Ghost-Busting: Capitalism Thursday [Hell-Dakota?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA capitalism make you think of definitive evangelism?

Or does it all feel like a sarcastic joke?

What do you think?



"At a certain library in North Dakota, there were reports/sightings of very eerie and frightening specters/ghosts which gave patrons the feeling that there was something truly 'un-American' going on at that otherwise place of education and enlightenment. The reports got a good deal of attention and the stories caught the attention of two Hollywood celebrities (Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise) and an Internet-blogging evangelist from California (Ajay Satan). Hanks, Cruise, and Ajay met on an Internet chatroom and decided to travel to the North Dakota library together to investigate these reports/sightings of the unnerving specters/ghosts. The trio called themselves the 'Ghostbusters' and believed the specters at the library may be some kind of anti-capitalism 'frighteners'."


"The 'Ghostbusters' borrowed their group name from the iconic 1980s pop-culture hit-film of the same name starring Bill Murray. Hanks/Cruise/Ajay formed an unlikely trio and headed to the North Dakota library as 'serious Ghostbusters.' They wanted to see if the eerie specters at the library purported to be frightening the patrons/visitors were truly seeking to unnerve Americans' sense of traffic sanity/security by sending the message that after 9/11, there was no real safe spot in national traffic for people to enjoy the fruits of capitalism and commerce and general social activity. Had America become as bad as Belfast (Northern Ireland), plagued by terrorism and worrying everyday people about the presence of real danger? The 'Ghostbusters' wanted to see for themselves if these ghosts were sending that precise message!"


"Hanks had become quite old in age as had Cruise, but Ajay was in his early 40s which was younger compared to his two compatriots. These 'Ghostbusters' were prepared for just about anything, be it devious, unnerving, scary, bizarre, ugly, or even funny! The Ghostbusters traveled to the North Dakota library armed with high-powered UV lights designed to shoo away any specter while they dimmed the library lights after-hours to investigate the presence of ghosts. They obtained special permission from the library managers/administrators. The Ghostbusters had the theory that these specters haunting the otherwise affable library were some 'messengers' of doom and terrorism trying to deflate Americans' sense of natural glee towards the flowery of TrumpUSA traffic(!). The Ghostbusters were modern-day 'crusaders'."


HANKS: I've spotted a spook already...
AJAY: I see it, Hanks; it's a real shocker!
CRUISE: She has a large clown-head and bloody dress.

HANKS: I say we zap it with our UV-lights.
AJAY: Yes; then we'll demand to know if it's Little Orphan Annie.
CRUISE: Jokes aside; let's nail this one down brethren!

"The Ghostbusters approached this very eerie looking big-head clown-girl ghost in a bloody dress in the North Dakota library which Hanks spotted first about 30 minutes after closing-time when the lights were dimmed by the library security-officer so the Ghostbusters could wander around and prowl with their UV-lights! Hanks was sure this clown-girl was some messenger of the ugliness of cholesterol-culture (Burger King) in TrumpUSA. Ajay thought it wanted to send some message about the 'mischief' of capitalism (in general). Cruise was sure it was a demon from Hell, so the Ghostbusters shined their lights in the spook's eyes and demanded to know if it was a terrorist, to which the specter merely giggled and said, 'Congrats!' before disappearing completely."


"The second vision the Ghostbusters encountered was a strange hallucination in one of the book-shelf rows. The hallucination was of a mother and daughter encountering bizarre ghosts playing and making mischief on a swing-set on a beach somewhere resembling Hawaii. Cruise believed this hallucination represented Americans' seeming hypnosis with toys and candy which is why the Ghostbusters were shown this 'vision' by the ghosts haunting the North Dakota library. Ajay and Hanks decided to shine their UV-lights onto the place where the hallucination/vision was illuminated, which made the entire phenomenon disappear(!). Ajay suggested that the vision was seen by the Ghostbusters so they'd tell people that these specters wanted Americans to feel more 'conscious' about the 'complexity' of American imagination."


HANKS: I see another one in this area by the bathroom.
AJAY: Maybe it wants to pee...
CRUISE: Flash it with the UV; this specter's a real terror!

"The Ghostbusters spotted their third and final vision/specter that night at the North Dakota library. This specter was a raggedy-looking scarecrow-like grimacing monster with glowing eyes. Cruise said it reminded him of that eerie old hatted man from the Poltergeist films. Ajay joked that maybe the specter was upset that not more consumers were downloading Poltergeist on Netflix. The Ghostbusters lit their UV-lights onto the specter and demanded to know what it wanted. The scary specter told them that he wanted the Ghostbusters to report to the American people that TrumpUSA needed more proverbs; and then it just vanished."


TRUMP: I personally believe the Ghostbusters are heroes!
CNN: So you believe the account of Hanks/Ajay/Cruise?
TRUMP: I do think they honestly reported what they saw.
CNN: Their testimony was confirmed by the library security-officer.
TRUMP: Isn't that nice?
CNN: It got a lot of headlines, since Hanks/Cruise are famous!
TRUMP: Ajay has become their pal; they're pursuing more evangelical work.
CNN: So the 'Ghostbusters' are continuing their 'capitalism-crusade.'
TRUMP: Yes, they're working on blogs about the spiritualism of capitalism.
CNN: Are the Ghostbusters therefore TrumpUSA cheerleaders?
TRUMP: Maybe they're simply the kind of patriots we need today!
CNN: Maybe there will be a Ghostbusters-ad during the Super Bowl.
TRUMP: Hey, I'm all for TrumpUSA trumpets...
CNN: Do you believe in ghosts?
TRUMP: Hey, maybe there are 'spirits' warning us about excess.
CNN: Maybe these specters are concerned about post-9/11 patriotism!
TRUMP: That's plausible; Americans have become 'shaky' about traffic.
CNN: That's what anti-capitalism terrorism can do...
TRUMP: The destruction of the World Trade Center traumatized society.
CNN: Maybe the Ghostbusters can restore our sense of 'wonder.'
TRUMP: That's the belief now; maybe we just need a good party.
CNN: Maybe we'll see a patriotic march in Times Square on New Year's Eve.
TRUMP: Maybe we'll see ghosts flying around telling us about terrorism!
CNN: We heard you're presenting the Ghostbusters with an authentic car!
TRUMP: Right; it's straight from the Ghostbusters movie...
CNN: That should suggest that Americans appreciate 'good dialogue.'



Since dead voters overwhelmingly support the democrats, I see no reason the GOP shouldn't hire some ghostbusters to even the playing field.
Since dead voters overwhelmingly support the democrats, I see no reason the GOP shouldn't hire some ghostbusters to even the playing field.

NJ and NY have some big cemeteries to gather voters.

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