Get this filth out of the country already


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
It is time, long past time, for the US federal government to round up all of the illegals, including the pathetically ludicrously named "dreamers" - so sick of the fucking left-wing euphemisms for criminals, probably coined by some 2-bit, paid consultant for the national democrap party - and deport them the fuck out of here.

"Mr. Capers said that 10 of the 13 adult gang members were undocumented immigrants, and that three of the gang members who were accused of direct involvement in the killings of Kayla and Nisa in Brentwood, N.Y., on Sept. 13, were undocumented immigrants."


All of this rabble filth, and any of their supporters/apologists, can go with them on the boats/planes/buses/ whatever means of transporting them out. ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and a GIANT FUCK YOU to everyone liberal democrap who wants to legalize them; you can leave the country and live in El salvador with this vermin if you support them so much.
I got this in an E-mail from a friend recently and it explains how "Political Correctness" began.

What is meant by the modern term referred to as 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS’..

The definition is found in 4 telegrams at the Truman Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. The following are copies of four telegrams between President Harry Truman and Gen Douglas MacArthur on the day before the actual signing of the WWII Surrender Agreement in September 1945.. The contents of those four telegrams below are exactly as received at the end of the war - not a word has been added or deleted!

Tokyo, Japan 0800-September 1,1945
To: President Harry S Truman
From: General D A MacArthur

Tomorrow we meet with those yellow-bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions?

(2) Washington, D C 1300-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur
From: H S Truman

Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press, because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically correct!

(3) Tokyo, Japan 1630-September 1, 1945
To: H S Truman
From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz

Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what does the term politically correct mean?

(4) Washington, D C 2120-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz
From: H S Truman

Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end!

Now, with special thanks to the Truman Museum and Harry himself, you and I finally have a full understanding of what 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS' really means…..
Hoss, it must hurt, I know, but you all were told long ago that Trump would not do it.
Dale is proposing a secret Cucaracha Eradication Squad. These well-trained patriots will roam the country hunting down dirty border-jumping cucarachas. Man-Well will lose his left leg. Paid-Row will lose his right hand. Hay-Soos will have all his brown teeth stomped out. Wa-Neeta will disappear, never again to be seen or heard from.

The word will get around. There will be a frenzied stampede of the vile beasts to get back into the squalid Third World where their kind belongs.

America for REAL Americans! All others GET OUT!

Know what we mean?
It is time, long past time, for the US federal government to round up all of the illegals, including the pathetically ludicrously named "dreamers" - so sick of the fucking left-wing euphemisms for criminals, probably coined by some 2-bit, paid consultant for the national democrap party - and deport them the fuck out of here.

"Mr. Capers said that 10 of the 13 adult gang members were undocumented immigrants, and that three of the gang members who were accused of direct involvement in the killings of Kayla and Nisa in Brentwood, N.Y., on Sept. 13, were undocumented immigrants."


All of this rabble filth, and any of their supporters/apologists, can go with them on the boats/planes/buses/ whatever means of transporting them out. ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and a GIANT FUCK YOU to everyone liberal democrap who wants to legalize them; you can leave the country and live in El salvador with this vermin if you support them so much.

Yup. Send out the Democrats with them. They are no more American than the illegals.
It is time, long past time, for the US federal government to round up all of the illegals, including the pathetically ludicrously named "dreamers" - so sick of the fucking left-wing euphemisms for criminals, probably coined by some 2-bit, paid consultant for the national democrap party - and deport them the fuck out of here.

"Mr. Capers said that 10 of the 13 adult gang members were undocumented immigrants, and that three of the gang members who were accused of direct involvement in the killings of Kayla and Nisa in Brentwood, N.Y., on Sept. 13, were undocumented immigrants."


All of this rabble filth, and any of their supporters/apologists, can go with them on the boats/planes/buses/ whatever means of transporting them out. ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and a GIANT FUCK YOU to everyone liberal democrap who wants to legalize them; you can leave the country and live in El salvador with this vermin if you support them so much.

Yup. Send out the Democrats with them. They are no more American than the illegals.
I think every illegal should have a supporter sent with them back home. If that's a senator or a priest or some house wife it doesn't matter. Anyone stepping up to support the illegal criminal should have the chance to join them in their home country. We can call it something cool like "Illegal Awareness"
Why are all your illegals such monstrous criminals?

Ours are pretty tame. It's the offspring of legal immigrants who become criminals in Australia.
Why are all your illegals such monstrous criminals?

Ours are pretty tame. It's the offspring of legal immigrants who become criminals in Australia.
Because you don't have a land border with Mexico or any other country. If you did it would be much the same. Other than you Ausiies actually have some serious immigration laws and enforce them. Kinda like what we want.
Why are all your illegals such monstrous criminals?

Ours are pretty tame. It's the offspring of legal immigrants who become criminals in Australia.
Most crimes committed in America are not by illegals. By a long shot. Time to get rid of the natural born citizens.
Most crimes committed in America are not by illegals. By a long shot. Time to get rid of the natural born citizens.

Another low IQ idiot asshole unfamiliar with the crime stats, another fool needing an education:

Elusive crime wave data shows frightening toll of illegal immigrant criminals

"In the absence of comprehensive data, examined a patchwork of local, state and federal statistics that revealed a wildly disproportionate number of murderers, rapists and drug dealers are crossing into the U.S. amid the wave of hard-working families seeking a better life. The explosive figures show illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3.5-percent share of the U.S. population would suggest. Critics say it is no accident that local, state and federal governments go to great lengths to keep the data under wraps."

Criminal Aliens

Notice the imbalance of the illegals' percent of the general population vs their percentage of convicted felons? You're welcome, fuckbrain.
It is time, long past time, for the US federal government to round up all of the illegals, including the pathetically ludicrously named "dreamers" - so sick of the fucking left-wing euphemisms for criminals, probably coined by some 2-bit, paid consultant for the national democrap party - and deport them the fuck out of here.

"Mr. Capers said that 10 of the 13 adult gang members were undocumented immigrants, and that three of the gang members who were accused of direct involvement in the killings of Kayla and Nisa in Brentwood, N.Y., on Sept. 13, were undocumented immigrants."


All of this rabble filth, and any of their supporters/apologists, can go with them on the boats/planes/buses/ whatever means of transporting them out. ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and a GIANT FUCK YOU to everyone liberal democrap who wants to legalize them; you can leave the country and live in El salvador with this vermin if you support them so much.
Your link says that some of the gang members had roots in El Salvador. I wonder if they learned how to murder in the School of the America's? Or maybe as a result of some of that schools' graduates?

From the link in your link, one of the residents of that community stated:
“It makes me feel bad that people think this of all Salvadorans,” she said. “Violence was the reason I left — when they killed my brother. And now we are experiencing the same violence.”

Did you kill her brother? You get a hard-on and a cheeseburger whenever we kill brown people. I think, in some way, you're at fault for that death to. The truth is, you're no different than they are. You support the murder of millions of innocent Palestinian's and Muslims, so you ain't riding no moral horse. This country would be better off if fuckers like you decided to go live somewhere else.

What about all the undocumented workers that do not commit murder, or any other violent crime? What about those people? People who contribute to our economy, pay their taxes and are good role models in raising their children? Is your sick hatred and vitriol directed at them to? Do you want them out of the country as well? You act like all people here illegally commit violent crimes and should be deported.
Another low IQ idiot asshole unfamiliar with the crime stats, another fool needing an education:

Elusive crime wave data shows frightening toll of illegal immigrant criminals

"In the absence of comprehensive data, examined a patchwork of local, state and federal statistics that revealed a wildly disproportionate number of murderers, rapists and drug dealers are crossing into the U.S. amid the wave of hard-working families seeking a better life. The explosive figures show illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3.5-percent share of the U.S. population would suggest. Critics say it is no accident that local, state and federal governments go to great lengths to keep the data under wraps."

Criminal Aliens

Notice the imbalance of the illegals' percent of the general population vs their percentage of convicted felons? You're welcome, fuckbrain.
You're the low IQ idiot! From your own link, moron...

"Statistics show the estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. account for 13.6 percent of all offenders sentenced for crimes committed in the U.S."

That means 86.4% of the crime committed in this country, was NOT by people here illegally.
Most crimes committed in America are not by illegals. By a long shot. Time to get rid of the natural born citizens.

Another low IQ idiot asshole unfamiliar with the crime stats, another fool needing an education:

Elusive crime wave data shows frightening toll of illegal immigrant criminals

"In the absence of comprehensive data, examined a patchwork of local, state and federal statistics that revealed a wildly disproportionate number of murderers, rapists and drug dealers are crossing into the U.S. amid the wave of hard-working families seeking a better life. The explosive figures show illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3.5-percent share of the U.S. population would suggest. Critics say it is no accident that local, state and federal governments go to great lengths to keep the data under wraps."

Criminal Aliens

Notice the imbalance of the illegals' percent of the general population vs their percentage of convicted felons? You're welcome, fuckbrain.
So you run right to foxnews to keep you warm and pacified.

Despite Trump's speech, immigrants commit far fewer crimes than native-born Americans

How does it feel being smacked in the face by a " low IQ idiot?"
Why are all your illegals such monstrous criminals?

Ours are pretty tame. It's the offspring of legal immigrants who become criminals in Australia.
Most crimes committed in America are not by illegals. By a long shot. Time to get rid of the natural born citizens.
Hi Reasonable Hi The Great Goose
(note: Reasonable it was Goose who tagged me to
come join this discussion thread, not the other way directing you to go visit my page, but thank you both for alerting me)

I am very interested in this also.

If we are going to hold illegal immigrants/undocumented residents
for restitution for their violations, why not hold ALL citizens INCLUDING govt and corporate wrongdoers EQUALLY responsible for restitution to taxpayers if they break laws that cost taxpayers money and resources? Not just the crime and violations
themselves, but the cost of prosecution and/or incarceration.

I somewhat AGREE with what Reasonable points out,
that if most crimes are committed by natural born citizens by numbers alone, why not focus there too?

But my take on it, it's not either / or. but being consistent about both.

As for citizenship, I would also base legal privileges and legal rights, such as the right to due process, right to trial and defense,
to be EARNED by following the laws and COMPLYING with authority. So I would say not just the naturalized citizens, but also the citizens born here should be required to undergo education
training and testing, and a signed agreement to follow laws and/or pay the costs of infractions, including damages debts AND administrative/legal costs. And if citizens are not financially viable enough to afford legal rights, such as minors under their parents' legal guardianship or guest workers or students under an employer or a university, they would need a signed co-sponsor to accept legal and financial responsibility for supervising that student or minor who is not legally independent.

I believe we can better deter crime and reward/promote consistent law enforcement by holding all people INCLUDING GOVT AND CORPORATE OFFICIALS equally responsible for the COSTS they incur for infractions (both civil or criminal abuses, corruption or conspiracy involvement and especially organized crime which already provides for restitution to victims under RICO).

Also, if Congress is scrambling for some way to justify costs of health care and immigration reform, the restitution from crime and corruption, if assessed and credited BACK to taxpayers, should be able to cover the initial costs. Over time, we could pay off debts by assessing "credits" owed to taxpayers for the costs of wrongdoing
(again not just civilian crimes but especially corporate/govt/organized crime, collusion and corruption at taxpayer expense, which if govt abuses are included can run into the billions if not trillions per major incident) and investing that capital/credit into corrections and reforms that will prevent and deter these in the future.

Thanks and I hope you see more potential for solutions
coming from these discussions rather than getting stuck
on where we disagree. Of course those areas are going to
be more common and far outnumber where we agree. But where we agree is going to be more important because that's where the solutions are going to come from. We should focus there, and address the other conflicts and objections from that common framework.

Yours truly,
Emily ***

*** NOTE: This summary of programs I propose to develop across the border
would include a "prison exchange" where capital offenses could be punished with convicts losing their citizenship instead of their lives to the death penalty, and trading places with applicants on the waiting list for citizenship. This would (1) reward and encourage law abiding citizens while penalizing capital offenses with deportation to a prison work program across the border as an alternative to the death penalty (2) keep the population stable by only accepting new citizens for every current citizen who gets deported for crime (and is required to work in prison under a plan to pay restitution, so these work exchange programs can take the place of illegal sweatshops and turn them into viable production and supervised work training)
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