Get your imaginary 'pause' off me, you damn delusional deniers

Global warming is a religion...

Actually 'global warming' is the name scientists have given to the increase, in the last century and a half or so, in the amount of solar energy the Earth receives over the amount it can radiate away into space due to the increased greenhouse effect created by the rising CO2 levels that mankind's activities have produced. Our understanding of what is happening is called 'science' and it is based on the laws of physics and many decades of scientific research by tens of thousands of scientists in dozens of countries all around the world.

Your ignorant denial of that science and your insane attempt to call science a religion is called 'severe retardation'.

How do you know how much solar energy were we receiving 150 years ago

I don't think it matters. After all, AGW IS a just have to have faith.
Global warming is a religion...

Actually 'global warming' is the name scientists have given to the increase, in the last century and a half or so, in the amount of solar energy the Earth receives over the amount it can radiate away into space due to the increased greenhouse effect created by the rising CO2 levels that mankind's activities have produced. Our understanding of what is happening is called 'science' and it is based on the laws of physics and many decades of scientific research by tens of thousands of scientists in dozens of countries all around the world.

Your ignorant denial of that science and your insane attempt to call science a religion is called 'severe retardation'.

How do you know how much solar energy were we receiving 150 years ago

Your own stupidity and abject ignorance about science don't actually constitute a valid objection, CrazyFruitcake. Unfortunately, you're too retarded to even comprehend that.
AGW is not science it is an ideal that is being pushed based on the now huge cash cow it has become turning many ordinary scientists into millionaires.

Of course they believe in AGW the money talks and the BS walks.
AGW is not science it is an ideal that is being pushed based on the now huge cash cow it has become turning many ordinary scientists into millionaires.

Of course they believe in AGW the money talks and the BS walks.

Odd that conservatives heap praise on millionaires - unless they are scientists.
AGW is not science it is an ideal that is being pushed based on the now huge cash cow it has become turning many ordinary scientists into millionaires.

Of course they believe in AGW the money talks and the BS walks.

Odd that conservatives heap praise on millionaires - unless they are scientists.

And the far left propaganda and lies continue!
I don't know rollingthunder, but I'll bet he's a proponent of evolution as well (so am I btw).

His argument is identical to the argument that many creationists make. Like this:
Creationism is true because the bible says so.
Global Warming is true because global warming scientists say it is.'re unconsciously hilarious, ProdFcked.

Equating citing the Bible with citing modern scientific research just shows what an insane anti-science retard you actually are.

This is the reaction that one gets when, and it's so easy to do, one exposes the AGW faithful to the stark realities they so fervently avoid facing.

It's quite fun actually.
Global warming is a religion...

Actually 'global warming' is the name scientists have given to the increase, in the last century and a half or so, in the amount of solar energy the Earth receives over the amount it can radiate away into space due to the increased greenhouse effect created by the rising CO2 levels that mankind's activities have produced. Our understanding of what is happening is called 'science' and it is based on the laws of physics and many decades of scientific research by tens of thousands of scientists in dozens of countries all around the world.

Your ignorant denial of that science and your insane attempt to call science a religion is called 'severe retardation'.

It's the sun stupid!
AGW is not science it is an ideal that is being pushed based on the now huge cash cow it has become turning many ordinary scientists into millionaires.

Of course they believe in AGW the money talks and the BS walks.

Odd that conservatives heap praise on millionaires - unless they are scientists.

Odd that lefties heap scorn on millionaires, unless they toe the line.
I'm starting to wonder if the deniers are being paid by a little for-profit oil co?

You should look to the green companies for your "Big Oil" nexus. They get loads from Big Oil. Sceptics.... not so much. We can't do anything for them. You guy's though...with your ridiculous claims, have hurt your cause more than anyone...and for that we thank you!
I am not really sure as a luke warmer about the amount of warming...Just that I aint willing to throw out chapters of physics.
Only way an oil company would pay a skeptic like me, is if they knew or worried that the leftists actually HAD alternatives to their products.. YOU GUYS dont.. So theyre not worried and they dont NEED any help, because as another poster pointed out ---theyre making TONS OF MONEY sucking up subsidies for all those silly leftist alternatives.... And they are laughing at guys like Matthew who think they have energy systems ready for market...
Ever wonder why, the answer to the global warming/climate change "problem" is socialism or at least anti-capitalism?
I'm starting to wonder if the deniers are being paid by a little for-profit oil co?
You should look to the green companies for your "Big Oil" nexus. They get loads from Big Oil. Sceptics.... not so much. We can't do anything for them. You guy's though...with your ridiculous claims, have hurt your cause more than anyone...and for that we thank you!

Your usual divorced-from-reality retarded nonsense, walleyed. You'll say anything, no matter how absurd or how lacking in any factual evidence, if it seems to support your denier cult myths and fantasies.

Exclusive: Billionaires secretly fund attacks on climate science
Audit trail reveals that donors linked to fossil fuel industry are backing global warming sceptics

The Independent
24 January 2013
A secretive funding organisation in the United States that guarantees anonymity for its billionaire donors has emerged as a major operator in the climate "counter movement" to undermine the science of global warming, The Independent has learnt. The Donors Trust, along with its sister group Donors Capital Fund, based in Alexandria, Virginia, is funnelling millions of dollars into the effort to cast doubt on climate change without revealing the identities of its wealthy backers or that they have links to the fossil fuel industry. However, an audit trail reveals that Donors is being indirectly supported by the American billionaire Charles Koch who, with his brother David, jointly owns a majority stake in Koch Industries, a large oil, gas and chemicals conglomerate based in Kansas. Millions of dollars has been paid to Donors through a third-party organisation, called the Knowledge and Progress Fund, with is operated by the Koch family but does not advertise its Koch connections.

Anonymous private funding of global warming sceptics, who have criticised climate scientists for their lack of transparency, is becoming increasingly common. The Kochs, for instance, have overtaken the corporate funding of climate denialism by oil companies such as ExxonMobil. One such organisation, Americans for Prosperity, which was established by David Koch, claimed that the "Climategate" emails illegally hacked from the University of East Anglia in 2009 proved that global warming was the "biggest hoax the world has ever seen". Robert Brulle, a sociologist at Drexel University in Philadelphia, has estimated that over the past decade about $500m has been given to organisations devoted to undermining the science of climate change, with much of the money donated anonymously through third parties.
Global warming is a religion...

Actually 'global warming' is the name scientists have given to the increase, in the last century and a half or so, in the amount of solar energy the Earth receives over the amount it can radiate away into space due to the increased greenhouse effect created by the rising CO2 levels that mankind's activities have produced. Our understanding of what is happening is called 'science' and it is based on the laws of physics and many decades of scientific research by tens of thousands of scientists in dozens of countries all around the world.

Your ignorant denial of that science and your insane attempt to call science a religion is called 'severe retardation'.

It's the sun stupid!

Data says it stopped increasing the past 50 years. If the cycles follow the solar flex then the temperature should be going down.
Global warming is a religion...

Actually 'global warming' is the name scientists have given to the increase, in the last century and a half or so, in the amount of solar energy the Earth receives over the amount it can radiate away into space due to the increased greenhouse effect created by the rising CO2 levels that mankind's activities have produced. Our understanding of what is happening is called 'science' and it is based on the laws of physics and many decades of scientific research by tens of thousands of scientists in dozens of countries all around the world.

Your ignorant denial of that science and your insane attempt to call science a religion is called 'severe retardation'.

It's the sun stupid!

No ProdFcked, "it's the sun" is a denier cult slogan that stupid people like you say when you're too moronic to understand the science behind the greenhouse effect or the fact that solar irradiance has been declining while temperatures have been rising.
Actually 'global warming' is the name scientists have given to the increase, in the last century and a half or so, in the amount of solar energy the Earth receives over the amount it can radiate away into space due to the increased greenhouse effect created by the rising CO2 levels that mankind's activities have produced. Our understanding of what is happening is called 'science' and it is based on the laws of physics and many decades of scientific research by tens of thousands of scientists in dozens of countries all around the world.

Your ignorant denial of that science and your insane attempt to call science a religion is called 'severe retardation'.

It's the sun stupid!

Data says it stopped increasing the past 50 years. If the cycles follow the solar flex then the temperature should be going down.

Not true at all.. There is ZERO reason to believe the climate system as complicated as ours requires that the forcing function MATCH EXACTLY the temperature result.. A simple DELAY mechanism (like ocean storage of heat) or ACTUAL storage would allow temperatures to ramp well after a "pause" in excitation.. Which is ENTIRELY the case of solar which is paused at a 150 yr RELATIVE MAXIMUM in terms of TSI..

In fact, the meager amount of climate science dedicated to studying how the climate REALLY WORKS (with delays and storage and all) EXPECTS a thermal time constant of 30 to 60 yrs for the Earth to reach a new equilibrium in response to a step change in input forcing function..

A step function IMBALANCE in heat in versus heat out into a system with thermal lags and storage would BE EXPECTED to continue ramping until a new thermal equilibrium is reached.

Temperature pause SINCE 2000? Solar TSI paused around 1970 or so... That's how a big ball of stuff SHOULD respond to a heat imbalance.. Absolutely perfect fit...
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Actually 'global warming' is the name scientists have given to the increase, in the last century and a half or so, in the amount of solar energy the Earth receives over the amount it can radiate away into space due to the increased greenhouse effect created by the rising CO2 levels that mankind's activities have produced. Our understanding of what is happening is called 'science' and it is based on the laws of physics and many decades of scientific research by tens of thousands of scientists in dozens of countries all around the world.

Your ignorant denial of that science and your insane attempt to call science a religion is called 'severe retardation'.

It's the sun stupid!

Data says it stopped increasing the past 50 years. If the cycles follow the solar flex then the temperature should be going down.

Actually no. Scientists, those who study the sun, say that there has been quite a bit of unusual activity from the sun in very recent years.
I'm starting to wonder if the deniers are being paid by a little for-profit oil co?
You should look to the green companies for your "Big Oil" nexus. They get loads from Big Oil. Sceptics.... not so much. We can't do anything for them. You guy's though...with your ridiculous claims, have hurt your cause more than anyone...and for that we thank you!

Your usual divorced-from-reality retarded nonsense, walleyed. You'll say anything, no matter how absurd or how lacking in any factual evidence, if it seems to support your denier cult myths and fantasies.

Exclusive: Billionaires secretly fund attacks on climate science
Audit trail reveals that donors linked to fossil fuel industry are backing global warming sceptics

The Independent
24 January 2013
A secretive funding organisation in the United States that guarantees anonymity for its billionaire donors has emerged as a major operator in the climate "counter movement" to undermine the science of global warming, The Independent has learnt. The Donors Trust, along with its sister group Donors Capital Fund, based in Alexandria, Virginia, is funnelling millions of dollars into the effort to cast doubt on climate change without revealing the identities of its wealthy backers or that they have links to the fossil fuel industry. However, an audit trail reveals that Donors is being indirectly supported by the American billionaire Charles Koch who, with his brother David, jointly owns a majority stake in Koch Industries, a large oil, gas and chemicals conglomerate based in Kansas. Millions of dollars has been paid to Donors through a third-party organisation, called the Knowledge and Progress Fund, with is operated by the Koch family but does not advertise its Koch connections.

Anonymous private funding of global warming sceptics, who have criticised climate scientists for their lack of transparency, is becoming increasingly common. The Kochs, for instance, have overtaken the corporate funding of climate denialism by oil companies such as ExxonMobil. One such organisation, Americans for Prosperity, which was established by David Koch, claimed that the "Climategate" emails illegally hacked from the University of East Anglia in 2009 proved that global warming was the "biggest hoax the world has ever seen". Robert Brulle, a sociologist at Drexel University in Philadelphia, has estimated that over the past decade about $500m has been given to organisations devoted to undermining the science of climate change, with much of the money donated anonymously through third parties.

The fatcat ecocrats exposed: Web of 'green' politicians, tycoons and power brokers who help each other benefit from billions raised on your bills

Four of nine-person Climate Change Committee, official watchdog that dictates green energy policy, are, or were until recently, being paid by firms that benefit from committee decisions

Wind farms handed £5 million to switch off turbines as thousands of homes left without power - Telegraph

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