German self loathing takes another step

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I do hope that Germans finally revolt to all this Islamic submission lunacy.

There has to come a point when enough is enough!

They will, they just need help.

Our cousins aren't faggots like English and Welsh faggots, when did they ever last make a stand for Nation and Heritage? Their national dish is now some Bombay Indian crap that looks like it was served from the nearest toilet.

English are not all faggots....c'mon now.

England voted strongly for Brexit, by 53.4% to 46.6%, as did Wales.

Their heart is in the right place....perfect they are not but then, who is? :dunno:

It's not good to have a heart in such things, it makes one weak, you need to be like a machine with no emotion, for the task we have we must be machines with no emotion, we're dealing not with human beings but with objects that need dealing with.

This is like a cancer and must be removed without any mercy or emotion.
Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

Austria no, never and Russia won WW2 as much as I hate to give Stalin credit for anything.

However in the Third War Russia will stay with us, even though the same Foreign Organisations are trying to make Europa fight Russia, no, not this time, this time Russia stays with us, we have a Common Enemy and we will never fight each other again, but we will fight together against our Common Enemy.
That's why the globalists hate Putin.
These people are gonna get a BIG surprise.

This is a german (by nature) tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...BOOM

wog (by nature) obnoxious....obnoxious...obnoxious...obnoxious..."wtf!":scared1:

Well you can teach 'em a thing or two about intolerance, seize the opportunity.
I do hope that Germans finally revolt to all this Islamic submission lunacy.

There has to come a point when enough is enough!

They will, they just need help.

Our cousins aren't faggots like English and Welsh faggots, when did they ever last make a stand for Nation and Heritage? Their national dish is now some Bombay Indian crap that looks like it was served from the nearest toilet.

English are not all faggots....c'mon now.

England voted strongly for Brexit, by 53.4% to 46.6%, as did Wales.

Their heart is in the right place....perfect they are not but then, who is? :dunno:

It's not good to have a heart in such things, it makes one weak, you need to be like a machine with no emotion, for the task we have we must be machines with no emotion, we're dealing not with human beings but with objects that need dealing with.

This is like a cancer and must be removed without any mercy or emotion.

That's pretty much you in any situation hon, c'mon.
Only German parents slitting the throats of their blond haired blue-eyed children would there be a better example of obsequious or sycophantic surrender to their Moslem master.

You need to read into who has caused the self-loathing, without American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations none of this would ever have happened, this is what happens when a great nation with Millenia of greatness in everything from literature to music to architecture to Fine Art is brainwashed into The Guilt Complex.

Our German cousins have nothing to be guilty about, but Foreign Organisations have paid for "educational" material to be used to brainwash at least half of a nation.

So you an American be proud of what American Propaganda has resulted in. If you're not proud of it, then condemn the American Propaganda, you know of what I mean.

We have been majority part immune to that American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations, oh the same crowd has attempted it, but it's been repelled and rejected and we remain and always will remain proud of our Culture and Heritage, the Spirit remains within our souls and our minds, we're Patriots and anyone who attempts to pull anything on us will rue the day.

I add that the whole of Eastern Europa is also immune to this American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations.

We up until about a month ago felt sympathy for our German cousins, now we feel nothing but contempt for them, if they're not willing to stand up and fight for everything that Millenia of German Culture and Heritage has given them, then they deserve to perish.

If anyone has any problem with my above comments, I don't give a shit, I'm immune to any and all bedwetting or cry-babying or attempts at "Guilt Tripping" so don't even waste your time responding to my above comments, my response is:


People like me are long tired of hearing the shit from the Propagandists.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about. There's is no anti German propaganda in the US. No one equates modern Germany with what the Nazis did. We have no problem with germans, with the exception of how they are letting the enemy enter through their front door. We dont like it because we actually care about german people.
Since she lives in the area, it is safe to assume that she knows what's going on. Over here we don't know too much because of the news are not reported by the MSM. She is right about that Global Elitists orchestrated and financed the artificial refugee crisis to eradicate Western Civilization.
I love Lucy, but she's probably an American with Austrian ancestry.

sooryy Lucy :scared1:

You can be an idiot and your comment is insulting and disrespectful.

Only you can post that way?
These people are gonna get a BIG surprise.

This is a german (by nature) tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...BOOM

wog (by nature) obnoxious....obnoxious...obnoxious...obnoxious..."wtf!":scared1:

Well you can teach 'em a thing or two about intolerance, seize the opportunity.
They should. All western countries need to be a bit less tolerant these days...except maybe eastern Europe. They seem to have their nations in check for the most part.
Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.
Only German parents slitting the throats of their blond haired blue-eyed children would there be a better example of obsequious or sycophantic surrender to their Moslem master.

You need to read into who has caused the self-loathing, without American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations none of this would ever have happened, this is what happens when a great nation with Millenia of greatness in everything from literature to music to architecture to Fine Art is brainwashed into The Guilt Complex.

Our German cousins have nothing to be guilty about, but Foreign Organisations have paid for "educational" material to be used to brainwash at least half of a nation.

So you an American be proud of what American Propaganda has resulted in. If you're not proud of it, then condemn the American Propaganda, you know of what I mean.

We have been majority part immune to that American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations, oh the same crowd has attempted it, but it's been repelled and rejected and we remain and always will remain proud of our Culture and Heritage, the Spirit remains within our souls and our minds, we're Patriots and anyone who attempts to pull anything on us will rue the day.

I add that the whole of Eastern Europa is also immune to this American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations.

We up until about a month ago felt sympathy for our German cousins, now we feel nothing but contempt for them, if they're not willing to stand up and fight for everything that Millenia of German Culture and Heritage has given them, then they deserve to perish.

If anyone has any problem with my above comments, I don't give a shit, I'm immune to any and all bedwetting or cry-babying or attempts at "Guilt Tripping" so don't even waste your time responding to my above comments, my response is:


People like me are long tired of hearing the shit from the Propagandists.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about. There's is no anti German propaganda in the US. No one equates modern Germany with what the Nazis did. We have no problem with germans, with the exception of how they are letting the enemy enter through their front door. We dont like it because we actually care about german people.

I know exactly what I'm talking about.

"There's is no anti German propaganda in the US."

No the anti-German Propaganda is within Germany and has been paid for for decades by American and Foreign Organisations.

"No one equates modern Germany with what the Nazis did."

You need to become educated about this stuff. If that's so, which it isn't, why whenever some says we don't want the Muslims and the Sub-Saharan Africans are they called Nazi? CHILDREN have been called "collaborators with Nazi's", a whole school of 14 year-olds in Leipzig were called "Nazi's"

"We dont like it because we actually care about german people."

You might, but the hidden hands who operate in the shadows and pull your politicians strings and threaten to fund their opponents at election time if they don't kiss ass HATE ALL Germanic people and actually want us ALL to perish and they've hated us for several Centuries I might add.

Most of them are Leftists and have always been active in all Communist Movements.

My family DETEST Communists, my family were fighting the Marxist Devils in the 1920s on the damn STREETS, running battles with the POS.

So we did it before, all those years ago, Heroes and Heroines, this generation will not let our Ancestors down, we'll fight these Marxist POS in the streets again and it won't be our blood that flows, it'll be theirs and if anyone gets in the way, then that's their bad luck.
I thought it was Hitlers mates who fought the Socialists ?
Yep. Socialists, Marxists, Jews, Liberals, Libertarians, feminists, black people, the differently abled, in other words anyone that didn't agree with their totalitarian policies. Interesting to note that Hitler coddled Muslims that also hated Jews.
Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

They need to be beaten up, we'll beat them up, they need to be flogged and flogged and FORCED into being PROUD of being Germanic, we will be cruel to be kind, we can and will be crueller to them than ANYONE to FORCE them into waking up.

They either get beaten up by their cousins or they perish, if they chose the latter, then it's best they perish, this separates the strong from the weak, we want survival of the strongest and the fittest we don't want the weaklings.

It's quality and NOT quantity, 10,000 strong are far more dangerous and effective than 10 million weaklings.

The pendulum is swinging. The Traitors and the Global "Elite" have long wanted to destroy the Germanic Spirit, it's impossible, there are just too many of us who are strong and proud, they'll never kill the Spirit or the Philosophy.

We already have been Spiritually in Warrior Mode for many months, we just wait for The Order and then many people better get out of the way because it's not going to be pretty and nobody is going to stop it, on the contrary many millions will join the fight.
When are you going to start beating them up?
Is Lucy threatening violence in order to further her political agenda ? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly, this is why the Germans and Austrians need to be watched. They have a history of xenophobic behavior, mass murder, and trying to force the rest of the world to bow to them. Not saying that all of them feel that way but enough of them do to sway their countrymen.

Good thing we have bases there. :)
Watched for what and by whom?
Watched for regression. And by practically anyone rational.
These people are gonna get a BIG surprise.

This is a german (by nature) tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...BOOM

wog (by nature) obnoxious....obnoxious...obnoxious...obnoxious..."wtf!":scared1:

Well you can teach 'em a thing or two about intolerance, seize the opportunity.
They should. All western countries need to be a bit less tolerant these days...except maybe eastern Europe. They seem to have their nations in check for the most part.

Oh I think we're doing quite well in that regard. The system always needs the masses anxious, in fear, and pointed toward an enemy.
Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.

" ... God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, ... "

Oh for fuck's sake hon, calm down, Jesus.
These people are gonna get a BIG surprise.

This is a german (by nature) tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...BOOM

wog (by nature) obnoxious....obnoxious...obnoxious...obnoxious..."wtf!":scared1:

Well you can teach 'em a thing or two about intolerance, seize the opportunity.
They should. All western countries need to be a bit less tolerant these days...except maybe eastern Europe. They seem to have their nations in check for the most part.

Oh I think we're doing quite well in that regard. The system always needs the masses anxious, in fear, and pointed toward an enemy.

We know who the enemy is.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about. There's is no anti German propaganda in the US. No one equates modern Germany with what the Nazis did. We have no problem with germans, with the exception of how they are letting the enemy enter through their front door. We dont like it because we actually care about german people.
Since she lives in the area, it is safe to assume that she knows what's going on. Over here we don't know too much because of the news are not reported by the MSM. She is right about that Global Elitists orchestrated and financed the artificial refugee crisis to eradicate Western Civilization.
I love Lucy, but she's probably an American with Austrian ancestry.

sooryy Lucy :scared1:

You can be an idiot and your comment is insulting and disrespectful.

Only you can post that way?

I like the Goose so yes I can post that way.

That's what I thought, you are what you decry, we've all seen it, some are just like you and won't call ya on it. Phony.
Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.

" ... God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, ... "

Oh for fuck's sake hon, calm down, Jesus.

No I have made this comment before, if you love something and want it to survive, in order to protect it you must be willing to sacrifice yourself.

If you don't have passion down to your very soul, then what is life even for?
These people are gonna get a BIG surprise.

This is a german (by nature) tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...BOOM

wog (by nature) obnoxious....obnoxious...obnoxious...obnoxious..."wtf!":scared1:

Well you can teach 'em a thing or two about intolerance, seize the opportunity.
They should. All western countries need to be a bit less tolerant these days...except maybe eastern Europe. They seem to have their nations in check for the most part.

Oh I think we're doing quite well in that regard. The system always needs the masses anxious, in fear, and pointed toward an enemy.

We know who the enemy is.

Of course ya do hon, of course ya do. The mindfucked are always the most certain ones.
Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.

" ... God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, ... "

Oh for fuck's sake hon, calm down, Jesus.

No I have made this comment before, if you love something and want it to survive, in order to protect it you must be willing to sacrifice yourself.

If you don't have passion down to your very soul, then what is life even for?

Your blathering on a message board is no sacrifice love. It's not even passion in your case, it's pathology.
Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.
Tilly said once blow the whole globe up. I seem to agree with that, if we got to go let's take everybody with us...
I love Lucy, but she's probably an American with Austrian ancestry.

sooryy Lucy :scared1:

You can be an idiot and your comment is insulting and disrespectful.

Only you can post that way?

I like the Goose so yes I can post that way.

That's what I thought, you are what you decry, we've all seen it, some are just like you and won't call ya on it. Phony.

Why are you Trolling, you already got into trouble for that and spent a week on vacation didn't you?

That the Goose and I had a disagreement is none of your business.

It's only trolling when someone who won't agree with you does it, just how ya roll. You know, when you're not out dying for stuff and shit.
Germany had to go through many Merkels before it got a REAL LEADER

Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

They need to be beaten up, we'll beat them up, they need to be flogged and flogged and FORCED into being PROUD of being Germanic, we will be cruel to be kind, we can and will be crueller to them than ANYONE to FORCE them into waking up.

They either get beaten up by their cousins or they perish, if they chose the latter, then it's best they perish, this separates the strong from the weak, we want survival of the strongest and the fittest we don't want the weaklings.

It's quality and NOT quantity, 10,000 strong are far more dangerous and effective than 10 million weaklings.

The pendulum is swinging. The Traitors and the Global "Elite" have long wanted to destroy the Germanic Spirit, it's impossible, there are just too many of us who are strong and proud, they'll never kill the Spirit or the Philosophy.

We already have been Spiritually in Warrior Mode for many months, we just wait for The Order and then many people better get out of the way because it's not going to be pretty and nobody is going to stop it, on the contrary many millions will join the fight.
When are you going to start beating them up?
Is Lucy threatening violence in order to further her political agenda ? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly, this is why the Germans and Austrians need to be watched. They have a history of xenophobic behavior, mass murder, and trying to force the rest of the world to bow to them. Not saying that all of them feel that way but enough of them do to sway their countrymen.

Good thing we have bases there. :)
Nah. Germans are good people and have far too much sense to get caught up in this idiots rhetoric. The Austrians ? Who gives a shit ? They have no standing on the world stage. Germanys economic strength was based on immigrant labour.
I'd like to believe you because I have many connections with German people, including some relatives that lived in a hotbed of hitler supporters in Bavaria. Overall I think most are still sore that they didn't succeed in taking over the world. I love my German business connections because they are so anal you can believe it when they tell you white is white.
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