German self loathing takes another step

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Only German parents slitting the throats of their blond haired blue-eyed children would there be a better example of obsequious or sycophantic surrender to their Moslem master.
What a load of shite. A link to a nutjob website claiming shite and not backing up any of its claims.
Are you an adult ?

Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.
The allies.
These people are gonna get a BIG surprise.

This is a german (by nature) tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...tolerant...BOOM

wog (by nature) obnoxious....obnoxious...obnoxious...obnoxious..."wtf!":scared1:

Well you can teach 'em a thing or two about intolerance, seize the opportunity.
They should. All western countries need to be a bit less tolerant these days...except maybe eastern Europe. They seem to have their nations in check for the most part.

Oh I think we're doing quite well in that regard. The system always needs the masses anxious, in fear, and pointed toward an enemy.

We know who the enemy is.

Of course ya do hon, of course ya do. The mindfucked are always the most certain ones.
Why do you hate your country?
You need to read into who has caused the self-loathing, without American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations none of this would ever have happened, this is what happens when a great nation with Millenia of greatness in everything from literature to music to architecture to Fine Art is brainwashed into The Guilt Complex.

Our German cousins have nothing to be guilty about, but Foreign Organisations have paid for "educational" material to be used to brainwash at least half of a nation.

So you an American be proud of what American Propaganda has resulted in. If you're not proud of it, then condemn the American Propaganda, you know of what I mean.

We have been majority part immune to that American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations, oh the same crowd has attempted it, but it's been repelled and rejected and we remain and always will remain proud of our Culture and Heritage, the Spirit remains within our souls and our minds, we're Patriots and anyone who attempts to pull anything on us will rue the day.

I add that the whole of Eastern Europa is also immune to this American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations.

We up until about a month ago felt sympathy for our German cousins, now we feel nothing but contempt for them, if they're not willing to stand up and fight for everything that Millenia of German Culture and Heritage has given them, then they deserve to perish.

If anyone has any problem with my above comments, I don't give a shit, I'm immune to any and all bedwetting or cry-babying or attempts at "Guilt Tripping" so don't even waste your time responding to my above comments, my response is:


People like me are long tired of hearing the shit from the Propagandists.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about. There's is no anti German propaganda in the US. No one equates modern Germany with what the Nazis did. We have no problem with germans, with the exception of how they are letting the enemy enter through their front door. We dont like it because we actually care about german people.
Since she lives in the area, it is safe to assume that she knows what's going on. Over here we don't know too much because of the news are not reported by the MSM. She is right about that Global Elitists orchestrated and financed the artificial refugee crisis to eradicate Western Civilization.
I love Lucy, but she's probably an American with Austrian ancestry.

sooryy Lucy :scared1:
Yeah, IMO she is a he, an American, and a troll.

Which is ok since free speech and all.
I'm sure Lucy is a she.

Guys are more cautious.

That one has no response, it's had to put it's incontinence pads on as it's already crapped itself again, if it wasn't so bothered it wouldn't be in this thread saying that what I'm commenting in this thread is why we need to be watched in case of regression.

That it's so much in this thread is music to our ears, we want that sort of ilk afraid of what might happen, they'll always be afraid, but of course that ilk is running out of friends on the world stage.

The other, no I'm female, no not American and no not a Troll.

That ilk though, is female, American and a long-standing Troll, it needs to crap it's way back to it's natural habitat the FZ and take the faggot with it, or isn't the FZ going too well these days for the Trolls?
Well you can teach 'em a thing or two about intolerance, seize the opportunity.
They should. All western countries need to be a bit less tolerant these days...except maybe eastern Europe. They seem to have their nations in check for the most part.

Oh I think we're doing quite well in that regard. The system always needs the masses anxious, in fear, and pointed toward an enemy.

We know who the enemy is.

Of course ya do hon, of course ya do. The mindfucked are always the most certain ones.
Why do you hate your country?

Why do you assign views to others when you have nothing?
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.

" ... God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, ... "

Oh for fuck's sake hon, calm down, Jesus.

No I have made this comment before, if you love something and want it to survive, in order to protect it you must be willing to sacrifice yourself.

If you don't have passion down to your very soul, then what is life even for?

Your blathering on a message board is no sacrifice love. It's not even passion in your case, it's pathology.
..and your trolling is of no value whatsoever. Please stop it and add something intelligent to the conversation
Well you can teach 'em a thing or two about intolerance, seize the opportunity.
They should. All western countries need to be a bit less tolerant these days...except maybe eastern Europe. They seem to have their nations in check for the most part.

Oh I think we're doing quite well in that regard. The system always needs the masses anxious, in fear, and pointed toward an enemy.

We know who the enemy is.

Of course ya do hon, of course ya do. The mindfucked are always the most certain ones.
Why do you hate your country?

Because it's a Leftist, Leftists are always Traitors, they refuse to stand up now for their own flag, a flag that their countrymen died for so they can sit on their fat buttocks and not stand up for it.
Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.
We know you are ready to have a third ww. That's why we maintain bases in Germany.
Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.
The allies.
The allies? The war is over there are no Allies and Axis Powers and NATO is obsolete. Germany is a member of NATO. Your post makes no sense.
They should. All western countries need to be a bit less tolerant these days...except maybe eastern Europe. They seem to have their nations in check for the most part.

Oh I think we're doing quite well in that regard. The system always needs the masses anxious, in fear, and pointed toward an enemy.

We know who the enemy is.

Of course ya do hon, of course ya do. The mindfucked are always the most certain ones.
Why do you hate your country?

Why do you assign views to others when you have nothing?
Well, it sounded like you wanted to defend enemies of the west to I had to ask just to check. I'll apologize if I am wrong.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.

" ... God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, ... "

Oh for fuck's sake hon, calm down, Jesus.

No I have made this comment before, if you love something and want it to survive, in order to protect it you must be willing to sacrifice yourself.

If you don't have passion down to your very soul, then what is life even for?

Your blathering on a message board is no sacrifice love. It's not even passion in your case, it's pathology.
..and your trolling is of no value whatsoever. Please stop it and add something intelligent to the conversation

You're a real leader in that regard aren't you. Any disagreement with you lot is "trolling". And that's all your "self-loathing" ever means as well; "They won't behave like I wish they would", and nothing more.
Oh I think we're doing quite well in that regard. The system always needs the masses anxious, in fear, and pointed toward an enemy.

We know who the enemy is.

Of course ya do hon, of course ya do. The mindfucked are always the most certain ones.
Why do you hate your country?

Why do you assign views to others when you have nothing?
Well, it sounded like you wanted to defend enemies of the west to I had to ask just to check. I'll apologize if I am wrong.

Then I'll wait on that.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.

" ... God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, ... "

Oh for fuck's sake hon, calm down, Jesus.

No I have made this comment before, if you love something and want it to survive, in order to protect it you must be willing to sacrifice yourself.

If you don't have passion down to your very soul, then what is life even for?

Your blathering on a message board is no sacrifice love. It's not even passion in your case, it's pathology.

We give little pieces away on message boards, we don't give you that much, we're more educated than your type.

In December I can rejoin my Reservist unit, have you worn a uniform?
Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.
We know you are ready to have a third ww. That's why we maintain bases in Germany.
False narrative. The bases gradually being closed down since the Cold War is over. The bases were there to counter balance the Soviet Union.
We know who the enemy is.

Of course ya do hon, of course ya do. The mindfucked are always the most certain ones.
Why do you hate your country?

Why do you assign views to others when you have nothing?
Well, it sounded like you wanted to defend enemies of the west to I had to ask just to check. I'll apologize if I am wrong.

Then I'll wait on that.
I apologize. I read more into it I guess.
Nationalism has become synonymous with nazism. Germans can no more say they are proud to be German than Americans can be proud of being American.

Some faggot is in this thread when this is none of it's business.
Germany and Austria became our business when we defeated them in WW2.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.
The allies.
The allies? The war is over there are no Allies and Axis Powers and NATO is obsolete. Germany is a member of NATO. Your post makes no sense.
I answered the question you posed. Don't know why you can't follow the thread.
Who do you mean when you say "our?" Please elaborate on that.

All we need to know is that IF this crowd wasn't concerned with what I've posted in this thread then they wouldn't be in this thread would they?

We are fully prepared to have a Third War, Mitteleuropa has experienced two, the English don't know what a war is and they had to have first the Americans and then eventually the Russians to save everyone's buttocks.

So we had to rebuild and I tell you, what is destroyed by bombs can be rebuilt, BUT Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage that have been achieved with the efforts and love of nations during 20 full Centuries, once ruined are much harder to rebuild.

This is why the American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations have funded "educational" Propaganda designed to destroy the Germanic Spirit and with it the Cultural Values.

So we are absolutely willing and committed to having a Third and Final War to defend and preserve our Spiritual and Cultural values and Heritage.

If need be we will die before we hand our Continent to the God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, I have produced another Generation as have many members of my family as have MILLIONS of Ethnic Europeans.

The God-Hating Devils will never defeat us, you never have and you never will. You'll be dust, but we'll live on.

" ... God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, ... "

Oh for fuck's sake hon, calm down, Jesus.

No I have made this comment before, if you love something and want it to survive, in order to protect it you must be willing to sacrifice yourself.

If you don't have passion down to your very soul, then what is life even for?

Your blathering on a message board is no sacrifice love. It's not even passion in your case, it's pathology.

We give little pieces away on message boards, we don't give you that much, we're more educated than your type.

In December I can rejoin my Reservist unit, have you worn a uniform?

You don't have that much to give anyone, nothing to give me, you have no concept of anyone's educational level and all I've ever seen from you is screed such as;

" ... God-Hating Devils. I am willing to die myself, ... "

Please go ahead.
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