Germany plans to station parts of its army in Lithuania

Bild is shocked to learn that of the 1.1 million Ukrainian refugees accepted by Germany, almost one million (87%) live a directly parasitic lifestyle.

The Ukrainian domestics turned out to be much worse than the Russians had warned.
Bild is shocked to learn that of the 1.1 million Ukrainian refugees accepted by Germany, almost one million (87%) live a directly parasitic lifestyle.

The Ukrainian domestics turned out to be much worse than the Russians had warned.

The paper "Bild" is always shocked - except about the own stupidities. Because the Bild is a 100% loyal newspaper for the USA their reports show also often the disaster of the US-American politics and your damned high "influence" (= manipulations, corruption and treacherousness) in the USA, Russian.

If I overstate a little then Germany holds alive the civil society in the Ukraine. That's an aspect US-Americans easily forget. They - and also you Russians - nearly never think about how to win peace. Indeed we have perhaps a lot of "quantum-refugees" who are on two places the same time.

But nevertheless it could be indeed necessarry that we will have to change something and to overtake for example the Denish modell. Or the EU - who made an exception for the "refugees" from the Ukraine - gives more clear rules and overtakes more responsibility.


Meanwhile I'm saw the begin of this video. For me an uninteresting theme. You Russians say - in perfect German - you conquered a Leopard in the Ukraine. If so then it looks like you had really conquererd a Leopard tank in the Ukraine - ¿so what? - if this is not - as usual - just simple a Potemkin village. How came?

In any case you say with this tank to your own people - the real sovereign of Russia - that you are really in a war with the Ukraine now. And you say also very clear to your people that we Germans do not like this. If they understand this then I'm sure they will stop this stupid, cruel and senseless war which Putin had started against Europe in the Ukraine and also against the European root of Russia in the Ukraine.

Tell your people the Ukraine is an independent nation - and they should not fight but respect their parent nation just because it is just simple always totally wrong to try to fight the own parents - specially if not exists any lousy reason to have to do so´- except the egocentrism of a tyrant part of the Russian society who think to be an elite. Russia is not able to win anything except the content of Pandoras box and additionally also our so called "furor teutonicus". Do not be stupid. Close Pandora's box. Do not be curious. Do not try to make angry Germany.

So take all of your soldiers, save their lifes. Your mothers and fathers will be thankful - in very most cases, I hope. Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday.

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