GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool

The hordes of Islamic invaders.....pooping and ejaculating in the pool......among other things like raping, robbing....


And --- once again --- where is any evidence that them exist at all?

What's the evidence?

You must be joking.... are you living under a stone? don't you read the news??

Exactly --- no one can cite any.
I asked that question immediately upon reading this thread, this morning, without even checking for myself.
I have yet to see an answer.

"I have yet to see an answer"

I gave you an answer. We have many people from the organisations we're associated with RIGHT across multiple nations in Europa, they are filing reports back each day, from on the front lines.

IF you insist on thinking none of this is happening, that's your foolish choice. I'm sorry that you wish to believe that the Muslims AREN'T savages, that they're NOT on disgusting rampages, that they're NOT raping women AND children etc. Keep in your Fantasy Land, if it makes you feel happier and cosier.


No link.
That's what I've noted all day.

You lose.

Welcome to Ignore.
I want to all Western Europe .....going to be lambs to slaughter?

Are they not going to fight?

Don't they care anymore?

What is the answer.....?

Are all Europeans morons?

Because if they are....

cool.....bye bye Europe.....hello Sharia bloody Law
For years if anyone mentioned immigration or Muslims they were shouted down as racists and islamofauxbes. It took a party in England like UKIP to force the gvmnt to discuss immigration issues once again, but still, most of Western Europe has effectively been emasculated. I don't have high hopes, although if something is going to happen, it will most likely start in Germany.

Don't worry, it's going to happen. Trust me, I know.


somebodies' doing the raping. if it hand-rape is that OK? is that why the leftist don't care. Like that reporter NBC in Egypt. One of their own got ravaged up a real outcry.
Muslims shall stay to live in their dirty backward 'countries' in the turd world, but not among humans.
The name of Merkel will be cursed for thousands years in Germany.

GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool and sexually harassing German girls

Now that a German swimming pool has been forced to lift its ban on Muslim male migrants, according to Bäder GmbH (Baths Inc.), Muslims have been masturbating and defecating into the water, and are

sexually harassing and groping women in the Sauna, while trying to storm the women’s changing rooms. Other reports claim Muslim migrants have also been sexually molesting children in a swimming hall.

Read the full story:


We must learn how to live with them for the progressive cause
no matter the price
What to do when a Refugee Crushes on You?

And --- once again --- where is any evidence that them exist at all?

What's the evidence?

You must be joking.... are you living under a stone? don't you read the news??

Exactly --- no one can cite any.
I asked that question immediately upon reading this thread, this morning, without even checking for myself.
I have yet to see an answer.

"I have yet to see an answer"

I gave you an answer. We have many people from the organisations we're associated with RIGHT across multiple nations in Europa, they are filing reports back each day, from on the front lines.

IF you insist on thinking none of this is happening, that's your foolish choice. I'm sorry that you wish to believe that the Muslims AREN'T savages, that they're NOT on disgusting rampages, that they're NOT raping women AND children etc. Keep in your Fantasy Land, if it makes you feel happier and cosier.


No link.
That's what I've noted all day.

You lose.

Welcome to Ignore.

You so cute when you're angry.

The fact remains, no one can back up the claim in the OP. And yes, that matters.
Deal with it.
somebodies' doing the raping. if it hand-rape is that OK? is that why the leftist don't care. Like that reporter NBC in Egypt. One of their own got ravaged up a real outcry.

Hand-rape certainly is NOT okay.

My theory is that the Leftists, being mentally ill already, have a twisted fantasy about being sexually brutalised in every orifice by a horde of Muslim savages. Therefore, they think all these women who are livid about being raped every which way....the Leftists think WTF is wrong with those women WHY aren't they enjoying it and why aren't more women gagging for it?
Muslims shall stay to live in their dirty backward 'countries' in the turd world, but not among humans.
The name of Merkel will be cursed for thousands years in Germany.

GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool and sexually harassing German girls

Now that a German swimming pool has been forced to lift its ban on Muslim male migrants, according to Bäder GmbH (Baths Inc.), Muslims have been masturbating and defecating into the water, and are

sexually harassing and groping women in the Sauna, while trying to storm the women’s changing rooms. Other reports claim Muslim migrants have also been sexually molesting children in a swimming hall.

Read the full story:


We must learn how to live with them for the progressive cause
no matter the price
What to do when a Refugee Crushes on You?


What to do when a "Refugee" crushes on you? You kick them in the nuts and SHOUT into their ear:

"You ever THINK about that again, and I'm going to cut your f-cking testicles off and FEED them to you!"

Europa, let's GET with the programme already.
Muslims shall stay to live in their dirty backward 'countries' in the turd world, but not among humans.
The name of Merkel will be cursed for thousands years in Germany.

GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool and sexually harassing German girls

Now that a German swimming pool has been forced to lift its ban on Muslim male migrants, according to Bäder GmbH (Baths Inc.), Muslims have been masturbating and defecating into the water, and are

sexually harassing and groping women in the Sauna, while trying to storm the women’s changing rooms. Other reports claim Muslim migrants have also been sexually molesting children in a swimming hall.

Read the full story:


We must learn how to live with them for the progressive cause
no matter the price
What to do when a Refugee Crushes on You?



And --- once again --- where is any evidence that them exist at all?

What's the evidence?

You must be joking.... are you living under a stone? don't you read the news??

Exactly --- no one can cite any.
I asked that question immediately upon reading this thread, this morning, without even checking for myself.
I have yet to see an answer.

"I have yet to see an answer"

I gave you an answer. We have many people from the organisations we're associated with RIGHT across multiple nations in Europa, they are filing reports back each day, from on the front lines.

IF you insist on thinking none of this is happening, that's your foolish choice. I'm sorry that you wish to believe that the Muslims AREN'T savages, that they're NOT on disgusting rampages, that they're NOT raping women AND children etc. Keep in your Fantasy Land, if it makes you feel happier and cosier.


No link.
That's what I've noted all day.

You lose.

Welcome to Ignore.

Pogo not to remain on Ignore. I've only put you on it right now because I like you, and because in this thread you're saying very silly things, which makes me disappointed in you because I know you're NOT stupid.

So, as you have made me all annoyed with you because of your silliness, I'm likely to make some type of comment which I'll certainly regret 10 minutes post-comment, as I don't want this happening, I can't read any further silly stuff you might comment....I'm hoping you get with the programme and smell the coffee.

I'm not a vindictive person, despite certain people on here obviously totally hating my guts and thinking me a complete monster or something.

Edited to add comment.
Last edited:
What's the evidence?

You must be joking.... are you living under a stone? don't you read the news??

Exactly --- no one can cite any.
I asked that question immediately upon reading this thread, this morning, without even checking for myself.
I have yet to see an answer.

"I have yet to see an answer"

I gave you an answer. We have many people from the organisations we're associated with RIGHT across multiple nations in Europa, they are filing reports back each day, from on the front lines.

IF you insist on thinking none of this is happening, that's your foolish choice. I'm sorry that you wish to believe that the Muslims AREN'T savages, that they're NOT on disgusting rampages, that they're NOT raping women AND children etc. Keep in your Fantasy Land, if it makes you feel happier and cosier.


No link.
That's what I've noted all day.

You lose.

Welcome to Ignore.

Pogo not to remain on Ignore. I've only put you on it right now because I like you, and because in this thread you're saying very silly things, which makes me disappointed in you because I know you're NOT stupid.

So, as you have made me all annoyed with you because of your silliness, I'm likely to make some type of comment which I'll certainly regret 10 minutes post-comment, as I don't want this happening, I can't read any further silly stuff you might comment....I'm hoping you get with the programme and smell the coffee.

I like you too; you're levelheaded..... usually.

But not this time. I've required documentation of the OP, since I first got here, and the fact is --- there isn't any. That's got nothing to do with invented goalpost-moving about "savages"; that's specific to the OP -- the headline and alleged story from no less an unimpeachable source than "" --- which apparently exists nowhere in the world of reality. And that matters.

I don't agree with making shit up. I never will.
I want to all Western Europe .....going to be lambs to slaughter?

Are they not going to fight?

Don't they care anymore?

What is the answer.....?

Are all Europeans morons?

Because if they are....

cool.....bye bye Europe.....hello Sharia bloody Law
For years if anyone mentioned immigration or Muslims they were shouted down as racists and islamofauxbes. It took a party in England like UKIP to force the gvmnt to discuss immigration issues once again, but still, most of Western Europe has effectively been emasculated. I don't have high hopes, although if something is going to happen, it will most likely start in Germany.

Germans and Austrians, we are the same people and we will stand together....does ANYONE think we're going to let our beautiful Continent sink under weight of filthy savages? No. If you do, then you do not know history, you do not know OUR history.

Großdeutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.

Greater Germany,
Greater Germany above everything,
Above everything in the world,
When for protection and defence,
It always stands brotherly together.

ALWAYS stands TOGETHER....and ALWAYS will.

Großdeutschland = Germany + Austria.
Exactly --- no one can cite any.
I asked that question immediately upon reading this thread, this morning, without even checking for myself.
I have yet to see an answer.

"I have yet to see an answer"

I gave you an answer. We have many people from the organisations we're associated with RIGHT across multiple nations in Europa, they are filing reports back each day, from on the front lines.

IF you insist on thinking none of this is happening, that's your foolish choice. I'm sorry that you wish to believe that the Muslims AREN'T savages, that they're NOT on disgusting rampages, that they're NOT raping women AND children etc. Keep in your Fantasy Land, if it makes you feel happier and cosier.


No link.
That's what I've noted all day.

You lose.

Welcome to Ignore.

Pogo not to remain on Ignore. I've only put you on it right now because I like you, and because in this thread you're saying very silly things, which makes me disappointed in you because I know you're NOT stupid.

So, as you have made me all annoyed with you because of your silliness, I'm likely to make some type of comment which I'll certainly regret 10 minutes post-comment, as I don't want this happening, I can't read any further silly stuff you might comment....I'm hoping you get with the programme and smell the coffee.

I like you too; you're levelheaded..... usually.

But not this time. I've required documentation of the OP, since I first got here, and the fact is --- there isn't any. That's got nothing to do with invented goalpost-moving about "savages"; that's specific to the OP -- the headline and alleged story from no less an unimpeachable source than "" --- which apparently exists nowhere in the world of reality. And that matters.

I don't agree with making shit up. I never will.

So, before I go to the bed, I've taken you off Ignore now, I've calmed down after you annoying me in big way which wasn't good situation.

This however is how I choose to deal with situation you brought about, which caused upsetting of order and discipline in my brain....the ultimate crisis that no Germanic can cope with, except either to go completely ballistic and start shouting in BIG BIG way OR in this case put the person on Ignore, to give time to reassert the order and discipline in the brain.

So, I did this :chillpill: and also this :lalala: at your silly comment, which resulted in this :itsok:, this all avoided the inevitable :blowup: if I hadn't of put you on Ignore.

You should, I hope appreciate this!
I want to all Western Europe .....going to be lambs to slaughter?

Are they not going to fight?

Don't they care anymore?

What is the answer.....?

Are all Europeans morons?

Because if they are....

cool.....bye bye Europe.....hello Sharia bloody Law
For years if anyone mentioned immigration or Muslims they were shouted down as racists and islamofauxbes. It took a party in England like UKIP to force the gvmnt to discuss immigration issues once again, but still, most of Western Europe has effectively been emasculated. I don't have high hopes, although if something is going to happen, it will most likely start in Germany.

What do you mean, did you see what they did to Trump over his Muslim immigration comments? Literally the entire left and right were trying to crucify him over it.
I want to all Western Europe .....going to be lambs to slaughter?

Are they not going to fight?

Don't they care anymore?

What is the answer.....?

Are all Europeans morons?

Because if they are....

cool.....bye bye Europe.....hello Sharia bloody Law
For years if anyone mentioned immigration or Muslims they were shouted down as racists and islamofauxbes. It took a party in England like UKIP to force the gvmnt to discuss immigration issues once again, but still, most of Western Europe has effectively been emasculated. I don't have high hopes, although if something is going to happen, it will most likely start in Germany.

Germans and Austrians, we are the same people and we will stand together....does ANYONE think we're going to let our beautiful Continent sink under weight of filthy savages? No. If you do, then you do not know history, you do not know OUR history.

Großdeutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.

Greater Germany,
Greater Germany above everything,
Above everything in the world,
When for protection and defence,
It always stands brotherly together.

ALWAYS stands TOGETHER....and ALWAYS will.

Großdeutschland = Germany + Austria.
Germans like the French, already pulled their pants down when it comes to Muslim immigration. It's now a question of mitigating the disaster.
I want to all Western Europe .....going to be lambs to slaughter?

Are they not going to fight?

Don't they care anymore?

What is the answer.....?

Are all Europeans morons?

Because if they are....

cool.....bye bye Europe.....hello Sharia bloody Law
For years if anyone mentioned immigration or Muslims they were shouted down as racists and islamofauxbes. It took a party in England like UKIP to force the gvmnt to discuss immigration issues once again, but still, most of Western Europe has effectively been emasculated. I don't have high hopes, although if something is going to happen, it will most likely start in Germany.

Germans and Austrians, we are the same people and we will stand together....does ANYONE think we're going to let our beautiful Continent sink under weight of filthy savages? No. If you do, then you do not know history, you do not know OUR history.

Großdeutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.

Greater Germany,
Greater Germany above everything,
Above everything in the world,
When for protection and defence,
It always stands brotherly together.

ALWAYS stands TOGETHER....and ALWAYS will.

Großdeutschland = Germany + Austria.
Germans like the French, already pulled their pants down when it comes to Muslim immigration. It's now a question of mitigating the disaster.

I'll have you know my good man, I've certainly NOT pulled my pants down....okay, so how much are you offering me? For the right price you know....:eek-52: :eusa_doh:
I want to all Western Europe .....going to be lambs to slaughter?

Are they not going to fight?

Don't they care anymore?

What is the answer.....?

Are all Europeans morons?

Because if they are....

cool.....bye bye Europe.....hello Sharia bloody Law
For years if anyone mentioned immigration or Muslims they were shouted down as racists and islamofauxbes. It took a party in England like UKIP to force the gvmnt to discuss immigration issues once again, but still, most of Western Europe has effectively been emasculated. I don't have high hopes, although if something is going to happen, it will most likely start in Germany.

What do you mean, did you see what they did to Trump over his Muslim immigration comments? Literally the entire left and right were trying to crucify him over it.

The so-called "Right" are Cuckservatives....they are not Purist Right.
Exactly --- no one can cite any.
I asked that question immediately upon reading this thread, this morning, without even checking for myself.
I have yet to see an answer.

"I have yet to see an answer"

I gave you an answer. We have many people from the organisations we're associated with RIGHT across multiple nations in Europa, they are filing reports back each day, from on the front lines.

IF you insist on thinking none of this is happening, that's your foolish choice. I'm sorry that you wish to believe that the Muslims AREN'T savages, that they're NOT on disgusting rampages, that they're NOT raping women AND children etc. Keep in your Fantasy Land, if it makes you feel happier and cosier.


No link.
That's what I've noted all day.

You lose.

Welcome to Ignore.

Pogo not to remain on Ignore. I've only put you on it right now because I like you, and because in this thread you're saying very silly things, which makes me disappointed in you because I know you're NOT stupid.

So, as you have made me all annoyed with you because of your silliness, I'm likely to make some type of comment which I'll certainly regret 10 minutes post-comment, as I don't want this happening, I can't read any further silly stuff you might comment....I'm hoping you get with the programme and smell the coffee.

I like you too; you're levelheaded..... usually.

But not this time. I've required documentation of the OP, since I first got here, and the fact is --- there isn't any. That's got nothing to do with invented goalpost-moving about "savages"; that's specific to the OP -- the headline and alleged story from no less an unimpeachable source than "" --- which apparently exists nowhere in the world of reality. And that matters.

I don't agree with making shit up. I never will.

I think 50% of people let's face it probably have me on Ignore already, probably at least two more also from other night. This is just the way, in American phrase, cookies are crumbling!

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