Get your Armor of God pajamas

And one is free to point out really stupd and weird things.

This is stupid and weird.
So, instead of lobotomizing your kids, you can just get a pair of these pj's for your children.

The stupidity and intolerance will seep in via osmosis. Nothing like creating fanatics in their sleep.

I guess it makes 'em easier to control. Me? I like to sleep naked.
So, instead of lobotomizing your kids, you can just get a pair of these pj's for your children.

The stupidity and intolerance will seep in via osmosis. Nothing like creating fanatics in their sleep.

I guess it makes 'em easier to control. Me? I like to sleep naked.

TMI :lol:

Like your Ellison quote. A friend of mine met him in an elevator once. He was having a discussion about the middle east. Ellison's solution was, I paraphrase, "Build a giant fucking wall around the entire region with one door. Once a decade someone opens the door and peeks inside and waits. At the first sign of violence or first gunshot heard, slam the door and wait another ten years".
Yes mormans have special underwear that is called sacred underwear. They are often refered to as magic because they offer some special protection of some kind. They are not allowed to talk about it.

Its a Secret........ well maybe not so much now.
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Assuming that I had kids, how would they be subject to ridicule? Think about it: If I bought them such pajamas, I certainly would not ridicule them. Strangers? They'd have to get past the home defenses first. Do you think parents just dress their kids up in PJs and then send them out in to the world?

Assuming that I had kids, how would they be subject to ridicule? Think about it: If I bought them such pajamas, I certainly would not ridicule them. Strangers? They'd have to get past the home defenses first. Do you think parents just dress their kids up in PJs and then send them out in to the world?

Some do. Ever hear of a sleep over?

And Amanda....keep yer drawers covered dear, I'm not interested in yours, as they are more than likely not magical.

Assuming that I had kids, how would they be subject to ridicule? Think about it: If I bought them such pajamas, I certainly would not ridicule them. Strangers? They'd have to get past the home defenses first. Do you think parents just dress their kids up in PJs and then send them out in to the world?

Some do. Ever hear of a sleep over?

And Amanda....keep yer drawers covered dear, I'm not interested in yours, as they are more than likely not magical.

I would suspect that parents that would dress their kids in such a fashion would send them to sleepovers with like-minded folks.

Look, I'm not defending the garments, as I think they are silly. I'm just saying that kids who have to wear such things are probably a little indoctrinated to begin with.

Explain to me why it matters to you? Last I checked this is a free nation where one can try to sell most anything, no matter how weird or stupid.

Did you see me trying to stop them? Nope. I just found it amusing.

Assuming that I had kids, how would they be subject to ridicule? Think about it: If I bought them such pajamas, I certainly would not ridicule them. Strangers? They'd have to get past the home defenses first. Do you think parents just dress their kids up in PJs and then send them out in to the world?

Kids talk to each other in school about their personal lives. Sometinmes they even have sleepovers.
Yes mormans have special underwear that is called scared underwear. They are often refered to as magic because they offer some special protection of some kind. They are not allowed to talk about it.

Its a Secret........ well maybe not so much now.

Is that "scared" or "sacred"??? :tongue:
I fail to see why these pajamas are any crazier than superman pajamas, complete with cape...or spiderman pajamas, or fairy pajamas or princess pajamas or transformer pajamas.

I think they're cool. Particularly when you consider what the passage is referring to.
10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

King James Version (KJV)

I'd rather have my kids get all excited about that than about an alien who has superpowers, or some mutant boy who is half spider, or the glamorized idea of little faeries....

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