Germany: 50% sympathize with Pegida

The rise of German hate...the world should pay attention.
The rise of German hate...the world should pay attention.

Not "hate", Nutz, it's called 'concern'.
That's what they said pre-holocaust.

This hasn't got anything to do with events leading up to WWII. This is about the here and now.
We have to pay attention to what the German people are capable of. They have already proven they are a hate filled people capable of killing 10's of millions and capable of starting horrific wars.
The rise of German hate...the world should pay attention.

Not "hate", Nutz, it's called 'concern'.
That's what they said pre-holocaust.

This hasn't got anything to do with events leading up to WWII. This is about the here and now.
We have to pay attention to what the German people are capable of. They have already proven they are a hate filled people capable of killing 10's of millions and capable of starting horrific wars.

The rise of German hate...the world should pay attention.

Not "hate", Nutz, it's called 'concern'.
That's what they said pre-holocaust.

This hasn't got anything to do with events leading up to WWII. This is about the here and now.
We have to pay attention to what the German people are capable of. They have already proven they are a hate filled people capable of killing 10's of millions and capable of starting horrific wars.

I hope you aren't is the neo-Nazi's that sponsor PEGIDA
Not "hate", Nutz, it's called 'concern'.
That's what they said pre-holocaust.

This hasn't got anything to do with events leading up to WWII. This is about the here and now.
We have to pay attention to what the German people are capable of. They have already proven they are a hate filled people capable of killing 10's of millions and capable of starting horrific wars.

I hope you aren't is the neo-Nazi's that sponsor PEGIDA

Perish the thought. And PEGIDA is entirely voluntary with no sponsorship, from Neo-Nazis, ANTIFA or otherwise.
Not only do 50% sympathize with Pagida, 73% are afraid of the rising radical Islamism.

Anti-Islam-Proteste Jeder Zweite sympathisiert mit Pegida ZEIT ONLINE

Propaganda, that does not blame Islamist behavior but the Germans:
Islam-Studie Muslime integrieren sich Deutsche schotten sich ab - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Close, but not quite:

Definitely yes: 30%
leaning yes: 19%
undecided: 26%
leaning no: 10%
definitely no: 13%

Both yes' together make 49%, not 50%.
Plus, 26%, according to this survey, are undecided.

It's a yougov poll, 1,107 respondents, no MoE is listed, and no tabs, no internals.
yougov does internet polls, not telephone polls.
The rise of German hate...the world should pay attention.
Or is it the rise of German common sense, in which is something that America has since lost for ever more now it seems.
In the second link you provided, from Spiegel, according to that poll, 57% of non-muslims in Germany consider Islam itself to be a threat.
In the second link you provided, from Spiegel, according to that poll, 57% of non-muslims in Germany consider Islam itself to be a threat.
The both articles numbers aren't comparable. The Spiegel article is newer, related to another poll and does not say how many of the 57% sympathize with Pegida. Also, that the Muslims do have more contact to non-Muslims than the other way round cannot be explained by the Spiegel claim that the Germans would seal themselves off but by the fact that Muslims are a minority that inevitably comes into contact with the majority, instead. For example, as one of the few Germans in Israel, you meet more Israelis than Israelis meet Germans.
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That's what they said pre-holocaust.

So, opposing the Islamists who would love to implement a second Holocaust is what actually makes a person some sort of Nazi to you?

Can you possibly be THAT confused?
That's what they said pre-holocaust.

So, opposing the Islamists who would love to implement a second Holocaust is what actually makes a person some sort of Nazi to you?

Can you possibly be THAT confused?
Where the fuck did I ever say I support killer muslims. Quit trying to define are too stupid for that.
That's what they said pre-holocaust.

So, opposing the Islamists who would love to implement a second Holocaust is what actually makes a person some sort of Nazi to you?

Can you possibly be THAT confused?
Where the fuck did I ever say I support killer muslims. Quit trying to define are too stupid for that.
He may have just defined you, because you cracked by getting mad as your guilt of being defined by someone,just showed up.

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