Gimme a sec...


Nov 14, 2012
Honestly, this thread has no purpose. It´s just here, because I want to post something.

Well, that being said shall make clear, the nonsense you read in here will just scare the shit out of you - taking your breath by making you laugh nonstop it will get you the wind up about your soon asphyxia. Or not, cause I actually have nothing funny to say... ... except for that nonsense of cause.

Talking about nonsense...
Have you ever heard about a guy whose only daily task is to talk nonsense?
No? Are you sure? Just go outside and I am sure you´ll meet him soon. Yes, he´s everywhere. Tune in a random channel and you´ll be listen to him. A good book? Come one, save your kindle´s battery! Don´t read his stuff!
Surely he´s on TV as well offering you the best product ever.

You know he´s there! Always ready to bombard you with his nonsense.

This thread is nonsense, but can you complain of this? No, at least you had some fun with nonsense being funny exceptionally.
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The music is so-so. The beat's a little slow. Lyrics not so good. I'd give it a 5. Don't think I'd buy the record.
The music is so-so. The beat's a little slow. Lyrics not so good. I'd give it a 5. Don't think I'd buy the record.
Feel free to just to buy the songs you like. You´ll get no disk or booklet and due to the copy protection you can´t listen to the songs on your mobile player but you save a cent or two.
This topic is a 24 hour news channel on a slow news day. Sheer bloviating nonsense to fill the time.

We interrupt this long-winded nonsense to bring you some other garrulous nonsense until we can go to our sponsors...
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