Germany plans to station parts of its army in Lithuania

Thank you for a great joke!
Although the Putin's regime is fare away to win, the German one is already done
Are you really expect a country which wants caliphate as the state form (rally in Hamburg) is capable to defeat a nuclear power like Russia?
If those plastic Nazis get out of their box again Berlin won't look like it did in 1945 because it won't even exist.
Thank you for a great joke!

My pleasure, Orsman.

Although the Putin's regime is fare away to win, the German one is already done

I heard about. Could be Adolf Hitler will lose. But we live meanwhile 1000 years far from Russia on another way to future.

Are you really expect a country which wants caliphate as the state form (rally in Hamburg) is capable to defeat a nuclear power like Russia?

If I see the future of Russia nu-clearly then Russia will fart herselve radioactivelly into her own death, weirdo. I heard that the Russian technicians at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were betting with each other which defect would have to be created for the power plant to blow up without it being possible to save it. They were right and blew up together with their own power plant. You Orsmans - ah sorry: Russians - have something ingeniously destructive. Perhaps you should ask real Vikings how to construct good ships and good ways?

We used by the way since thousands of years horses and bullocks instead of slaves for such jobs, Slav.
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Deadstick, CrusaderFrank and Baron

If you like to see structural Nazis take a look into your own mirrors.

"Ukraine today is nothing more than a private military company that is fighting to the last Ukrainian for the West and with Western weapons. All that remains for the Kiev regime is to act, in a fit of impotent anger, in the worst terrorist traditions, purposefully shelling peaceful neighborhoods of Russian cities and committing real terrorist attacks. This is how it will go down in history: an inhuman and misanthropic regime of terrorists and Nazis who betrayed the interests of their people and sacrificed them for Western money and handouts for Zelensky and his inner circle." -- Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia
"Ukraine today is nothing more than a private military company that is fighting to the last Ukrainian for the West and with Western weapons. All that remains for the Kiev regime is to act, in a fit of impotent anger, in the worst terrorist traditions, purposefully shelling peaceful neighborhoods of Russian cities and committing real terrorist attacks. This is how it will go down in history: an inhuman and misanthropic regime of terrorists and Nazis who betrayed the interests of their people and sacrificed them for Western money and handouts for Zelensky and his inner circle." -- Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia

Russian, forget the nonsense which you call empire. It is lousy. The Ukraine is an independent nation. Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday. And don't forget to set your calendar. 1945 is past.
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Russian forget the nonsense which you call empire. It is lousy. The Ukraine is an independent nation. Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday. And don't forget to set your calendar. 1945 is past.

Ukraine was a WEF Sock puppet, who was trying to get their greedy, bloody hands on Russia
Ukraine was a WEF Sock puppet, who was trying to get their greedy, bloody hands on Russia

The Ukraine is an independnet nation and Russia attacked this indpendent nation without any lousy reason to have to do so. And so Russia will do with all other nations in the world if no one stops Russia. So what about to stop yourselve on your own, Oarsman? Take all of your soldiers and leave the Ukraine. Yesterday.
This is the United States Message Board Zaang

US Message Board 🦅

You are communicating primarily with Americans


You call Oarsmen "US-Americans"? Funny. Are you also a slave of Putin? And an US-American? The same time? On your own free will? May it be there's something totally wrong with you?

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Thank you for a great joke!
Although the Putin's regime is fare away to win, the German one is already done
Are you really expect a country which wants caliphate as the state form (rally in Hamburg) is capable to defeat a nuclear power like Russia?
Germany does not want a Kalifat …..

read again….
Germany does not want a Kalifat …..

read again….

Perhaps he had organized this "demonstration". Or his KGB-officer did do so. Sometimes the US politics looked like as if Washington had been a field office of the Wahabi in Riad.

We Germans always think we are stupid - the US-Americans always think they are clever. That's why they are really stupid. Unfortunatelly this makes us not unstupid. It's for example really funny how the Soviets - better to say the Russian KGB - still have under control the universities in the world. Many students in the world seem to think the Jews are Nazis. And nearly nobody knows today any longer that the Soviet Stalin (an ally of the USA) also murdered in masses Jews after world war 2.

I do not know for example whether the idiot Netanyahu in Israel wasted only one thought that all this disaster was made from the KGB in Moscow and that they know exactly how he will act and react and how to make out of Jews internationally "Nazis" who they - the noble Russian heroes (=Putins criminal gang) - fight in the Ukraine.
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A German brigade will go forever to Lithuania. A brigade is able to solve operational tasks independently (without substantial reinforcements). The command over this brigade will be in the hands of Lithuania. They will have to defend Lithuania as if they had been Lithuanians on their own. To build this brigade and to learn to do so will need some time. But I "fear" the only people in the world who are really able to do so are we Germans.

The bad news in this context is another news. We (= our governmental structures) seem to think Russia will be a threat for Europe in the Baltic states for a very very long time. The best news in this context: Fortunatelly whole Scandinavia is meanwhile in the NATO what shows very clear: Russia under Putin made an extremely stupid politics.
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