Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

You call for Poland to be Partitioned... But when I call for Germany to be Partitioned it's so bad.

^^^^ Illustrating your low IQ you do not know the difference between Partitioned and an entire peoples eradicated, you want all Germanic people eradicated, that is not Partitioned that is murdered. You are a Troll with a low IQ and a psychopath who needs to up the meds.

Show me where I said all Germans must be eradicated?

"Show me where I said all Germans must be eradicated?"

View attachment 166559

^^^^ See my post # 374 I just screen shot some more of your insane ramblings from the other thread you crapped in, like you are crapping in this thread.

Post # 374:

Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

Why should Germany exist?

100's of millions killed by German actions.

WW1, WW2, the 30 year War, the Russian Civil War, the Belgian Congo Genocide, all instigated by GERM-Mans.

^^^^ Illustrating his mental illness he keeps repeating the same shit over and over and over and over again that he has posted in other threads. I would at this point think Sobieski is a Bot but even Bots have a higher IQ than Sobieski.

You can't seem to justify Germany's existence, how come?
^^^^ 98% of those people nobody outside of Poland has heard of.

"or a psychopath."

You are the psychopath you are calling for Germany to be eradicated. That is the thought of a psychopath.

You call for Poland to be Partitioned... But when I call for Germany to be Partitioned it's so bad.

The insane ramblings of someone who is mentally ill and needs to up their meds:

View attachment 166554

Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

The insane ramblings of someone who is mentally ill and needs to up their meds:

View attachment 166555

Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

The insane ramblings of someone who is mentally ill and needs to up their meds:

View attachment 166556

Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

I call for erasing the German state there, nothing about erasing the German ethnicity.

If we got rid of the German state after WW1, there would be no WW2 killing 10's of millions of Whites with Hitler, or Islamic refugees flooding Europe with Merkel.

Please do explain the benefits of a German statehood existing in Europe?

^^^^ Low IQ moron.

"I call for erasing the German state there, nothing about erasing the German ethnicity."

Below: Everyone should hate Germans and seek for their EXISTENCE TO BE ERASED FROM THE FUTURE ie. not the German state you mean THE PEOPLES:

View attachment 166561

Where does it say all German peoples must erased from the future?

"Where does it say all German peoples must erased from the future?"

In your own words that's where.

You call for Poland to be Partitioned... But when I call for Germany to be Partitioned it's so bad.

The insane ramblings of someone who is mentally ill and needs to up their meds:

View attachment 166554

Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

The insane ramblings of someone who is mentally ill and needs to up their meds:

View attachment 166555

Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

The insane ramblings of someone who is mentally ill and needs to up their meds:

View attachment 166556

Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

I call for erasing the German state there, nothing about erasing the German ethnicity.

If we got rid of the German state after WW1, there would be no WW2 killing 10's of millions of Whites with Hitler, or Islamic refugees flooding Europe with Merkel.

Please do explain the benefits of a German statehood existing in Europe?

^^^^ Low IQ moron.

"I call for erasing the German state there, nothing about erasing the German ethnicity."

Below: Everyone should hate Germans and seek for their EXISTENCE TO BE ERASED FROM THE FUTURE ie. not the German state you mean THE PEOPLES:

View attachment 166561

Where does it say all German peoples must erased from the future?

"Where does it say all German peoples must erased from the future?"

In your own words that's where.

View attachment 166563

I think Germans don't deserve a state, explanation to why the #1 destroyers of European peoples should deserve a state?
^^^^ Illustrating your low IQ you do not know the difference between Partitioned and an entire peoples eradicated, you want all Germanic people eradicated, that is not Partitioned that is murdered. You are a Troll with a low IQ and a psychopath who needs to up the meds.

Show me where I said all Germans must be eradicated?

"Show me where I said all Germans must be eradicated?"

View attachment 166559

^^^^ See my post # 374 I just screen shot some more of your insane ramblings from the other thread you crapped in, like you are crapping in this thread.

Post # 374:

Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

Why should Germany exist?

100's of millions killed by German actions.

WW1, WW2, the 30 year War, the Russian Civil War, the Belgian Congo Genocide, all instigated by GERM-Mans.

^^^^ Illustrating his mental illness he keeps repeating the same shit over and over and over and over again that he has posted in other threads. I would at this point think Sobieski is a Bot but even Bots have a higher IQ than Sobieski.

You can't seem to justify Germany's existence, how come?

I have wasted enough time on you, you are a low IQ moron which is why you are a member of Stormfront the forum full of low IQ morons like you.
Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe.

When did the U.S.A kill so much Europeans as Germans?

When did the U.S.A support sanctions upon states who reject Islamic refugees?

The truth is Germany is much worse than the U.S.A.
Show me where I said all Germans must be eradicated?

"Show me where I said all Germans must be eradicated?"

View attachment 166559

^^^^ See my post # 374 I just screen shot some more of your insane ramblings from the other thread you crapped in, like you are crapping in this thread.

Post # 374:

Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

Why should Germany exist?

100's of millions killed by German actions.

WW1, WW2, the 30 year War, the Russian Civil War, the Belgian Congo Genocide, all instigated by GERM-Mans.

^^^^ Illustrating his mental illness he keeps repeating the same shit over and over and over and over again that he has posted in other threads. I would at this point think Sobieski is a Bot but even Bots have a higher IQ than Sobieski.

You can't seem to justify Germany's existence, how come?

I have wasted enough time on you, you are a low IQ moron which is why you are a member of Stormfront the forum full of low IQ morons like you.

Most on Stormfront are more like you, they are fanatically pro-German, even though they claim to be pro-White, well Germans killed like 100 million Whites, and now are threatening sanctions upon nations who reject Islamic refugees.

Yeah, being pro-White, and pro-German is a low IQ moronic position.
"Show me where I said all Germans must be eradicated?"

View attachment 166559

^^^^ See my post # 374 I just screen shot some more of your insane ramblings from the other thread you crapped in, like you are crapping in this thread.

Post # 374:

Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

Why should Germany exist?

100's of millions killed by German actions.

WW1, WW2, the 30 year War, the Russian Civil War, the Belgian Congo Genocide, all instigated by GERM-Mans.

^^^^ Illustrating his mental illness he keeps repeating the same shit over and over and over and over again that he has posted in other threads. I would at this point think Sobieski is a Bot but even Bots have a higher IQ than Sobieski.

You can't seem to justify Germany's existence, how come?

I have wasted enough time on you, you are a low IQ moron which is why you are a member of Stormfront the forum full of low IQ morons like you.

Most on Stormfront are more like you, they are fanatically pro-German, even though they claim to be pro-White, well Germans killed like 100 million Whites, and now are threatening sanctions upon nations who reject Islamic refugees.

Yeah, being pro-White, and pro-German is a low IQ moronic position.

^^^^ I have had enough of you Trolling and derailing this thread with your insane babbling and constant repeating of yourself.

Why would not I be fanatically pro-German see below and I am Austrian see below:


Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism
Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe.

When did the U.S.A kill so much Europeans as Germans?

When did the U.S.A support sanctions upon states who reject Islamic refugees?

The truth is Germany is much worse than the U.S.A.

"Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe."

Under the Barack Obama Administration it was. We would not have the filthy Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans invading this Continent if it wasn't for Obama dropping the ball on Syria and also fucking up Libya.
What misery? Contrary to your Patriots and Iron Domes we Germans have a anti-missile system that actually works.

Nächstbereichschutzsystem MANTIS - Wikipedia
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
BBC News!
You ever watch them interview an Israeli?
I do.
The BBC hates Israel and Israelis with a passion.

Plus, you seem to keep forgetting that Israel post-Iron Dome.
Poor little Jew hater.

"Poor little Jew hater."

Why are you calling Blei such names? Blei that I can see is referring to Israel he's not bashing Jews. Unlike Sobieski who repeatedly bashes Jews for no apparent reason.

Why haven't you concentrated on SobieskiSavedEurope who posts so much anti-Jew crap YET NOT one of you pull him up about it, don't think we have not noticed you OMG it's THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS crowd do NOT pull Sobieski up about his anti-Jew crap. Sobieski must be Jewish because you all give him a pass, he must be a self-hating Jew but even that's still Jewish and you forgive it and ignore it.

I even posted twice that he posts on Stormfront and you OMG it's THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS crowd all ignored that. Strange.

Not really, Roudy the Jewish Israel first guy, really flipped out at me, bad.

^^^^ Roudy is okay, he hates the 7th Century Death Cult as much as me, we have been in alot of threads together in Current Events and we get along. You see emotionally mature people realise that we have a common enemy and thats Islamism, you being not emotionally mature just want to Troll and argue with people.
Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe.

When did the U.S.A kill so much Europeans as Germans?

When did the U.S.A support sanctions upon states who reject Islamic refugees?

The truth is Germany is much worse than the U.S.A.

"Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe."

Under the Barack Obama Administration it was. We would not have the filthy Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans invading this Continent if it wasn't for Obama dropping the ball on Syria and also fucking up Libya.

What did Germ Merkel do about the Islamic refugee crisis, except support it?
If Israel's defense system didn't work, there'd be no Israel and you'd be at a rock club dancing the night away instead of posting here about how Israel is committing genocide.
You mean the Iron Dome was first and Israel came later?

Doubts over Israel's Iron Dome
BBC News!
You ever watch them interview an Israeli?
I do.
The BBC hates Israel and Israelis with a passion.

Plus, you seem to keep forgetting that Israel post-Iron Dome.
Poor little Jew hater.

"Poor little Jew hater."

Why are you calling Blei such names? Blei that I can see is referring to Israel he's not bashing Jews. Unlike Sobieski who repeatedly bashes Jews for no apparent reason.

Why haven't you concentrated on SobieskiSavedEurope who posts so much anti-Jew crap YET NOT one of you pull him up about it, don't think we have not noticed you OMG it's THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS crowd do NOT pull Sobieski up about his anti-Jew crap. Sobieski must be Jewish because you all give him a pass, he must be a self-hating Jew but even that's still Jewish and you forgive it and ignore it.

I even posted twice that he posts on Stormfront and you OMG it's THE JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS crowd all ignored that. Strange.

Not really, Roudy the Jewish Israel first guy, really flipped out at me, bad.

^^^^ Roudy is okay, he hates the 7th Century Death Cult as much as me, we have been in alot of threads together in Current Events and we get along. You see emotionally mature people realise that we have a common enemy and thats Islamism, you being not emotionally mature just want to Troll and argue with people.

Jews are a much bigger problem in the U.S.A, and Poland than Muslims.

Germany's a different story..
Why should Germany exist?

100's of millions killed by German actions.

WW1, WW2, the 30 year War, the Russian Civil War, the Belgian Congo Genocide, all instigated by GERM-Mans.

^^^^ Illustrating his mental illness he keeps repeating the same shit over and over and over and over again that he has posted in other threads. I would at this point think Sobieski is a Bot but even Bots have a higher IQ than Sobieski.

You can't seem to justify Germany's existence, how come?

I have wasted enough time on you, you are a low IQ moron which is why you are a member of Stormfront the forum full of low IQ morons like you.

Most on Stormfront are more like you, they are fanatically pro-German, even though they claim to be pro-White, well Germans killed like 100 million Whites, and now are threatening sanctions upon nations who reject Islamic refugees.

Yeah, being pro-White, and pro-German is a low IQ moronic position.

^^^^ I have had enough of you Trolling and derailing this thread with your insane babbling and constant repeating of yourself.

Why would not I be fanatically pro-German see below and I am Austrian see below:

View attachment 166564

Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

A lot of Germans don't even care much for Germans.
Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe.

When did the U.S.A kill so much Europeans as Germans?

When did the U.S.A support sanctions upon states who reject Islamic refugees?

The truth is Germany is much worse than the U.S.A.

"Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe."

Under the Barack Obama Administration it was. We would not have the filthy Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans invading this Continent if it wasn't for Obama dropping the ball on Syria and also fucking up Libya.

What did Germ Merkel do about the Islamic refugee crisis, except support it?

I do not support Merkel, well I supported her until August 2015 and when she decide to make her insane decision to let unlimited amounts of Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans in I stop supporting her.
Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe.

When did the U.S.A kill so much Europeans as Germans?

When did the U.S.A support sanctions upon states who reject Islamic refugees?

The truth is Germany is much worse than the U.S.A.

"Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe."

Under the Barack Obama Administration it was. We would not have the filthy Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans invading this Continent if it wasn't for Obama dropping the ball on Syria and also fucking up Libya.

What did Germ Merkel do about the Islamic refugee crisis, except support it?

I do not support Merkel, well I supported her until August 2015 when she decide to make her insane decision to let unlimited amounts of Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans in.

And, Hitler?
^^^^ Illustrating his mental illness he keeps repeating the same shit over and over and over and over again that he has posted in other threads. I would at this point think Sobieski is a Bot but even Bots have a higher IQ than Sobieski.

You can't seem to justify Germany's existence, how come?

I have wasted enough time on you, you are a low IQ moron which is why you are a member of Stormfront the forum full of low IQ morons like you.

Most on Stormfront are more like you, they are fanatically pro-German, even though they claim to be pro-White, well Germans killed like 100 million Whites, and now are threatening sanctions upon nations who reject Islamic refugees.

Yeah, being pro-White, and pro-German is a low IQ moronic position.

^^^^ I have had enough of you Trolling and derailing this thread with your insane babbling and constant repeating of yourself.

Why would not I be fanatically pro-German see below and I am Austrian see below:

View attachment 166564

Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

A lot of Germans don't even care much for Germans.

^^^^ They are called Traitors.
Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe.

When did the U.S.A kill so much Europeans as Germans?

When did the U.S.A support sanctions upon states who reject Islamic refugees?

The truth is Germany is much worse than the U.S.A.

"Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe."

Under the Barack Obama Administration it was. We would not have the filthy Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans invading this Continent if it wasn't for Obama dropping the ball on Syria and also fucking up Libya.

What did Germ Merkel do about the Islamic refugee crisis, except support it?

I do not support Merkel, well I supported her until August 2015 when she decide to make her insane decision to let unlimited amounts of Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans in.

And, Hitler?

^^^^ Been dead since 1945, he's not relevant today.
Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe.

When did the U.S.A kill so much Europeans as Germans?

When did the U.S.A support sanctions upon states who reject Islamic refugees?

The truth is Germany is much worse than the U.S.A.

"Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe."

Under the Barack Obama Administration it was. We would not have the filthy Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans invading this Continent if it wasn't for Obama dropping the ball on Syria and also fucking up Libya.

What did Germ Merkel do about the Islamic refugee crisis, except support it?

I do not support Merkel, well I supported her until August 2015 when she decide to make her insane decision to let unlimited amounts of Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans in.

And, Hitler?

^^^^ Been dead since 1945, he's not relevant today.

So, you like Hitler?
"Lucy claims the U.S.A is the #1 enemy of Europe."

Under the Barack Obama Administration it was. We would not have the filthy Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans invading this Continent if it wasn't for Obama dropping the ball on Syria and also fucking up Libya.

What did Germ Merkel do about the Islamic refugee crisis, except support it?

I do not support Merkel, well I supported her until August 2015 when she decide to make her insane decision to let unlimited amounts of Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans in.

And, Hitler?

^^^^ Been dead since 1945, he's not relevant today.

So, you like Hitler?

I only discuss situations that are relevant to today, unlike others I do not live in the past if you live in the past you have no future.
What did Germ Merkel do about the Islamic refugee crisis, except support it?

I do not support Merkel, well I supported her until August 2015 when she decide to make her insane decision to let unlimited amounts of Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans in.

And, Hitler?

^^^^ Been dead since 1945, he's not relevant today.

So, you like Hitler?

I only discuss situations that are relevant to today, unlike others I do not live in the past if you live in the past you have no future.

What is the future of Germany?
More Muslims than Germans?

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