*Get A Warrant*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. Errrr, no one is above suspicion, FBI do an early morning raid.
2. Why not?
3. Everyone bring classified documents home, some just empty cool looking folders.
4. I say kick the doors in a look around obamas digs.

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Sorry bout that,

1. You know he has some, or he would fling the door open wide and say, "Take a look".
2. Would it be racists to look around obamas digs?
3. I DEMAND IT!!!!!!

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Sorry bout that,

1. You know he has some, or he would fling the door open wide and say, "Take a look".
2. Would it be racists to look around obamas digs?

Nah. If he was officially asked by the folks responsible for the document, that would be different, but not to commit to some partisans? Big deal. He owes them nothing.
If he was officially asked by the folks responsible for the document
You mean like NARA? Like the tradition of decades where NARA simply negotiated with a former POTUS' attorneys for any docs they felt shouldn't be in his possession? THAT NARA?

The fact that the Tan Messiah doesn't immediately allow a thorough search like Pence did, says all you need to know about the double standards. I love it when the nuts on the Left lash out trying to destroy Trump with issues they've never been held accountable for, THEN it blows up in their faces. If they indict Orange Man Bad now, they'll be seen as so hypocritical that even a DC jury might refuse to convict.
And Garland KNOWS IT. ;)
Sorry bout that,

1. Errrr, no one is above suspicion, FBI do an early morning raid.
2. Why not?
3. Everyone bring classified documents home, some just empty cool looking folders.
4. I say kick the doors in a look around obamas digs.


"Former President Barack Obama has refused to commit to a search of his private homes and offices to confirm whether or not he is in possession of classified documents."

Says who? And a search by who?

Your wordpress blog doesn't say.
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You mean like NARA? Like the tradition of decades where NARA simply negotiated with a former POTUS' attorneys for any docs they felt shouldn't be in his possession? THAT NARA?

The fact that the Tan Messiah doesn't immediately allow a thorough search like Pence did, says all you need to know about the double standards. I love it when the nuts on the Left lash out trying to destroy Trump with issues they've never been held accountable for, THEN it blows up in their faces. If they indict Orange Man Bad now, they'll be seen as so hypocritical that even a DC jury might refuse to convict.
And Garland KNOWS IT. ;)
You didn't quote NARA. All I saw in the article was from Brigitte Gabriel, a conservative writer and Arabic news broadcaster from Lebanon. Who cares?
You didn't quote NARA. All I saw in the article was from Brigitte Gabriel, a conservative writer and Arabic news broadcaster from Lebanon. Who cares?

Brigitte Gabriel, a conservative writer and Arabic news broadcaster from Lebanon...

....quoting herself.
Sorry bout that,

1. "I'm the black exPresident, you can't touch me."~Obama

Posts that were off-topic, (Possibly intending derail), Off-Topic attack without thread content or responding to same have been deleted. Get back on topic or do not respond to this thread.
The topic is: Get a Warrant, Obama refuses to commit to search,
Enjoy the thread.
Sorry bout that,

1. "I'm the black exPresident, you can't touch me."~Obama


Where does your wordpress blog say that? Or did you pull that 'quote' from the ol' rectal database?

Nonsense claims like the OP are best suited for the right wing echo chamber, where no one asks for something as trivial as evidence or sources.
You mean like NARA? Like the tradition of decades where NARA simply negotiated with a former POTUS' attorneys for any docs they felt shouldn't be in his possession? THAT NARA?

The fact that the Tan Messiah doesn't immediately allow a thorough search like Pence did, says all you need to know about the double standards. I love it when the nuts on the Left lash out trying to destroy Trump with issues they've never been held accountable for, THEN it blows up in their faces. If they indict Orange Man Bad now, they'll be seen as so hypocritical that even a DC jury might refuse to convict.
And Garland KNOWS IT. ;)

Not all of their flunkies feel like risking doing time later for their criminal employers, so you might be right; they're running out of fellow sociopaths who fall on their swords for their criminal scumbag leaders.
Sorry bout that,

1. Deleting posts is censorship.
2. Free speech is being infringed.
3. Your guiding a thread to your conclusion.
4. When you delete a post its like you're pulling teeth on a thread, in order to curtail free speech, its what a churl does.
5. Please stop, let freedom ring.
6. The mods hold this power, and its not a good power.
7. Ewww scary mods might ban, chesswarsnow for a month, its what they do, so let the freedom ring, the truth needs to be said.
8. I've said it.

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