody in the world knows that. And he's gone to great lengths to make sure everybody knows it.

Rump is already the go-to obvious example for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in psychology. He's a walking oozing list of DSM-5 traits.

In other news, apparently water is wet. Maybe somebody should tell Geraldo before it rains and he has to act surprised and call it "low down dirty".

Bullshit he acts like every other blue collar guy I know..

Put yourself in his position he is so hard to keep his campaign promises and is being constantly attacked from snowflakes like you who call him every name in the book..then you cry like a little girl when he fights back.

Trump is the first president to fight back and you can't handle it , the press and comedy shows made fun of

Ford... He didn't fight back

Jimmy Carter ..he didn't fight back

Ronnie..he fought back a little

Bush Sr.. didn't fight back

Bill.. didn't fight back

Bush jr.. didn't fight back

Obama .. didn't fight back

Trump ...fights back and you can't handle it
Trump fights like a little girl

Whining like a bitch on Twitter, making up silly names, lying to prove he is right

Now, Nixon knew how to fight back
Nixon would fuck you over

That's a mean thing to say about little girls. :nono:
Trump has the hardest job in the world
Immense responsibility, constant criticism, physical and mental demands

He is not taking it well as he isolates himself in the White House and private Trump clubs
Physically, he does not look well....pasty complexion, gaining a lot of weight, hair stringy
He needs more Big Macs and diet Cokes.
It ain't no secret Rump is mentally scrambled. Everybody in the world knows that. And he's gone to great lengths to make sure everybody knows it.

Rump is already the go-to obvious example for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in psychology. He's a walking oozing list of DSM-5 traits.

In other news, apparently water is wet. Maybe somebody should tell Geraldo before it rains and he has to act surprised and call it "low down dirty".

Bullshit he acts like every other blue collar guy I know..

Put yourself in his position he is so hard to keep his campaign promises and is being constantly attacked from snowflakes like you who call him every name in the book..then you cry like a little girl when he fights back.

Trump is the first president to fight back and you can't handle it , the press and comedy shows made fun of

Ford... He didn't fight back

Jimmy Carter ..he didn't fight back

Ronnie..he fought back a little

Bush Sr.. didn't fight back

Bill.. didn't fight back

Bush jr.. didn't fight back

Obama .. didn't fight back

Trump ...fights back and you can't handle it

Neither Ford nor Carter nor Reagan nor Bush nor Bush nor Bill nor O'bama melted into a puddle at the vaguest hint of criticism, or even actual election numbers.

Neither Ford nor Carter nor Reagan nor Bush nor Bush nor Bill nor O'bama sat up on their golden throne at three fucking forty-two in the morning whining endlessly that somebody dared challenge his ever-so-snowflakey ego.

Neither Ford nor Carter nor Reagan nor Bush nor Bush nor Bill nor O'bama made up stories about "three million illegals voted" to compensate for his shortfingered vote totals.

Neither Ford nor Carter nor Reagan nor Bush nor Bush nor Bill nor O'bama moaned and groaned about how some moderator asked them a challenging question. Nor did any of them go sit in a corner sulking so he wouldn't have to face that moderator again.

Neither Ford nor Carter nor Reagan nor Bush nor Bush nor Bill nor O'bama stood on a stage on national TV talking about the size of his dick.

Neither Ford nor Carter nor Reagan nor Bush nor Bush nor Bill nor O'bama stood at a podium and blatantly lied about his own electoral vote total, let alone what the freaking weather was doing while he was being inaugurated.

Neither Ford nor Carter nor Reagan nor Bush nor Bush nor Bill nor O'bama bagged out of the White House Correspondent's Dinner because he couldn't take the heat. :gay:

Neither Ford nor Carter nor Reagan nor Bush nor Bush nor Bill nor O'bama had the arrogance to stand at a podium and declare "I alone can fix it" or "I will be the greatest (jobs, whatever) president that god ever created" or "I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose votes".

Neither Ford nor Carter nor Reagan nor Bush nor Bush nor Bill nor O'bama thought or acted as if fucking "ratings" or "retweets" were more important than the job of Chief Executive.

NOR, we might add, did Mondale, Dukakis, Perot, Dole, Gore, Kerry, McCain, Romney or any of their running mates either.

Shall I go on?

Try to even imagine Ralph Nader standing on a stage taking about the size of his dick. Or John Kerry blathering how he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose votes. Or Ronald Reagan crying the blues about a moderator with 'blood coming out of her wherever'. Jimmy Carter yammering about how "I alone can fix it". George H.W. Bush coming out on stage imitating Alfred Freaking Hitchcock.

There's an elephant in the elephant-sized room and you're pretending to move furniture in. Ain't nobody buying this self-delusionary shit.
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Trump has the hardest job in the world
Immense responsibility, constant criticism, physical and mental demands

He is not taking it well as he isolates himself in the White House and private Trump clubs
Physically, he does not look well....pasty complexion, gaining a lot of weight, hair stringy
He needs more Big Macs and diet Cokes.
Our President is a cheeseburger away from a coronary

He does not look well and has put on a lot of weight (unless he wears a fat suit)

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