Germany faces its greatest economic crisis since the Second World War, thanks to the unrelenting idiocy of our political and media classes.

I know

Much - practically all - American companies are producing in china too

Its like playing russian roulette with a full cylinder
China is full Russian roulette in any case, there are a lot of people there, and all they have is the profit from hand assembly, they need the resources that they are given for useless devices. If we give up useless devices, who will feed them? If 2 billion take rifles, how to stop them?

And they are already mastering Siberia. They settle there.
Scholz: "If the war in Ukraine ends and peace is established on Russia's terms, Western sanctions will not be lifted."
Herr Scholz decided to freeze Germany to the last German

Gazprom stops gas supplies to three energy companies in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. Orsted, Shell and GasTerra have abandoned the Moscow "payment in rubles" scheme.
Moscow has already stopped gas supplies to Bulgaria, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, whose dependence is mainly more than 90%.
And the German Ministry of Economy said it was impossible to survive the winter without Russian gas.

"Game of Thrones" (last season)
The latest issue of Stern magazine...
"Germany is facing a gas shortage and an economic downturn.Instead of saving and refusing to waste, politicians celebrate." Heading:Soaring
German Finance Minister Christian Lindner recently hosted a wedding party

The head of the CDU, Friedrich Merz, flew to his wedding at the helm of a private plane.
In the conditions of the most severe crisis, such an "oversight" caused a feeling of disgust in society.
Burghers are urged to wash less often, to save on everything. The government obviously does not concern
Germany was warned several years ago that critical dependence on Russian gas can have bad consequences. For Russia, gas supplies to Europe have been not only a source of revenue, but a political leverage also. As it turns out to be, it wasn't just empty words.

Russia is not withholding oil or gas.
Germany is deliberately starving itself of energy just to please the US, over the Ukraine crisis deliberately caused by the US.
Russia is not withholding oil or gas.
Germany is deliberately starving itself of energy just to please the US, over the Ukraine crisis deliberately caused by the US.
Not yet. But it is time to back fire soon. Putin is still too nice.
There is a service ready NS2 double pipeline but the slaves in Berlin rule it out.
Scholz: "If the war in Ukraine ends and peace is established on Russia's terms, Western sanctions will not be lifted."
Herr Scholz decided to freeze Germany to the last German

Gazprom stops gas supplies to three energy companies in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. Orsted, Shell and GasTerra have abandoned the Moscow "payment in rubles" scheme.
Moscow has already stopped gas supplies to Bulgaria, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, whose dependence is mainly more than 90%.
And the German Ministry of Economy said it was impossible to survive the winter without Russian gas.

"Game of Thrones" (last season)
They will take their sanctions with into their graves, unless the US government changes its stance on Ukraine. Big traitors and demagogues.
China is full Russian roulette in any case, there are a lot of people there, and all they have is the profit from hand assembly, they need the resources that they are given for useless devices. If we give up useless devices, who will feed them? If 2 billion take rifles, how to stop them?

And they are already mastering Siberia. They settle there.
The west is fully paying for china’s military build up

Trade with china is sure to lead to war or subjugation
Germany was warned several years ago that critical dependence on Russian gas can have bad consequences. ...

The strange thing is that you have absolutelly not any concrete idea or concrete facts who said so. It was an intention of Germany to trust in the trade partner Russia. This is a part of the very successful peace process of Germany after world war 2. The available energy of the world is by the way not less now. The price for energy is 2-3 times higher now. And fortunatelly Germany made a lot of steps direction "green energy". Without this steps the situation would be worser.
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. And fortunatelly Germany made a lot of steps direction "green energy". Without this steps the situation would be worser.
You see, today, "green energy" is like a rare and expensive delicate dish, such as nightingale tongues, for example, in a house with a full refrigerator with ordinary food.
But if the refrigerator is empty...
Bon appetit with these nightingale tongues!

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