Germany faces its greatest economic crisis since the Second World War, thanks to the unrelenting idiocy of our political and media classes.

Ironically, this question doesn't have a simple answer yes or no, as it might seem. An answer that lies on the ground is 'no, it hadn't'. Germany would be glad to keep getting Russian recourses at an affordable price and having access to their market.

But there is the other side of a coin. Eastern Europe views a too close rapprochement between Germany and Russia as an existential threat. And further moving in this direction would cause counter-measures like forming new political and military alliances.
That's quite a good answer, The question still is 'who started it'. I hope you are keeping safe if you are still in Ukraine.
That's quite a good answer, The question still is 'who started it'. I hope you are keeping safe if you are still in Ukraine.
There are many people who 'started' it.

Russian elites who dream of Great Russia that should be on par with global powers.

Ukrainian elites who think only about their pockets and failed to build prosperous state for all citizens.

Ukrainian society who tolerates those elites and is easily swayed by propaganda from the both sides.

Some of Western elites who wanted to benefit from cooperation with Russia.

To name a few..

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