Getting rich while peddling "White Grievance".



Obama's Trayvon Speech Shows He's No Different Than Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton - The Rush Limbaugh Show

"In 2013, Sean, come on," he added later. "Whatever excuse there is to say this young black man had it coming to him, that is the defense because there is no defense for shooting down a young black man in a middle class neighborhood with Skittles."

Scarborough called the case "depressing." Later, he said that even others in the far right media have called Hannity out. "Sean Hannity has been ginning this up so badly that... Michael Savage has been saying that he's been irresponsible and that he's using race to gin up his ratings in a way that's bad for America," Scarborough said. "That's how extreme Sean Hannity's position has been."

Joe Scarborough: Sean Hannity Using Trayvon Martin's Death 'To Gin Up His Ratings' (VIDEO)


So what exactly is "White Grievance"????

The world has changed. It's more "colorful". Technology requires "education" for those who believe in science and want a job in the future and want their kids to have a job in the future.

Former Republican Presidential Nominee Rick Santorum said suggesting "education" leads to jobs is an insult to Republicans who are willing to work hard and DON'T NEED an education.

Republicans feel their country has been "taken over" but minorities who only want a hand out and are living off their taxes. This coming from Republicans in poor Red States whose policies have kept those states poor.

Listening to Fox and Sean and Rush and others of that ilk, they believe they are supporting the country instead of the other way around. And Fox and Sean and Rush and others of that ilk are raking in millions spewing this vitriol.

How long will Fox and it's minions continue to make millions off of White Grievance? How long will these white wingers listen to this stuff before they realize they ARE the problem?
Obama's "Trayvon speech" ranks with JFK's "Berlin Wall" speech. The media loved it at the time (the only media was liberal) even when JFK called himself a jelly donut and left the poor Germans to suffer at the hands of the Russians. Obama's pretend playing of the victim was despicable political hype and a desperate effort to play the race card when his administration is in a shambles.
Obama's "Trayvon speech" ranks with JFK's "Berlin Wall" speech. The media loved it at the time (the only media was liberal) even when JFK called himself a jelly donut and left the poor Germans to suffer at the hands of the Russians. Obama's pretend playing of the victim was despicable political hype and a desperate effort to play the race card when his administration is in a shambles.

You're really need to up your meds. If you don't realize what Obama'a talking about, you either didn't grow up in this country or you're in extreme denial/willfully blind.

The fact that you claim JFK called himself a "jelly donut" pretty much proves you don't know up from down.

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