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Gilad Shalit-A Perspective

Why should they have added insult to injury? Are you saying pro-Palestinian posters aren't human? That seems to be the implication of your statement.

Once again people either obviously or purposivly ( sp ) misunderstand what is the basic design of the OP. It is not to compare the plight of Gilad to that of Samer rather it is to compare the reactions of the pro-Palestinian Posters to the confinement of Gilad to the reactions of the pro-Zionist Posters to the confinement of Samer. The reaction of one group is not to degrade the individual and thus not to render his humanity null. The reaction of the other group is to laugh and make jokes thus making the individual less than an animal.

patty boy doing what he does best, DISTORTING THE TRUTH ! :clap2:

Once again people either obviously or purposivly ( sp ) misunderstand what is the basic design of the OP. It is not to compare the plight of Gilad to that of Samer rather it is to compare the reactions of the pro-Palestinian Posters to the confinement of Gilad to the reactions of the pro-Zionist Posters to the confinement of Samer. The reaction of one group is not to degrade the individual and thus not to render his humanity null. The reaction of the other group is to laugh and make jokes thus making the individual less than an animal.

patty boy doing what he does best, DISTORTING THE TRUTH ! :clap2:

I have asked before for explanations from you and never gotten them and I really don't expect any better this time but please explain to me how I have distorted the truth.

P.S. I have told you before that the use of patty as you use it is an ethnic slur and that I find it offensive, please stop it.
Why should they have added insult to injury? Are you saying pro-Palestinian posters aren't human? That seems to be the implication of your statement.

Once again people either obviously or purposivly ( sp ) misunderstand what is the basic design of the OP. It is not to compare the plight of Gilad to that of Samer rather it is to compare the reactions of the pro-Palestinian Posters to the confinement of Gilad to the reactions of the pro-Zionist Posters to the confinement of Samer. The reaction of one group is not to degrade the individual and thus not to render his humanity null. The reaction of the other group is to laugh and make jokes thus making the individual less than an animal.

Jokes are designed to make a person "less than an animal" actually---jokes
-----an opinion of psycho-neurologists <<<(old terminology ---freud was --strictly
speaking a NEUROLOGIST) Jokes are a human reaction to stress ----an effective
"joke" builds a stress reaction and then affords a SUDDEN SURPRISE OUTCOME--
which ends the stress Is that not interesting? The situation, itself----does
lead to stress in the normal mind A convicted criminal ----is not only on a HUNGER-
STRIKE for the purpose of obtaining a GET OUT OF JAIL free pass---the
situation will create a PRECEDENT and lots of copy cat actions. In fact---at the
same time a NEWLY ELECTED PRESIDENT of a significant country is
TRADE CENTER IN 1993 IN THE NAME OF ISLAM (a highly regarded and
high standing scholar of the koran --al azhar University) ---that event
resulted in the deaths of seven americans AND was the precedent that
let to the 9-11-01 atrocity. Anyone not stressed by the PROGRAMS to get
islamic terrorists out of jail free-------are SUPPORTERS OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM ---
and sit still when a pervert compares them to "JESUS CHRIST"

(poor Jesus----an innocent pharisee)
patty boy doing what he does best, DISTORTING THE TRUTH ! :clap2:

I have asked before for explanations from you and never gotten them and I really don't expect any better this time but please explain to me how I have distorted the truth.

P.S. I have told you before that the use of patty as you use it is an ethnic slur and that I find it offensive, please stop it.
How is Patty an ethnic slur ?

I have asked before for explanations from you and never gotten them and I really don't expect any better this time but please explain to me how I have distorted the truth.

P.S. I have told you before that the use of patty as you use it is an ethnic slur and that I find it offensive, please stop it.
How is Patty an ethnic slur ?

The word is used to denote an individual of supposedly inferior genetic stock based upon racisit ideas. It is the same as calling an Irishman Paddy or a Jew ****. While it's use has declined in the USA except in Boston and NYC it is still used as a slur in Canada, England, especially London, and even more widely in Northern Ireland
PC: If you were not happy with how I addressed you, all you had to do was mention it to me.

I'm not a mind-reader.
Patty is an ethnic slur even if the parson's name is PATRICK? I did not know that.
Pat and Patty were what we all called PATRICKS in my neighborhood----even patrick's
Patty is an ethnic slur even if the parson's name is PATRICK? I did not know that.
Pat and Patty were what we all called PATRICKS in my neighborhood----even patrick's

Yes !!!

Oh Patrick did not seem to consider that to be the case----even his brothers
called him Patty----sometimes Pat I have know many PATS The Patty, Pat,
Patrick of my childhood was killed in Viet Nam
gilad shalit was held as a prisoner of war for over five years in gaza.

during those five years, i never heard a single pro-palestinian poster make a joke about him or even wish him any kind of ill will.

Why should they have added insult to injury? Are you saying pro-Palestinian posters aren't human? That seems to be the implication of your statement.

no, what i am doing is contrasting the behaviour of the pro-palestinian posters comments regarding the jewish soldier, gilad shalit, with that of the nearly 500 jokes made by the zionist posters about the palestinian soldier being held without crime or charge, samer issawi.

what i am saying is that the pro-palestinian posters behaviour stands out as remarkably humane and compassionate towards human suffering, even when that human is the enemy, while the jewish and zionist posters glory and joke about a man wronglully gaoled and who protests his wrongful imprisonment with the only thing at his disposable, his own body; and he does so in a manner not unlike such great men as cesar chavez, mohatma gandhi, terrence MacSuibhne, bobby sands, thomas mcElwee, chief theresa spence, alice paul, orlando zapata and so many others who have put the freedoms and rights of their people, and the rights of all people, above their own well being.

thank you, pro-palestinian poster, all of you.
gilad shalit was held as a prisoner of war for over five years in gaza.

during those five years, i never heard a single pro-palestinian poster make a joke about him or even wish him any kind of ill will.

Why should they have added insult to injury? Are you saying pro-Palestinian posters aren't human? That seems to be the implication of your statement.

no, what i am doing is contrasting the behaviour of the pro-palestinian posters comments regarding the jewish soldier, gilad shalit, with that of the nearly 500 jokes made by the zionist posters about the palestinian soldier being held without crime or charge, samer issawi.

what i am saying is that the pro-palestinian posters behaviour stands out as remarkably humane and compassionate towards human suffering, even when that human is the enemy, while the jewish and zionist posters glory and joke about a man wronglully gaoled and who protests his wrongful imprisonment with the only thing at his disposable, his own body; and he does so in a manner not unlike such great men as cesar chavez, mohatma gandhi, terrence MacSuibhne, bobby sands, thomas mcElwee, chief theresa spence, alice paul, orlando zapata and so many others who have put the freedoms and rights of their people, and the rights of all people, above their own well being.

thank you, pro-palestinian poster, all of you.
Does anyone think that Seal will ever thank the Catholic people plus other Christians in the Muslim countries who have been imprisoned and/or killed for their beliefs for sticking up for what they believe in. I guess he doesn't appreciate the enormous sacrifice these innocent people have made.

I have asked before for explanations from you and never gotten them and I really don't expect any better this time but please explain to me how I have distorted the truth.

P.S. I have told you before that the use of patty as you use it is an ethnic slur and that I find it offensive, please stop it.
How is Patty an ethnic slur ?

whern i was a little kid and in europe, i visited family in beil feirste in the north of ireland. i got lost one day and wandered into the shankill. i was maybe 9 y.o. and as stupid as, well, a 9 y.o. pretty much. i trusted people.

so i see these cool kids, teenagers, three of them, and i asked for directions to my gran's house and they said, sure boyo, and asked if i knew the lord's prayer. strange question, but i had learned it a few months earlier so i said "sure"...and then they asked me to say it for them.

so i go "our father, who" and that is far as i got. the ringleader said "we have a fookin' papist here. we have a bleedin' PATTY." and they wanted me to remember them because they said, as they proceeded to break my hands, they told me several times "whenever you fold your hands to pray. PATTY, and you feel a twinge of pain, you bleeding PATTY, remember to stay with your own kind, PATTY, and never wander into the shankill again."

so, later at the doctors, my gran was with me, as i was getting my bones set and my skin stitched and acting all brave because i had only been in ireland a short time and i was, after all, 9 years old, i said "those boys were mixed up. they thought i was someone else. my name is mike but they kept calling me 'patty' and..." well, my gran burst into tears when i said that.

so, i do think of them everytime i pray, or write a letter, or type or the weather changes, and i am not so stupid anymore, and i now know that protestants say "our father which" and i have learned that, yes, "PATTY" is a slur.
Why should they have added insult to injury? Are you saying pro-Palestinian posters aren't human? That seems to be the implication of your statement.

no, what i am doing is contrasting the behaviour of the pro-palestinian posters comments regarding the jewish soldier, gilad shalit, with that of the nearly 500 jokes made by the zionist posters about the palestinian soldier being held without crime or charge, samer issawi.

what i am saying is that the pro-palestinian posters behaviour stands out as remarkably humane and compassionate towards human suffering, even when that human is the enemy, while the jewish and zionist posters glory and joke about a man wronglully gaoled and who protests his wrongful imprisonment with the only thing at his disposable, his own body; and he does so in a manner not unlike such great men as cesar chavez, mohatma gandhi, terrence MacSuibhne, bobby sands, thomas mcElwee, chief theresa spence, alice paul, orlando zapata and so many others who have put the freedoms and rights of their people, and the rights of all people, above their own well being.

thank you, pro-palestinian poster, all of you.
Does anyone think that Seal will ever thank the Catholic people plus other Christians in the Muslim countries who have been imprisoned and/or killed for their beliefs for sticking up for what they believe in. I guess he doesn't appreciate the enormous sacrifice these innocent people have made.

i do not belive in religious persecution wherever or whenever it occurs.

now, stop diverting and take it to another board. are you really that stupid to think that two wrongs make a right. is that a christian tenet that you claim to profess. i don't think it is.

that would come under the "orbs for orbs, molars for molars" theology."
I have asked before for explanations from you and never gotten them and I really don't expect any better this time but please explain to me how I have distorted the truth.

P.S. I have told you before that the use of patty as you use it is an ethnic slur and that I find it offensive, please stop it.
How is Patty an ethnic slur ?

whern i was a little kid and in europe, i visited family in beil feirste in the north of ireland. i got lost one day and wandered into the shankill. i was maybe 9 y.o. and as stupid as, well, a 9 y.o. pretty much. i trusted people.

so i see these cool kids, teenagers, three of them, and i asked for directions to my gran's house and they said, sure boyo, and asked if i knew the lord's prayer. strange question, but i had learned it a few months earlier so i said "sure"...and then they asked me to say it for them.

so i go "our father, who" and that is far as i got. the ringleader said "we have a fookin' papist here. we have a bleedin' PATTY." and they wanted me to remember them because they said, as they proceeded to break my hands, they told me several times "whenever you fold your hands to pray. PATTY, and you feel a twinge of pain, you bleeding PATTY, remember to stay with your own kind, PATTY, and never wander into the shankill again."

so, later at the doctors, my gran was with me, as i was getting my bones set and my skin stitched and acting all brave because i had only been in ireland a short time and i was, after all, 9 years old, i said "those boys were mixed up. they thought i was someone else. my name is mike but they kept calling me 'patty' and..." well, my gran burst into tears when i said that.

so, i do think of them everytime i pray, or write a letter, or type or the weather changes, and i am not so stupid anymore, and i now know that protestants say "our father which" and i have learned that, yes, "PATTY" is a slur.

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