Get ready for MEGA NIÑO:


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Figures confirm phenomenon is now the biggest ever seen

Previous strong El Niños occurred in 1972-73, 1982-83 and 1997-98

Water temperatures in Central Pacific reached 3.1°C above average

That is significantly higher than 2.8°C recorded during the 1997-1998

Read more: Get ready for a MEGA NINO: Figures show weather system is 'worst ever'

1. No depth to the heat.. And the anomaly is a figment of arbitrary adjustments and not real. (just one reason we have not seen increased land temps according to US-CRN)
2. Polar low has re-centered over the poles pulling any further heat from the region. (this was the reason we have had the current event in the first place.)
3. The blob has disintegrated.
4. The stop of upward warming trend has not been affected with the current event and new fear-mongering is needed to drive the agenda.

You all have fun with your imaginations.. Until I see tangible (observable empirical evidence) results from this I'm not buying it.
The "New Scientist" and the "UK Daily Mail"...

And the article uses NOAA adjusted data...

Like I said before... Have fun with this. Until it provides empirical observable evidence showing it, I'm not buying it..

Just more left wing propaganda from propaganda sites.

Both regions 3 and 4 are falling in temp. One and two are also falling in temp... Not buying what they are selling..
It's fooking December 9th Billy Boy. Did this surprise you?

It astounds me - given your remarkable string of failed comments and predictions regarding this season's el Nino, that you would even approach the topic AT ALL. If you're not embarrassed by every single failed comment you've made about it (and that would be ALL of them) then I really suspect something is wrong with you.
Silly Billy, we have all seen your predictions from the start of this year on Tracking El Nino. 100% wrong, and laughingly so.
It's one of the ocean's pressure safety valves for heat. The more that comes out -- the less is left.
Needs to barf after eating all that "global warming" junk food..
Professional opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!! From someone that failed their GED?

The El Nino is presently Mega. Over 2.5, in fact, 2.9 for this week. Silly Billy, you are such a loser liar.



The latest weekly SST departures are:
Niño 4 1.7ºC
Niño 3.4 2.9ºC
Niño 3 2.9ºC
Niño 1+2 2.4ºC

Silly little ass, Billy, time to drop the pants again.

Too funny... You didn't read a dam sentence of that link did you.. The heat has dissipated and it is DEGRADING. The effects of the El Niño are now going to decay rapidly.

Your ignorance and fantasy land must be grand.. Your a legend in your own mind..
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Climate, silly ass. This El Nino exceeds any in the past. And the effects exceed any in the past. Just as the 1997-98 El Nino did. A series of ever stronger El Nino's is to be expected in a warming world.
El Nino flooding in the Congo...

More than 30 dead in floods in Democratic Republic of Congo
Dec. 10, 2015 -- At least 31 people have died after three weeks of heavy rain have caused floods in the Democratic Republic of Congo city of Kinshasa.
The DRC's capital endures a long rainy season each year, but with likely help from El Nino, Kinshasa has been hit with almost 18 inches of rain since Nov. 17, amounting to about a third of the annual rainfall.

The city of 11 million people -- third largest in Africa after Lagos, Nigeria and Cairo, Egypt -- sits on the southern bank of the Congo River, where the areas at the river's edge have been affected the worst.

Kinshasa's wet season stretches from October to May, but because of the El Nino system, the wet season will be excessive and more flooding is likely. The El Nino also means much of southern Africa will probably suffer drought.

More than 30 dead in floods in Democratic Republic of Congo

See also:

Torrential rains leave 31 dead, thousands homeless
Fri, Dec 11, 2015 - Anger peaked in Kinshasa’s slums on Wednesday as the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DR Congo) poor grappled with little more than bare hands against torrential rains and flooding that have left 31 people dead and 20,000 families homeless in less than three weeks.
“They kill us from hunger, now they’re exterminating us with water,” Jocelyne Kapinga said, wading through mud, slime and fecal matter swirling centimeters above the heels of her rubber boots. Since Nov. 19, “we have recorded 31 deaths due to the collapse of homes” in repeated downpours, Kinshasa Interior Minister Emmanuel Akweti said. The city’s wet season normally runs from October to May, but this year the rains began only in the middle of last month, with a third of the average annual rainfall — or 450mm of water — falling in less than three weeks, Akweti said.

In Ndanu, an impoverished southeastern district of Kinshasa, people have been hit especially badly by this year’s unusually heavy rains. The area sits near the Ndjili and Matete tributaries of the giant Congo River and, in the 1970s, served as a water reserve to irrigate vast rice-fields run by Chinese aid organizations. However, as the city’s population expanded relentlessly to hit 10 million, flimsy shacks and huts sprouted across the area to house about 50,000 people, but without sewerage or any kind of urban planning. Most of the deaths from the recent floods occurred in the city’s particularly impoverished southern and eastern districts, notably along the banks of the giant Congo River.

Saying more heavy rain is forecast from now until the end of this month, Akweti urged people in flooded areas “to leave their homes without delay.” “We are convinced the unusual rainfall is connected to climate change,” Akweti said. However, one Ndanu resident brushed off the claim, saying: “Every year there’s flooding, the authorities don’t do anything about it, they don’t care.” Women and children there were busy scooping smelly yellowed water into old saucepans with their bare hands, the children in water to their waists. Schools were empty, furniture and the odd electrical appliance piled high to keep dry, and in places fecal matter floated in stagnant water as makeshift sewage pits overflowed.

At the Saint-Bernard school, about 30 classrooms have been totally submerged by the rains, with only the tops of some desks still visible. “What are the authorities waiting for to build concrete dams,” said Mangala Nsenge, a 70-year-old speaking out on behalf of others. “Elections are coming up, but whoever comes here will be in for trouble,” he said, angrily adding: “Where are they? They’ve abandoned us.” In hopes of keeping back the water, Ndanu residents have built a thin bamboo fence reinforced by bags of sand. “We built this ourselves, without any help from the government or the town hall,” said Raph Kayembe, an unemployed man in his 50s. “Every year we’re under water.”

Torrential rains leave 31 dead, thousands homeless - Taipei Times
Not surprisingly, "Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a hoax!" Skook is now nowhere to be seen. But I'm sure he'll show up again the next time the historically unprecedented occurrence of snow in December happens.

There's not going to be a lot of snow in December in the USA, according to NOAA forecasts, which show a season heavily influenced by the El Nino.

NOAA: Strong El Niño sets the stage for 2015-2016 winter weather


Who cares what's causing it. Lots of snow in the mountains along the Pacific coast. Also in the Rockies. Not enough to even dent the amount of water needed by humans inhabiting lands not meant for such things but a bit.
Climate, silly ass. This El Nino exceeds any in the past. And the effects exceed any in the past. Just as the 1997-98 El Nino did. A series of ever stronger El Nino's is to be expected in a warming world.

How many El Ninos have been EXTENSIVELY measured and studied? By satellite -- probably less than 6.
So your "exceeds any in the past" is not a very strong statement.

But I will agree that BillyBob has had a great run.. And he is eventually gonna be right. :eusa_dance:

Just like you might "be eventually right" in a couple hundred years.. :dance:

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