Get your Armor of God pajamas

Well the flood story also implies that every single person except Noah and his small family was wicked, evil and debased. i think we can surmise that that assumption would have been as untrue then as it is today.

I think a mistake a lot of people make is to take the stories literally. I don't believe they were ever intended that way, they were a way to express ideas and concepts.

But we see this all the time, don't we? Who ever screams the loudest is the one heard, and it's always the nutcases. So if you're not a Christian and you're looking in from the outside all you're likely to hear is the nonsense. Biblical scholars haven't taken the ark story literally for over 100 years, but here we are in the 21st century and non-believers still think that Christians must be crazy to believe it.

Let's take homosexuality as an example. I don't like it, it sickens me. I find it as detestable as pedophilia. But if I use the words "homosexual" and "pedophile" closely together there will be a rush of people telling me that I have an incorrect assumption about gays being pedophiles. They will know in their heart that I simply don't understand what it is to be gay. If that's you, then you know the feeling I'm talking about. Well, that's the same feeling I get when I hear the uninformed talk about religion. The assumptions I see made by non-believers are simply ridiculous and make any sort of discussion very difficult.

FYI, I know the bible stories are just that - stories, but there are quite a number of christians who take the bible literally. The entire creationism movement does. If you acknowledge that they are just stories, then why did you object to my post and defend god for killing people?

I'm beginning to suspect you have a reading comprehension problem.

I objected to your post because you called the people innocent and that isn't how the story goes. I didn't defend anything, I set the record straight about how the story goes.

I'm not going to bother with your other post where you railed about my simplistic views after I didn't give any of my views. You seem to have caught the drift of your mistake by making this post. You might try understanding what I'm saying before you respond, you'd save yourself a lot of effort.

Can you point to a post I've made where I attacked someone without their first posting something about themselves and their religion that I responded to?? If your claim is accurate, then you should be able to. Good luck.

you started this thread mocking the fundies.

I think the fundies were mocking themselves.

Hey, I'd get a pair and wear them just to piss off the God haters.

Otherwise, I don't think a pair of jammies will get you any closer to God.:lol:

Maybe they'll protect you from the monsters under the bed.

Can you point to a post I've made where I attacked someone without their first posting something about themselves and their religion that I responded to?? If your claim is accurate, then you should be able to. Good luck.

you started this thread mocking the fundies.

I think the fundies were mocking themselves.

nice try.
well, not really.
I think a mistake a lot of people make is to take the stories literally. I don't believe they were ever intended that way, they were a way to express ideas and concepts.

But we see this all the time, don't we? Who ever screams the loudest is the one heard, and it's always the nutcases. So if you're not a Christian and you're looking in from the outside all you're likely to hear is the nonsense. Biblical scholars haven't taken the ark story literally for over 100 years, but here we are in the 21st century and non-believers still think that Christians must be crazy to believe it.

Let's take homosexuality as an example. I don't like it, it sickens me. I find it as detestable as pedophilia. But if I use the words "homosexual" and "pedophile" closely together there will be a rush of people telling me that I have an incorrect assumption about gays being pedophiles. They will know in their heart that I simply don't understand what it is to be gay. If that's you, then you know the feeling I'm talking about. Well, that's the same feeling I get when I hear the uninformed talk about religion. The assumptions I see made by non-believers are simply ridiculous and make any sort of discussion very difficult.

FYI, I know the bible stories are just that - stories, but there are quite a number of christians who take the bible literally. The entire creationism movement does. If you acknowledge that they are just stories, then why did you object to my post and defend god for killing people?

I'm beginning to suspect you have a reading comprehension problem.

I'm beginning to think you have no substance or you wouldn't resort to ad hominem attacks.
FYI, I know the bible stories are just that - stories, but there are quite a number of christians who take the bible literally. The entire creationism movement does. If you acknowledge that they are just stories, then why did you object to my post and defend god for killing people?

I'm beginning to suspect you have a reading comprehension problem.

I'm beginning to think you have no substance or you wouldn't resort to ad hominem attacks.

nothing screams substance like making fun of pajamas.

Hey, I'd get a pair and wear them just to piss off the God haters.

Otherwise, I don't think a pair of jammies will get you any closer to God.:lol:

Maybe they'll protect you from the monsters under the bed.

I had a nightmare about a hideous monster under my bed. It tried to grab me with its tentacles and scratch me with its claws. I had one of those dream problems where I couldn't run away; I've never been so frightened in my life! My wife had to wake me up in order to save me. It turns out that the monster under my bed was hillary clinton.
FYI, I know the bible stories are just that - stories, but there are quite a number of christians who take the bible literally. The entire creationism movement does. If you acknowledge that they are just stories, then why did you object to my post and defend god for killing people?

I'm beginning to suspect you have a reading comprehension problem.

I'm beginning to think you have no substance or you wouldn't resort to ad hominem attacks.

What's ad hominem about you not being able to grasp what you read? You mischaracterized a Bible story, I corrected it. You called that defending God, I pointed out that I just set the record straight. I don't know why you can't understand what you read, but I'll pray for you.

And I don't just say that because I think it will piss you off, I'm really concerned.

Hey, I'd get a pair and wear them just to piss off the God haters.

Otherwise, I don't think a pair of jammies will get you any closer to God.:lol:

I don't know any God haters. That sounds like Ann Coulter talking. Are all liberals God haters in your universe?

I could care less what pjs you wear.

What makes you think they'd be ridiculed? I'm sure they'd be a big hit at Christian camp. Think the Ned Flanders family. There are talking Jesus dolls, faith games and so on.

Jesus paraphernalia is big business.
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What makes you think they'd be ridiculed? I'm sure they'd be a big hit at Christian camp. Along with the talking Jesus dolls and so on.

Jesus paraphernalia is big business.

Have you attended many Christian camps ?
I'm waiting for someone to come out with Flying Spaghetti Monster pj's.

Then, I'll buy a pair. Might even wear 'em to of the ones that advertises on TV and says they don't care what you wear inside.

Fuzzy dog slippers too!
I'm waiting for someone to come out with Flying Spaghetti Monster pj's.

Then, I'll buy a pair. Might even wear 'em to of the ones that advertises on TV and says they don't care what you wear inside.

Fuzzy dog slippers too!

I'd buy a pair, too. I already have a FSM sticker on my car.

What makes you think they'd be ridiculed? I'm sure they'd be a big hit at Christian camp. Think the Ned Flanders family. There are talking Jesus dolls, faith games and so on.

Jesus paraphernalia is big business.

doesn't that kind of go against that whole no idolotry thing?
All I gotta say, is if you're getting those for your kids, make sure you take pictures to humiliate them with in their late teens.
All I gotta say, is if you're getting those for your kids, make sure you take pictures to humiliate them with in their late teens.

late teens? why would you wait?

The younger they are, the quicker they bounce back.. From 15-17, everythings to humiliating to live, much less be seen in public. :lol:
All I gotta say, is if you're getting those for your kids, make sure you take pictures to humiliate them with in their late teens.

late teens? why would you wait?

The younger they are, the quicker they bounce back.. From 15-17, everythings to humiliating to live, much less be seen in public. :lol:

so i should have waited another year to escort my daughter to her homeroom every day? i feel cheated somehow.
late teens? why would you wait?

The younger they are, the quicker they bounce back.. From 15-17, everythings to humiliating to live, much less be seen in public. :lol:

so i should have waited another year to escort my daughter to her homeroom every day? i feel cheated somehow.

See, you should ask about these things before you just go out and do them all willy-nilly...

HOWEVER, you can quickly redeem yourself as a humiliating, and beyond-cruel parent by escorting her to ALL of her classes IN those jammies.

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