Gingrich CAN'T beat Obama!

Gingrich would wipe the floor with obama in a debate. obama has to have two teleprompters to talk to a kindergarten class. What I would like to see is obama bring up some personal baggage and have Newt say "In both of your autobiographies you spoke about being a cocaine addict. What was the name of your primary dealer and what was your dollar per day habit? When, if ever, did you stop taking drugs?

That Gingrich had infidelities doesn't matter nearly as much as a drug addict in the white house. Not even close.

I'm supporting Newt on principle, that he's on the right side of the issues, but I don't delude myself that he's going to win this by besting Obama in debates.

There have been 17 debates in this GOP Cycle, and they've been very kind to Newt, but that is because everyone else has made mistakes. Perry has sounded dumb, Paul has sounded crazy and Romney has sounded inhumane. (Which actually, probably are accurate descriptions of all three, when you come to think of it.)

But there will probably be at best, three debates between Obama and the eventual Republican.
Santorum was right last night, Gingrich sticks his foot in his mouth (pops off) constantly. Sure he is a great debater but all off his blunders will be ammunition for Obama and Gingrich will continue to say outrageous things. People will see Gingrich as unstable and in the long run no matter how good his debating skills are, it won't make up for this. :cuckoo:


Newt's positives far out weigh his negatives and there is no one in this years race who is better in open debate...

Let's face it, politics is a dirty business, no one is clean by any means...

If Romney is the nominee he will get my vote, but I'm afraid he can't beat Obama and we can not afford this idiot for 4 more years...

Actually, Newt's negatives outweigh his positives. If you look at the polling data, Newt's negatives track about 10% to 20% behind his positives, which is at the bottom of all candidates, Republican or Democrat.
Actually, Newt's negatives outweigh his positives. If you look at the polling data, Newt's negatives track about 10% to 20% behind his positives, which is at the bottom of all candidates, Republican or Democrat.

So what?

How do you explain the fact he is pulling ahead again?

He's not pulling ahead.

RCP Average 1/11 - 1/19 -- -- 31.0 20.0 14.4 14.2 6.3 Romney +11.0
Gallup Tracking 1/15 - 1/19 1235 RV 4.0 30 20 13 13 -- Romney +10
Rasmussen Reports 1/17 - 1/17 1000 LV 3.0 30 27 13 15 4 Romney +3
CBS News/NY Times 1/12 - 1/16 340 RV 5.0 28 21 15 16 7 Romney +7
Pew Research 1/11 - 1/16 527 RV 5.5 31 16 15 14 5 Romney +15
ABC News/Wash Post 1/12 - 1/15 RV -- 36 16 16 13 9 Romney +20

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

How do you explain Romney being the candidate who consistently polls as having the best shot at beating Obama while Gingrich is the worst?

Obama +1.9 over Romney
Obama +5.0 over Paul
Obama + 9.8 over Santorum
Obama + 11.0 over Gingrich

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates
How do you explain Romney being the candidate who consistently polls as having the best shot at beating Obama while Gingrich is the worst?

Obama +1.9 over Romney
Obama +5.0 over Paul
Obama + 9.8 over Santorum
Obama + 11.0 over Gingrich

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

losing by 1.9 is still losing. Sorry. If we went by polls in January, 1991, Bill Clinton was in third place behind Ross Perot and President Bush.... Polls are meaningless at this point, because most of the electorate isn't even engaged in the process.

I was also referring to the fact that Newt has pulled ahead of Romney in SC and Gallup describes Romney's lead as "Collapsing".... It looks like someone has noticed that the Emperor has no clothes and we call all see his magic underwear.
Actually, Newt's negatives outweigh his positives. If you look at the polling data, Newt's negatives track about 10% to 20% behind his positives, which is at the bottom of all candidates, Republican or Democrat.

So what?

How do you explain the fact he is pulling ahead again?

He's not pulling ahead.

RCP Average 1/11 - 1/19 -- -- 31.0 20.0 14.4 14.2 6.3 Romney +11.0
Gallup Tracking 1/15 - 1/19 1235 RV 4.0 30 20 13 13 -- Romney +10
Rasmussen Reports 1/17 - 1/17 1000 LV 3.0 30 27 13 15 4 Romney +3
CBS News/NY Times 1/12 - 1/16 340 RV 5.0 28 21 15 16 7 Romney +7
Pew Research 1/11 - 1/16 527 RV 5.5 31 16 15 14 5 Romney +15
ABC News/Wash Post 1/12 - 1/15 RV -- 36 16 16 13 9 Romney +20

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

How do you explain Romney being the candidate who consistently polls as having the best shot at beating Obama while Gingrich is the worst?

Obama +1.9 over Romney
Obama +5.0 over Paul
Obama + 9.8 over Santorum
Obama + 11.0 over Gingrich

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

Realclear Average is weighted very heavily with a left bias...............just needed to point that out to keep it real. You will always find that it is only the lefty k00ks who fall all over themselves to consistently reference the RCA poll.
How do you explain Romney being the candidate who consistently polls as having the best shot at beating Obama while Gingrich is the worst?

Obama +1.9 over Romney
Obama +5.0 over Paul
Obama + 9.8 over Santorum
Obama + 11.0 over Gingrich

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

losing by 1.9 is still losing. Sorry. If we went by polls in January, 1991, Bill Clinton was in third place behind Ross Perot and President Bush.... Polls are meaningless at this point, because most of the electorate isn't even engaged in the process.

I was also referring to the fact that Newt has pulled ahead of Romney in SC and Gallup describes Romney's lead as "Collapsing".... It looks like someone has noticed that the Emperor has no clothes and we call all see his magic underwear.

You sure a weird obsession about underwear. Well, more than one weird obsession.

If you're playing a football game and you are down by 3 points in the second quarter (Romney), its much easier to come back and win than if you're down by 30 points (Gingrich). You might still lose if you're trailing by 3 points, but its a lot easier to win if you trail by a field goal with a half to play than by four TDs.

I assume you don't coach football.
So what?

How do you explain the fact he is pulling ahead again?

He's not pulling ahead.

RCP Average 1/11 - 1/19 -- -- 31.0 20.0 14.4 14.2 6.3 Romney +11.0
Gallup Tracking 1/15 - 1/19 1235 RV 4.0 30 20 13 13 -- Romney +10
Rasmussen Reports 1/17 - 1/17 1000 LV 3.0 30 27 13 15 4 Romney +3
CBS News/NY Times 1/12 - 1/16 340 RV 5.0 28 21 15 16 7 Romney +7
Pew Research 1/11 - 1/16 527 RV 5.5 31 16 15 14 5 Romney +15
ABC News/Wash Post 1/12 - 1/15 RV -- 36 16 16 13 9 Romney +20

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - 2012 Republican Presidential Nomination

How do you explain Romney being the candidate who consistently polls as having the best shot at beating Obama while Gingrich is the worst?

Obama +1.9 over Romney
Obama +5.0 over Paul
Obama + 9.8 over Santorum
Obama + 11.0 over Gingrich

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

Realclear Average is weighted very heavily with a left bias...............just needed to point that out to keep it real. You will always find that it is only the lefty k00ks who fall all over themselves to consistently reference the RCA poll.

Go away.
The remaining GOP candidates in the order of electability:


Well, that's how I see them today.

Now lets do it in order of how well they poll over and over and over....






Down here in the cazy landslide area for Obama we find Santorum and Newt.

Newt and Santorum scare the shit out of independents and Democrats, have fun loosing by a landslide.
I was also referring to the fact that Newt has pulled ahead of Romney in SC and Gallup describes Romney's lead as "Collapsing".... It looks like someone has noticed that the Emperor has no clothes and we call all see his magic underwear.

You mean a northern establishment white shoe Republican is not winning in a conservative southern state against a (supposedly) conservative Southern candidate?


The fact that Romney surged into the lead after trailing so far behind tells you what you need to know.

Romney barely lost in Iowa after spending almost no time there and trailing badly earlier in the campaign. Romney is either going to finish first or a close second in a conservative southern state after also trailing for most of the race. He is probably going to win Florida. Gingrich has no money and no organization.

Good luck.
You sure a weird obsession about underwear. Well, more than one weird obsession.

Well, I just think that if someone thinks his underpants gives him magic powers, you probably don't want him near the nukes...

If you're playing a football game and you are down by 3 points in the second quarter (Romney), its much easier to come back and win than if you're down by 30 points (Gingrich). You might still lose if you're trailing by 3 points, but its a lot easier to win if you trail by a field goal with a half to play than by four TDs.

I assume you don't coach football.

This isn't football.

but if it were, I would look at winning track records and the ability to win games.

So let's look at that.

Newt Gingrich won election to Congress 11 times, including after an attempt by the Democrats in his state legislature to eliminate him by redistricting in 1992. He simply moved to a new district and won that, too. He won in horrible Republican years, including 1982 and 1986. He has won despite the Democrats on a national level throwing everything they got at him. He also spearheaded the first National Republican victory in 40 years in Congress.

Mitt Romney has-

1) Lost to Ted Kennedy after the aftermath of the William Kennedy Smith Rape trial in a great year for Republicans. By 17 points.
2) Barely beat a non-entity named Jan Swift in 2002 in a great year for Republicans.
3) Decided not to even show up to the game in 2006 when the polls showed him trailing Devall Patrick by double digits.
4) Lost to Mike Huckabee and John McCain in 2008, despite spending nearly nine figures.

So an 11-0 record vs. a record of 1 win, two loses and 1 foreit.

And in this contest, he lost Iowa (even though the GOP tried to claim he won) and won in NH after spending millions, and now he's on track to lose SC.

If he were a strong candidate, the GOP wouldn't need to do everything it could to rig the game in his favor. Newt, on the other hand, has been declared dead twice and keeps making comebacks.

So I don't worry about the score in the first quarter, to beat the analogy to death. I worry about who has a track record of fighting and winning.
Last edited:
It's one of the most remarkable spectacles in modern politics that so many people are able to talk about Newt Gingrich for president while they're keeping a straight face.
Anyone is going to beat Obama by November. Unemployment is not going to go below 8% by then. Have you seen fuel prices in the middle of winter? Looking at a national average well above $4.00 by the peak summer. Which will cook the economy and Obama's goose.
Santorum was right last night, Gingrich sticks his foot in his mouth (pops off) constantly. Sure he is a great debater but all off his blunders will be ammunition for Obama and Gingrich will continue to say outrageous things. People will see Gingrich as unstable and in the long run no matter how good his debating skills are, it won't make up for this. :cuckoo:

How come all the people who say Gingrich can't beat Obama are voting for Obama?
Santorum was right last night, Gingrich sticks his foot in his mouth (pops off) constantly. Sure he is a great debater but all off his blunders will be ammunition for Obama and Gingrich will continue to say outrageous things. People will see Gingrich as unstable and in the long run no matter how good his debating skills are, it won't make up for this. :cuckoo:


The frantic voices from the Left claiming Gingrich can't beat obama are once again trying to influence the decision of the GOP. You got us Dole and McCain. You're apparently afraid of what Newt will do to the boy king in a debate.

1. Can you name for us the conservatives who could have won in 96 or 08?

2. Are you admitting that if Gingrich is nominated and loses, you won't have the 'not conservative enough' excuse?

What then will be your lame excuse?
Santorum was right last night, Gingrich sticks his foot in his mouth (pops off) constantly. Sure he is a great debater but all off his blunders will be ammunition for Obama and Gingrich will continue to say outrageous things. People will see Gingrich as unstable and in the long run no matter how good his debating skills are, it won't make up for this. :cuckoo:

How come all the people who say Gingrich can't beat Obama are voting for Obama?

You seriously think he has a chance?
Santorum was right last night, Gingrich sticks his foot in his mouth (pops off) constantly. Sure he is a great debater but all off his blunders will be ammunition for Obama and Gingrich will continue to say outrageous things. People will see Gingrich as unstable and in the long run no matter how good his debating skills are, it won't make up for this. :cuckoo:

How come all the people who say Gingrich can't beat Obama are voting for Obama?

You seriously think he has a chance?

Sure. Gingrich will slaughter Obama in debates. Romney is a panty waist who will let Obama off the hook for his many crimes.

No one thought Reagan could win either.
I see electability like this.

Newt if he doesn't self detonate again
Romney if he stops blundering about his finances
Santorum if he stopped talking about social issues
Paul if he had no democratic opposition (even then it might be a close call)
I was also referring to the fact that Newt has pulled ahead of Romney in SC and Gallup describes Romney's lead as "Collapsing".... It looks like someone has noticed that the Emperor has no clothes and we call all see his magic underwear.

You mean a northern establishment white shoe Republican is not winning in a conservative southern state against a (supposedly) conservative Southern candidate?


The fact that Romney surged into the lead after trailing so far behind tells you what you need to know.

Romney barely lost in Iowa after spending almost no time there and trailing badly earlier in the campaign. Romney is either going to finish first or a close second in a conservative southern state after also trailing for most of the race. He is probably going to win Florida. Gingrich has no money and no organization.

Good luck.

Yeah, but you see, there's the problem with Florida. It's kind of fickle. Guliani was leading there the whole time, until it came down to voting, and he came in fourth and dropped out. And now Romney is talking about now doing debates next week, because he does badly in debates and Gingrich does so well in them. Not sure if that's going to fly with folks, either.

Romney lost in Iowa after spending MILLIONS there. He bombed Newt, but Iowans just went to Santorum instead. WHich is the problem, really. You've had a whole string of "Not Romneys" because the GOP Base just plain doesn't want the guy.

I've said all along that Romney was going to be in real trouble when it got down to him and one "Not Romney". And thus it came to pass, as the Book of Mormon says. Newt will win SC, Santorum will drop out, and Romney will continue to flounder on his taxes and Cayman Islands bank accounts and Bain.

Unless the GOP establishment continues to cheat, and then will be scratching their heads when millions of real conservatives flee to a third party.

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