Germany warns Facebook: Clamp down on Holocaust denial - or else

They saw piles of bodies, bones and ashes. They dug up mass graves. Besides that, we have had posters on these forums who were camp survivors. I believe them over people who weren't born yet.

How do you get 6 million killed in gas chambers out of that? THINK
They saw piles of bodies, bones and ashes. They dug up mass graves. Besides that, we have had posters on these forums who were camp survivors. I believe them over people who weren't born yet.

How do you get 6 million killed in gas chambers out of that? THINK
So, how many do you believe were killed? Jews were killed, along with the mentally ill and homosexuals, communists, etc., correct?
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The irony is that these Nazi Holocaust deniers should embrace the Holocaust. Because they're wanting it to happen the United States.
They saw piles of bodies, bones and ashes. They dug up mass graves. Besides that, we have had posters on these forums who were camp survivors. I believe them over people who weren't born yet.

How do you get 6 million killed in gas chambers out of that? THINK
Not all were cremated. Piles of bodies filmed by the U.S. Military. Also many were buried.
In shariah shit holes-----questioning the koran is a criminal offense----in fact a CAPITAL CRIME. What are you guys AFRAID OF? ----------questioning the Talmud was never a
criminal offense amongst jews. In Israel-----in order to keep the mad dogs down-------saying "muhummad kanzeer" is a criminal offense---- despite the fact that the statement is true---because uttering that truth creates a pubic hazard (MAD DOGS GO WILD). My hubby-----as your know was born in a shariah shit hole-------he will cross a street just to avoid going near a mosque --------people of his community never so much as mention the koran-------doing so was DANGEROUS----in the shariah shit hole in which they were born. The mad dogs could go nuts. What are you guys trying to HIDE?

If muslims were serious about combating isis filth-----they would BAN videos of public executions and other atrocities that so DELIGHT jihadista sluts. It is a matter of cause and effect-------if filth interests the sluts that much ------time to BAN it. The german government recognized that Holocaust denial propaganda INTERESTS and INCITES islamo Nazi pigs and sows
Irosie, this thread is about Germany and posting the Holohoax on Facebook.

It's not about muslims or the Quran.

So please don't derail the thread with your off topic nonsense. ..... :cool:
Why don't you like your hypocrisy questioned? What are you hiding?
In shariah shit holes-----questioning the koran is a criminal offense----in fact a CAPITAL CRIME. What are you guys AFRAID OF? ----------questioning the Talmud was never a
criminal offense amongst jews. In Israel-----in order to keep the mad dogs down-------saying "muhummad kanzeer" is a criminal offense---- despite the fact that the statement is true---because uttering that truth creates a pubic hazard (MAD DOGS GO WILD). My hubby-----as your know was born in a shariah shit hole-------he will cross a street just to avoid going near a mosque --------people of his community never so much as mention the koran-------doing so was DANGEROUS----in the shariah shit hole in which they were born. The mad dogs could go nuts. What are you guys trying to HIDE?

If muslims were serious about combating isis filth-----they would BAN videos of public executions and other atrocities that so DELIGHT jihadista sluts. It is a matter of cause and effect-------if filth interests the sluts that much ------time to BAN it. The german government recognized that Holocaust denial propaganda INTERESTS and INCITES islamo Nazi pigs and sows
Irosie, this thread is about Germany and posting the Holohoax on Facebook.

It's not about muslims or the Quran.

So please don't derail the thread with your off topic nonsense. ..... :cool:
Trying to ban discussion of your hypocrisy?
Stop lying or post the link where authorities have ever claimed the history to be perfect...
Well it's quite obvious that the authorities consider the official Holocaust story as told to be perfect.

Because in several countries you can be thrown into jail if you question or deny any part of it. .... :cool:
So in other words you have no link to support the lie you told.
They saw piles of bodies, bones and ashes. They dug up mass graves. Besides that, we have had posters on these forums who were camp survivors. I believe them over people who weren't born yet.

How do you get 6 million killed in gas chambers out of that? THINK
You're projecting again. Between 1 person and 6 million people were killed. Whether they were exterminated, died of disease or work accidents, they were innocent people who committed no crimes and were imprisoned. You nor your cohorts have ever explained just what the fuck they were imprisoned for. They weren't slaves either.
In Germany and other european countries just questioning certain aspects of the Holocaust is a criminal offense and can result in jail time.

Which brings up the question:

If the official Holocaust story is such a 100% solid closed case. Then why are the authorities so afraid of people researching the alleged event and discussing their opposing views?

What are these governments trying to hide and why? ..... :dunno:

What is there to oppose?

The fact that Germany rose up twice in the same century bringing hell on earth with them both times, the stupid fucks threw in the holocaust on the second go around. So it's the totality of it all that's left a permanent mark on the people of Germany that will remain forever.

Germans are to easily lead down the road to ruin to ever fully trust them to behave.
In Germany and other european countries just questioning certain aspects of the Holocaust is a criminal offense and can result in jail time.

Which brings up the question:

If the official Holocaust story is such a 100% solid closed case. Then why are the authorities so afraid of people researching the alleged event and discussing their opposing views?

What are these governments trying to hide and why? ..... :dunno:

What is there to oppose?

The fact that Germany rose up twice in the same century bringing hell on earth with them both times, the stupid fucks threw in the holocaust on the second go around. So it's the totality of it all that's left a permanent mark on the people of Germany that will remain forever.

Germans are to easily lead down the road to ruin to ever fully trust them to behave.
It's 2015--almost 2016--and Germany's days of conquest by war are so far gone they're ghosts of ghosts. However, they still make a mean sports car ;)


Now, when was VW born? :dunno:
They saw piles of bodies, bones and ashes. They dug up mass graves. Besides that, we have had posters on these forums who were camp survivors. I believe them over people who weren't born yet.

How do you get 6 million killed in gas chambers out of that? THINK
You're projecting again. Between 1 person and 6 million people were killed. Whether they were exterminated, died of disease or work accidents, they were innocent people who committed no crimes and were imprisoned. You nor your cohorts have ever explained just what the fuck they were imprisoned for. They weren't slaves either.

Best estimates, and these are conservative estimates - are 6 million Jews and 5 million non-jews who perished through some form of torture and imprisonment at the hands of the nazi goons. 3 million of the 6 million Jews were from Poland alone. This is fact. There were 1,600 KZs spread throughout Großdeutschland, all said and told., 1,600.....
So in other words you have no link to support the lie you told.
Here ya go peckerwood. .... :cool:

Laws against Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stop lying or post the link where authorities have ever claimed the history to be perfect...
Well it's quite obvious that the authorities consider the official Holocaust story as told to be perfect.

Because in several countries you can be thrown into jail if you question or deny any part of it. .... :cool:So in other words you have no link to support the lie you told.

You must think everyone else is as stupid as you.

You lied and stated that holocaust officials represented their narrative to be perfect.

I called you a liar and challenged you to support your assertion that officials stated that their position was perfect.

I included the posts so that others would see that you tried to introduce a totally irrelevant link.

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