Get this filth out of the country already

Why are all your illegals such monstrous criminals?

Ours are pretty tame. It's the offspring of legal immigrants who become criminals in Australia.
Most crimes committed in America are not by illegals. By a long shot. Time to get rid of the natural born citizens.

Sounds like the Democrat platform for 2020.
After all these years we finally have an answer to why poor whites vote Republican.

Smarter than they look!
Why are all your illegals such monstrous criminals?

Ours are pretty tame. It's the offspring of legal immigrants who become criminals in Australia.
Most crimes committed in America are not by illegals. By a long shot. Time to get rid of the natural born citizens.

Sounds like the Democrat platform for 2020.
After all these years we finally have an answer to why poor whites vote Republican.

Smarter than they look!
No one wants to be herded onto the democrat plantation.....
Why are all your illegals such monstrous criminals?

Ours are pretty tame. It's the offspring of legal immigrants who become criminals in Australia.
Most crimes committed in America are not by illegals. By a long shot. Time to get rid of the natural born citizens.

Sounds like the Democrat platform for 2020.
After all these years we finally have an answer to why poor whites vote Republican.

Smarter than they look!
No one wants to be herded onto the democrat plantation.....
Some are on the GOP plantation..
It is time, long past time, for the US federal government to round up all of the illegals, including the pathetically ludicrously named "dreamers" - so sick of the fucking left-wing euphemisms for criminals, probably coined by some 2-bit, paid consultant for the national democrap party - and deport them the fuck out of here.

"Mr. Capers said that 10 of the 13 adult gang members were undocumented immigrants, and that three of the gang members who were accused of direct involvement in the killings of Kayla and Nisa in Brentwood, N.Y., on Sept. 13, were undocumented immigrants."


All of this rabble filth, and any of their supporters/apologists, can go with them on the boats/planes/buses/ whatever means of transporting them out. ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and a GIANT FUCK YOU to everyone liberal democrap who wants to legalize them; you can leave the country and live in El salvador with this vermin if you support them so much.

Maybe we should blame all angry white males for the actions of McVeigh, Eric Rudolf, Lanza, Holmes, the Columbine shooters, if you want to paint with broad brushes...
Most crimes committed in America are not by illegals. By a long shot. Time to get rid of the natural born citizens.

Another low IQ idiot asshole unfamiliar with the crime stats, another fool needing an education:

Elusive crime wave data shows frightening toll of illegal immigrant criminals

"In the absence of comprehensive data, examined a patchwork of local, state and federal statistics that revealed a wildly disproportionate number of murderers, rapists and drug dealers are crossing into the U.S. amid the wave of hard-working families seeking a better life. The explosive figures show illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population and account for far more crimes than their 3.5-percent share of the U.S. population would suggest. Critics say it is no accident that local, state and federal governments go to great lengths to keep the data under wraps."

Criminal Aliens

Another idiot yahoo who doesn't understand the definition of "criminal alien" also includes LEGAL IMMIGRANTS convicted of a crime. Attempting to use those numbers to argue against ILLEGALS only reflects one's ignorance and does nothing to support their argument.
I got this in an E-mail from a friend recently and it explains how "Political Correctness" began.

What is meant by the modern term referred to as 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS’..

The definition is found in 4 telegrams at the Truman Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. The following are copies of four telegrams between President Harry Truman and Gen Douglas MacArthur on the day before the actual signing of the WWII Surrender Agreement in September 1945.. The contents of those four telegrams below are exactly as received at the end of the war - not a word has been added or deleted!

Tokyo, Japan 0800-September 1,1945
To: President Harry S Truman
From: General D A MacArthur

Tomorrow we meet with those yellow-bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions?

(2) Washington, D C 1300-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur
From: H S Truman

Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press, because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically correct!

(3) Tokyo, Japan 1630-September 1, 1945
To: H S Truman
From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz

Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what does the term politically correct mean?

(4) Washington, D C 2120-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz
From: H S Truman

Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end!

Now, with special thanks to the Truman Museum and Harry himself, you and I finally have a full understanding of what 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS' really means…..
You should check out emails before reposting them. No such messages are found in the Truman Library. The "definition" has been attributed to Texas A&M students ca. 2006.

Grouchy Old Cripple: Political Correctness
Execute the murderers, deport all the other illegals, anyone who is a gang member who is naturalized, strip them of their citizenship deport their asses anyway.
So you run right to foxnews to keep you warm and pacified.

Despite Trump's speech, immigrants commit far fewer crimes than native-born Americans

How does it feel being smacked in the face by a " low IQ idiot?"

Clearly your IQ IS very low, you stupid fucking moron. READ YOUR OWN LINK, IDIOT: it discusses LEGAL immigrants, NOT illegals, you fucking retard. Typical liberal trash confusing legals with illegals...

Fox news was merely the first link that came up in my web search, but it used GOVERNMENT statistics. Clearly reading comprehension was not a strong suit of your education.

Keep trying, little monkey. Maybe in a 1,000 years you might get lucky and be able to offer something of intelligence.
So you run right to foxnews to keep you warm and pacified.

Despite Trump's speech, immigrants commit far fewer crimes than native-born Americans

How does it feel being smacked in the face by a " low IQ idiot?"

Clearly your IQ IS very low, you stupid fucking moron. READ YOUR OWN LINK, IDIOT: it discusses LEGAL immigrants, NOT illegals, you fucking retard. Typical liberal trash confusing legals with illegals...

Fox news was merely the first link that came up in my web search, but it used GOVERNMENT statistics. Clearly reading comprehension was not a strong suit of your education.

Keep trying, little monkey. Maybe in a 1,000 years you might get lucky and be able to offer something of intelligence.

Says the dumbfuck who doesn't understand that "Criminal Aliens" also includes LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
I got this in an E-mail from a friend recently and it explains how "Political Correctness" began.

What is meant by the modern term referred to as 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS’..

The definition is found in 4 telegrams at the Truman Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. The following are copies of four telegrams between President Harry Truman and Gen Douglas MacArthur on the day before the actual signing of the WWII Surrender Agreement in September 1945.. The contents of those four telegrams below are exactly as received at the end of the war - not a word has been added or deleted!

Tokyo, Japan 0800-September 1,1945
To: President Harry S Truman
From: General D A MacArthur

Tomorrow we meet with those yellow-bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions?

(2) Washington, D C 1300-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur
From: H S Truman

Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press, because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically correct!

(3) Tokyo, Japan 1630-September 1, 1945
To: H S Truman
From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz

Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what does the term politically correct mean?

(4) Washington, D C 2120-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz
From: H S Truman

Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end!

Now, with special thanks to the Truman Museum and Harry himself, you and I finally have a full understanding of what 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS' really means…..
You should check out emails before reposting them. No such messages are found in the Truman Library. The "definition" has been attributed to Texas A&M students ca. 2006.

Grouchy Old Cripple: Political Correctness

Sorry, I knew that was from a satire web site. I just checked my post and saw I didn't indicate that.
It is time, long past time, for the US federal government to round up all of the illegals, including the pathetically ludicrously named "dreamers" - so sick of the fucking left-wing euphemisms for criminals, probably coined by some 2-bit, paid consultant for the national democrap party - and deport them the fuck out of here.

"Mr. Capers said that 10 of the 13 adult gang members were undocumented immigrants, and that three of the gang members who were accused of direct involvement in the killings of Kayla and Nisa in Brentwood, N.Y., on Sept. 13, were undocumented immigrants."


All of this rabble filth, and any of their supporters/apologists, can go with them on the boats/planes/buses/ whatever means of transporting them out. ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and a GIANT FUCK YOU to everyone liberal democrap who wants to legalize them; you can leave the country and live in El salvador with this vermin if you support them so much.
Then you can get a job they vacate.
Then you can get a job they vacate.

I run my own business so I am not seeking employment. My position is based upon supporting my fellow, out-of-work-but-seeking employment, down-on-their-luck americans whose livlihoods have been destroyed by Bill Gates' H1B imports from India, and the huge numbers of illegals imported by the national democraptic party. My concerns are for them, unlike you fake liberal trash who pretends to give a shit about the less fortunate, but have no compunction importing lots of hispanic poor people to do your menial labor.

You leftist trash claims that no americans will do these jobs - yet have no issue with poor brown people doing them in situations where their pay is very low, work conditions are terrible, but you filth embraces bringing even more in, which will make it even worse for them. Liberals like you are utter hypocritical trash, and are more racist than the conservatives you accuse of it.
It is time, long past time, for the US federal government to round up all of the illegals, including the pathetically ludicrously named "dreamers" - so sick of the fucking left-wing euphemisms for criminals, probably coined by some 2-bit, paid consultant for the national democrap party - and deport them the fuck out of here.

"Mr. Capers said that 10 of the 13 adult gang members were undocumented immigrants, and that three of the gang members who were accused of direct involvement in the killings of Kayla and Nisa in Brentwood, N.Y., on Sept. 13, were undocumented immigrants."


All of this rabble filth, and any of their supporters/apologists, can go with them on the boats/planes/buses/ whatever means of transporting them out. ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and a GIANT FUCK YOU to everyone liberal democrap who wants to legalize them; you can leave the country and live in El salvador with this vermin if you support them so much.

So what crime does a child brought into this country at the age of 3, commit?
So what crime does a child brought into this country at the age of 3, commit?

Deep thinking there, stupid little monkey. So if a couple rob a bank - do they get to give the money to their kids? That child is:

1) taking the place of an american, possibly preventing an american from attending that school due to overcrowding
2) making the classroom more crowded so that american kids get less attention, the teacher is overworked and the school system less efficient
3) eating free breakfasts/lunches at school, which cost more money, like ESL classes
4) wasting resources that me and other american taxpayers should not be forced to spend money on.
5) using more water, creating more trash for landfills, etc.
6) will eventually go to a college displacing an american
7) will eventually grow up, and steal a job that an american could have taken

And on and on...stupid people like you think that an illegal exists in a vacuum, as if there were no societal consequences of that illegal being in the US.

Furhter, I pay taxes for THIS country, I do not write and send my estimate tax payment checks to Mexico, honduras or any other countries - I should not be forced to pay for democratic party votes.
So what crime does a child brought into this country at the age of 3, commit?

Deep thinking there, stupid little monkey. So if a couple rob a bank - do they get to give the money to their kids? That child is:

1) taking the place of an american, possibly preventing an american from attending that school due to overcrowding
2) making the classroom more crowded so that american kids get less attention, the teacher is overworked and the school system less efficient
3) eating free breakfasts/lunches at school, which cost more money, like ESL classes
4) wasting resources that me and other american taxpayers should not be forced to spend money on.
5) using more water, creating more trash for landfills, etc.
6) will eventually go to a college displacing an american
7) will eventually grow up, and steal a job that an american could have taken

And on and on...stupid people like you think that an illegal exists in a vacuum, as if there were no societal consequences of that illegal being in the US.

Furhter, I pay taxes for THIS country, I do not write and send my estimate tax payment checks to Mexico, honduras or any other countries - I should not be forced to pay for democratic party votes.

I could care less. The child had no choice and committed no crime. It's barbaric to punish children for the actions of their parents.
I could care less. The child had no choice and committed no crime. It's barbaric to punish children for the actions of their parents.

Of course you couldn't, since you probably are on welfare, never had a real job, and pay no taxes.

Just as it is barbaric to expect me to pay for them.

These families, parents and children, need to be deported as soon as they are caught - no schooling, no welfare, no benefits - NOTHING.
Dale is proposing a secret Cucaracha Eradication Squad. These well-trained patriots will roam the country hunting down dirty border-jumping cucarachas. Man-Well will lose his left leg. Paid-Row will lose his right hand. Hay-Soos will have all his brown teeth stomped out. Wa-Neeta will disappear, never again to be seen or heard from.

The word will get around. There will be a frenzied stampede of the vile beasts to get back into the squalid Third World where their kind belongs.

America for REAL Americans! All others GET OUT!

Know what we mean?

Kansas solution?
Why are all your illegals such monstrous criminals?

Ours are pretty tame. It's the offspring of legal immigrants who become criminals in Australia.
Most crimes committed in America are not by illegals. By a long shot. Time to get rid of the natural born citizens.

Number say Illegals are ~1/3 of CA Jailed.
Numbers say 1/10 population is illegal? hmmmmmm......something don't add up.
Numbers say 1/5 school Children is illegal.......note......something don't add up.

conclusion: more than 1/3 of crimes are committed by less than 10% of total population? i.e. Illegals.

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