Gig Economy Could be Perfect Solution to Bust Remaining Unions

Imagine middle class workers attacking other middle class workers and lower class workers. The bait has been taken hook line and sinker.
If people want benefits, then work for someone that gives them. Simple as that.
Well the Magic Orange approach to further attack Unions by making 1 to 5 million voters lose wages and benefits by turning them into "independent contractors" just to make the owners of these "gig business" wealthier is like turning the clock back to the latter 19th century era of the "Robber Barons" like Carnegie and Rockefeller. They were among the greedy ones that had such a negative impact on labor in general and really kindled the formation of unions and worker protection laws!

PS: Hope you and others read the article in the OP so ya'll will understand at least some of the impact this could bring down on your own kids, grand-kids and your neighbors'! The Orange One is like a impudent child with a hammer in a China shop playing whack a mole!
You seem to be of the same lot that people are incapable of negotiating for themselves. That they must pay dues to those easily corrupted to look out for them. Lol
These contractors (if it’s really their doing and not inflitrators) forget if they get their way, hours will have to be cut, independence of picking times to work, and tips to be shared will commence to help pay for those benefits they claim they want.
You seem to be of the same lot that people are incapable of negotiating for themselves. That they must pay dues to those easily corrupted to look out for them. Lol
These contractors (if it’s really their doing and not inflitrators) forget if they get their way, hours will have to be cut, independence of picking times to work, and tips to be shared will commence to help pay for those benefits they claim they want.
You didn't mind my postscript note did ya!

Unions are not the only protected group under theTaft-Hartley Act that could be impacted and nullified, you illiterate. The act covers the vast majority of those employed! Learn to read and comprehend, asswipe! Return to GO, do NOT collect $200, read the damn article in the OP, and read up on labor! Not going to chase you down your rabbit hole, fool!
China doesn't have unions and they're economy has been booming for decades.
Er.. Are you're advocating that we adopt the Chicomm Labor Relations Model ?
"Communism to me is one-third practice and two-thirds explanation." -- Will Rogers
I never said I'd copy everything China does, but I definitely applaud their common sense restrictions on unions. I also applaud their ability to realize job killing environmental laws are a bad thing.
Yep, slave labor and pollution are great.
If people want benefits, then work for someone that gives them. Simple as that.
Well the Magic Orange approach to further attack Unions by making 1 to 5 million voters lose wages and benefits by turning them into "independent contractors" just to make the owners of these "gig business" wealthier is like turning the clock back to the latter 19th century era of the "Robber Barons" like Carnegie and Rockefeller. They were among the greedy ones that had such a negative impact on labor in general and really kindled the formation of unions and worker protection laws!

PS: Hope you and others read the article in the OP so ya'll will understand at least some of the impact this could bring down on your own kids, grand-kids and your neighbors'! The Orange One is like a impudent child with a hammer in a China shop playing whack a mole!
You seem to be of the same lot that people are incapable of negotiating for themselves. That they must pay dues to those easily corrupted to look out for them. Lol
These contractors (if it’s really their doing and not inflitrators) forget if they get their way, hours will have to be cut, independence of picking times to work, and tips to be shared will commence to help pay for those benefits they claim they want.
You seem to be of the same lot that people are incapable of negotiating for themselves. That they must pay dues to those easily corrupted to look out for them. Lol
These contractors (if it’s really their doing and not inflitrators) forget if they get their way, hours will have to be cut, independence of picking times to work, and tips to be shared will commence to help pay for those benefits they claim they want.
You didn't mind my postscript note did ya!

Unions are not the only protected group under theTaft-Hartley Act that could be impacted and nullified, you illiterate. The act covers the vast majority of those employed! Learn to read and comprehend, asswipe! Return to GO, do NOT collect $200, read the damn article in the OP, and read up on labor! Not going to chase you down your rabbit hole, fool!
Honey, you are simply a union man that wants to see more dues coming your way. I read the article, and your post script. It changed nothing. If people don’t like not getting benefits, then find a job that supplies them, but don’t expect all the flexibility one would receive from a gig job.
Do you even know the meaning of a gig? Think of bands, they play a gig, but don’t expect benefits from booking a gig. Neither should those that decide to accept bookings from any other company, as a self employed contractor.
People don’t like that form of business model, then crowdsource and open a company which gives those contractors they give gigs to, all the benefits their hearts desire.
Now Trumpers want to turn us into China?
China has an unemployment rate under 4 percent. The unemployment rate in Europe is over 6 percent. China must be doing something right like not tolerating unions.
Imagine middle class workers attacking other middle class workers and lower class workers. The bait has been taken hook line and sinker.
We have to think of our nation's future, and that includes the economy.
Loyalty to employers is now a bad thing. Unions being gone is fine but you all will now agree being loyal to ones employer is a trait only found in BAD employees. It's now about finding better opportunities with or without notice of leaving. Can't have it both ways in the conflict that must exist between employer and employee.
Do employers generally have loyalty to their employees?
No most employers have a disdain for even their most productive employees. Hence the adversarial relationship.
China doesn't have unions and they're economy has been booming for decades.
Er.. Are you're advocating that we adopt the Chicomm Labor Relations Model ?
"Communism to me is one-third practice and two-thirds explanation." -- Will Rogers
I never said I'd copy everything China does, but I definitely applaud their common sense restrictions on unions. I also applaud their ability to realize job killing environmental laws are a bad thing.

Keeping workers poor is common sense?

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