Germany Wary Of Europe’s Ban Of Fossil Fuel Cars By 2035… Too Pricey, Technically Unfeasible

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
“Many people in Germany still have reservations about the widespread adoption of electric cars, mainly because of their high cost,” reports the German Blackout News here. “Although a majority of respondents believe that electric drives will become established in the next ten years, only 22 percent consider this desirable.”

There are number of reasons why Germans are not sold on the idea of electric cars, among them: the environmental impacts of mining the raw materials to produce the batteries and the after-life recycling. Another problem is the limited range and heavy weight of electric cars. The biggest reason why Germans are not inclined to switch to electric cars is the high price.

“According to the survey, the main reservations about electric cars are the purchase price, the limited number of charging stations, expensive electricity and doubts about the environmental balance, as well as the now threatened throttling of electricity purchases,” Blackout News sums up.

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Unfeasible ....say it ain't so
“Many people in Germany still have reservations about the widespread adoption of electric cars, mainly because of their high cost,” reports the German Blackout News here. “Although a majority of respondents believe that electric drives will become established in the next ten years, only 22 percent consider this desirable.”

There are number of reasons why Germans are not sold on the idea of electric cars, among them: the environmental impacts of mining the raw materials to produce the batteries and the after-life recycling. Another problem is the limited range and heavy weight of electric cars. The biggest reason why Germans are not inclined to switch to electric cars is the high price.

“According to the survey, the main reservations about electric cars are the purchase price, the limited number of charging stations, expensive electricity and doubts about the environmental balance, as well as the now threatened throttling of electricity purchases,” Blackout News sums up.

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Unfeasible ....say it ain't so
In other words, Germans would be fine with electric cars if there were more charging stations and the price were lower, both solvable problems.
In other words, Germans would be fine with electric cars if there were more charging stations and the price were lower, both solvable problems.

First of all Germans have different opinions. In case of electro cars it is for example that very most Germans are convinced electro cars will inevitably come - but only 21% of all Germans like to drive electro cars - what has not only to do with rare charging stations.
Indeed electricity for abnormous expensive e-cars is much more expensive here than the very expensive fuel for the also very expensive normal cars in Germany. But there are 2 other problems: E-cars make Europe depending on China - who produce cars and e-cars with 4 times the CO2-emissions which we use in Germany for the production of cars and machines in general. The CO2-emissions there for the production of accumulators are also horrifying high. And the production of electricity here is also not without CO2-emissions. For Germany this means: The use of e-cars is counterproductive for our CO2-emissions in calculable times - a problem what will additionally be heightened as a side effect of Putins war in the Ukraine. The calculations which are used from the EU and others - also from the German government - are for many Germans only so called "Milchmädchenrechnungen" = naive assessments of the real situation on reason of nice dreams.
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Currently it's getting difficult to purchase landscaping tools that aren't battery powered pieces of junk.

Gas powered weedeater? Maybe one or two brands still available.
Lawnmower? Look at the dumb electric ones....for an acre of grass?
Hedge trimmers?
Who hasn't cut the extension cord?
Chain saws.....under powered pieces of junk....good for cutting limbs (human and other) and not trees.

All of its crap....can't even work an 8 hr day with that stuff.
“Many people in Germany still have reservations about the widespread adoption of electric cars, mainly because of their high cost,” reports the German Blackout News here. “Although a majority of respondents believe that electric drives will become established in the next ten years, only 22 percent consider this desirable.”

There are number of reasons why Germans are not sold on the idea of electric cars, among them: the environmental impacts of mining the raw materials to produce the batteries and the after-life recycling. Another problem is the limited range and heavy weight of electric cars. The biggest reason why Germans are not inclined to switch to electric cars is the high price.

“According to the survey, the main reservations about electric cars are the purchase price, the limited number of charging stations, expensive electricity and doubts about the environmental balance, as well as the now threatened throttling of electricity purchases,” Blackout News sums up.

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Unfeasible ....say it ain't so

Germany is done and has no smallest chance to survive without cheap Russian energy.
On the other hand Russia ( without regime of corrupted traitor Putin of course ) will never sell anything to the West again
First of all Germans have different opinions. In case of electro cars it is for example that very most Germans are convinced electro cars will inevitably come - but only 21% of all Germans like to drive electro cars - what has not only to do with rare charging stations.
Indeed electricity for abnormous expensive e-cars is much more expensive here than the very expensive fuel for the also very expensive normal cars in Germany. But there are 2 other problems: E-cars make Europe depending on China - who produce cars and e-cars with 4 times the CO2-emissions which we use in Germany for the production of cars and machines in general. The CO2-emissions there for the production of accumulators are also horrifying high. And the production of electricity here is also not without CO2-emissions. For Germany this means: The use of e-cars is counterproductive for our CO2-emissions in calculable times - a problem what will additionally be heightened as a side effect of Putins war in the Ukraine. The calculations which are used from the EU and others - also from the German government - are for many Germans only so called "Milchmädchenrechnungen" = naive assessments of the real situation on reason of nice dreams.
How would e cars make Germany dependent on China?
How would e cars make Germany dependent on China?

China is written with "e". As far as I can see you can calculate for example the German subventions for solar panels into the household of China and their subventions for the Chinese solar panel industry which ruined the German solar panel industry. And China is by the way also written with CO2.
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Spelling mistake Russia is written R-u-s-s-i-a not Ger-many.

And it's just the beginning.
Without Russian cheap energy Germany will lose its entirely industry within few years
Greens have demolished almost all nuclear plants, there is no one chance to construct new ones earlier as in thirty ears.
In any case days of corrupted traitor Putin are counted, the new government of Russia will minimize relations between Germany and Russia to zero, it will be nothing
come from Russia to Germany anymore.
Germany is the Russian enemy number one, the former good relations had been destroyed for ever

On what reason?

Russia hates enemies and traitors and goes East.
It could be a confederation between Russia, China and probably India, but nothing in common with European countries and Ukraine ( Russia shall give all its parts back and build a big wall at the border )
After the corrupted satanist gang of Putin & Co get kicked out all exports (and imports of course ) of anything to and from the West will be immediately stop

There are not much natural resources in the world, the Russian people will sell them to its friends, not to enemies.
And it's just the beginning.
Without Russian cheap energy Germany will lose its entirely industry within few years

Dear idiot mine: We suddenly had no Russian gas any longer last year and what had happened? 1.9 % economic growth - what's for the high level here "not bad" how we say - or "excellent" how others would say. We replaced by the way last year energy from Russian gas for about 12 billion Euro with alternative energies. And we replaced a lot of gas with coal. And this process continues. The longer Russia is doing war the less we will need Russian gas for CO2 reductions. You destroyed and continue to destroy your own business without any need to have do so.
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Russia hates enemies and traitors

Self-hate will help Russia nothing at all as long as you do not eliminate Putin and his criminal gang.

and goes East.

I still remerber what a Russian general said once during the cold war to the highest Soviets about China. "And then" he said "they will overstep our borders in little groups of millions".

It could be a confederation between Russia, China and probably India,

I don't think India likes to become for another 300 years a colony - specially not a colony of the "new Soviets".

but nothing in common with European countries

English is still a main language in India.

and Ukraine ( Russia shall give all its parts back and build a big wall at the border )
After the corrupted satanist gang of Putin & Co get kicked out all exports (and imports of course ) of anything to and from the West will be immediately stop

There are not much natural resources in the world,

Perhaps we will not need natural ressources when we produce elements and sell them. This should not be a big problem with a solar driven element factory in the free space.

the Russian people will sell them to its friends, not to enemies.

The Russian people have currently only enemies - for example whole Europe, the whole world and their own government. But fortunatelly some have also nice relatives in Germany who pray for them and the enlightenment - or death - of the Russian government.
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Dear idiot mine: We suddenly had no Russian gas any longer last year and what had happened? 1.9 % economic growth - what's for the high level here "not bad" how we say - or "excellent" how others would say. We replaced by the way last year energy from Russian gas for about 12 billion Euro with alternative energies. And we replaced a lot of gas with coal. And this process continues. The longer Russia is doing war the less we will need Russian gas for CO2 reductions. You destroyed and continue to destroy your own business without any need to have do so.

The only point is simple:

Germany is the enemy number one for Russia who murdered more as 100m Russians altogether since 1242.
After your friend Putin (Piss be upon him ) get a kick in his ass your country receives nothing, literally nothing from Russia.
And you can sell your obsolete cars to everyone, but not to Russia
The Russian people have currently only enemies - for example whole Europe, the whole world and their own government. But fortunatelly some have also nice relatives in Germany who pray for them and the enlightenment - or death - of the Russian government.

The enemy #1 is Germany who is literally behind any shit happened to Russians since 1242 ( wars, thieves, Romanovs, Lenin & Co, the Minsk 'agreements' , the war 2022 etc. )
The enemy # 2 is NATO
The enemy # 3 is EU

USA can became a friend, but never EU and especially Germany

The enemy #1 to #146,092,489 for Russia is Russia. Then come some aliens from the Andromeda galaxy. Now leave the Ukraine - and Belarus - with all of your soldiers and all of your military equipment and do whatever you like to do with or against Putin in Russia.

By the way: Russia and Germany always had good relations. Whenever this good relations had been destroyed then this was the fault of others - like Napoleon Bonaparte for example - or the fault of the Russians on their own - like Czar Alexander for example, or the red devil "Soviet Stalin" for example, or now the fault of the KGB made president and kleptocratic oligarch Vladimir Putin for example. He's the richest man in the whole world, isn't he? But his richdom will not save him from the own destruction. The problem: Will he try to destroy also Russia and/or the whole world? How mad is this uncalculable mad man?

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