Germans Hate Us, This We Know! And From More Than Just One Poll!

He tweeted our trade deficit with Germany despite it being substantially smaller than our trade deficit with China.

It's one thing to alienate our enemies, it's another to alienate our allies. That's just the latest of an infinite number of reasons this joke is the disaster I knew he would be.

He wants our "ally" to pay their fair share and to not fuck us on trade.

If that is all it takes to "alienate" someone, they were not our allies to begin with.

He is weakening our relationships with our allies because he has no clue how things work.
So the country that played a major role in starting two world wars and gave the world Adolph Hitler hates us. I will certainly give there opinion all the consideration it deserves.
Germany, HITLER! Wow, deep thoughts there.
Says the people who compare everything Trump does to Watergate.
Try again, hero.
Don't have to I was right the first time and the second. To quote Sean Connery from the Untouchables here endth the lesson.
So the country that played a major role in starting two world wars and gave the world Adolph Hitler hates us. I will certainly give there opinion all the consideration it deserves.
Germany, HITLER! Wow, deep thoughts there.
Says the people who compare everything Trump does to Watergate.
Try again, hero.
Don't have to I was right the first time and the second. To quote Sean Connery from the Untouchables here endth the lesson.
That was even worse. Do not try again.
The Democrat is winning the Special Election polling in Georgia. Trump can't get above 45% in Rasmussen approval rating polls. The Republican Senate even had to remind him that Reconciliation bills are already 51% level votes, no filibuster needed.

Still, no one is reminded of the Great Lesson of Deuteronomy 23:19-20, not even lost on New Testament followers: "Let's Screw The World! "We Are The Children! We have more gum and candy than we know what to do with(?)!" Jesus in fact called the hideous arithmetic, "The Kingdom of Heaven," and would later be celebrated even after Holocaust. In fact Jesus would even be celebrated after the more recent foreclosure crisis.

Trump for his part, did do a Florida Real Estate deal, and has a sinkhole to show for it!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many still regard with favor great William Tell Overture: Celebrating "Great" Swiss Child Endangerment stories(?), really "Huge" on our planet!)
I really don't care about a country that commits national suicide by no producing enough children to replace aging workers and then floods the country with a bunch of crazies.
Polls are published everywhere. People who can read and write English know this. already. Some have even heard of "Real Clear Politics."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes now even know Great Spirit of Lands of Many Nation--"Seven Come Eleven:" And even right here on this message board of the Truth!)
Real Americans don't care what Germany thinks, and they sure don't hate on regions of the country.
He tweeted our trade deficit with Germany despite it being substantially smaller than our trade deficit with China.

It's one thing to alienate our enemies, it's another to alienate our allies. That's just the latest of an infinite number of reasons this joke is the disaster I knew he would be.

He wants our "ally" to pay their fair share and to not fuck us on trade.

If that is all it takes to "alienate" someone, they were not our allies to begin with.

He is weakening our relationships with our allies because he has no clue how things work.

That has to be the DUMBEST statement I have read on here in a month. Even most leftists can't be this dumb.

You leftists cry, moan, and groan about the rich not paying their fairshare, DON'T CHA! Well, unlike you phony baloneys, Trump isn't asking RICH Germany to pay MORE than others, he is just asking them and others, to pay their fairshare.

You would think you lefties would be all over this one. Why? Because even BROKE ASS Greece is paying what it is supposed to. In other words, RICH Germany is screwing over POOR Greece, even as Greece meets its obligation to NATO while Germany does not.

Add to that, Merkel was an officer in either the Soviet army, or the East German army; an obvious Communist/Socialist/Leftist, like most of the deadbeats on here. No wonder the LEFTISTS like her-)
The US has just launched a missile across the Pacific Ocean to see if another missile, closer to North Korea, can destroy it. That makes sense.

The nine-day launch of an intercontinental, ballistic USPREZ Donald Trump--to see how fast everything could be destroyed--made no sense.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP not even on rants anymore about Terrorists from Radical, Fundamentalist Islam: Aka, the Saudis(?)! That was meant for Good Faith(?) national campaigning!)
When the Almighty wishes to destroy a people, He takes their wisdom and allows them to be stirred up to anger. It is in their wrath that they destroy themselves.

God has taken our wisdom people.

This thread demonstrates that neither side has any wisdom any more. We should have nuked them?? WTH?!?! We are going to fight them in ww3 and drop nukes because a news story says the Germans hate us?!

Come on people this makes no sense.
Yes, Jesus loves it! Yes, Jesus loves it! Casting servants with the lesser monies into Outer Darkness--Like Trump Did to Europe--is Kingdom of Heaven, like Moses Intended, shown in Matt 25:14-30! That way people get loaded into boxcars, to be sent off for that certain camp experience. Some do say it's actually not about that at all, of course. It is more about Las Vegas, after the foreclosure crisis(?)!.

Mommies and Daddies all intend that for the children of the planet. Even textbooks never bring it up(?): Helping the world stay smart and enlightened!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations not given to much textbook ritual. Young Warrior mainly learns to smoke 'em if ya got 'em: Ready for Winchester Model 1890, Repeating Rifle. How the West should really have been won is often subject of NRA Conventions, in fact. There were nearly 1 million sold! Now it is better left to Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven!")
He tweeted our trade deficit with Germany despite it being substantially smaller than our trade deficit with China.

It's one thing to alienate our enemies, it's another to alienate our allies. That's just the latest of an infinite number of reasons this joke is the disaster I knew he would be.
If they were our allies they would pay their bill.
So Cast Them Into Outer Darkness! Catholic Gingrich, (and likely the Mrs., now a representative to the Vatican). are clearly into the Western Theology, of it all!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White eyes finally launched a missile, to destroy another missile, White Eyes launched! Business is Good, under Trump--And just like under Charles Ponzi!)
It's a GOOD sign if a coward culture of RAPE-ENABLERS like Germany, that beta-male Islam-human-condom, hates us. Obviously we are doing something right! I've dealt with enough of these unbelievably cold-blooded, American-hating German psychopaths over the years, they are the most arrogant, ill-mannered, joyless, overspoiled, overpampered, overprivilged, overindulged SLIME of my Caucasian race and here's some historical proof: every time Germany wields any power, the rest of Europe gets Fucked with a capital F, does it not? Overall, Germany is a very ugly people with ugly values.

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