Germany Is Buying F-35s.

1, Why should I trust a magazine by a Greek journalist?

2. The article disappeared.

1. There are other articles with the same topic. Why should you trust American journalists, when they're lying to you more than anyone else?

2. Left is censoring any info they don't like. By the way, how do you know it's Greek if it disappeared?
Shaggy activist Olaf Scholz in October 1983 participates in a demonstration in Bonn against the threat of nuclear war and for the withdrawal of American troops from the Ramstein base. With his hair, his mind went out too
Shaggy activist Olaf Scholz in October 1983 participates in a demonstration in Bonn against the threat of nuclear war and for the withdrawal of American troops from the Ramstein base. With his hair, his mind went out too
View attachment 720947

I guess I was in the same peace demonstration. 100,000 people in Bonn. The police was totally helpless - but no one needed them. A slogan out of this time had been "Frieden schaffen ohne Waffen" = "create peace without weapons".

Not the way of Russia today - hopefully the way of Russia tomorrow.

English: "shaggy"
German: "zottelig"

I ask myselve why I learn always so nice words in so damned stupid, respectless, racist, arrogant and hateful contextes in the English speaking world. The demonstration was by the way not about the withdrawal of American troops from the Ramstein base. Although I agree with this since Donald Trump had been president the USA who made votes also with hate on Germany.
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Poland ordered some F-35s way back. I don't remember when, but at least several months ago.

Poland needs every years billions from the EU - but has enough money to buy F-35s from the USA. I guess this explains very well the madness of the world in which we live. I heard the F-35s have a lot of problems. I think no one would use them normally - but - and this is a very big fat "butt" - they are able to use nukes. Nukes which will kill for sure whole Europe and Russia - and perhaps also the USA - if they are used. Stupid game! Extremely stupid game!
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