Gerrymandering 101

This reminds me of the way liberals whine about conservative talk radio because it succeeds where liberal talk radio fails same with gerrymandering or anything else both sides try that conservatives do better here you guys could clearly use this.

So you concede that Republucans only won the House by Gerrymander

That is what I have been saying
This reminds me of the way liberals whine about conservative talk radio because it succeeds where liberal talk radio fails same with gerrymandering or anything else both sides try that conservatives do better here you guys could clearly use this.

So you concede that Republucans only won the House by Gerrymander

That is what I have been saying

No I'm saying both sides do it the Republicans just do it better which is what really bothers you it's not gerrymandering that bugs you just that Democrats don't do it as well.
Gerrymandering is a problem without an easy solution.

Everyone has bias, and someone has to draw the lines. However it's done, one side or the other will complain.
they both created it and we have both lived with it.....making it a strictly partisan issue is hypocritical .

The Democratic-Republican Party was the political party organized by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1791-93. It stood in opposition to the Federalist Party and controlled the Presidency and Congress, and most states, from 1801 to 1824, during the First Party System. It split after the 1824 presidential election into two parties: the Democratic Party and the short-lived National Republican Party (later succeeded by the Whig Party, many of whose adherents eventually founded the modern Republican Party).


The word gerrymander (originally written Gerry-mander) was used for the first time in the Boston Gazette on 26 March 1812. The word was created in reaction to a redrawing of Massachusetts state senate election districts under the then-governor Elbridge Gerry (pronounced /ˈɡɛri/; 1744–1814). In 1812, Governor Gerry signed a bill that redistricted Massachusetts to benefit his Democratic-Republican Party. When mapped, one of the contorted districts in the Boston area was said to resemble the shape of a salamander. The term was a portmanteau of the governor's last name and the word salamander. The redistricting was a notable success: in the 1812 election, both the Massachusetts House and governorship were won by Federalists by a comfortable margin (costing Gerry his seat), but the senate remained firmly in Democratic-Republican hands.[1]
Both sides...not just Republicans.

Last year in Ohio we had a referendum on this exact issue. The referendum stated that a non-partisan commission would be created to redraw all Congressional districts and that the legislature would no longer have any say in this. In other words, it would be the end of gerrymandering for either party when they were in control. The referendum went down to defeat by a 2 to 1 margin. Voters are just plain stupid.
Complete the puzzles to see why Republicans control the House of Representatives in spite of receiving fewer votes

Gerrymandering jigsaw puzzle game: Put the congressional districts back together. - Slate Magazine

We know, we know: only DimoRATs are allowed to Gerrymander.

Republican Gerrymandering has given them control of the House of Representatives

They hold the House even though they have received fewer total votes than Democrats. Whining, "They do it too" does not change the fact that Republicans are ruling from a minority. Gerrymandering allows them to do that
Complete the puzzles to see why Republicans control the House of Representatives in spite of receiving fewer votes

Gerrymandering jigsaw puzzle game: Put the congressional districts back together. - Slate Magazine

We know, we know: only DimoRATs are allowed to Gerrymander.

Republican Gerrymandering has given them control of the House of Representatives

They hold the House even though they have received fewer total votes than Democrats. Whining, "They do it too" does not change the fact that Republicans are ruling from a minority. Gerrymandering allows them to do that

could happen with any formation of districts. the house is not elected by national popular vote. stop being so stupid. you don't even understand what the house represents.
Complete the puzzles to see why Republicans control the House of Representatives in spite of receiving fewer votes

Gerrymandering jigsaw puzzle game: Put the congressional districts back together. - Slate Magazine

We know, we know: only DimoRATs are allowed to Gerrymander.

Republican Gerrymandering has given them control of the House of Representatives

They hold the House even though they have received fewer total votes than Democrats. Whining, "They do it too" does not change the fact that Republicans are ruling from a minority. Gerrymandering allows them to do that

Another libturd example of the pot calling the kettle black. That's why no one cares. Pointing out the fact that you're a scathing hypocrite is not "whining."

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