Giffords gets a ship for being shot

American hero

You and I have different definitions of what a hero is

But then again a leftist's bar is low

Its not just me, but the country as a whole who admire her heroism and courage

The only ones who object are those who think that someone who takes a bullet to the head should just shut up and suck it up

You don't speak for the country, dipshit. I'd bet over half the country doesn't even know who she is.

You are probably correct

Not everyone can be on Celebrity Apprentice

she got shot by a liberal moron, she survived, she advocates for gun confiscation. That does not make her a hero.

You want heroes? How about naming a ship for one of the men who died trying to protect americans in Benghazi while obozo and the hildebeast plotted political strategy and then lied about it.?

Laughner was a conservative. He had Liberal leanings at first. Once he went certifiably crazy he became an anti-government conservative

Happens with all conservatives
When that Obama supporting Libtard asshole Gabby Gifford got shot she went the route of being a Libtard pussy and advocated taking the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms away from Americans.

I will be money that Steve Scalise will become a stronger advocate for the right to keep and bear arms.

They should name an aircraft carrier after him.

If you read her positions, both Giffords and her husband support the right to bear arms

She wants legislation passed to prevent certifiable nutcases like Jared Laughner from arming themselves. Conservatives want to protect the rights of crazies to buy the weapon of their choice
When that Obama supporting Libtard asshole Gabby Gifford got shot she went the route of being a Libtard pussy and advocated taking the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms away from Americans.

I will be money that Steve Scalise will become a stronger advocate for the right to keep and bear arms.

They should name an aircraft carrier after him.

If you read her positions, both Giffords and her husband support the right to bear arms

She wants legislation passed to prevent certifiable nutcases like Jared Laughner from arming themselves. Conservatives want to protect the rights of crazies to buy the weapon of their choice


They both advocate taking away the right to keep and bear arms. They are shitass lying Democrats.

You have to remember that when the filthy Liberals say they are for the right to keep and bear arms but then advocate reducing that right then they are lying to you. You can never trust Liberals with Constitutional rights, especially the right to keep and bear arms.

I could give you many example but I will give you a recent one. It happen last week. The Moon Bat assholes in New York will tell you that the filthy ass SAFE Act protects the right to keep and bear arms while imposing "sensible gun control".

However, a visitor to New York was arrested last week because he had a firearm in a hotel room. He was from North Carolina and legally owned the gun and had not used the gun for any crime. He was only there for a short visit. He was arrested for the mere possession of the firearm. How can the stupid lying Liberals claim that they support the right to keep and bear arms and then arrest a law abiding citizen for the mere possession of a firearm?

Liberals lie. They lie about everything but especially the right to keep and bear arms.
You and I have different definitions of what a hero is

But then again a leftist's bar is low

Its not just me, but the country as a whole who admire her heroism and courage

The only ones who object are those who think that someone who takes a bullet to the head should just shut up and suck it up

You don't speak for the country, dipshit. I'd bet over half the country doesn't even know who she is.

You are probably correct

Not everyone can be on Celebrity Apprentice

she got shot by a liberal moron, she survived, she advocates for gun confiscation. That does not make her a hero.

You want heroes? How about naming a ship for one of the men who died trying to protect americans in Benghazi while obozo and the hildebeast plotted political strategy and then lied about it.?

Laughner was a conservative. He had Liberal leanings at first. Once he went certifiably crazy he became an anti-government conservative

Happens with all conservatives
When that Obama supporting Libtard asshole Gabby Gifford got shot she went the route of being a Libtard pussy and advocated taking the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms away from Americans.

I will be money that Steve Scalise will become a stronger advocate for the right to keep and bear arms.

They should name an aircraft carrier after him.

If you read her positions, both Giffords and her husband support the right to bear arms

She wants legislation passed to prevent certifiable nutcases like Jared Laughner from arming themselves. Conservatives want to protect the rights of crazies to buy the weapon of their choice


They both advocate taking away the right to keep and bear arms. They are shitass lying Democrats.

You have to remember that when the filthy Liberals say they are for the right to keep and bear arms but then advocate reducing that right then they are lying to you. You can never trust Liberals with Constitutional rights, especially the right to keep and bear arms.

I could give you many example but I will give you a recent one. It happen last week. The Moon Bat assholes in New York will tell you that the filthy ass SAFE Act protects the right to keep and bear arms while imposing "sensible gun control".

However, a visitor to New York was arrested last week because he had a firearm in a hotel room. He was from North Carolina and legally owned the gun and had not used the gun for any crime. He was only there for a short visit. He was arrested for the mere possession of the firearm. How can the stupid lying Liberals claim that they support the right to keep and bear arms and then arrest a law abiding citizen for the mere possession of a firearm?

Liberals lie. They lie about everything but especially the right to keep and bear arms.
So....if a liberal says that they support gun rights, you just dismiss it as lying. Can we all play that game?

So....if a liberal says that they support gun rights, you just dismiss it as lying. Can we all play that game?

Libtards claim that they support the right to keep and bear arms only because if they don't then that means they don't support the Bill of Rights so the assholes lie about it. In the meantime they advocate taking the rights away. They hate the "shall not be infringed:" requirement in the Bill of Rights and advocate all kinds of infringement. Everything from the oppressive requirement to get government permission of keep and bear arms to all kinds of restrictions on carrying, using and storing firearms The filthy ass bastards even want to restrict what kind of firearm you can own. Despicable, isn't it? You can;t ever trust a filthy ass Liberal, can you? They are the scum of this country. I think we all know that.

Here is a Liberal trash rag advocating an almost complete confiscation of firearms like Australia did.

Don’t miss the point on Alexandria and San Francisco: There is a solution for mass shootings

Don’t miss the point on Alexandria and San Francisco: There is a solution for mass shootings

Even an attack on their own won't change Republicans' minds about guns. But Australia proves there's a way forward.

When that Obama supporting Libtard asshole Gabby Gifford got shot she went the route of being a Libtard pussy and advocated taking the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms away from Americans.

I will be money that Steve Scalise will become a stronger advocate for the right to keep and bear arms.

They should name an aircraft carrier after him.

If you read her positions, both Giffords and her husband support the right to bear arms

She wants legislation passed to prevent certifiable nutcases like Jared Laughner from arming themselves. Conservatives want to protect the rights of crazies to buy the weapon of their choice
No they don't support the right to bear arms, asshole. They have been campaigning for gun control ever since she became a retard.
You and I have different definitions of what a hero is

But then again a leftist's bar is low

Its not just me, but the country as a whole who admire her heroism and courage

The only ones who object are those who think that someone who takes a bullet to the head should just shut up and suck it up

You don't speak for the country, dipshit. I'd bet over half the country doesn't even know who she is.

You are probably correct

Not everyone can be on Celebrity Apprentice

she got shot by a liberal moron, she survived, she advocates for gun confiscation. That does not make her a hero.

You want heroes? How about naming a ship for one of the men who died trying to protect americans in Benghazi while obozo and the hildebeast plotted political strategy and then lied about it.?

Laughner was a conservative. He had Liberal leanings at first. Once he went certifiably crazy he became an anti-government conservative

Happens with all conservatives

Loughner was a brain damaged leftwinger, just like you.

No they don't support the right to bear arms, asshole. They have been campaigning for gun control ever since she became a retard.

She was actually a retard before being shot. All Democrats have some kind of mental problems. She was a supporter of that Obama asshole's agenda of destruction. The stupid bitch voted for Obamacare as an example. Her best buddy in Congress was that Debbie Wasserman Dumbass bitch.
When that Obama supporting Libtard asshole Gabby Gifford got shot she went the route of being a Libtard pussy and advocated taking the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms away from Americans.

I will be money that Steve Scalise will become a stronger advocate for the right to keep and bear arms.

They should name an aircraft carrier after him.

If you read her positions, both Giffords and her husband support the right to bear arms

She wants legislation passed to prevent certifiable nutcases like Jared Laughner from arming themselves. Conservatives want to protect the rights of crazies to buy the weapon of their choice


They both advocate taking away the right to keep and bear arms. They are shitass lying Democrats.

You have to remember that when the filthy Liberals say they are for the right to keep and bear arms but then advocate reducing that right then they are lying to you. You can never trust Liberals with Constitutional rights, especially the right to keep and bear arms.

I could give you many example but I will give you a recent one. It happen last week. The Moon Bat assholes in New York will tell you that the filthy ass SAFE Act protects the right to keep and bear arms while imposing "sensible gun control".

However, a visitor to New York was arrested last week because he had a firearm in a hotel room. He was from North Carolina and legally owned the gun and had not used the gun for any crime. He was only there for a short visit. He was arrested for the mere possession of the firearm. How can the stupid lying Liberals claim that they support the right to keep and bear arms and then arrest a law abiding citizen for the mere possession of a firearm?

Liberals lie. They lie about everything but especially the right to keep and bear arms.
You own a gun you have to be aware of rules in other states. Same as you need to know driving regulations when you cross state lines

The guy is a criminal and was arrested for it

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