Germany Preparing For A Trump Win After Iowa

Sure, US-Russian. Ever thought about high treason and Donald Trump before you like to sink the ship which you will leave, rat?
I just watch the wheel go round and round. The Dems could have easily have turned Trump into a memory by keeping policies that made sense and governing to citizens needs. Instead they tried to mock 80 Million votes. Really, telling all 80M that they are a threat to America?

Protecting the U.S border, sound, logical economic policies and keeping the pressure on China and Trump would be a distant memory. Instead they wanted to wipe him from history and destroy him via the courts.

Do these people realize that the rest of the world worked to embrace American Values over decades and they are seeing this? Global citizens and governments couldn't have been comfortable with this, but the Establishment were hellbent on revenge.

Just because Trump can be an Ahole at times and rough around the edges, doesn't mean he should be destroyed. You don't need him to join your dinner party or hang out with him at a party, you just want solid policies that help your nation.
It is becoming more and more clear that other countries are realizing Trump could very well be the winner in 2024 and become president again. And, guess what they are doing? They are ramping up military production to help Ukraine and NATO, stepping up to the plate instead of the US footing all of the money, equipment, and personnel to defend Europe. Trump was never in favor of getting rid of NATO. But, since NATO pretty much is a defense of Europe, Europe should foot most of the bill and equipment. NATO is for THEIR defense, not ours but those countries have been wanting the US to pay for the majority of their defense. Trump is accomplishing this without even being president. Imagine the things he could accomplish as president.

from site

Agnieszka Brugger, vice-chairwoman of the Green Party, said a more radical US policy under Trump would have negative consequences for international security, solidarity and respect for international law.

I got angry reading this, but then realized the person was talking about INTERNATIONAL law, not just law in general.

But I'm still ticked because.. Why should we have respect for international law when not all countries (to say the least) have respect for OUR autonomy? I've heard of a few international laws and some of them are AGAINST the lawfully enacted laws of the US.

Yay, Trump.
No, he won't. Sure bet.

Never say no. I never tought a man like Trump is possible. I never thought an USA under Trump is possible. Whatever. With, without or against the USA: Putin and his criminals have to be stopped. And also Belarus has to be free. Terrible and very frustrating situation there.
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When will your soldiers leave Germany? Or do you think to fight together with the Russians against Germany as you always did do? Will you wipe out Germany with nukes for to create in the centre of Europe a chaos which will make it impossible that Europe will play any leading role in the world any longer?
The US government will leave you to twist in the wind...look what they just did to Taiwan
They got half a million ukie Nazi buried already
The US government will leave you

Who will leave me?

to twist in the wind...

Eh? Was this not a name of a film? A romantic Dr. Schiwago film-type in US style? "Vom Winde verweht" original title "Gone with the wind"?

Do you really think "I" live since decades of thousands of years in the centre of Europe in the eye of a neverending storm and I need US-Americans for to do what has to be done? Specially if it are only the united class spokesmen of the US?

look what they just did to Taiwan

? Our parlamentarians visit every year the Taiwanese parlamentarians. They not reported laments.

They got half a million ukie Nazi buried already


Good grief. Why god punishes people to have to live in the USA and to have to think all day long only totally weird nonsense?
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... Why should we have respect for international law ...

Always interesting why people make statements like "We have not any intention to respect international laws" in the form of fake-questions. This gives a delusion of freedom. But murder is murder and torture is torture and so on - independent from any written law.

Btw: A short time ago a German - no other citizenship - murdered 2 or 3 of his employees. He fled to Turkey. Turkey refuses to extradite the killer. Reason: "They" say he was born in Turkey. But he never had the Turkish citízenship. ... Hmm ... Not our problem! If they like to live with a free murderer in their midst, why not? Life could be boring otherwise, isn't it? We are generous. They may keep him.
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When will your soldiers leave Germany? Or do you think to fight together with the Russians against Germany as you always did do? Will you wipe out Germany with nukes for to create in the centre of Europe a chaos which will make it impossible that Europe will play any leading role in the world any longer?
I think we've kicked Germany's ass's someone elses turn.
Merkel did more harm to Germany and Europe than can be imagined. Not that North American leaders have been much better. Shutting down green energy sources such as nuclear? Russsia had to have been laughing and counting their new found Euros at that decision, one they probably steered. Solar panels which China produces?. Mass asylum seekers for those who can't speak German nor share their values? If Trumps victory produces another kick in the ass for NATO and Europe then this is not a bad thing.
The so called asylum seekers allowed to pour into Germany wasted no time in RAPING German women. These politician MF'ers are not held accountable for the dire consequences to the people due to their fucked up policies.
I think we've kicked Germany's ass's someone elses turn.

You wiped out Germany in two world wars, genocided many Germans cultures/nations/tribes and as a result in total of this all what you did do we Germans are dying out, 24/7 full-time superidiot. A German from the year 1913 has today 1/2 biological descendent - an US-American from the year 1913 has today 3 descendents. I would say a main characteristics of the cute, kindly and nice and funny US-Americans is it that everything dies what they touch.
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The so called asylum seekers allowed to pour into Germany wasted no time in RAPING German women. These politician MF'ers are not held accountable for the dire consequences to the people due to their fucked up policies.

By the way: When you liberated France you raped in masses French women.

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