Germany warns Facebook: Clamp down on Holocaust denial - or else

Like every other American school kid I was force feed the Holocaust myth as an undeniable fact. Case closed.

It wasn't until latter in my adult life that I examined the alleged event as an impartial observer.

That I found the official holocaust story to be loaded with inconsistencies and outright fabrications.

Basically, the more you research it, the more absurd the whole Holohoax fantasy story becomes. ...... :cool:
Only 100 to 200 thousand juden at the most perished during WW2 ..... :cool:
You honestly don't believe that do you?
From Hungary alone there were 565,000 murdered. It's all documented
Any documentation in Hungary would have been falsified by the Russians.

Stalin hated the Germans and wanted to make them look bad. .... :cool:

It was documented by the Nazis. They transported them to Auschwitz by the train load. Your problem is that the Nazis did keep very good records and it exposed them
The Holocaust happened, to deny it is believing in one of the largest conspiracy theories and cover ups with millions of people having to lie to cover it up. That doesn't happen.

Hey Einstein. The holocaust story is a conspiracy theory too. THINK
The Holocaust happened, to deny it is believing in one of the largest conspiracy theories and cover ups with millions of people having to lie to cover it up. That doesn't happen.

Hey Einstein. The holocaust story is a conspiracy theory too. THINK

That is backed by facts. Yours has to be backed by thousands having to lie to cover your conspiracy.
The best proof of the Holocaust is the Nazi's own records. They were meticulous record keepers

You don't know that. Just something we're told. All the Nazi records could have been forged.

I've been to Buchenwald. It happened and during the war there were some US and Canadian aviators sent there. I saw a video of a Canadian airman describing what he saw when he arrived. Only a foolish person would ever believe it never took place. It was one of the saddest days of my life when I toured that death camp
The best proof of the Holocaust is the Nazi's own records. They were meticulous record keepers

You don't know that. Just something we're told. All the Nazi records could have been forged.

I've been to Buchenwald. It happened and during the war there were some US and Canadian aviators sent there. I saw a video of a Canadian airman describing what he saw when he arrived. Only a foolish person would ever believe it never took place. It was one of the saddest days of my life when I toured that death camp

Auschwitz-Birkenau. Lodz. Bergen-Belsen. Buchenwald. Theresienstadt. Just 5 of 1,600 KZs. Just 5. And millions died just in those 5. Mind-boggling.

And liars like these holocaust-denier freaks have absolutely no idea what reality is like.
If the holocash was true, we'd be allowed to challenge it.
You can, of course, but no sane person does.

Throughout much of europe you CANNOT challenge the holocash.
Of course you can. It's against the law but that doesn't stop Hitler-youths like yourself from ignoring human history...

Where the Swastika is outlawed, they carry the Confederate Flag which says the same thing.

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