GERMANY: Muslim invaders are pooping and ejaculating in the pool

Merkel is digging her own political grave.

Loads of Germans don't want these refugee's in Germany and those that are there are already costing German taxpayers up the ass.

If they had a Government with a brain cell that works then they would kick every Muslim out of their country.

Same goes for every Western country and our country as well.
And --- once again --- where is any evidence that them exist at all?
Time and again! even when you're shown video evidence, you still repeat disbelief. You're a hack that doesn't deserve anyone's effort to provide proof. You have been provided links. Just because you don't like the source doesn't mean the report isnt true.
I am waiting on what will be the spark, what event will be the catalyst that will erupt into a true attack against the refugee camps. It is going to happen.
What will happen after that?
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago

And --- once again --- where is any evidence that them exist at all?
Time and again! even when you're shown video evidence, you still repeat disbelief. You're a hack that doesn't deserve anyone's effort to provide proof. You have been provided links. Just because you don't like the source doesn't mean the report isnt true.

I worry that the Pogo's of this world, who are so naïve, they're going to be the first to be taken by the Muslim savages that they are defending and welcoming, thanks to the Leftist insanity known as Pathological Altruism.

They refuse to wake up and smell the coffee, we can see the forest through the trees BUT they WON'T listen to us because we're all apparently "racist" "Nazi" "monsters".

This is what awaits even the Leftist women....we know it, they refuse to listen:

its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


We Germanics have great respect for you Persians, our history with each other goes back Centuries and you know we have no problem with any Persian who wants to come and live with us in Europa, you are Civilised and highly educated peoples and very would fit in and do fit in, we already for decades have had many Persians living with us.
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The football team picture, those girls are in the Arsenal kit! You support Arsenal yourself!
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The name Iran actually means Land of The Aryans.
most syrian refugees are barberic and wild

As are the Afghan savages.

We wouldn't be having all this trouble IF they were coming from Civility ie. Egyptians, Persians, Jordanians....Oman which is very mild, almost Secular society.

It's the feral savages who are arriving, thanks to Traitor Bitch Merkel.
I am waiting on what will be the spark, what event will be the catalyst that will erupt into a true attack against the refugee camps. It is going to happen.
What will happen after that?

As Christians we are allowed by Jesus Christ to become violent....The False Prophets have preached that Christians must be meek and mild and LOVING to ALL....horsecrap, they are trashing The Bible, they are deceiving about what Our Lord tells us to do. Here's just one piece of advice from Him addressing His Disciples:

Luke 22:36 "...if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
I would suggest you vet your own links as well. ALL of these links only refer back to Dimbart (which cites no source). Except for the BBC story, which is not the same story. And the last link -- same thing.

What's in the title though -- the Barenakedislam thing --- has yet to show up anywhere.
I dunno, perhaps I'm the only one around here who learned to read. :dunno:
Are you trying to suggest that this latest article about pool filth is an isolated matter? It has nothing to do with the hundreds of other accounts of what Muslim males have done to destroy Germany, France, Belgium, England, Austria and Sweden? How many attacks and horrific crimes over the last 5 years do we have to go dig up and give you the original source for? You playing games with us or yourself?

It is because of people who think or act just like you that Western Europe is run over with hate-filled mongrels who think they have the right to kill whoever insults their prophet and act like animals in front of non-Islam females and think they have the right to take over another nation with their own “no go zones” and make their own laws. Which includes treating their own women like dogs.

You and f-ked up cowardly leaders and politicians, most especially on the Left, are the main reason we are in such terrible times.
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The football team picture, those girls are in the Arsenal kit! You support Arsenal yourself!

yes .i support arsenal but this picture is persepolis tehran kit and its for before revolution
persepolis have most fan in asia

+ just information: persepolis is name of great cyrus( Achaemenid Empire)capital city

most syrian refugees are barberic and wild

As are the Afghan savages.

We wouldn't be having all this trouble IF they were coming from Civility ie. Egyptians, Persians, Jordanians....Oman which is very mild, almost Secular society.

It's the feral savages who are arriving, thanks to Traitor Bitch Merkel.

afghan have 3 big ....:
pashtoo (90% of taliban)
tajik (persian)
hezare(like east asian)
problem is pashtoo.for example
i dont saying all of them are bad.iran have 6 million+ afghan refugees now.

but they have pedophile traditional :
they are young boy.
be carefull for your young boy in europe



+egyptians havnt good culture.most molesting woman in arab country is by egyptian.
And --- once again --- where is any evidence that them exist at all?
Time and again! even when you're shown video evidence, you still repeat disbelief. You're a hack that doesn't deserve anyone's effort to provide proof. You have been provided links. Just because you don't like the source doesn't mean the report isnt true.

migrants arrested after 'masturbating at historic German baths'

Once AGAIN --- and yes we did this before, this same link has been posted --- READ YOUR OWN LINK. Its source is, and I quote, "according to Breitbart". And Breitbart, which article was brought in at the beginning, HAS NO SOURCE. It links to a page that only tells me, in German, that I have AdBlock on. I already know that in English. That doesn't make for a credible source.

This is an endless echo-circle that regardless where you start puts you back in the same circle, and no part of that circle contains an exit to any evidence. It's just an endless repetition of "A says B said this; B said it because C said it; C said it because A said it".

By all available evidence this is a game of telephone. Repeating some wild story over and over via endless blogs all unlinked to any evidence doesn't make it magically appear just because you want it to. What part of that don't you people GET?

Are you trying to suggest that this latest article about pool filth is an isolated matter?


I'm suggesting --- pointing out actually --- that we have no evidence that it actually ever happened at all.

Defacating/masturbating into a public pool would be a serious matter for anyone involved in that pool. Making up fantasy stories to incite mobs is a serious matter that involves everybody. That's my priority.

Last edited:
"I have yet to see an answer"

I gave you an answer. We have many people from the organisations we're associated with RIGHT across multiple nations in Europa, they are filing reports back each day, from on the front lines.

IF you insist on thinking none of this is happening, that's your foolish choice. I'm sorry that you wish to believe that the Muslims AREN'T savages, that they're NOT on disgusting rampages, that they're NOT raping women AND children etc. Keep in your Fantasy Land, if it makes you feel happier and cosier.


No link.
That's what I've noted all day.

You lose.

Welcome to Ignore.

Pogo not to remain on Ignore. I've only put you on it right now because I like you, and because in this thread you're saying very silly things, which makes me disappointed in you because I know you're NOT stupid.

So, as you have made me all annoyed with you because of your silliness, I'm likely to make some type of comment which I'll certainly regret 10 minutes post-comment, as I don't want this happening, I can't read any further silly stuff you might comment....I'm hoping you get with the programme and smell the coffee.

I like you too; you're levelheaded..... usually.

But not this time. I've required documentation of the OP, since I first got here, and the fact is --- there isn't any. That's got nothing to do with invented goalpost-moving about "savages"; that's specific to the OP -- the headline and alleged story from no less an unimpeachable source than "" --- which apparently exists nowhere in the world of reality. And that matters.

I don't agree with making shit up. I never will.

So, before I go to the bed, I've taken you off Ignore now, I've calmed down after you annoying me in big way which wasn't good situation.

This however is how I choose to deal with situation you brought about, which caused upsetting of order and discipline in my brain....the ultimate crisis that no Germanic can cope with, except either to go completely ballistic and start shouting in BIG BIG way OR in this case put the person on Ignore, to give time to reassert the order and discipline in the brain.

So, I did this :chillpill: and also this :lalala: at your silly comment, which resulted in this :itsok:, this all avoided the inevitable :blowup: if I hadn't of put you on Ignore.

You should, I hope appreciate this!

I think that was an entirely reasonable approach. Danke sehr.

I approach the issue with cold, unemotional raitionality -- either something exists, or it does not. Period.
Can't get much more Germanic than that, nicht wahr?
its not islam clean is very important rule in islam.
syrian people isnt civilized yet.
few country like syria and iraq and pakistan and afghanistan isnt all moslem.

they are moslem too and they are civilized too like other nation

malasya-indonisia- turkey - iran





iran moslem 40-50 years ago


The football team picture, those girls are in the Arsenal kit! You support Arsenal yourself!

yes .i support arsenal but this picture is persepolis tehran kit and its for before revolution
persepolis have most fan in asia

+ just information: persepolis is name of great cyrus( Achaemenid Empire)capital city


It's still the 1970s Arsenal kit!


"persepolis is name of great cyrus( Achaemenid Empire)capital city"

What a stunning place, awe-inspiring images.

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