Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

Well that's thing right there. You said it. You just MISSED the significance. EURO Jewish Groups advocating suicidal rates of immigration.. NOT GERMAN groups.. In fact the density of Jews per 1000 in Germany is 16 times LESS than the USA and about 7 times less than France. THEY -- had no major say in the matter.

And now apparently -- they are screwed. NOT by JEWISH control of the situation, but by folks supporting political parties against their own best interests.

No group speaks for Jews. That's demeaning. And if you knew how much disagreement is in any group of 3 or more Jews -- you'd understand why...

I'd have to agree, it's impossible for Jews to overpower the entire West.

The issue is just as big with, if not at times even bigger with Western Europeans.
That is in God's hands.
Everything is in God's hands.
It only appears as though mankind is failing or succeeding.

So, it's God's fault that Jews, and Western Europeans are both on the brink of extinction, because most of their population is obviously kind of retarded, and extremely weak?
Take a stab at this question...
What's is God's reaction to people doing what is blatantly not favorable for their future?

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
What were most Jews doing prior to the Holocaust?
Trying to be the best Germans they could be.

What happened immediately after the Holocaust?
God paid back for the blood.
It's now in our hands.

Just like the future success/failure of every nation on earth.
I'd have to agree, it's impossible for Jews to overpower the entire West.

The issue is just as big with, if not at times even bigger with Western Europeans.
That is in God's hands.
Everything is in God's hands.
It only appears as though mankind is failing or succeeding.

So, it's God's fault that Jews, and Western Europeans are both on the brink of extinction, because most of their population is obviously kind of retarded, and extremely weak?
Take a stab at this question...
What's is God's reaction to people doing what is blatantly not favorable for their future?

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
What were most Jews doing prior to the Holocaust?
Trying to be the best Germans they could be.

What happened immediately after the Holocaust?
God paid back for the blood.
It's now in our hands.

Just like the future success/failure of every nation on earth.

So, you believe God kills people, rather than People?

Sounds like a real jerk to me, especially in the early 20th century when in WW1, WW2, Holodomor, Russian Civil War etc. so many were killed by according to you "God"
That is in God's hands.
Everything is in God's hands.
It only appears as though mankind is failing or succeeding.

So, it's God's fault that Jews, and Western Europeans are both on the brink of extinction, because most of their population is obviously kind of retarded, and extremely weak?
Take a stab at this question...
What's is God's reaction to people doing what is blatantly not favorable for their future?

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
What were most Jews doing prior to the Holocaust?
Trying to be the best Germans they could be.

What happened immediately after the Holocaust?
God paid back for the blood.
It's now in our hands.

Just like the future success/failure of every nation on earth.

So, you believe God kills people, rather than People?

Sounds like a real jerk to me, especially in the early 20th century when in WW1, WW2, Holodomor, Russian Civil War etc. so many were killed by according to you "God"
What was the karma of those nations during these periods?
You speak so lovingly of 1,000 years of illiteracy, ignorance, disease and wanton murder.
God basically enabled them to "succeed" and destroy themselves in their own selfishness.
So, it's God's fault that Jews, and Western Europeans are both on the brink of extinction, because most of their population is obviously kind of retarded, and extremely weak?
Take a stab at this question...
What's is God's reaction to people doing what is blatantly not favorable for their future?

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
What were most Jews doing prior to the Holocaust?
Trying to be the best Germans they could be.

What happened immediately after the Holocaust?
God paid back for the blood.
It's now in our hands.

Just like the future success/failure of every nation on earth.

So, you believe God kills people, rather than People?

Sounds like a real jerk to me, especially in the early 20th century when in WW1, WW2, Holodomor, Russian Civil War etc. so many were killed by according to you "God"
What was the karma of those nations during these periods?
You speak so lovingly of 1,000 years of illiteracy, ignorance, disease and wanton murder.
God basically enabled them to "succeed" and destroy themselves in their own selfishness.[/QUOTE

So, who's responsible for disease?

Well, according to you God.. No?[
Take a stab at this question...
What's is God's reaction to people doing what is blatantly not favorable for their future?

Where was your God during the Holocaust?
What were most Jews doing prior to the Holocaust?
Trying to be the best Germans they could be.

What happened immediately after the Holocaust?
God paid back for the blood.
It's now in our hands.

Just like the future success/failure of every nation on earth.

So, you believe God kills people, rather than People?

Sounds like a real jerk to me, especially in the early 20th century when in WW1, WW2, Holodomor, Russian Civil War etc. so many were killed by according to you "God"
What was the karma of those nations during these periods?
You speak so lovingly of 1,000 years of illiteracy, ignorance, disease and wanton murder.
God basically enabled them to "succeed" and destroy themselves in their own selfishness.[/QUOTE

So, who's responsible for disease?

Well, according to you God.. No?
God accelerates what we give Him.
Where was your God during the Holocaust?
What were most Jews doing prior to the Holocaust?
Trying to be the best Germans they could be.

What happened immediately after the Holocaust?
God paid back for the blood.
It's now in our hands.

Just like the future success/failure of every nation on earth.

So, you believe God kills people, rather than People?

Sounds like a real jerk to me, especially in the early 20th century when in WW1, WW2, Holodomor, Russian Civil War etc. so many were killed by according to you "God"
What was the karma of those nations during these periods?
You speak so lovingly of 1,000 years of illiteracy, ignorance, disease and wanton murder.
God basically enabled them to "succeed" and destroy themselves in their own selfishness.[/QUOTE

So, who's responsible for disease?

Well, according to you God.. No?
God accelerates what we give Him.

So, God kills people... But.. He's a nice guy, huh?
Can you explain that post for understanding?
Look back at the last Gaza/Israel conflict and see who suddenly became Zionists.
That's right, every assimilated and self-hating Jew on earth suddenly became a Zionist.
You see, it's easy to be anti-Zionist when your fellow Jews aren't being attacked.
Deep down inside, even the most embarrassed self hating Jew knows the Arabs hate them, not because oi Israel, but because they're Jews.
Clear enough?
Maybe, they became Zionists. I have declared that Hamas missile attacks are terrorism. Israel´s attacks on Gaza are far worse, you know, and you can imagine that they play into the hands of Hamas.
How is blowing up the source of attack worse than the attack?
Try to answer without sounding stupid.
There is no source of attack because Hamas is not waiting for the Israelis to respond. They leave the place and Israel bombs a civilian place, maybe with civilians still in there.
I asked you not to sound failed.
According to your explanation Hamas can remove a missile launcher in less than 30 seconds.
Not only that, you blame Israel for retaliating seconds after an attack.
Are you really this stupid?
So you claim 30 seconds after the launch of the Qassam the Israeli response arrives?
Then you are very stupid.
What were most Jews doing prior to the Holocaust?
Trying to be the best Germans they could be.

What happened immediately after the Holocaust?
God paid back for the blood.
It's now in our hands.

Just like the future success/failure of every nation on earth.

So, you believe God kills people, rather than People?

Sounds like a real jerk to me, especially in the early 20th century when in WW1, WW2, Holodomor, Russian Civil War etc. so many were killed by according to you "God"
What was the karma of those nations during these periods?
You speak so lovingly of 1,000 years of illiteracy, ignorance, disease and wanton murder.
God basically enabled them to "succeed" and destroy themselves in their own selfishness.[/QUOTE

So, who's responsible for disease?

Well, according to you God.. No?
God accelerates what we give Him.

So, God kills people... But.. He's a nice guy, huh?
It's difficult to explain certain concepts in kabbalah on a message board in terse postings.
The universe was created by a Big Bang of light.
Mankind has to take that light and reflect it back in as pure a manner as possible in order for the universe to function properly.
All of Mankind has thus failed in it's mission.
And I respect the fact that you don't believe in anything except that it's the Jews fault.
Look back at the last Gaza/Israel conflict and see who suddenly became Zionists.
That's right, every assimilated and self-hating Jew on earth suddenly became a Zionist.
You see, it's easy to be anti-Zionist when your fellow Jews aren't being attacked.
Deep down inside, even the most embarrassed self hating Jew knows the Arabs hate them, not because oi Israel, but because they're Jews.
Clear enough?
Maybe, they became Zionists. I have declared that Hamas missile attacks are terrorism. Israel´s attacks on Gaza are far worse, you know, and you can imagine that they play into the hands of Hamas.
How is blowing up the source of attack worse than the attack?
Try to answer without sounding stupid.
There is no source of attack because Hamas is not waiting for the Israelis to respond. They leave the place and Israel bombs a civilian place, maybe with civilians still in there.
I asked you not to sound failed.
According to your explanation Hamas can remove a missile launcher in less than 30 seconds.
Not only that, you blame Israel for retaliating seconds after an attack.
Are you really this stupid?
So you claim 30 seconds after the launch of the Qassam the Israeli response arrives?
Then you are very stupid.
I know many people in the IDF.
They know the moment the missile is fired and respond almost immediately and you are embarrassing yourself.
I disagree entirely.

Austria also was not forced to examine its past. It has a much higher rate of racism than the former West Germany.

No, the East Germans were not forced to deal with their past at all. While West Germany was going through "denazification" the East wasn't.
Antifascism the and the defeat of the Third Reich was a central point in the socialist education of the GDR.

You can read here what, how Adenauer praised the German soldiers amid applause in the German parliament 1952.
Ehrenerklärung von Bundeskanzler

Election Placards FRG:

You can see that the whole "dealing with the past" bullshit is about to put the blame of the wrongdoing in the Third Reich on the new generations, who did not even lived back then. It is not similar to the "denazification", because it allowed a certain degree of patriotism/nationalism and did not blamed every single person. And the Nuremberg trials stated that the blame is not to be put on the generations that lived in the Third Reich. There is no kin liability.
I for my part did not do any holocaust or war crimes, do you understand?

Yes... and?

Anti-fascism isn't denazification, it's totally the opposite.

Anti-fascism is "Nazis are bad"
Denazification is "you were Nazis and this was bad"

The blame was give in denazification but not in anti-fascism.

You may not have done anything in the Holocaust, but that doesn't mean there isn't a national psyche about it.

West Germany refused to send troops abroad because of

German collective guilt - Wikipedia

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says Schlink"

This is an article from 2010.

"When I grew up, I found there was a sense of guilt even among those who had not committed any crime,"

Whether you agree with this or not, is neither here nor there. It exists and it exists much more in the former West Germany than former East Germany. The simple fact is the US and UK placed the blame on the West Germans, the Soviets didn't place the blame on the East Germans. They said "you are Communists, it wasn't YOU who did this"

As a result racism is much higher in the former East Germany.
You are not going to offload any guilt on my shoulders, ok?

I'm discussing reality, you can live with your head up your ass all you like.
Real actual reality is I didn´t do it. Period.

Why the fuck is this about you? I'm not talking about YOU. Are you that self fucking centered that everything has to revolve around you?
Maybe, they became Zionists. I have declared that Hamas missile attacks are terrorism. Israel´s attacks on Gaza are far worse, you know, and you can imagine that they play into the hands of Hamas.
How is blowing up the source of attack worse than the attack?
Try to answer without sounding stupid.
There is no source of attack because Hamas is not waiting for the Israelis to respond. They leave the place and Israel bombs a civilian place, maybe with civilians still in there.
I asked you not to sound failed.
According to your explanation Hamas can remove a missile launcher in less than 30 seconds.
Not only that, you blame Israel for retaliating seconds after an attack.
Are you really this stupid?
So you claim 30 seconds after the launch of the Qassam the Israeli response arrives?
Then you are very stupid.
I know many people in the IDF.
They know the moment the missile is fired and respond almost immediately and you are embarrassing yourself.
Even if they respond directly the projectile or missile would need more than 30 seconds. You are babbling nonsense. You surely don´t know IDF soldiers and are misinformed by malicious sources. Or maybe you just make your bullshit up yourself.

However, there is no magic missile start detection system.
Antifascism the and the defeat of the Third Reich was a central point in the socialist education of the GDR.

You can read here what, how Adenauer praised the German soldiers amid applause in the German parliament 1952.
Ehrenerklärung von Bundeskanzler

Election Placards FRG:

You can see that the whole "dealing with the past" bullshit is about to put the blame of the wrongdoing in the Third Reich on the new generations, who did not even lived back then. It is not similar to the "denazification", because it allowed a certain degree of patriotism/nationalism and did not blamed every single person. And the Nuremberg trials stated that the blame is not to be put on the generations that lived in the Third Reich. There is no kin liability.
I for my part did not do any holocaust or war crimes, do you understand?

Yes... and?

Anti-fascism isn't denazification, it's totally the opposite.

Anti-fascism is "Nazis are bad"
Denazification is "you were Nazis and this was bad"

The blame was give in denazification but not in anti-fascism.

You may not have done anything in the Holocaust, but that doesn't mean there isn't a national psyche about it.

West Germany refused to send troops abroad because of

German collective guilt - Wikipedia

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says Schlink"

This is an article from 2010.

"When I grew up, I found there was a sense of guilt even among those who had not committed any crime,"

Whether you agree with this or not, is neither here nor there. It exists and it exists much more in the former West Germany than former East Germany. The simple fact is the US and UK placed the blame on the West Germans, the Soviets didn't place the blame on the East Germans. They said "you are Communists, it wasn't YOU who did this"

As a result racism is much higher in the former East Germany.
You are not going to offload any guilt on my shoulders, ok?

I'm discussing reality, you can live with your head up your ass all you like.
Real actual reality is I didn´t do it. Period.

Why the fuck is this about you? I'm not talking about YOU. Are you that self fucking centered that everything has to revolve around you?
Yes, it is about me. You tell me to "deal with the past" and thus are creating some kind of guilt, responsibility or whatever. There is nothing like that cause I didn´t do it.
How is blowing up the source of attack worse than the attack?
Try to answer without sounding stupid.
There is no source of attack because Hamas is not waiting for the Israelis to respond. They leave the place and Israel bombs a civilian place, maybe with civilians still in there.
I asked you not to sound failed.
According to your explanation Hamas can remove a missile launcher in less than 30 seconds.
Not only that, you blame Israel for retaliating seconds after an attack.
Are you really this stupid?
So you claim 30 seconds after the launch of the Qassam the Israeli response arrives?
Then you are very stupid.
I know many people in the IDF.
They know the moment the missile is fired and respond almost immediately and you are embarrassing yourself.
Even if they respond directly the projectile or missile would need more than 30 seconds. You are babbling nonsense. You surely don´t know IDF soldiers and are misinformed by malicious sources. Or maybe you just make your bullshit up yourself.

However, there is no magic missile start detection system.
You are an idiot.
How do you think Iron Dome works, you moron?
Israel doesn't even brag that they are way past Iron Dome.
What they have detects unusual heat sources and responds appropriately almost immediately.
It's obvious from the Jew hating theme in your postings that what bothers you is that not enough Jews have been murdered.
Hamas is in deep shit and they well know it.
Yes... and?

Anti-fascism isn't denazification, it's totally the opposite.

Anti-fascism is "Nazis are bad"
Denazification is "you were Nazis and this was bad"

The blame was give in denazification but not in anti-fascism.

You may not have done anything in the Holocaust, but that doesn't mean there isn't a national psyche about it.

West Germany refused to send troops abroad because of

German collective guilt - Wikipedia

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says Schlink"

This is an article from 2010.

"When I grew up, I found there was a sense of guilt even among those who had not committed any crime,"

Whether you agree with this or not, is neither here nor there. It exists and it exists much more in the former West Germany than former East Germany. The simple fact is the US and UK placed the blame on the West Germans, the Soviets didn't place the blame on the East Germans. They said "you are Communists, it wasn't YOU who did this"

As a result racism is much higher in the former East Germany.
You are not going to offload any guilt on my shoulders, ok?

I'm discussing reality, you can live with your head up your ass all you like.
Real actual reality is I didn´t do it. Period.

Why the fuck is this about you? I'm not talking about YOU. Are you that self fucking centered that everything has to revolve around you?
Yes, it is about me. You tell me to "deal with the past" and thus are creating some kind of guilt, responsibility or whatever. There is nothing like that cause I didn´t do it.

Are you reading what I write or not? Seems not.

I'm not telling you to deal with the past. I'm telling you that people in the former WEST GERMANY were forced to deal with their past.

So, next time you come across one of my posts, I'd appreciate it if you read it, rather than pretending you know what it says before you've read it. Okay?
There is no source of attack because Hamas is not waiting for the Israelis to respond. They leave the place and Israel bombs a civilian place, maybe with civilians still in there.
I asked you not to sound failed.
According to your explanation Hamas can remove a missile launcher in less than 30 seconds.
Not only that, you blame Israel for retaliating seconds after an attack.
Are you really this stupid?
So you claim 30 seconds after the launch of the Qassam the Israeli response arrives?
Then you are very stupid.
I know many people in the IDF.
They know the moment the missile is fired and respond almost immediately and you are embarrassing yourself.
Even if they respond directly the projectile or missile would need more than 30 seconds. You are babbling nonsense. You surely don´t know IDF soldiers and are misinformed by malicious sources. Or maybe you just make your bullshit up yourself.

However, there is no magic missile start detection system.
You are an idiot.
How do you think Iron Dome works, you moron?
Israel doesn't even brag that they are way past Iron Dome.
What they have detects unusual heat sources and responds appropriately almost immediately.
It's obvious from the Jew hating theme in your postings that what bothers you is that not enough Jews have been murdered.
Hamas is in deep shit and they well know it.
Iron Dome is based on fast missiles to counter the short time they have to react. Even if Iron Dome was able to detect a rocket launch, and it is not, it couldn´t know where the missile is going to. Iron dome ascertains the path of a rocket based on its trajectory, so it is clear the rocket is already underway. It must be very precise to intercept a rocket and its success rate is disputed.

Most important, it is not a retaliation system but an interception system. Your cluelessness is only outmatched by the bullshit you accuse me of.
You are not going to offload any guilt on my shoulders, ok?

I'm discussing reality, you can live with your head up your ass all you like.
Real actual reality is I didn´t do it. Period.

Why the fuck is this about you? I'm not talking about YOU. Are you that self fucking centered that everything has to revolve around you?
Yes, it is about me. You tell me to "deal with the past" and thus are creating some kind of guilt, responsibility or whatever. There is nothing like that cause I didn´t do it.

Are you reading what I write or not? Seems not.

I'm not telling you to deal with the past. I'm telling you that people in the former WEST GERMANY were forced to deal with their past.

So, next time you come across one of my posts, I'd appreciate it if you read it, rather than pretending you know what it says before you've read it. Okay?
I still disagree with your thesis why there is more right-wing attitude in the east and I already explained why it is.
I asked you not to sound failed.
According to your explanation Hamas can remove a missile launcher in less than 30 seconds.
Not only that, you blame Israel for retaliating seconds after an attack.
Are you really this stupid?
So you claim 30 seconds after the launch of the Qassam the Israeli response arrives?
Then you are very stupid.
I know many people in the IDF.
They know the moment the missile is fired and respond almost immediately and you are embarrassing yourself.
Even if they respond directly the projectile or missile would need more than 30 seconds. You are babbling nonsense. You surely don´t know IDF soldiers and are misinformed by malicious sources. Or maybe you just make your bullshit up yourself.

However, there is no magic missile start detection system.
You are an idiot.
How do you think Iron Dome works, you moron?
Israel doesn't even brag that they are way past Iron Dome.
What they have detects unusual heat sources and responds appropriately almost immediately.
It's obvious from the Jew hating theme in your postings that what bothers you is that not enough Jews have been murdered.
Hamas is in deep shit and they well know it.
Iron Dome is based on fast missiles to counter the short time they have to react. Even if Iron Dome was able to detect a rocket launch, and it is not, it couldn´t know where the missile is going to. Iron dome ascertains the path of a rocket based on its trajectory, so it is clear the rocket is already underway. It must be very precise to intercept a rocket and its success rate is disputed.

Most important, it is not a retaliation system but an interception system. Your cluelessness is only outmatched by the bullshit you accuse me of.
I believe I just stated that Israel is way past Iron Dome, even though they don't publicize it.
They are, in fact, entering an even further phase of aggression as opposed to defense because they're tired of dealing with Arab
And yes, the Arab world is fully aware of this and shitting in their pants.
I'm discussing reality, you can live with your head up your ass all you like.
Real actual reality is I didn´t do it. Period.

Why the fuck is this about you? I'm not talking about YOU. Are you that self fucking centered that everything has to revolve around you?
Yes, it is about me. You tell me to "deal with the past" and thus are creating some kind of guilt, responsibility or whatever. There is nothing like that cause I didn´t do it.

Are you reading what I write or not? Seems not.

I'm not telling you to deal with the past. I'm telling you that people in the former WEST GERMANY were forced to deal with their past.

So, next time you come across one of my posts, I'd appreciate it if you read it, rather than pretending you know what it says before you've read it. Okay?
I still disagree with your thesis why there is more right-wing attitude in the east and I already explained why it is.

Then why not talk about that instead of going off into the realms of nonsense?

You made your argument, I came back at it, then you went off on one.

Most of your point was "you can see this here" rather than actually making your own point with your own presentation.

Denazification happened under the British and American sectors, it did not happen under the Soviet sector. Racism in Germany is more prevalent in Soviet sectors that became the former East Germany.

Whether you committed crimes in WW2 isn't the issue here. The issue here is that West Germany people felt this guilt even though they didn't do anything.

It's part of the national psyche. You don't have to agree with this psyche or attitude, but it's clearly there. There are enough articles about it to fill a large library

Are Today's Germans Morally Responsible for the Holocaust?

Are Today's Germans Morally Responsible for the Holocaust?"

You wouldn't write such an article if Germany didn't feel a certain amount of collective guilt.

Denazification can mean various things. You could say the East carried out Denazification in that they had "re-education camps", but this was to make people "good Communists" or whatever.

The BIG difference between East Germany and West Germany was the "collective guilt".

The NPD existed in Germany from 1964. In 1969 they gained their highest ever West German result of 3.6% and then went downhill from there never to get above 1% again in West Germany.

In 2005 and 2009 they moved up to 1.8% of the vote, the best since 1969.


Membership is most in the East.

Now your argument was about unemployment. Well, the NPD started to do better in 2005. At this time unemployment in Germany hit a high. However unemployment DROPPED in the years after. By 2013 unemployment was much lower, okay it was still a bit higher in the former East Germany, but it was still much lower. So why the support for the NPD?

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