Germany faces its greatest economic crisis since the Second World War, thanks to the unrelenting idiocy of our political and media classes.

Russia is not withholding oil or gas.
Germany is deliberately starving itself of energy just to please the US, over the Ukraine crisis deliberately caused by the US.
Germany acts along the line of the EU in response for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Russia should be isolated politically and economically from Europe to exclude their influence there as much as possible.
Just like the Third Reich, which was supposed to last a thousand years?

Thousand years empire versions A = Holy Roman Empire of German (=united) Nation: 800-1806 AD.

Thousand years empire of the Nazis under Hitler: 1933-1945 AD.

Could perhaps be an interesting idea to land on planet Earth with your starship Idiotica in the beginning of the third millenium of the year 2022 AD.
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You see, today, "green energy" is like a rare and expensive delicate dish,

Not really. Not to react in an adequate way to the problem "man made climate change" costed Germany up to now more than 150 billions. So I guess it costed the USA more than 500 billions up to now. And this are only senseless costs because of damages - and not senseful costs because of new investments.

such as nightingale tongues, for example, in a house with a full refrigerator with ordinary food.

What a nonsense.

But if the refrigerator is empty...
Bon appetit with these nightingale tongues!

So take a look how we all will perish and be happy, super criminal idiot, ugly one.
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Not yet. But it is time to back fire soon. Putin is still too nice.
There is a service ready NS2 double pipeline but the slaves in Berlin rule it out.

Nazi. The stake in your breast is not a joke. You are dead. Take a look into a mirror.

^ Old fashioned, out of date, and archaic.

And you think Starship Discovery is using what form of "modern" mysticism, which is able to win against the mysticism of Putin? The anti-fascist Putin uses by the way a Neo-Nazi mercenary terror organisation with the name "Wagner".
It's hard to come up with a more accurate definition of an idiot, than this shit about "man made climate change".

Lazyness is a mighty psychological function. Unfortunatelly often also a deadly function. So it is perhaps a good idea to learn something about epistemology and the calculation of risks. Or you ask just simple mathematicians of insurances why they have to reduce some of their offers and do not "like" to make money with some risks any longer.

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