Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews

Being anti-Zionist means you are against the establishment of a secular, culturally-Jewish state that can provide a safe haven for Jews being persecuted around the world. Let that sink in ... you are against Jews being safe.

As opposed to Europeans literally not having a homeland and being even less safe than Jews?

Yes I already pointed that to fnnceo in the below post I highlight the section, his response to me was to COMPLETELY IGNORE that and instead to yes you got it he called me anti-Semitic because I dared to put Israel into the SAME category as ALL other nations on this planet, as I say the Chauvinism is THEIRS and their Hangers On and not mine.

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irosie thinks it's Funny that 99.9% of the carnage that the Islamists are inflicting on this Continent is directed toward Gentiles, I mean how many people have been slaughtered in the past few years here by the 7th Century Death Cult....but but but irosie in this thread already called Gentiles shit so we should not be shocked.

You have not heard or Raelians and you would not have heard of the tiny fringe sect of weirdos called the Neturei Karta if not for the efforts of Arab antisemites and their western useful idiot allies who use them like you are using them here.

What does it take to get through your head that they are a TINY little group of nut jobs who do not represent the Jewish ethnicity AT ALL.

"Arab antisemites"

Arabs ARE Semites so you are saying Arabs being Semites are anti-Semities ie. they are against themselves?

"What does it take to get through your head that they are a TINY little group of nut jobs who do not represent the Jewish ethnicity AT ALL."

Why don't you take on irosie instead or would you think that would make you OMG anti-Semitic? She posts vile incoherent ugly rants each time she posts trashing everyone, so go and respond to her crap if you have the testicles.

The term "antisemitism" is not literal. It does not mean being against all semitic people.

It was coined by a German Jew hater named Marr in the 1800's as a way of making the hatred sound scientific and thus acceptable. It has ALWAYS meant hatred of Jews, and has NEVER had anything to do with Arabs.

I am surprised you are ignorant of that fact, Lucy.

Are you an Evangelical?

"It has ALWAYS meant hatred of Jews, and has NEVER had anything to do with Arabs."

Yet Arabs are also Semites, so hatred of Arabs is what? Anti-Semitic because they are Semites. You also know I am not a fan of the 7th Century Death Cult so do not say I;m pro-Islam or pro-Arab or whatever.

"I am surprised you are ignorant of that fact, Lucy."

I am ignorant of nothing. We also already establish in this thread that this crap has been happening for THOUSANDS of years across MANY nations so why do people obsess about Germanic peoples? Is there an Agenda or something to keep ranting on and on about Germanic peoples? How about ranting at the Spaniards for the next I don't know 20 years or whatever or don't they have enough money to hand over?

Even when the meaning of a term has been explained to you two times, you refuse to learn.

The stubbornness is revealing.

"The stubbornness is revealing."

It is a fact that Arabs are Semites, I am not being stubborn.

What about irosie's ugly anti-Catholic rant, why don't you spend some time obsessing about that with her.

This is not a thread about Catholicism, Lucy.

The FACT remains that the term antisemitism does not literally mean against Semites. As has been explained to you for the third time, now, it means hating Jews. You keep coming back to the same bullshit despite the fact I am having to explain it to you over and over again.

You do not understand because you do not WANT to understand.
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People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews

Being anti-Zionist means you are against the establishment of a secular, culturally-Jewish state that can provide a safe haven for Jews being persecuted around the world. Let that sink in ... you are against Jews being safe.

As opposed to Europeans literally not having a homeland and being even less safe than Jews?

I have already said that Israel has a right to exist, but that is not what they want people to comment they want people to comment that Israel has a right to exist and that it is more special than any other nation on this planet. Why would anyone comment such a thing, how many Americans would say Israel is more special and better than America? Not many. How many people would say their own nation is not as good as a nation they have nothing to do with? Well except Leftists who whatever their nation they just automatically hate it and think EVERY other nation is better than theirs, especially all those African nations they are always obsessing about.
People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews

Being anti-Zionist means you are against the establishment of a secular, culturally-Jewish state that can provide a safe haven for Jews being persecuted around the world. Let that sink in ... you are against Jews being safe.

As opposed to Europeans literally not having a homeland and being even less safe than Jews?

Do you live in an alternate reality by any chance?

Last time I looked, there was a Germany for Germans, Italy for Italians, France for French, Sweden for Swedes and Britain for British.

Are you really so delusional that you think they no longer exist?
"Arab antisemites"

Arabs ARE Semites so you are saying Arabs being Semites are anti-Semities ie. they are against themselves?

"What does it take to get through your head that they are a TINY little group of nut jobs who do not represent the Jewish ethnicity AT ALL."

Why don't you take on irosie instead or would you think that would make you OMG anti-Semitic? She posts vile incoherent ugly rants each time she posts trashing everyone, so go and respond to her crap if you have the testicles.

The term "antisemitism" is not literal. It does not mean being against all semitic people.

It was coined by a German Jew hater named Marr in the 1800's as a way of making the hatred sound scientific and thus acceptable. It has ALWAYS meant hatred of Jews, and has NEVER had anything to do with Arabs.

I am surprised you are ignorant of that fact, Lucy.

Are you an Evangelical?

"It has ALWAYS meant hatred of Jews, and has NEVER had anything to do with Arabs."

Yet Arabs are also Semites, so hatred of Arabs is what? Anti-Semitic because they are Semites. You also know I am not a fan of the 7th Century Death Cult so do not say I;m pro-Islam or pro-Arab or whatever.

"I am surprised you are ignorant of that fact, Lucy."

I am ignorant of nothing. We also already establish in this thread that this crap has been happening for THOUSANDS of years across MANY nations so why do people obsess about Germanic peoples? Is there an Agenda or something to keep ranting on and on about Germanic peoples? How about ranting at the Spaniards for the next I don't know 20 years or whatever or don't they have enough money to hand over?

Even when the meaning of a term has been explained to you two times, you refuse to learn.

The stubbornness is revealing.

"The stubbornness is revealing."

It is a fact that Arabs are Semites, I am not being stubborn.

What about irosie's ugly anti-Catholic rant, why don't you spend some time obsessing about that with her.

This is not a thread about Catholicism, Lucy.

The FACT remains that the term anti-Semitism does not literally mean against Semites. As has been explained to you for the third time, now, it means hating Jews. You keep coming back to the same bullshit despite the fact I am having to explain it to you over and over again.

You do not understand because you do not WANT to understand.

"This is not a thread about Catholicism, Lucy."

irosie's rant was about Catholics and also that little Irish girls were LITERALLY CHANNELLING ADOLF HITLER and the Italians were not far behind them.

People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews

Being anti-Zionist means you are against the establishment of a secular, culturally-Jewish state that can provide a safe haven for Jews being persecuted around the world. Let that sink in ... you are against Jews being safe.

As opposed to Europeans literally not having a homeland and being even less safe than Jews?

Do you live in an alternate reality by any chance?

Last time I looked, there was a Germany for Germans, Italy for Italians, France for French, Sweden for Swedes and Britain for British.

Are you really so delusional that you think they no longer exist?
Look up the actual demographics, dipshit.

London is gone, and that is the heart of Britain in more ways than one.

Paris is gone, and that is arguably even more important to France than London is to Britain.

Malmo is gone, and that is a HUGE chunk of Sweden.

Not to mention that Italy is literally a dumping ground for all of the world’s 3rd world trash.

Germany has been invaded by MILLIONS of “refugees” in a very short period of time.

Europe has been stolen from Europeans.
People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews

Being anti-Zionist means you are against the establishment of a secular, culturally-Jewish state that can provide a safe haven for Jews being persecuted around the world. Let that sink in ... you are against Jews being safe.

As opposed to Europeans literally not having a homeland and being even less safe than Jews?

Do you live in an alternate reality by any chance?

Last time I looked, there was a Germany for Germans, Italy for Italians, France for French, Sweden for Swedes and Britain for British.

Are you really so delusional that you think they no longer exist?
Look up the actual demographics, dipshit.

London is gone, and that is the heart of Britain in more ways than one.

Paris is gone, and that is arguably even more important to France than London is to Britain.

Malmo is gone, and that is a HUGE chunk of Sweden.

Not to mention that Italy is literally a dumping ground for all of the world’s 3rd world trash.

Germany has been invaded by MILLIONS of “refugees” in a very short period of time.

Europe has been stolen from Europeans.

^^^^ They attempt to shut people up about pointing these things out by slurring people as anti-Semitic, well people are not going to shut up and that slur is wearing thin now on to many people, soon the only way they will be able to shut us up is if they kill us but then our children will grow up and will continue so they'll have to kill them also.

This is MY Continent, MY Ancestors build it, nutured it, loved it, protected it and gave to it future generations to take care of and WE are NOT going to have what is historically ours taken away from us.
People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews

Being anti-Zionist means you are against the establishment of a secular, culturally-Jewish state that can provide a safe haven for Jews being persecuted around the world. Let that sink in ... you are against Jews being safe.

As opposed to Europeans literally not having a homeland and being even less safe than Jews?

Do you live in an alternate reality by any chance?

Last time I looked, there was a Germany for Germans, Italy for Italians, France for French, Sweden for Swedes and Britain for British.

Are you really so delusional that you think they no longer exist?
Look up the actual demographics, dipshit.

London is gone, and that is the heart of Britain in more ways than one.

Paris is gone, and that is arguably even more important to France than London is to Britain.

Malmo is gone, and that is a HUGE chunk of Sweden.

Not to mention that Italy is literally a dumping ground for all of the world’s 3rd world trash.

Germany has been invaded by MILLIONS of “refugees” in a very short period of time.

Europe has been stolen from Europeans.

^^^^ They attempt to shut people up about pointing these things out by slurring people as anti-Semitic, well people are not going to shut up and that slur is wearing thin now on to many people, soon the only way they will be able to shut us up is if they kill us but then our children will grow up and will continue so they'll have to kill them also.

This is MY Continent, MY Ancestors build it, nutured it, loved it, protected it and gave to it future generations to take care of and WE are NOT going to have what is historically ours taken away from us.
White conservative America will have your back when you decide to make your move.
Being anti-Zionist means you are against the establishment of a secular, culturally-Jewish state that can provide a safe haven for Jews being persecuted around the world. Let that sink in ... you are against Jews being safe.

As opposed to Europeans literally not having a homeland and being even less safe than Jews?

Do you live in an alternate reality by any chance?

Last time I looked, there was a Germany for Germans, Italy for Italians, France for French, Sweden for Swedes and Britain for British.

Are you really so delusional that you think they no longer exist?
Look up the actual demographics, dipshit.

London is gone, and that is the heart of Britain in more ways than one.

Paris is gone, and that is arguably even more important to France than London is to Britain.

Malmo is gone, and that is a HUGE chunk of Sweden.

Not to mention that Italy is literally a dumping ground for all of the world’s 3rd world trash.

Germany has been invaded by MILLIONS of “refugees” in a very short period of time.

Europe has been stolen from Europeans.

^^^^ They attempt to shut people up about pointing these things out by slurring people as anti-Semitic, well people are not going to shut up and that slur is wearing thin now on to many people, soon the only way they will be able to shut us up is if they kill us but then our children will grow up and will continue so they'll have to kill them also.

This is MY Continent, MY Ancestors build it, nutured it, loved it, protected it and gave to it future generations to take care of and WE are NOT going to have what is historically ours taken away from us.
White conservative America will have your back when you decide to make your move.

Thank you and I extend to our American brothers and sisters if the SHTF first on your Continent then we will have your back.
Hell, I will be glad to go over there personally and help liberate the continent like the good old days.

There were volunteers to help the Kurds fight ISIS, so there should be a few volunteers to help gun down Antifa and the Muslim terrorists they protect.
As opposed to Europeans literally not having a homeland and being even less safe than Jews?

Do you live in an alternate reality by any chance?

Last time I looked, there was a Germany for Germans, Italy for Italians, France for French, Sweden for Swedes and Britain for British.

Are you really so delusional that you think they no longer exist?
Look up the actual demographics, dipshit.

London is gone, and that is the heart of Britain in more ways than one.

Paris is gone, and that is arguably even more important to France than London is to Britain.

Malmo is gone, and that is a HUGE chunk of Sweden.

Not to mention that Italy is literally a dumping ground for all of the world’s 3rd world trash.

Germany has been invaded by MILLIONS of “refugees” in a very short period of time.

Europe has been stolen from Europeans.

^^^^ They attempt to shut people up about pointing these things out by slurring people as anti-Semitic, well people are not going to shut up and that slur is wearing thin now on to many people, soon the only way they will be able to shut us up is if they kill us but then our children will grow up and will continue so they'll have to kill them also.

This is MY Continent, MY Ancestors build it, nutured it, loved it, protected it and gave to it future generations to take care of and WE are NOT going to have what is historically ours taken away from us.
White conservative America will have your back when you decide to make your move.

Thank you and I extend to our American brothers and sisters if the SHTF first on your Continent then we will have your back.
Forget Mexico though.

They are not European, and they are too far gone to do anything that would provide long term help.
so why should I give any more thought to Jews than I would Hindus or Buddhists.

We wonder as well why you're droning on with hundreds of posts about Jews.

I have stated that I grew up in a very----GENTILE (mostly WASP---and descendants of german type farm people in the USA)---town. Such people are FASCINATED to the point of OBSESSION with JOOOOOS. JOOOS show up in their poetry and stories and even in their "prayer books" in church. One cannot read English
Literature without a WORKING KNOWLEDGE of what THEY IMAGINE IS JEWISH LITERATURE Adolf Eichmann was so obsessed with JOOOS that he memorized
some short Hebrew prayers which he used to ANNOY his captors in Argentina. Lucy is nothing UNUSUAL

WTF does Adolph Eichmann have to do with you growing up in a Gentile town full of Irish and Italians?

Lots----I was an adolescent when your colleague Adolf Eichmann was captured. ----It was a very interesting time in my town because the concept of "WE HAD NO IDEA" became very prevalent in my town. It was during that era that the movie
"DIARY OF ANNE FRANK" was made------I lived in a town that had ONE SINGLE MOVIE THEATRE and the movie came to my town IMMEDIATELY because one of the actors was a native. ------some of the sons and daughters of chicken farmers and dairy farmers were OFFENDED. ---<<<< ACTUALLY TRUE. Like YOU they felt they were being PUT UPON by the history of that which YOU AND THEY REALLY ARE. Like you THEY thought that they were being compelled to "LICK JEWISH ASS" -----it was really an interesting time in that town. Like you they REVEALED JUST WHAT THEY (and you) really are

"I was an adolescent when your colleague Adolf Eichmann was captured."

Adolph Eichmann was my colleague? I wasn't born until 1990, please irosie up your meds :rolleyes-41:
We are practically the same age.

I thought you were older for some reason.
We wonder as well why you're droning on with hundreds of posts about Jews.

I have stated that I grew up in a very----GENTILE (mostly WASP---and descendants of german type farm people in the USA)---town. Such people are FASCINATED to the point of OBSESSION with JOOOOOS. JOOOS show up in their poetry and stories and even in their "prayer books" in church. One cannot read English
Literature without a WORKING KNOWLEDGE of what THEY IMAGINE IS JEWISH LITERATURE Adolf Eichmann was so obsessed with JOOOS that he memorized
some short Hebrew prayers which he used to ANNOY his captors in Argentina. Lucy is nothing UNUSUAL

WTF does Adolph Eichmann have to do with you growing up in a Gentile town full of Irish and Italians?

Lots----I was an adolescent when your colleague Adolf Eichmann was captured. ----It was a very interesting time in my town because the concept of "WE HAD NO IDEA" became very prevalent in my town. It was during that era that the movie
"DIARY OF ANNE FRANK" was made------I lived in a town that had ONE SINGLE MOVIE THEATRE and the movie came to my town IMMEDIATELY because one of the actors was a native. ------some of the sons and daughters of chicken farmers and dairy farmers were OFFENDED. ---<<<< ACTUALLY TRUE. Like YOU they felt they were being PUT UPON by the history of that which YOU AND THEY REALLY ARE. Like you THEY thought that they were being compelled to "LICK JEWISH ASS" -----it was really an interesting time in that town. Like you they REVEALED JUST WHAT THEY (and you) really are

"I was an adolescent when your colleague Adolf Eichmann was captured."

Adolph Eichmann was my colleague? I wasn't born until 1990, please irosie up your meds :rolleyes-41:
We are practically the same age.

I thought you were older for some reason.

It is good that we are both young.

I thought you also were older but I am happy you're not.
I have stated that I grew up in a very----GENTILE (mostly WASP---and descendants of german type farm people in the USA)---town. Such people are FASCINATED to the point of OBSESSION with JOOOOOS. JOOOS show up in their poetry and stories and even in their "prayer books" in church. One cannot read English
Literature without a WORKING KNOWLEDGE of what THEY IMAGINE IS JEWISH LITERATURE Adolf Eichmann was so obsessed with JOOOS that he memorized
some short Hebrew prayers which he used to ANNOY his captors in Argentina. Lucy is nothing UNUSUAL

WTF does Adolph Eichmann have to do with you growing up in a Gentile town full of Irish and Italians?

Lots----I was an adolescent when your colleague Adolf Eichmann was captured. ----It was a very interesting time in my town because the concept of "WE HAD NO IDEA" became very prevalent in my town. It was during that era that the movie
"DIARY OF ANNE FRANK" was made------I lived in a town that had ONE SINGLE MOVIE THEATRE and the movie came to my town IMMEDIATELY because one of the actors was a native. ------some of the sons and daughters of chicken farmers and dairy farmers were OFFENDED. ---<<<< ACTUALLY TRUE. Like YOU they felt they were being PUT UPON by the history of that which YOU AND THEY REALLY ARE. Like you THEY thought that they were being compelled to "LICK JEWISH ASS" -----it was really an interesting time in that town. Like you they REVEALED JUST WHAT THEY (and you) really are

"I was an adolescent when your colleague Adolf Eichmann was captured."

Adolph Eichmann was my colleague? I wasn't born until 1990, please irosie up your meds :rolleyes-41:
We are practically the same age.

I thought you were older for some reason.

It is good that we are both young.

I thought you also were older but I am happy you're not.
Millennials, along with generation Z are the last hope for the western world.

We cannot fail.
WTF does Adolph Eichmann have to do with you growing up in a Gentile town full of Irish and Italians?

Lots----I was an adolescent when your colleague Adolf Eichmann was captured. ----It was a very interesting time in my town because the concept of "WE HAD NO IDEA" became very prevalent in my town. It was during that era that the movie
"DIARY OF ANNE FRANK" was made------I lived in a town that had ONE SINGLE MOVIE THEATRE and the movie came to my town IMMEDIATELY because one of the actors was a native. ------some of the sons and daughters of chicken farmers and dairy farmers were OFFENDED. ---<<<< ACTUALLY TRUE. Like YOU they felt they were being PUT UPON by the history of that which YOU AND THEY REALLY ARE. Like you THEY thought that they were being compelled to "LICK JEWISH ASS" -----it was really an interesting time in that town. Like you they REVEALED JUST WHAT THEY (and you) really are

"I was an adolescent when your colleague Adolf Eichmann was captured."

Adolph Eichmann was my colleague? I wasn't born until 1990, please irosie up your meds :rolleyes-41:
We are practically the same age.

I thought you were older for some reason.

It is good that we are both young.

I thought you also were older but I am happy you're not.
Millennials, along with generation Z are the last hope for the western world.

We cannot fail.

Yes and the great thing is that Generation Z are even more Conservative than we are, here on this Continent the Left are dying there is only the British that the Left are still above water everywhere else in every other nation at each election the Left are either reduced to being very weak opposition and getting their most terrible election results since the 1920s and 1930s or are being completely wiped out.

No we cannot fail and we will not fail. We will prevail Deus Vult.
Keep your hooter out of our business, dammit.

Libs love hard line Islamists for some reason.
The reason being is both are anti Western Civilization.
Some are hardcore do-gooders who have lost touch with reality.
Some are hardcore do-gooders who have lost touch with reality.

They said that in 1938 too.

Socialism is a product of Jews like Karl Marx (Communism) and Eduard Bernstein (Social Democracy)
Lots----I was an adolescent when your colleague Adolf Eichmann was captured. ----It was a very interesting time in my town because the concept of "WE HAD NO IDEA" became very prevalent in my town. It was during that era that the movie
"DIARY OF ANNE FRANK" was made------I lived in a town that had ONE SINGLE MOVIE THEATRE and the movie came to my town IMMEDIATELY because one of the actors was a native. ------some of the sons and daughters of chicken farmers and dairy farmers were OFFENDED. ---<<<< ACTUALLY TRUE. Like YOU they felt they were being PUT UPON by the history of that which YOU AND THEY REALLY ARE. Like you THEY thought that they were being compelled to "LICK JEWISH ASS" -----it was really an interesting time in that town. Like you they REVEALED JUST WHAT THEY (and you) really are

"I was an adolescent when your colleague Adolf Eichmann was captured."

Adolph Eichmann was my colleague? I wasn't born until 1990, please irosie up your meds :rolleyes-41:
We are practically the same age.

I thought you were older for some reason.

It is good that we are both young.

I thought you also were older but I am happy you're not.
Millennials, along with generation Z are the last hope for the western world.

We cannot fail.

Yes and the great thing is that Generation Z are even more Conservative than we are, here on this Continent the Left are dying there is only the British that the Left are still above water everywhere else in every other nation at each election the Left are either reduced to being very weak opposition and getting their most terrible election results since the 1920s and 1930s or are being completely wiped out.

No we cannot fail and we will not fail. We will prevail Deus Vult.
The left here is largely just being preserved by the remaining hippies that are now going into retirement.

The millennial leftists are mostly just a bunch of low IQ simpletons who will be trampled once the revolution kicks up.
Let's see here -- people feel that Muslims are taking over Europe. The tiny Jewish state is under constant attack from Muslims.

Despite this, those who feel Muslims are taking over Europe are repeating various Islamic talking points directed against Jews.

Brilliant, people, absofuckinglutely brilliant.
Let's see here -- people feel that Muslims are taking over Europe. The tiny Jewish state is under constant attack from Muslims.

Despite this, those who feel Muslims are taking over Europe are repeating various Islamic talking points directed against Jews.

Brilliant, people, absofuckinglutely brilliant.
Jews are the reason why Muslims are in Europe, idiot.
Let's see here -- people feel that Muslims are taking over Europe. The tiny Jewish state is under constant attack from Muslims.

Despite this, those who feel Muslims are taking over Europe are repeating various Islamic talking points directed against Jews.

Brilliant, people, absofuckinglutely brilliant.
Jews are the reason why Muslims are in Europe, idiot.
Angela Merkel is Jewish?

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