German Vote This Weekend

Toto, you brought it up. The onus is on you.

The onus is not on me to answer a question I posed to you, dumbcon.

This is simple. Did the Nazis slaughter 6,000,000 Jews in a homicidal, maniacal genocide?

Yes or no?

Anything other than "yes" construes an implicit "no" answer.
You are trolling me Toto. The thread is about German elections on this upcoming Sunday and not about WWII.

And your candidate is going to get crushed!

Where are all the green frogs creating threads about the German election?
Every vote supports the regime. Don´t vote for the regime.

First Exit Poll, this on our friend Holgers Twitter.


TOTAL disaster result for SPD I think this their worse result since early 1950s, I will have to read to see which year.

Also nobody did not expect Angela Merkel and CDU/CSU to come first, but that 32.5% is TERRIBLE in comparing to 2013, apparent that allowing in chaotic Muslim hordes has affected both the CDU/CSU and Coalition partners SPD.

The 2013 election Merkel CDU/CSU got 41.5% so she and they have lost 9%

The 2013 election the SPD got 25.7% so they have lost 5.7%

9% + 5.7% = 14.7 and the AfD got 99% of that 14.7%

The Internal Polling is saying that CDU/CSU lost 996,565 DIRECT VOTERS who voted STRAIGHT from CDU/CSU for the AfD, I have not yet seen what the loss from SPD to AfD is yet but I expect it's worse than the AfD taking nearly a million voters away from the CDU/CSU.

The story is that AfD again have over performed what opinion polls said, 13.5% = 86 seats = political earthquake = the AfD are now fully Mainstream party and those who say "fringe" sorry they are not a "fringe" the below result is into the Mainstream, the feet are inside the door. This is EXCELLENT for Democracy.

This result is EXCELLENT for the Open Debate that we NEED to have on our Continent an Open Debate on very important situations that concern many many millions of the peoples of this Continent.

To put the AfD's Historical Success in entering the Bundestag in perspective the AfD vote is TWO THIRDS of the SPD vote and they are only 6.5% away from the SPD, considering the SPD are the oldest established party and the AfD only established four years ago this is achievement.

Also congratulations again to Harris Media of Texas who were employed by the Trump for President Campaign and were successful for him and were employed by the AfD and were successful for them.

We are very very happy that the filthy Commies Die Linke and the vermin that leads them are last at 8.9%/9.0%

AfD are now the third largest party, they might be official Opposition party depending on the new Coalition.

Merkel should stay with CDU/CSU/SPD Coalition as CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne would be difficult to negotiate and keep together. Although I just hear that the SPD have said they do not want to go into Coalition again with Merkel, so her more difficult option is the only option CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne this could take until December or even January 2018 to negotiate a satisfactory agreement because the FDP/Grüne has serious policy issues with each other.





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Every vote supports the regime. Don´t vote for the regime.

First Exit Poll, this on our friend Holgers Twitter.

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TOTAL disaster result for SPD I think this their worse result since early 1950s, I will have to read to see which year.

Also nobody did not expect Angela Merkel and CDU/CSU to come first, but that 32.5% is TERRIBLE in comparing to 2013, apparent that allowing in chaotic Muslim hordes has affected both the CDU/CSU and Coalition partners SPD.

The 2013 election Merkel CDU/CSU got 41.5% so she and they have lost 9%

The 2013 election the SPD got 25.7% so they have lost 5.7%

9% + 5.7% = 14.7 and the AfD got 99% of that 14.7%

The Internal Polling is saying that CDU/CSU lost 996,565 DIRECT VOTERS who voted STRAIGHT from CDU/CSU for the AfD, I have not yet seen what the loss from SPD to AfD is yet but I expect it's worse than the AfD taking nearly a million voters away from the CDU/CSU.

The story is that AfD again have over performed what opinion polls said, 13.5% = 86 seats = political earthquake = the AfD are now fully Mainstream party and those who say "fringe" sorry they are not a "fringe" the below result is into the Mainstream, the feet are inside the door. This is EXCELLENT for Democracy.

This result is EXCELLENT for the Open Debate that we NEED to have on our Continent an Open Debate on very important situations that concern many many millions of the peoples of this Continent.

To put the AfD's Historical Success in entering the Bundestag in perspective the AfD vote is TWO THIRDS of the SPD vote and they are only 6.5% away from the SPD, considering the SPD are the oldest established party and the AfD only established four years ago this is achievement.

Also congratulations again to Harris Media of Texas who were employed by the Trump for President Campaign and were successful for him and were employed by the AfD and were successful for them.

We are very very happy that the filthy Commies Die Linke and the vermin that leads them are last at 8.9%/9.0%

AfD are now the third largest party, they might be official Opposition party depending on the new Coalition.

Merkel should stay with CDU/CSU/SPD Coalition as CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne would be difficult to negotiate and keep together. Although I just hear that the SPD have said they do not want to go into Coalition again with Merkel, so her more difficult option is the only option CDU/CSU/FDP/Grüne this could take until December or even January 2018 to negotiate a satisfactory agreement because the FDP/Grüne has serious policy issues with each other.

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German federal elections 2017

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