Germany faces its greatest economic crisis since the Second World War, thanks to the unrelenting idiocy of our political and media classes.

Now Germany is the world leader in debashery. This is a brothel country. There, prostitution is legal and prostitutes pay taxes. If they soon legalize the sale of people from Eastern Europe, no one will be surprised, they already have all the brothels full of illegal immigrants from Eastern Europe.

There are fascists in the government, conservatives and communists, , and they openly say that they will destroy America, although now there is not even a recruit army there.
They do not need an army, they will take it to the USA as a cheap prostitute, through the federals, German agents.
Germany illegally took over the GDR. The constitution of the GDR did not provide for any mechanism of accession other than a plebiscite, and there was no plebiscite. Why did the world community allow this occupation?
Why has everyone forgotten about the containment of German imperialism, which is enshrined in international documents? Was World War 2 not enough?
Do you know what the Monroe Doctrine is? What "West" are they talking about?

NATO has never been a real military bloc, it was a pretext for a military presence in Europe and containment of German imperialism. The US does not need allies who do not have normal armies and who fuck each other in the ass instead of fighting. Now NATO has turned into a fraudulent tool to control the American army as a puppet. The entire military force of NATO is only the United States.

And America didn't have any fag "European values" before the scammers came in 2009. Reagan had Europe on its knees and Thatcher, his puppet, banned even feminism there.
Americans have been made idiots, and America is already dying before our eyes. They are clearing out California to populate it with immigrants from Europe and the East Coast.

You are idiots. I feel sorry for you, but you are fucking idiots.
Your only chance now is to take out the trumpsters. If the Reaganists come back, you have a chance. Otherwise, you will be destroyed, and then South America will be destroyed. It's already happening.

In this state of affairs, where European agents in the US actually have no opposition, the destruction of America is a matter of technique. They will do it without a war.
Think about why the feds let shit on your flag and hide your anthem from you. Symbolism is the beacon that guides the people. The Bolsheviks shot the royal family only because it was a symbol for the white movement. Destroying the flag is half the way to destroying the spirit of the people. The people who suffer the humiliation of their heroes turn into food for predators.
It seems that Trumpsters have crypto resources and they don’t even hide why they came to the USA
Philadelphia buried America, how sweet.
Why has everyone forgotten about the containment of German imperialism, which is enshrined in international documents? Was World War 2 not enough?

Communist Germany can be quickly defeated even by tiny Estonia today
What imperialism you're talking about
It turns out that Russia can do without German automobiles, but Germany can’t do without Russian gas. If the hydrocarbons don’t come back online, Germany will face its greatest economic crisis since World War II. The state will implement emergency rationing plans, which call for starving our lockdown-ravaged industry first, in favour of keeping people alive in their homes.

Probably water will also be rationed as a secondary measure, so that not too much gas is wasted in the heating of it. Some municipalities are already establishing facilities where the elderly, the poor and the sick can sleep in heated rooms on cots in the coldest months.

Ironically or not, many of these warehouses previously served as vaccination centres or had been eyed as places to treat the surge of Corona patients that Germany never quite saw.

The newspapers are suddenly full of advice about the merits of electric space heaters and the costs of installing wood stoves. Fuel, though, is a fungible resource. Natural gas also powers electricity plants, and all you need is a slight increase in demand for wood itself to become scarce.

They laughed at Trump when he warned them

If the Russian Federation wanted this, it would have done it long ago. One of the deputies says that Russia is ruled by German agents, and this seems to be true.
China better pray and burn incense to the ghost of Mao and Lenin that the germans along with the rest of europe never wake up to the fallacy of doing business with china

Because if they ever do the whole house of cards that is the middle kingdom economy will collapse
China better pray and burn incense to the ghost of Mao and Lenin that the germans along with the rest of europe never wake up to the fallacy of doing business with china

Because if they ever do the whole house of cards that is the middle kingdom economy will collapse
Almost there's doing it to itself
All those 5 year plans ya know

China that is
Communist Germany can be quickly defeated even by tiny Estonia today
What imperialism you're talking about
They operate through agents in governments, crooks in the media, dirty political methods.
China better pray and burn incense to the ghost of Mao and Lenin that the germans along with the rest of europe never wake up to the fallacy of doing business with china

Because if they ever do the whole house of cards that is the middle kingdom economy will collapse
Almost all European industry is now in China
They operate through agents in governments, crooks in the media, dirty political methods.

What unites all of them?
A membership in satanic sects and free-masonic loges
Modern Germany became practically the fascist Kingdom of Satan without any moral, honesty and law.
All laws including the main one have been abolished since 2015

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