Germany Scales Back on Wind Energy Because Its Not Working


Do you like to say you tried not to make a joke? Hmm ... humor is really an extremely diffcult thing in context with the mentality of the people of foreign nations. What a luck that we Germans don't have any form of humor.

And in case of the energy of the sun we could for example produce hydrogen via electrolysis - transform it into methanol on reason of storage - and use it in winter in fuel cells. If I see it it in the right way we would lose in this way up to 50% of the energy - what's much better than to lose 100% of the energy, which we would be able to harvest in summer but are not able to use in summer. And in case of a dark cold summer - for example because of volcanic eruptions or a nuclear Trump war - natural gas could also be used to produce methanol.

"...a nuclear Trump war..."

He's not President anymore, dumbass.

Dumbass? I wonder myselve how US-Americans are able to survive.
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Last edited:
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII. Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII. Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

That's true, Germany wasn't ever really punished for WWII. But letting the Russians have all of Germany would have been cutting our nose off to spite our face. Even though it would have been awesome to let all of Europe experience Russia.

I never really understand how the US became the world's bad guy given the history of the British, Germans and Russians.
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII.

What is your nationality? Idiotistan?

Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

And what is your personal problem in this context?
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII. Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

That's true, Germany wasn't ever really punished for WWII. But letting the Russians have all of Germany would have been cutting our nose off to spite our face. Even though it would have been awesome to let all of Europe experience Russia.

I never really understand how the US became the world's bad guy given the history of the British, Germans and Russians.

I never understood why so many US-Americans hate Germans although never in history Germany had done anything bad to the USA. But the USA together with the Brits damaged Germany more and murdered much more Germans than any other nation in history ever had done. On absolutelly not any reason to have do so - except to play to be "the good guy" to help all enemies of Germany.

It's by the way really totally mad that to sell something for a good price in the USA is meanwhile seen as a crime. Trump had confused everyone. Why for heavens sake do you just simple do not buy what you do not like to buy? Why do you have to make tariffs, sanctions, economy wars and/or real wars - only because you theoretically don't like to buy something? No one is forced to have to drive a BMW. Anyway I guess this greatest US-American exporter of cars "made in the USA" is not able to sell any longer in China German cars "made in the USA". This time is over. Perhaps you should try to nuke the USA for such attacks on the USA instead to try to make other people responsible for the nonsense, which you are doing on your own, so you and others have to suffer on your own most stupid ideas.

PS: The people in this film have today in average a half descendant in Germany.
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Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII. Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII. Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

That's true, Germany wasn't ever really punished for WWII. But letting the Russians have all of Germany would have been cutting our nose off to spite our face. Even though it would have been awesome to let all of Europe experience Russia.

I never really understand how the US became the world's bad guy given the history of the British, Germans and Russians.

Dear icdtio mine: Nerver any Grmani histro yidio do anyt8g abd to thenUSA. TRhen ame thenUSA - chaged therjksiutns if wrold bwar 1 and destroyed the multui-. anjoitns mepirt5ds and rpaocked them itwh nations states. NOhtign oidf thsi all ever had wqordke adn st5arted tpo elxinde - an ist stiel today exploding. If yiou talke a look at Gremany and Austria - and what ya dostatet thenu<sA irt spiernsebbg fri in thsi conetx56tt then the USA shoudl be punished fro thedk0sinidc opf theis what we coudb cvla "THE DOOD OLD TEOM2

Given all the fucking Russian soldiers did when they entered Germany you might have Russian blood coursing through your veins.
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII.

What is your nationality? Idiotistan?

Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

And what is your personal problem in this context?

I had family members who died fighting the Krauts. Germany never really paid for that. At least England are grateful and are solid allies.

Do you like to say you tried not to make a joke? Hmm ... humor is really an extremely diffcult thing in context with the mentality of the people of foreign nations. What a luck that we Germans don't have any form of humor.

And in case of the energy of the sun we could for example produce hydrogen via electrolysis - transform it into methanol on reason of storage - and use it in winter in fuel cells. If I see it it in the right way we would lose in this way up to 50% of the energy - what's much better than to lose 100% of the energy, which we would be able to harvest in summer but are not able to use in summer. And in case of a dark cold summer - for example because of volcanic eruptions or a nuclear Trump war - natural gas could also be used to produce methanol.

"...a nuclear Trump war..."

He's not President anymore, dumbass.

Dumbass? I wonder myselve how US-Americans are able to survive.

Well, for one thing, we don't believe former Presidents can launch nuclear weapons.
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII. Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.


A roof over the USA and the greatest psychiatric hospital of the world is finished.
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII. Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

That's true, Germany wasn't ever really punished for WWII. But letting the Russians have all of Germany would have been cutting our nose off to spite our face. Even though it would have been awesome to let all of Europe experience Russia.

I never really understand how the US became the world's bad guy given the history of the British, Germans and Russians.

Dear icdtio mine: Nerver any Grmani histro yidio do anyt8g abd to thenUSA. TRhen ame thenUSA - chaged therjksiutns if wrold bwar 1 and destroyed the multui-. anjoitns mepirt5ds and rpaocked them itwh nations states. NOhtign oidf thsi all ever had wqordke adn st5arted tpo elxinde - an ist stiel today exploding. If yiou talke a look at Gremany and Austria - and what ya dostatet thenu<sA irt spiernsebbg fri in thsi conetx56tt then the USA shoudl be punished fro thedk0sinidc opf theis what we coudb cvla "THE DOOD OLD TEOM2

Given all the fucking Russian soldiers did when they entered Germany you might have Russian blood coursing through your veins.

For a racist like you I am first of all a blond eyed and blue haired German Jew - and in my arteriae courses what god let flow there: specially water, because the holy water of god is thicker than any blood of materialists, git, bony one.

Information: Because of the mass-rapes by Russian soldiers hundreds of thousand German women did do suicide after world war 2 - while in the same time many German men died because of hunger in pow camps of the USA. I guess that's the place where the name "Krauts" was born ("Kraut"=people who eat every "kraut", every plant, on reason of survival).
Last edited:

Do you like to say you tried not to make a joke? Hmm ... humor is really an extremely diffcult thing in context with the mentality of the people of foreign nations. What a luck that we Germans don't have any form of humor.

And in case of the energy of the sun we could for example produce hydrogen via electrolysis - transform it into methanol on reason of storage - and use it in winter in fuel cells. If I see it it in the right way we would lose in this way up to 50% of the energy - what's much better than to lose 100% of the energy, which we would be able to harvest in summer but are not able to use in summer. And in case of a dark cold summer - for example because of volcanic eruptions or a nuclear Trump war - natural gas could also be used to produce methanol.

"...a nuclear Trump war..."

He's not President anymore, dumbass.

Dumbass? I wonder myselve how US-Americans are able to survive.

Well, for one thing, we don't believe former Presidents can launch nuclear weapons.

I spoke about that the USA has a system of government where the decision of only one uneducated idiot like Donald Trump is able to destroy all life on the only planet in the universe where we know life is existing on. And even a godless materialist should be able to know that the most seldom - and so most valuable - matter in the universe is living matter.

Last edited:
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII.

What is your nationality? Idiotistan?

Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

And what is your personal problem in this context?

I had family members who died fighting the Krauts.

Aha. So what? "You" lost about 400,000 soldiers. It's the normal risk of soldiers to die in a war. We lost some million people - most of them were civilists. It's not a normal risk of civilists to be murdered in a war.

Germany never really paid for that.

You are really funny. Because of world war 1 for example the USA doubled their economy.

At least England are grateful and are solid allies.

I'm sure the Brits are - but you are not. The only good Brit, German, French, Slaw, Black, Indian, ... you ever saw, was dead.

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Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII. Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

That's true, Germany wasn't ever really punished for WWII. But letting the Russians have all of Germany would have been cutting our nose off to spite our face. Even though it would have been awesome to let all of Europe experience Russia.

I never really understand how the US became the world's bad guy given the history of the British, Germans and Russians.

Dear icdtio mine: Nerver any Grmani histro yidio do anyt8g abd to thenUSA. TRhen ame thenUSA - chaged therjksiutns if wrold bwar 1 and destroyed the multui-. anjoitns mepirt5ds and rpaocked them itwh nations states. NOhtign oidf thsi all ever had wqordke adn st5arted tpo elxinde - an ist stiel today exploding. If yiou talke a look at Gremany and Austria - and what ya dostatet thenu<sA irt spiernsebbg fri in thsi conetx56tt then the USA shoudl be punished fro thedk0sinidc opf theis what we coudb cvla "THE DOOD OLD TEOM2

Given all the fucking Russian soldiers did when they entered Germany you might have Russian blood coursing through your veins.

For a racist like you I am first of all a blond eyed and blue haired German Jew - and in my arteriae courses what god let flow there: specially water, because the holy water of god is thicker than any blood of materialists, git, bony one.

Information: Because of the mass-rapes by Russian soldiers hundreds of thousand German women did do suicide after world war 2 - while in the same time many German men died because of hunger in pow camps of the USA. I guess that's the place where the name "Krauts" was born ("Kraut"=people who eat every "kraut", every plant, on reason of survival).

I'm not a racist.

You being a Jew explains a lot. Remember when you said you were a Catholic and then you said you weren't a Catholic and then you switched back to claiming to be Catholic?

I do.

You do realize the Russians were giving back to the Germans what the Germans gave to the Russians.
A German accusing someone else of being a racist.... :rolleyes:

Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII.

What is your nationality? Idiotistan?

Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

And what is your personal problem in this context?

I had family members who died fighting the Krauts.

Aha. So what? "You" lost about 400,000 soldiers. It's the normal risk of soldiers to die in a war. We lost some million people - most of them were civilists. It's not a normal risk of civilists to be murdered in a war.

Germany never really paid for that.

You are really funny. Because of world war 1 for example the USA doubled their economy.

At least England are grateful and are solid allies.

I'm sure the Brits are - but you are not. The only good Brit, German, French, Slaw, Black, Indian, ... you ever saw, was dead.

Germany was responsible for EVERY death in WWII.

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