Getting Rid of Fake News OP's


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Dear Mods:

Its rarely worth the battle any longer that phony baloney is so common so I am hoping that the Mods will help get rid of the fake news OPs. This will likely mean a quarter of your posts in the politics forums so there is a risk.

But the upside would be getting more donations.

It would work like this. When someone posts a fake news story link that is easily re-buffed (meaning they should have researched it better before they posted it) in one of the serious forums like Politics, Current events, or what have you....anyone can "challenge" the OP by donating $5.00 to the USMB (or whatever amount you deem appropriate). They are directed to a form to fill out, they fill out the form citing the fake new story message (it could be the OP or any message). The Mods then do the following:

  • They shut down the discussion for 24 hours or whatever is appropriate
  • They see how easy it is to debunk the OP by doing a Google search of their own or however the challenge is presented. The key is that it needs to be easy to debunk. If it takes more than a few clicks or some digging, maybe let it go; whatever the board standards are/should be is up to you guys, of course.
  • If they agree, they issue a decision saying so.
  • If they disagree, they issue a decision saying so.
  • They can re-open the thread or close it .
  • Maybe they can put an "X" over the person's avatar so everyone knows they have been cited for either posting garbage or making an azz of themselves by calling it fake news.
  • Then, if it keeps up, that member faces suspension.
If they get rid of fake news there will be no more posts popping up when you search the word Russia.
I've actually seen a thread get moved from Politics to conspiracy theories for having an OP article that was fake news. The trick is having enough mods to keep up with all the horse hockey.
I've actually seen a thread get moved from Politics to conspiracy theories for having an OP article that was fake news. The trick is having enough mods to keep up with all the horse hockey.
Also in the wording, it has to be read carefully otherwise you might censor commentary and reflection as being news.
Because it might say using the standard by which news media claims *, we can conclude *. That's not news that's outting the logic of fake news media outlets.
It would be more helpful tp contact the FCC to rmoce our fke news outlets then worrying about them in forums. The media is brainwashing with hate & propaganda a lot more then the mere forums.
Also in the wording, it has to be read carefully otherwise you might censor commentary and reflection as being news.
Because it might say using the standard by which news media claims *, we can conclude *. That's not news that's outting the logic of fake news media outlets.
It would be more helpful tp contact the FCC to rmoce our fke news outlets then worrying about them in forums. The media is brainwashing with hate & propaganda a lot more then the mere forums.
Squealing about commentary as "fake news" is precisely where most of these idiotic accusations originate.

If I posted Trump and/or Hillary are deplorable assholes, that's an opinion, not news. However, if I wrote the same thing as an Op-Ed in a newspaper, those who are butthurt and easily-offended would immediately be screeching "Fake News!" Such people are either fucking morons or so politically biased, they have knee jerk reactions to anything which disagrees with their world view.
I've actually seen a thread get moved from Politics to conspiracy theories for having an OP article that was fake news. The trick is having enough mods to keep up with all the horse hockey.
Also in the wording, it has to be read carefully otherwise you might censor commentary and reflection as being news.
Because it might say using the standard by which news media claims *, we can conclude *. That's not news that's outting the logic of fake news media outlets.
It would be more helpful tp contact the FCC to rmoce our fke news outlets then worrying about them in forums. The media is brainwashing with hate & propaganda a lot more then the mere forums.
This wasn't a media op ed. It was a fake newspaper on a phony newsite and most posters already recognized it as such. I don't think the FCC can do that, though. We have the constitutional right to lie, I think.
If they get rid of fake news there will be no more posts popping up when you search the word Russia.
Russia is run by a tin-horn dictator who is willing to sell the resources of his nation for both financial gain and a guarantee that he'll be left alone to rebuild the Soviet Empire.
Dear Mods:

Its rarely worth the battle any longer that phony baloney is so common so I am hoping that the Mods will help get rid of the fake news OPs. This will likely mean a quarter of your posts in the politics forums so there is a risk.

But the upside would be getting more donations.

It would work like this. When someone posts a fake news story link that is easily re-buffed (meaning they should have researched it better before they posted it) in one of the serious forums like Politics, Current events, or what have you....anyone can "challenge" the OP by donating $5.00 to the USMB (or whatever amount you deem appropriate). They are directed to a form to fill out, they fill out the form citing the fake new story message (it could be the OP or any message). The Mods then do the following:

  • They shut down the discussion for 24 hours or whatever is appropriate
  • They see how easy it is to debunk the OP by doing a Google search of their own or however the challenge is presented. The key is that it needs to be easy to debunk. If it takes more than a few clicks or some digging, maybe let it go; whatever the board standards are/should be is up to you guys, of course.
  • If they agree, they issue a decision saying so.
  • If they disagree, they issue a decision saying so.
  • They can re-open the thread or close it .
  • Maybe they can put an "X" over the person's avatar so everyone knows they have been cited for either posting garbage or making an azz of themselves by calling it fake news.
  • Then, if it keeps up, that member faces suspension.

There is a lot of fake news even in MSM these days. Carefully checking the facts has become the reader or viewer's job. Perhaps some of you are even noticing how NBC News takes you on an emotional narrative now? Trump doesn't denounce Jewish cemetery violence enough followed by some down trodden Jewish person's plight, then a feel good story about an elderly Jewish lady helping the community. Insert whatever minority or social group you want, it is now a formula.
I've actually seen a thread get moved from Politics to conspiracy theories for having an OP article that was fake news. The trick is having enough mods to keep up with all the horse hockey.

Well, that is when the readers become the eyes and ears of the mods.
The additional scrutiny would be welcome.
The donations to the site would mean (hopefully) fewer ads
It would highlight who is just here slinging trash and, hopefully, get them suspended

One thing is for sure, as long as there is no penalty, you'll have people continue to do it.
There is a lot of fake news even in MSM these days. Carefully checking the facts has become the reader or viewer's job. Perhaps some of you are even noticing how NBC News takes you on an emotional narrative now? Trump doesn't denounce Jewish cemetery violence enough followed by some down trodden Jewish person's plight, then a feel good story about an elderly Jewish lady helping the community. Insert whatever minority or social group you want, it is now a formula.

It doesn't have to be this way. The old norm was to expect some honesty in your fellow posters. You can no longer expect that.
There is a lot of fake news even in MSM these days. Carefully checking the facts has become the reader or viewer's job. Perhaps some of you are even noticing how NBC News takes you on an emotional narrative now? Trump doesn't denounce Jewish cemetery violence enough followed by some down trodden Jewish person's plight, then a feel good story about an elderly Jewish lady helping the community. Insert whatever minority or social group you want, it is now a formula.

It doesn't have to be this way. The old norm was to expect some honesty in your fellow posters. You can no longer expect that.
Human nature is what it is. Many people are, indeed, honest, but telling the honest ones from the few trolls on an anonymous political forum is challenging.
There is a lot of fake news even in MSM these days. Carefully checking the facts has become the reader or viewer's job. Perhaps some of you are even noticing how NBC News takes you on an emotional narrative now? Trump doesn't denounce Jewish cemetery violence enough followed by some down trodden Jewish person's plight, then a feel good story about an elderly Jewish lady helping the community. Insert whatever minority or social group you want, it is now a formula.
Like this?


Once we realize "the MSM" is a business selling "infotainment", then it becomes easier to understand why they do what they do.

William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer made millions selling "yellow journalism" to the hungry public. Capitalism at work. :)

Crucible of Empire - PBS Online
The Spanish-American War is often referred to as the first "media war." During the 1890s, journalism that sensationalized—and sometimes even manufactured—dramatic events was a powerful force that helped propel the United States into war with Spain. Led by newspaper owners William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, journalism of the 1890s used melodrama, romance, and hyperbole to sell millions of newspapers--a style that became known as yellow journalism.....
The board does get clogged up with shite. However in my experience the mods arent interested or are too busy to be bothered.

Maybe a warning system for regular offenders ?

There are a few who regularly post lies on here and I cant be arsed clicking on their shite.
The board does get clogged up with shite. However in my experience the mods arent interested or are too busy to be bothered.

Maybe a warning system for regular offenders ?

There are a few who regularly post lies on here and I cant be arsed clicking on their shite.
Posted by a person who is an expert on posting lies. ;)

Very few people on this forum deliberately post lies. See Hanlon's Razor for more insight:
There is a lot of fake news even in MSM these days. Carefully checking the facts has become the reader or viewer's job. Perhaps some of you are even noticing how NBC News takes you on an emotional narrative now? Trump doesn't denounce Jewish cemetery violence enough followed by some down trodden Jewish person's plight, then a feel good story about an elderly Jewish lady helping the community. Insert whatever minority or social group you want, it is now a formula.
That's not fake, though. It's just manipulative.
Dear Mods:

Its rarely worth the battle any longer that phony baloney is so common so I am hoping that the Mods will help get rid of the fake news OPs. This will likely mean a quarter of your posts in the politics forums so there is a risk.

But the upside would be getting more donations.

It would work like this. When someone posts a fake news story link that is easily re-buffed (meaning they should have researched it better before they posted it) in one of the serious forums like Politics, Current events, or what have you....anyone can "challenge" the OP by donating $5.00 to the USMB (or whatever amount you deem appropriate). They are directed to a form to fill out, they fill out the form citing the fake new story message (it could be the OP or any message). The Mods then do the following:

  • They shut down the discussion for 24 hours or whatever is appropriate
  • They see how easy it is to debunk the OP by doing a Google search of their own or however the challenge is presented. The key is that it needs to be easy to debunk. If it takes more than a few clicks or some digging, maybe let it go; whatever the board standards are/should be is up to you guys, of course.
  • If they agree, they issue a decision saying so.
  • If they disagree, they issue a decision saying so.
  • They can re-open the thread or close it .
  • Maybe they can put an "X" over the person's avatar so everyone knows they have been cited for either posting garbage or making an azz of themselves by calling it fake news.
  • Then, if it keeps up, that member faces suspension.
I slap these spam bots onto my ignore list as fast as I can catch them.

Their telltale signs are these:

1 - no avatar

2 - foolish moniker

3 - very recent join date

4 - no self-intro.
There is a lot of fake news even in MSM these days. Carefully checking the facts has become the reader or viewer's job. Perhaps some of you are even noticing how NBC News takes you on an emotional narrative now? Trump doesn't denounce Jewish cemetery violence enough followed by some down trodden Jewish person's plight, then a feel good story about an elderly Jewish lady helping the community. Insert whatever minority or social group you want, it is now a formula.
That's not fake, though. It's just manipulative.

Just another layer of deceit.
There is a lot of fake news even in MSM these days. Carefully checking the facts has become the reader or viewer's job. Perhaps some of you are even noticing how NBC News takes you on an emotional narrative now? Trump doesn't denounce Jewish cemetery violence enough followed by some down trodden Jewish person's plight, then a feel good story about an elderly Jewish lady helping the community. Insert whatever minority or social group you want, it is now a formula.
That's not fake, though. It's just manipulative.

Just another layer of deceit.
It isn't deceit, though. Deceit includes intention to lie, which includes disseminating falsehoods. That's not false, it's just a one sided story. Since everyone on the right seems to be able to see straight through this kind of reporting, it's not a serious problem, right? Too bad the folks on the right can't see through Breitbart and InfoWars' equally obvious machinations on their side of the spectrum.

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