Germany turning into a 3rd world country

This OP/thread is a total loser.
I am now in Germany and i can tell everyone that the OP knows little about Germany.
Germany is much cleaner & orderly than USA, by far, and even more so than Russia, which i also visited.
Of course you can pick out one bad spot in an otherwise clean room, but to generalize from that without overall view is STUPID, or in the case of paid Putin trolls, propaganda.

or you are that much of a STUPID ass which is what destroyed Germany because idiots like you love living in a communist country stupid fk.
Wait until one of them get your pathetic ass and you cry like a little bitch. Bet you won't laugh then girly boy.
As I said, you know nothing about Germany.
You know nothing about Europe, it seems.
Your thread is a dud.

May 2018, it was reported by officials:
“The German crime rate has fallen by five per cent since last year, hitting its lowest rate since 1992.”
This OP/thread is a total loser.
I am now in Germany and i can tell everyone that the OP knows little about Germany.
Germany is much cleaner & orderly than USA, by far, and even more so than Russia, which i also visited.
Of course you can pick out one bad spot in an otherwise clean room, but to generalize from that without overall view is STUPID, or in the case of paid Putin trolls, propaganda.

or you are that much of a STUPID ass which is what destroyed Germany because idiots like you love living in a communist country stupid fk.
Wait until one of them get your pathetic ass and you cry like a little bitch. Bet you won't laugh then girly boy.
As I said, you know nothing about Germany.
You know nothing about Europe, it seems.
Your thread is a dud.

May 2018, it was reported by officials:
“The German crime rate has fallen by five per cent since last year, hitting its lowest rate since 1992.”
Most of the dumbos on here havent even been to the coast let alone Europe. Facts dont work for them,actually they hate facts if they ridicule their cut n paste ramblings.
According to the news, Frau Merkel's coalition partners have told her to modify her naïve immigration policies or get out. She has agreed to their demand.

I extend (cautious) congratulations to the German people.

Maybe (just maybe) Germany can actually avoid becoming another United States, United Kingdom, or France.
According to the news, Frau Merkel's coalition partners have told her to modify her naïve immigration policies or get out. She has agreed to their demand.

I extend (cautious) congratulations to the German people.

Thanks, idiot.

Maybe (just maybe) Germany can actually avoid becoming another United States, United Kingdom, or France.

We are the world and the world is we.

Oh please. Germany is turning into the leader of the Free World.

A position the US used to have before Trump became president. Now the US works for Putin.
Stupid shit like that is why your dumbass isn't on ignore.

Pure comic gold.

It's by the way totally stupid what Trump is doing. Harley-Davidson for example is a juror of the politics of president Trump and not a political party. And the president of the USA has not to give companies the order to waste their money so this will help him. He has also not to speak with the German industry in case of tariffs. He has not even to speak with the German government about tariffs. He has to speak exclusively with the European Union about problems in this context - but he had cancelled TTIP. And the EU uses very clear the strategy "tit for tat". This will not help Europe and this will not help the USA - but the politics of Trump allows not alternatives.

He should slowly accept that he is a politician now and that he is the president of the USA and not a private person any longer. Loyalty for his person has nothing to do with the problem "What's the best for the USA?" (and the best for the world too, because the USA is not the other part of the "rest of the world"). And this problems have by the way also not only to do with money. He suffers an unbelievable hubris. Only because he personally understands not the complexity of the world this gives him not any right to destroy what he is not understanding. And he should also accept that no one in the world will pay for whatever kind of wall which he likes to build.

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Couldn't happen to a nicer country.

As I said, you know nothing about Germany.
You know nothing about Europe, it seems.
Your thread is a dud.

May 2018, it was reported by officials:
“The German crime rate has fallen by five per cent since last year, hitting its lowest rate since 1992.”

I agree that it is difficult to see what is really going on in Germany unless you live there. For Example, the misconceptions about the U.S. in Europe are huge. However, I do believe that the European, and UK governments do skew their crime data statistically to make it seem less objectionable to the populace. Therefore, I think for political correctness they are doing their countries a disservice.
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Oh please. Germany is turning into the leader of the Free World.

A position the US used to have before Trump became president. Now the US works for Putin.
Obama's left the building. Hes no longer there to denigrate the nation he lead.

ISIS defeated, US Embassy in Jerusalem, Paris Accord DOA, trading partners on notice to stop fucking us, NATO on notice to start pulling their weight and paying their "fair share". It's morning in America!

Merkel is going to end up like Mussolini
As I said, you know nothing about Germany.
You know nothing about Europe, it seems.
Your thread is a dud.

May 2018, it was reported by officials:
“The German crime rate has fallen by five per cent since last year, hitting its lowest rate since 1992.”

I agree that it is difficult to see what is really going on in Germany unless you live there. For Example, the misconceptions about the U.S. in Europe are huge.


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"Gun violence" is widespread. First is it people violence, most are suicides, and much of the rest is isolated Black, on Black violence confined to the inner city drug trade. It's not the "Wild West" like Europeans like to think. In fact the real U.S. West was nothing like what is depicted in movies, and tv.

"Gun violence" is widespread.

It is widespread in the USA. The use of guns and rifles in the USA is in general abnormal. For example: In the year 2016 in Germany all policemen together (about 240,000 men) fired 52 times - including warnshots.

First is it people violence, most are suicides,

I guess 5 minutes after someone had killed himself with a gun life could be beautiful again. But unfortunately he had a gun at home. To do suicide is sometimes only a kind of short circuit.

and much of the rest is isolated Black, on Black violence confined to the inner city drug trade.

The drug markets of the USA are titanic - and cause not only violent problems within the USA. Besides exists not any difference in the intelligence between negros and whites. So all differences are made by the US-culture and society.

It's not the "Wild West" like Europeans like to think.

In the USA the people own not only an unbelievable amount of weapons - they own even masses of weapons which would hurt in Germany the war weapon control laws. To own such weapons make absolutely no sense for private persons.

In fact the real U.S. West was nothing like what is depicted in movies, and tv.

I know. I heard for example a third of the cowboys were once Blacks. But indeed lots of people believe in Hollywood history. I have always to smile about the misunderstanding Moses went with his people through the Red Sea. Water walls left and right sided. Impressing. Nevertheless they stepped over a reed sea.

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As I said, you know nothing about Germany.
You know nothing about Europe, it seems.
Your thread is a dud.

May 2018, it was reported by officials:
“The German crime rate has fallen by five per cent since last year, hitting its lowest rate since 1992.”
I agree that it is difficult to see what is really going on in Germany unless you live there. For Example, the misconceptions about the U.S. in Europe are huge. However, I do believe that the European, and UK governments do skew their crime data statistically to make it seem less objectionable to the populace. Therefore, I think for political correctness they are doing their countries a disservice.
I doubt that latest German crime rate statistic (lowest since 1992) was skewed. It was reported by Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who is the leader of Bavaria’s conservative Christian Social Union party, and anti-immigration. Trump is the one who needs to stop making up his own “statistics”.
As I said, you know nothing about Germany.
You know nothing about Europe, it seems.
Your thread is a dud.

May 2018, it was reported by officials:
“The German crime rate has fallen by five per cent since last year, hitting its lowest rate since 1992.”
I agree that it is difficult to see what is really going on in Germany unless you live there. For Example, the misconceptions about the U.S. in Europe are huge. However, I do believe that the European, and UK governments do skew their crime data statistically to make it seem less objectionable to the populace. Therefore, I think for political correctness they are doing their countries a disservice.
I doubt that latest German crime rate statistic (lowest since 1992) was skewed. It was reported by Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, who is the leader of Bavaria’s conservative Christian Social Union party, and anti-immigration. Trump is the one who needs to stop making up his own “statistics”.
Ive been here for 2 years and was told on the first day that Europe was gone. And this from people who have never left Iowa. Their world view is shaped by Fox and the other nutty outlets.

Fourteen people were stabbed on a bus in Germany today. The BBC told me that the German media reported that the culprit is a “German citizen”. That’s all I needed to know. The technical, bureaucratic description gave it away.

Some Germans describe the professional liars as the lügenpresse, for good reason.

The “German citizen” is an Iranian who strapped explosives on himself, boarded a bus and attacked as many innocents as he could find.

They all have to go home.

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