Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

Let's see here -- people feel that Muslims are taking over Europe. The tiny Jewish state is under constant attack from Muslims.

Despite this, those who feel Muslims are taking over Europe are repeating various Islamic talking points directed against Jews.

Brilliant, people, absofuckinglutely brilliant.
Jews are the reason why Muslims are in Europe, idiot.
Angela Merkel is Jewish?
Jews lobbied for it and helped get scum like Merkel elected.
Let's see here -- people feel that Muslims are taking over Europe. The tiny Jewish state is under constant attack from Muslims.

Despite this, those who feel Muslims are taking over Europe are repeating various Islamic talking points directed against Jews.

Brilliant, people, absofuckinglutely brilliant.
Jews are the reason why Muslims are in Europe, idiot.
Angela Merkel is Jewish?
Jews lobbied for it and helped get scum like Merkel elected.
So did non Jewish Germans.
Jews are the reason why Muslims are in Europe, idiot.

... and Jews bring ants to picnics.

Let's see here -- people feel that Muslims are taking over Europe. The tiny Jewish state is under constant attack from Muslims.

Despite this, those who feel Muslims are taking over Europe are repeating various Islamic talking points directed against Jews.

Brilliant, people, absofuckinglutely brilliant.
Jews are the reason why Muslims are in Europe, idiot.
Angela Merkel is Jewish?
Jews lobbied for it and helped get scum like Merkel elected.
So did non Jewish Germans.

Yes because they are Leftists and have absorbed the Brainwashing Guilt Trip better having less brains to wash, they are not a majority they never were.

The others who are a majority are just terrified of being called Nazi's by everyone from Merkel to the MSM and inbetween, fuck that, the choice is be called a Nazi or have these Third World parasites in to take everything that they are NOT entitled to and within ten years make the nation a crap hole like the crap holes they have come from.

Nazi is just a word who cares if you are called a Nazi at least you stand the chance when the dust settles of still having a nation that is YOURS that does not have Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans squatting in it.

There are worse things to be called than being called a Nazi, such as being called a Communist, more than 100 MILLION sacrificed on the Altar of the Communist Devils, the 65 MILLION in China and the 20 MILLION in the Soviet Union outweighs anything else in History actually:

Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:
The similarities are astonishing!

Chosen people, vs Aryan masterrace

Land grabbing:
Lebensraum for the people

Separation and oppression

Utter bullshit!

I don't appreciate us being talked about as if we were specimens in a laboratory. After all, it was you people who decided we were 'different'. And implemented separation.

When German Jews were the most assimilated into German life and culture, compared to anywhere else in the world, At that time in history.
The Jews turned against their German Fatherland when they sold out our great country for the Brits´ filthy promise that they did not even keep by the way.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

when was that and in WHAT WAY did jews "sell out" Germany?
It was during WWI when all the powers failed to do anything against Germany and the US refused to go to war:

"After the war began in 1914, the United States proclaimed a policy of neutrality despite president Woodrow Wilson's antipathies against Germany. Early in the war, the United States started to favor the British and their allies. President Wilson aimed to broker a peace and sent his top aide, Colonel House, on repeated missions to the two sides, but each remained so confident of victory that they ignored peace proposals.

When the German U-boat U-20 sank the British liner Lusitania on 7 May 1915 with 128 US citizens aboard, Wilson said "America is too proud to fight" and demanded an end to attacks on passenger ships.

American public opinion was divided, with most Americans until early 1917 largely of the opinion that the United States should stay out of the war.

The great majority of German Americans, as well as Scandinavian Americans, wanted the United States to remain neutral; however, at the outbreak of war, thousands of US citizens had tried to enlist in the German army."
United States in World War I - Wikipedia

But the US deep state with war propaganda and the first false flag of modern history, the Lusitania, failed to manipulate the country sufficiently.

"The Jews" offered to make the US go to war against Germany in exchange for a pile of sand:

"World War I broke out in the summer of 1914. Within two years Germany had won the war.

The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the British convoys from the Atlantic Ocean and leaving Britain without ammunition and food for her soldiers.

At that time the French army had mutinied. They lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defense of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was defecting. And the Italian army had collapsed.

Not a shot had been fired on German soil yet Germany was offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis which means: “Let’s call the war off and let everything be as it was before the war started.”

England, in the summer of 1916, was considering Germany’s peace terms. They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was offering them or going on with the war and being totally defeated.

While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, led by the Jew, Chaim Weitzman, who later became the 1st President of Israel, went to the British War Cabinet and said: “Don’t capitulate to Germany. You can win this war if the United States comes in as your ally. We can arrange this. But in return, you must promise us Palestine once the tide turns in your favor.”"
Jews Blackmailed Wilson Into WW I | Real Jew News

Based on surnames, you can see that Germany was the Jewish homeland, and they turned against it:
Category:Jewish surnames - Wikipedia
I did not even mention Jews. I said Zionism.
I do not have a view on Jews. I don´t care. Why should I care?

Is that an oxymoron?
No, he is a total moron. If Jew is equal to Zionist, then German is equal to Nazi.
Even most self hating Jews support Israel when Gaza attacks Tel Aviv.
Can you explain that post for understanding?
Look back at the last Gaza/Israel conflict and see who suddenly became Zionists.
That's right, every assimilated and self-hating Jew on earth suddenly became a Zionist.
You see, it's easy to be anti-Zionist when your fellow Jews aren't being attacked.
Deep down inside, even the most embarrassed self hating Jew knows the Arabs hate them, not because oi Israel, but because they're Jews.
Clear enough?
Maybe, they became Zionists. I have declared that Hamas missile attacks are terrorism. Israel´s attacks on Gaza are far worse, you know, and you can imagine that they play into the hands of Hamas.
JewWatch DotCom

Google the word “Jew” and you’re in for a shock. High up on the page listings, a link brings you to, a vast collection of clickable articles which purports to be “the Internet’s Largest Scholarly Collection of Articles on Zionist History”. If you click through, you’ll encounter Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories, “Jewish supremacists” and myriad references to banking and Hollywood.

A naïve reader could be left in no doubt whatsoever that the world is in grave danger from the threat posed by World Jewry. Search YouTube for “Holocaust” and you’ll be offered the sub-category “Holocaust hoax.” Google the recent terror attacks in Paris and, cheek-by-jowl with mainstream news stories is Mossad’s Fingerprints on Paris Attacks by something called Real Jew News.

SPECIAL REPORT: Untangling the anti-Semitic web of hate
Angry protests in Berlin next to the Hanukkah celebrations caused panic among Jews in Germany. The Central Council of Jews in Germany warned Jews to not to celebrate outside in the moment. The celebrations in Mülheim at the synagogue site are canceled and relocated to a synagogue in Duisburg.
"It is unbelievable, that I have to witness that a Jewish gathering cannot take place due to security concerns after 1933 - 45.", Mühlheim´s mayor Scholten (SPD) told Bild. But the SPD is also responsible for the situation, they have indiscriminately imported millions from everywhere, preferably lower-class Muslims.

Chanukka-Fest in Mülheim wegen Sicherheitsbedenken abgesagt - WELT

The NPD are big in the former East Germany.

It shows how people can be trained to be less racist. The West Germans dealt with their past over a long period of time, the Soviets didn't care as long as they were good Communists. So, the result is far less racism in the former West Germany than the former East.
East Germans also "dealt with their past". Former SED is also strong within the borders of the former GDR. It is not why the people differ, it is because after the reunification, they took their jobs and filled the places with their foreigners. That did not exist in low-crime GDR.

I disagree entirely.

Austria also was not forced to examine its past. It has a much higher rate of racism than the former West Germany.

No, the East Germans were not forced to deal with their past at all. While West Germany was going through "denazification" the East wasn't.
Antifascism the and the defeat of the Third Reich was a central point in the socialist education of the GDR.

You can read here what, how Adenauer praised the German soldiers amid applause in the German parliament 1952.
Ehrenerklärung von Bundeskanzler

Election Placards FRG:

You can see that the whole "dealing with the past" bullshit is about to put the blame of the wrongdoing in the Third Reich on the new generations, who did not even lived back then. It is not similar to the "denazification", because it allowed a certain degree of patriotism/nationalism and did not blamed every single person. And the Nuremberg trials stated that the blame is not to be put on the generations that lived in the Third Reich. There is no kin liability.
I for my part did not do any holocaust or war crimes, do you understand?

Yes... and?

Anti-fascism isn't denazification, it's totally the opposite.

Anti-fascism is "Nazis are bad"
Denazification is "you were Nazis and this was bad"

The blame was give in denazification but not in anti-fascism.

You may not have done anything in the Holocaust, but that doesn't mean there isn't a national psyche about it.

West Germany refused to send troops abroad because of

German collective guilt - Wikipedia

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says Schlink"

This is an article from 2010.

"When I grew up, I found there was a sense of guilt even among those who had not committed any crime,"

Whether you agree with this or not, is neither here nor there. It exists and it exists much more in the former West Germany than former East Germany. The simple fact is the US and UK placed the blame on the West Germans, the Soviets didn't place the blame on the East Germans. They said "you are Communists, it wasn't YOU who did this"

As a result racism is much higher in the former East Germany.
You are not going to offload any guilt on my shoulders, ok?
The NPD are big in the former East Germany.

It shows how people can be trained to be less racist. The West Germans dealt with their past over a long period of time, the Soviets didn't care as long as they were good Communists. So, the result is far less racism in the former West Germany than the former East.
East Germans also "dealt with their past". Former SED is also strong within the borders of the former GDR. It is not why the people differ, it is because after the reunification, they took their jobs and filled the places with their foreigners. That did not exist in low-crime GDR.

I disagree entirely.

Austria also was not forced to examine its past. It has a much higher rate of racism than the former West Germany.

No, the East Germans were not forced to deal with their past at all. While West Germany was going through "denazification" the East wasn't.
Antifascism the and the defeat of the Third Reich was a central point in the socialist education of the GDR.

You can read here what, how Adenauer praised the German soldiers amid applause in the German parliament 1952.
Ehrenerklärung von Bundeskanzler

Election Placards FRG:

You can see that the whole "dealing with the past" bullshit is about to put the blame of the wrongdoing in the Third Reich on the new generations, who did not even lived back then. It is not similar to the "denazification", because it allowed a certain degree of patriotism/nationalism and did not blamed every single person. And the Nuremberg trials stated that the blame is not to be put on the generations that lived in the Third Reich. There is no kin liability.
I for my part did not do any holocaust or war crimes, do you understand?

Yes... and?

Anti-fascism isn't denazification, it's totally the opposite.

Anti-fascism is "Nazis are bad"
Denazification is "you were Nazis and this was bad"

The blame was give in denazification but not in anti-fascism.

You may not have done anything in the Holocaust, but that doesn't mean there isn't a national psyche about it.

West Germany refused to send troops abroad because of

German collective guilt - Wikipedia

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says Schlink"

This is an article from 2010.

"When I grew up, I found there was a sense of guilt even among those who had not committed any crime,"

Whether you agree with this or not, is neither here nor there. It exists and it exists much more in the former West Germany than former East Germany. The simple fact is the US and UK placed the blame on the West Germans, the Soviets didn't place the blame on the East Germans. They said "you are Communists, it wasn't YOU who did this"

As a result racism is much higher in the former East Germany.
You are not going to offload any guilt on my shoulders, ok?

I'm discussing reality, you can live with your head up your ass all you like.
Angela Merkel is Jewish?

He is too utterly stupid and dishonest to o see anything but his own antisemitism.

It's always the same shit. You have stupid, worthless people who recognize at some level that they are worthless, and instead of doing something to improve themselves, simply fall back on this crutch of theirs.

Heck, they aren't pieces of shit because they are pieces of shit. Hell, no! It's because of da Joos!!

Damn thems Joos always hiding in the shadows with their hooked noses and malevolent grins, pulling the strings that prevent ptbw from amounting to anything in life!
East Germans also "dealt with their past". Former SED is also strong within the borders of the former GDR. It is not why the people differ, it is because after the reunification, they took their jobs and filled the places with their foreigners. That did not exist in low-crime GDR.

I disagree entirely.

Austria also was not forced to examine its past. It has a much higher rate of racism than the former West Germany.

No, the East Germans were not forced to deal with their past at all. While West Germany was going through "denazification" the East wasn't.
Antifascism the and the defeat of the Third Reich was a central point in the socialist education of the GDR.

You can read here what, how Adenauer praised the German soldiers amid applause in the German parliament 1952.
Ehrenerklärung von Bundeskanzler

Election Placards FRG:

You can see that the whole "dealing with the past" bullshit is about to put the blame of the wrongdoing in the Third Reich on the new generations, who did not even lived back then. It is not similar to the "denazification", because it allowed a certain degree of patriotism/nationalism and did not blamed every single person. And the Nuremberg trials stated that the blame is not to be put on the generations that lived in the Third Reich. There is no kin liability.
I for my part did not do any holocaust or war crimes, do you understand?

Yes... and?

Anti-fascism isn't denazification, it's totally the opposite.

Anti-fascism is "Nazis are bad"
Denazification is "you were Nazis and this was bad"

The blame was give in denazification but not in anti-fascism.

You may not have done anything in the Holocaust, but that doesn't mean there isn't a national psyche about it.

West Germany refused to send troops abroad because of

German collective guilt - Wikipedia

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says

Germany has yet to rid itself of its guilt over the Nazis, says Schlink"

This is an article from 2010.

"When I grew up, I found there was a sense of guilt even among those who had not committed any crime,"

Whether you agree with this or not, is neither here nor there. It exists and it exists much more in the former West Germany than former East Germany. The simple fact is the US and UK placed the blame on the West Germans, the Soviets didn't place the blame on the East Germans. They said "you are Communists, it wasn't YOU who did this"

As a result racism is much higher in the former East Germany.
You are not going to offload any guilt on my shoulders, ok?

I'm discussing reality, you can live with your head up your ass all you like.
Real actual reality is I didn´t do it. Period.
Is that an oxymoron?
No, he is a total moron. If Jew is equal to Zionist, then German is equal to Nazi.
Even most self hating Jews support Israel when Gaza attacks Tel Aviv.
Can you explain that post for understanding?
Look back at the last Gaza/Israel conflict and see who suddenly became Zionists.
That's right, every assimilated and self-hating Jew on earth suddenly became a Zionist.
You see, it's easy to be anti-Zionist when your fellow Jews aren't being attacked.
Deep down inside, even the most embarrassed self hating Jew knows the Arabs hate them, not because oi Israel, but because they're Jews.
Clear enough?
Maybe, they became Zionists. I have declared that Hamas missile attacks are terrorism. Israel´s attacks on Gaza are far worse, you know, and you can imagine that they play into the hands of Hamas.
How is blowing up the source of attack worse than the attack?
Try to answer without sounding stupid.
The "respectable" term these days is Zionist.

Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

"As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate."

The majority of European Jewish Groups were advocating and cheering on Merkel's Open Border to allow the Kebabs in, they did this because of you know something that ended 72 years ago, we had them babbling the usual Emotional Blackmail of "but but but they have a duty because of their History" now the damage has been done you want them to run to safety, no they should stay and get the Cultural Enrichment they so supported the Goyim getting, actually relocate hundreds of Kebabs into every Jewish Community, I don't see why the Jewish Communities shouldn't become Multi-Ethnic and's not just for White European Christians you know that sort of thing :smoke:

Well that's thing right there. You said it. You just MISSED the significance. EURO Jewish Groups advocating suicidal rates of immigration.. NOT GERMAN groups.. In fact the density of Jews per 1000 in Germany is 16 times LESS than the USA and about 7 times less than France. THEY -- had no major say in the matter.

And now apparently -- they are screwed. NOT by JEWISH control of the situation, but by folks supporting political parties against their own best interests.

No group speaks for Jews. That's demeaning. And if you knew how much disagreement is in any group of 3 or more Jews -- you'd understand why...
No, he is a total moron. If Jew is equal to Zionist, then German is equal to Nazi.
Even most self hating Jews support Israel when Gaza attacks Tel Aviv.
Can you explain that post for understanding?
Look back at the last Gaza/Israel conflict and see who suddenly became Zionists.
That's right, every assimilated and self-hating Jew on earth suddenly became a Zionist.
You see, it's easy to be anti-Zionist when your fellow Jews aren't being attacked.
Deep down inside, even the most embarrassed self hating Jew knows the Arabs hate them, not because oi Israel, but because they're Jews.
Clear enough?
Maybe, they became Zionists. I have declared that Hamas missile attacks are terrorism. Israel´s attacks on Gaza are far worse, you know, and you can imagine that they play into the hands of Hamas.
How is blowing up the source of attack worse than the attack?
Try to answer without sounding stupid.
There is no source of attack because Hamas is not waiting for the Israelis to respond. They leave the place and Israel bombs a civilian place, maybe with civilians still in there.
Even most self hating Jews support Israel when Gaza attacks Tel Aviv.
Can you explain that post for understanding?
Look back at the last Gaza/Israel conflict and see who suddenly became Zionists.
That's right, every assimilated and self-hating Jew on earth suddenly became a Zionist.
You see, it's easy to be anti-Zionist when your fellow Jews aren't being attacked.
Deep down inside, even the most embarrassed self hating Jew knows the Arabs hate them, not because oi Israel, but because they're Jews.
Clear enough?
Maybe, they became Zionists. I have declared that Hamas missile attacks are terrorism. Israel´s attacks on Gaza are far worse, you know, and you can imagine that they play into the hands of Hamas.
How is blowing up the source of attack worse than the attack?
Try to answer without sounding stupid.
There is no source of attack because Hamas is not waiting for the Israelis to respond. They leave the place and Israel bombs a civilian place, maybe with civilians still in there.
I asked you not to sound failed.
According to your explanation Hamas can remove a missile launcher in less than 30 seconds.
Not only that, you blame Israel for retaliating seconds after an attack.
Are you really this stupid?
Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

"As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate."

The majority of European Jewish Groups were advocating and cheering on Merkel's Open Border to allow the Kebabs in, they did this because of you know something that ended 72 years ago, we had them babbling the usual Emotional Blackmail of "but but but they have a duty because of their History" now the damage has been done you want them to run to safety, no they should stay and get the Cultural Enrichment they so supported the Goyim getting, actually relocate hundreds of Kebabs into every Jewish Community, I don't see why the Jewish Communities shouldn't become Multi-Ethnic and's not just for White European Christians you know that sort of thing :smoke:

Well that's thing right there. You said it. You just MISSED the significance. EURO Jewish Groups advocating suicidal rates of immigration.. NOT GERMAN groups.. In fact the density of Jews per 1000 in Germany is 16 times LESS than the USA and about 7 times less than France. THEY -- had no major say in the matter.

And now apparently -- they are screwed. NOT by JEWISH control of the situation, but by folks supporting political parties against their own best interests.

No group speaks for Jews. That's demeaning. And if you knew how much disagreement is in any group of 3 or more Jews -- you'd understand why...

I'd have to agree, it's impossible for Jews to overpower the entire West.

The issue is just as big with, if not at times even bigger with Western Europeans.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

"As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate."

The majority of European Jewish Groups were advocating and cheering on Merkel's Open Border to allow the Kebabs in, they did this because of you know something that ended 72 years ago, we had them babbling the usual Emotional Blackmail of "but but but they have a duty because of their History" now the damage has been done you want them to run to safety, no they should stay and get the Cultural Enrichment they so supported the Goyim getting, actually relocate hundreds of Kebabs into every Jewish Community, I don't see why the Jewish Communities shouldn't become Multi-Ethnic and's not just for White European Christians you know that sort of thing :smoke:

Well that's thing right there. You said it. You just MISSED the significance. EURO Jewish Groups advocating suicidal rates of immigration.. NOT GERMAN groups.. In fact the density of Jews per 1000 in Germany is 16 times LESS than the USA and about 7 times less than France. THEY -- had no major say in the matter.

And now apparently -- they are screwed. NOT by JEWISH control of the situation, but by folks supporting political parties against their own best interests.

No group speaks for Jews. That's demeaning. And if you knew how much disagreement is in any group of 3 or more Jews -- you'd understand why...

I'd have to agree, it's impossible for Jews to overpower the entire West.

The issue is just as big with, if not at times even bigger with Western Europeans.
That is in God's hands.
Everything is in God's hands.
It only appears as though mankind is failing or succeeding.
Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

"As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate."

The majority of European Jewish Groups were advocating and cheering on Merkel's Open Border to allow the Kebabs in, they did this because of you know something that ended 72 years ago, we had them babbling the usual Emotional Blackmail of "but but but they have a duty because of their History" now the damage has been done you want them to run to safety, no they should stay and get the Cultural Enrichment they so supported the Goyim getting, actually relocate hundreds of Kebabs into every Jewish Community, I don't see why the Jewish Communities shouldn't become Multi-Ethnic and's not just for White European Christians you know that sort of thing :smoke:

Well that's thing right there. You said it. You just MISSED the significance. EURO Jewish Groups advocating suicidal rates of immigration.. NOT GERMAN groups.. In fact the density of Jews per 1000 in Germany is 16 times LESS than the USA and about 7 times less than France. THEY -- had no major say in the matter.

And now apparently -- they are screwed. NOT by JEWISH control of the situation, but by folks supporting political parties against their own best interests.

No group speaks for Jews. That's demeaning. And if you knew how much disagreement is in any group of 3 or more Jews -- you'd understand why...

I'd have to agree, it's impossible for Jews to overpower the entire West.

The issue is just as big with, if not at times even bigger with Western Europeans.
That is in God's hands.
Everything is in God's hands.
It only appears as though mankind is failing or succeeding.

So, it's God's fault that Jews, and Western Europeans are both on the brink of extinction, because most of their population is obviously kind of retarded, and extremely weak?
The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

"As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate."

The majority of European Jewish Groups were advocating and cheering on Merkel's Open Border to allow the Kebabs in, they did this because of you know something that ended 72 years ago, we had them babbling the usual Emotional Blackmail of "but but but they have a duty because of their History" now the damage has been done you want them to run to safety, no they should stay and get the Cultural Enrichment they so supported the Goyim getting, actually relocate hundreds of Kebabs into every Jewish Community, I don't see why the Jewish Communities shouldn't become Multi-Ethnic and's not just for White European Christians you know that sort of thing :smoke:

Well that's thing right there. You said it. You just MISSED the significance. EURO Jewish Groups advocating suicidal rates of immigration.. NOT GERMAN groups.. In fact the density of Jews per 1000 in Germany is 16 times LESS than the USA and about 7 times less than France. THEY -- had no major say in the matter.

And now apparently -- they are screwed. NOT by JEWISH control of the situation, but by folks supporting political parties against their own best interests.

No group speaks for Jews. That's demeaning. And if you knew how much disagreement is in any group of 3 or more Jews -- you'd understand why...

I'd have to agree, it's impossible for Jews to overpower the entire West.

The issue is just as big with, if not at times even bigger with Western Europeans.
That is in God's hands.
Everything is in God's hands.
It only appears as though mankind is failing or succeeding.

So, it's God's fault that Jews, and Western Europeans are both on the brink of extinction, because most of their population is obviously kind of retarded, and extremely weak?
Take a stab at this question...
What's is God's reaction to people doing what is blatantly not favorable for their future?
"As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate."

The majority of European Jewish Groups were advocating and cheering on Merkel's Open Border to allow the Kebabs in, they did this because of you know something that ended 72 years ago, we had them babbling the usual Emotional Blackmail of "but but but they have a duty because of their History" now the damage has been done you want them to run to safety, no they should stay and get the Cultural Enrichment they so supported the Goyim getting, actually relocate hundreds of Kebabs into every Jewish Community, I don't see why the Jewish Communities shouldn't become Multi-Ethnic and's not just for White European Christians you know that sort of thing :smoke:

Well that's thing right there. You said it. You just MISSED the significance. EURO Jewish Groups advocating suicidal rates of immigration.. NOT GERMAN groups.. In fact the density of Jews per 1000 in Germany is 16 times LESS than the USA and about 7 times less than France. THEY -- had no major say in the matter.

And now apparently -- they are screwed. NOT by JEWISH control of the situation, but by folks supporting political parties against their own best interests.

No group speaks for Jews. That's demeaning. And if you knew how much disagreement is in any group of 3 or more Jews -- you'd understand why...

I'd have to agree, it's impossible for Jews to overpower the entire West.

The issue is just as big with, if not at times even bigger with Western Europeans.
That is in God's hands.
Everything is in God's hands.
It only appears as though mankind is failing or succeeding.

So, it's God's fault that Jews, and Western Europeans are both on the brink of extinction, because most of their population is obviously kind of retarded, and extremely weak?
Take a stab at this question...
What's is God's reaction to people doing what is blatantly not favorable for their future?

Where was your God during the Holocaust?

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